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Dev blog: Politics by Other Means: Sovereignty Phase Two

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Maya Cinderfort
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#441 - 2015-03-03 18:47:37 UTC
Vol Arm'OOO wrote:
Am I wrong to believe that the new system involves a lot less destruction? In the old system - apart from stations, sov structures were being shot at and destroyed, which provided an engine for the eve economy. In the new system, basically you flash a light at a sov structure and it flips back and forth in a glorified game of tag, no destruction required. As a result, have we just lost a significant driver of the eve economy?

tcu & ihub still explode when captured
Tia Lee
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#442 - 2015-03-03 18:47:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Tia Lee
Congrats, you made conquering sov easier. Now, CCP, you need to create more incentive for people to actually hold sov. Nullsec is where EVE shines! It's everything which is great about EVE in its purest form!

Make holding sov more lucrative! Create a huge migration from highsec to nullsec driven by greed! CCP, you NEED to accomplish this! This is your primary objective! If you manage to do that, EVE will thrive and even grow for many years to come!
Gallente Federation
#443 - 2015-03-03 18:48:43 UTC
There should be ways to make these indices go down. If nobody uses the space then there should be deterioration to a system where after a few weeks if becomes neutral space .

There are ways to build them up from zero to five for the defenders, which is good and shows that a system is in use by the residents, but the attackers can only keep the level stable by killing everyone there , there should be a means to lower it; either by attacking structures, killing npcs, or by forcing the residents to move somewhere else where lack of activity makes the indices deteriorate.
KIller Wabbit
MEME Thoughts
#444 - 2015-03-03 18:48:53 UTC  |  Edited by: KIller Wabbit
Drone Plague wrote:

  • So if your not active in your alliance's prime time you can say goodbye to having anything to do.

  • You are unfortunate to not being able to contribute to active defense, but you certainly contribute to passive defense. Ever think about playing offense? There is no prime time there at all.
    Lena Lazair
    Ministry of War
    Amarr Empire
    #445 - 2015-03-03 18:49:04 UTC
    MajorScrewup wrote:
    They look around at all the regions nearest to them and see that the sov owners all play at a different time and have set their prime time for a time that none of them could log in for. They look further afield and then across the entire map and realize that they can never experience an attempt to gain sov as no-one has set a prime-time when this group of players can log in.

    More like they look around and see that if they claim sov in their radically unrepresented TZ they can effectively become immune to everyone else. So they stay up late one weekend night to claim one quiet/undefended constellation, set the timers to their own TZ once claimed, and no one ever threatens them again because apparently they play from the moon in a special TZ all their own.

    Or, even more likely, there will OF COURSE be some alliances somewhere playing in a similar TZ and they should go fight them, instead of playing a game of whack a mole with people they never even see online.
    harlyq syrokos investment station
    #446 - 2015-03-03 18:49:12 UTC
    Mostlyharmlesss wrote:
    Aryndel Vyst wrote:

    Do you want everyone to do high sec incursions or something?

    ~content creation~

    Not emptying quoting.

    Not empty quoting of a quote
    Callic Veratar
    #447 - 2015-03-03 18:51:52 UTC
    Bubble immune 2-second align 250km locking 10mn MWD interceptors really are the bane of this new sov model.
    Vardaugas Family
    #448 - 2015-03-03 18:52:35 UTC
    Any plans to replace the index grinding with something more creative?
    Princess Cherista
    #449 - 2015-03-03 18:52:44 UTC
    I'd like to be the first to say: rest in **** rental alliances Cool
    Science and Trade Institute
    Caldari State
    #450 - 2015-03-03 18:53:14 UTC
    MajorScrewup wrote:
    There should be ways to make these indices go down. If nobody uses the space then there should be deterioration to a system where after a few weeks if becomes neutral space .

    There are ways to build them up from zero to five for the defenders, which is good and shows that a system is in use by the residents, but the attackers can only keep the level stable by killing everyone there , there should be a means to lower it; either by attacking structures, killing npcs, or by forcing the residents to move somewhere else where lack of activity makes the indices deteriorate.

    For military and industrial index, this already occurs. Industrial index in particular is notoriously hard to maintain.

    This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

    Milton Middleson
    #451 - 2015-03-03 18:53:25 UTC
    Four hours is an awfully narrow window for attack. It does kind of hose off-tz people.

    What if prime time was a four hour time frame where stuff would come out of reinforcement, and then you have +2 hours on either side where attackers could knock stuff into reinforced? Somewhat wider window for initiating an attack.

    Or 1+6+1, if you want the 8 hour overall window but a less concentrated exit window.
    #452 - 2015-03-03 18:53:47 UTC
    Oh look at that Blizzard introduced play to play and now CCP decides to turn EVE into ThemeSov.

    Shurley not missing talented people who have jumped ship for other gaming companies?
    Shurley NOT lacking in any real experience of playing the game?
    Shurley NOT killing EVE one cut at a time.

