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Where do you draw the line?

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#41 - 2015-01-03 05:35:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
Nexus Day wrote:
If a video game can change who you are then you probably were not who you thought you were in the first place.

Well I would say a yes and no.

Fantasy is just that fantasy. I can easily distinguish between fantasy and reality. When I play a game my brain then tell me.. this is make believe, there are certain game breaking rules (EULA) that I need to abide by. GO!!!.

I then perform actions based on the rules within the game universe. In RP Games I always play the bad guy, in Mass Effect I always played the Renegade, in Knight of the Old Republic I always went to the dark side. But the once again, when I return to real life my brain is able to adjust.

I would rather say those that are effected in RL by the actions taking place inside a fantasy game should prolly seek help since your brain should be smart enough to adjust and cope with the difference between reality and fantasy.

If your argument was true, running around killing people in FPS multiplayer games means you are then a killer in RL as well. Or could easily become one. Watch FOX News much?

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Jurico Elemenohpe
Flipsid3 Tactics
#42 - 2015-01-03 05:39:59 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:

So, this is totally an on topic post..
Where did you get your shirt? The black and red Blood Raider one you're wearing.
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#43 - 2015-01-03 05:40:53 UTC
Jurico Elemenohpe wrote:
Cannibal Kane wrote:

So, this is totally an on topic post..
Where did you get your shirt? The black and red Blood Raider one you're wearing.

The NEX store.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Jurico Elemenohpe
Flipsid3 Tactics
#44 - 2015-01-03 05:42:13 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Jurico Elemenohpe wrote:
Cannibal Kane wrote:

So, this is totally an on topic post..
Where did you get your shirt? The black and red Blood Raider one you're wearing.

The NEX store.
Thanks. Have fun doing whatever you do o/ (not sure if you're a pirate or a merc..)
Bad Girl Posse
#45 - 2015-01-03 07:02:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Ioci
NRDS, Anti Pirate.

If I find myself in an NBSI Alliance I will enforce NBSI inside the sovereignty of the alliance I am in, no more. Even there I am not obligate to shoot exploration vessels.

It's not negotiable with me. It's who I am in EVE.

Is it EVE Hard mode? Often times, yes. M'eh, I can handle it.

R.I.P. Vile Rat

Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#46 - 2015-01-03 07:16:58 UTC
If it still has spots (trial) I don't shoot it.
Now if the lil button buck picks up the AK and starts shootin at me that's a different story, I'll plant em. (but probably wont pod unless they're being offensive)
Do naughty things to other players? Sure.
Steal everything in sight that's not nailed down? Absolutely.
Be deliberately cruel and hurtful towards them? Nope, in fact I try to be as civil as possible during and after a purification by fire. This is, of course, also dependent upon the behavior of my adversary. Racism and other bigotry tend to flip my sympathy switch right off.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Arctic Light Inc.
Arctic Light
#47 - 2015-01-03 07:35:08 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:
Chopper Rollins wrote:
Eve has taught me that i'm a helpful, trustworthy person with little time for cruelty and a tendency to wreck things when faced with any boredom.
I'm not quite sure you really got your point across as you wanted ...

Well if he intended to mean that he has a nature of a neglected 5yo old ? P

My line is quite simple; I refuse or at least actively avoid to exploit a position of trust mainly meaning that I don't awox or loot hangars when I leave a corp no matter how ratty and I actually consider my self still owning a billion or two to certain parties if those guys ever come back to game to ask for their ISKies from a past ventures.

Haven't seen them for years so my loans might expire tomorrow or maybe never.
Yourmoney Mywallet
#48 - 2015-01-03 08:02:34 UTC
Desimus Maximus wrote:
btw, totally just got my first Kerbal into orbit! F*** YEAH! YAY!!