    BRB training up some cepter alts to screw with sov.
    Terranid Meester
    Tactical Assault and Recon Unit
    #453 - 2015-03-03 18:54:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Terranid Meester
    Guess we will see how it goes, though I must cite my concerns at NOT being able to shoot structures. Surely internet spaceship territorial domination involving structures [remove the structures totally?] should have some shooting involved in taking them [just not hideous amounts of HP to grind through].
    Science and Trade Institute
    Caldari State
    #454 - 2015-03-03 18:54:27 UTC
    Callic Veratar wrote:
    Bubble immune 2-second align 250km locking 10mn MWD interceptors really are the bane of this new sov model.

    I still want to see a fit for this that actually works. Feel free to discount tank for it, too.

    This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

    KIller Wabbit
    MEME Thoughts
    #455 - 2015-03-03 18:54:41 UTC
    Vol Arm'OOO wrote:
    Am I wrong to believe that the new system involves a lot less destruction? In the old system - apart from stations, sov structures were being shot at and destroyed, which provided an engine for the eve economy. In the new system, basically you flash a light at a sov structure and it flips back and forth in a glorified game of tag, no destruction required. As a result, have we just lost a significant driver of the eve economy?

    I believe it will shift to many more hull losses. Which does bring the wonder if the sheer number required can be supported even by localized builders.
    epicurus ataraxia
    Illusion of Solitude.
    Illusion of Solitude
    #456 - 2015-03-03 18:54:58 UTC
    Well taking advice from the null posters who did everything within their power to troll up the Hyperion thread for wormhole space, and like them I know less than jack**** about your area of space, I must be uniquely qualified to pontificate about null changes.

    Seems like an excellent series of changes.

    Is it too early to utter the immortal cry "HTFU"? Too soon?

    There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

    Total Newbie
    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #457 - 2015-03-03 18:55:01 UTC
    Tyr Dolorem wrote:
    Lena Lazair wrote:
    Aiwha wrote:
    I see two options, either we have another massive rebuild of supers (remember when they were motherships?) to fill an entirely new role, or CCP needs to give capital warfare a BIG shot in the arm. Personally, I'm for buffing and expanding capital roles.

    You know, I'm at the point that I wish CCP would just accept that the type of people that are going to be most attracted to supers as a concept are the people that will be happy to use supers for PvE and nothing else. And CCP should stop fighting this and just enable it.

    Nullsec PvE income should be switched from AFK carrier anomaly ratting to some form of (hopefully active rather than AFK) incursion/sleeper/escalation/L6 missions/whatever supercarrier-based PvE. The people that WANT to fly supercarriers are the ones looking for the purple loot, the raid gear, the biggest/baddest/bestest ship to blow up red crosses with. So fine, let's give it to them to do exactly that in nullsec. They can still be giant loot pinatas the rest of the time to attract/draw conflict.

    Everyone who actually flies supercarriers now does so because they HAVE to for PvP/blob/MAD reasons. Pretty much every one of those pilots would actually rather be in a T3 or a HAC or something a lot more fun for regular PvP purposes.

    I disagree with just about everything you said here.

    I mean.... wut...

    Apparently he didn't understand eve had this thing called alts... that can be used to sit in things.
    Nyan Lafisques
    Les chevaliers de l'ordre
    Goonswarm Federation
    #458 - 2015-03-03 18:55:06 UTC
    Milton Middleson wrote:
    Four hours is an awfully narrow window for attack. It does kind of hose off-tz people.

    What if prime time was a four hour time frame where stuff would come out of reinforcement, and then you have +2 hours on either side where attackers could knock stuff into reinforced? Somewhat wider window for initiating an attack.

    Or 1+6+1, if you want the 8 hour overall window but a less concentrated exit window.

    A 6 hours window would be better, allow for at least 2 timezones to participate in the defense.
    Kassasis Dakkstromri
    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #459 - 2015-03-03 18:55:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Kassasis Dakkstromri
    RE: Command Nodes

    Require the Defender to place the Command node(s) in each system of a constellation (or it be automatic w/ Sov costs) where the nodes decloak during Preferred Time/ Main Event but which ones can be interfaced with are random? Just a twist on the same idea but placing more onus on defender/ Sov owner -- cause right now without a proper explanation they just seem ... well random and disconnected from publicly known lore --- but mainly, defender should not only be more responsible for their Sov, but also be able to have some ability to help set the terms of engagement as well (ie location of Command Node in a system/constellation - near a gate or in the middle of no where) ~ just a thought to be a participant in the conversation.


    The other thought that comes to mind from posting in #slack tweetfleet is:

    wouldn't it be cool if the attacker had to scan down the Command Node Anomolies? And Defender also had to scan them down to defend them? -- I don't think players that love scanning get nearly enough content

    Would have to be combat scanners to be epicly cool though

    CCP you are bad at EVE... Stop potential silliness ~ Solo Wulf

    Milla Goodpussy
    Garoun Investment Bank
    #460 - 2015-03-03 18:55:32 UTC
    virm pasuul wrote:
    In all this fuss don't forget that destructible player built stargates are coming at some time.
    The fanfest is 2 weeks away, there may be stuff in there that ties in to these changes.........

    I believe that's going to be only in "NEW SPACE" not the current regions of null sec.. so umm yeah good luck with that wish.

    but what about the "idea" of Destructible Outpost/stations in null sec.. i'll wait and laugh at the threadnaught on that topic.