Mün or bust!!!
Antihrist Pripravnik
Cultural Enrichment and Synergy of Diversity
Stain Neurodiverse Democracy
#49 - 2015-01-03 08:18:14 UTC
Xerxes Fehrnah wrote:
My question for you is what code of conduct or rules do you obey in-game that are not required by the game mechanics? When I started Eve, I tried to be nice to people the way I am in real life... helping people... basically a big boy scout. These days... I will still help a newbie, but I find myself losing concern for my public image as a good guy.

I don't care as much about my public image as I care about my self-image. The line is where I wouldn't like to see myself.

That includes:
- everything in the EULA and TOS, of course;

- begging for ISK;

- spamming local with "scams", or better to say uncreative intelligence insulting one-liners (ISK doubling, price number missing or added,...). Please note that I have nothing against investment scams, Ponzi and pyramid schemes, meta-game scams, gambling sites or creative fresh scams (although I never felt a need to run one). Dumb "scams" with a lot of spam in local is my line;

- smack talking;

- ransoming in PvP. When I do PvP I do it until either me or my target explodes. That's just my view on PvP;

- not honoring 1 vs 1 fights. I've learned a lot by (repeatedly) losing ships in 1 vs 1 fights against some of the best pirates out there and I gained a lot of experience and sometimes even advices that made my game better. I simply wouldn't allow myself to take that away from whoever wants to go 1 vs 1 against me (if I win) or to pass the opportunity to learn something new (if I lose);

- freighter bumping for multiple reasons. The reasons are: I consider bumping mechanics to be broken, there are much more creative and fun ways for me to spend my time on this planet than dry humping a defenseless ship, it does not provide a quality gameplay for any of the involved parties and is borderline grief play if you don't intend to shoot the damned thing;

- docking games, because it's more fun to watch the paint dry;

- not honoring an agreement of goods exchange when there's no third party involved. I don't expect the other party to feel the same and I always assume that the other guy wants to scam me, but I'd never go that low myself. There are plenty of ways to steal and scam in this game and direct exchange of goods is not the most fun, original or creative way to do it. I also don't expect other players to trust me either, so we either agree that I will honor the deal or we get a trusted third party.

Now, I was thinking to include the following but there are situations where either I have done it in the past or under right circumstances will do in the future:

- awoxing... it's not on the list because some people just deserve it. It highly depends on the target's personality, but there were and there will be situations where awoxing is actually the good thing to do;

- suicide ganking because I did it before. A combination of being drunk and having a friend in the same state resulted in two smartbombing battleships warping at 0 to a bunch of miners and it was actually fun at the moment. I also did a couple of gate camps ganking haulers a couple of years back out of pure boredom, but I don't find it fun or enjoyable but rather a pure product of having too much free time (was unemployed back then). I hardly see it as something I'll do again (not having that much of a free time anymore and seeing it as something I grew out of), but I couldn't include it in "The Line" list because I've did it before.

- corp theft since it really depends on a corp. If the corp is made out of a bunch of douches, I'd be tempted to do it and depending on the situation I can see my self robbing them, but there really has to be a hell of a reason to do it instead of just leaving the corp and putting them on the block list. This primarily relates to (but not limited to) ISK buyers or ISK sellers, corps with culture of shooting blues,...;
Jenshae Chiroptera
#50 - 2015-01-03 08:26:01 UTC
Xerxes Fehrnah wrote:
My question for you is what code of conduct or rules do you obey in-game that are not required by the game mechanics? When I started Eve, I tried to be nice to people the way I am in real life... helping people... basically a big boy scout. These days... I will still help a newbie, but I find myself losing concern for my public image as a good guy.

I don't shoot miners or industrials and I avoid pods as much as possible. One day someone will probably fly a fleet of them head long at me to try force it.

I also refused to rob anyone or scam them and such. Eventually, it starts spreading. Played another game, any loot that couldn't be used was offered to the group, many of them were newbies. We thrived and surprised a lot of others.

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

Gully Alex Foyle
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#51 - 2015-01-03 08:46:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Gully Alex Foyle
I just act like I do in RL, it's easier for me.

I don't betray people that trust me, I'm generally a nice guy but I have little patience with the weak, none at all with the stupid.

And I try to blow up anyone that isn't blue, because it's a game about blowing up people.

Make space glamorous! Is EVE dying or not? Ask the EVE-O Death-o-meter!

Posting With Alt
#52 - 2015-01-03 08:56:25 UTC
I am immortal. I am a capsuleer.

What need have I for morality?
Unezka Turigahl
Det Som Engang Var
#53 - 2015-01-03 09:11:44 UTC
I don't scam, smack talk, or suicide gank. Or pester mission runners/miners (feels kinda like kicking a bum). Never pulled an awox or corp theft, don't think I'd ever want to. I'm not quite a Chribba but I'd say I'm a nice and trustworthy capsuleer. Yet some people still consider me to be a terrible person and call me all sorts of mean names. Sad
Scion Lex
The Unspoken Ones
Hole Control
#54 - 2015-01-03 10:03:15 UTC
Posting With Alt wrote:
I am immortal. I am a capsuleer.

What need have I for morality?

well integrity is a commodity while treachery is in abundance. Therefore, integrity is profitable due to demand. In otherwords, having some form of morality can help your bottom line. Especally, over the long term. Do you need it? Well, of course not. In fact, the less of it you use the better I look and the more isk I make. So ty.

Ferni Ka'Nviiou
#55 - 2015-01-03 10:07:25 UTC
Scion Lex wrote:
Posting With Alt wrote:
I am immortal. I am a capsuleer.

What need have I for morality?

well integrity is a commodity while treachery is in abundance. Therefore, integrity is profitable due to demand. In otherwords, having some form of morality can help your bottom line. Especally, over the long term. Do you need it? Well, of course not. In fact, the less of it you use the better I look and the more isk I make. So ty.

It would amuse me if you applied that concept to EVE.

"I didn't gank that shuttle with 50+ PLEX in it, therefore, I make more ISK than you."
Eve Cluster Explorations
#56 - 2015-01-03 10:58:45 UTC
Depends on the character. I don't do anything that would lower my sec status on this character.

Witty Image - Stream

Not Liking this post hurts my RL feelings and will be considered harassment

Logan Revelore
Symbiotic Systems
#57 - 2015-01-03 11:07:52 UTC
I draw the line at scamming and backstabbing people. I don't find anything wrong with those aspects of the game, it's just not part of me, yet anyway :)
Azn Empire
#58 - 2015-01-03 11:26:34 UTC
Depends upon what I'm doing in game. As a pirate, I always honoured ransoms as did the corp.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#59 - 2015-01-03 11:30:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Ima Wreckyou
Brilliant question OP I am so glad you asked (Just to make it very clear for all the conspiracy theory fans in GD, the OP is in no way associated with the New Order).

As you may have guessed I and many other Agents of the New Order and law abiding citizens in New Order territory (formerly known as Highsec) are following the New Halaima Code of Conduct which was written by our Supreme Protector, Saviour of Highsec and father of the New Order, James 315 in addition to the required rules provided by CCP.

Other that the rules provided by CCP which may contain many gray areas with an unknown number of invisible lines (thou shalt not cross them invisible lines!!), the New Halaima Code of Conduct is an easy to read document every miner with only a hand full of brain cells will understand.

The New Halaima Code of Conduct gives us the guidance to create a better Highsec and a better EVE together as a community. It also provides you with the moral high ground in every situation you may encounter in modern New Order territory.

In conclusion, I would like to thank our Saviour James 315 for looking out for us in this dark times and for filling our hearts with hope and honor where there was only greed for ISK before. I would also like to thank our Goonswarm overlords for making all this possible.
Johnson Stroker
Tritanium Industries and Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#60 - 2015-01-03 12:08:44 UTC
Honor is a dying thing in both real life and the virtual world.