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Dev Blog: Long-Distance Travel Changes Inbound

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Julie Braxton
Two A.D.
#2581 - 2014-10-02 06:28:54 UTC
I do not approve of jump fatigue. There is no lore behind it, it is too obviously a meta-game mechanic, breaking the fourth wall.
Prince Kobol
#2582 - 2014-10-02 06:28:54 UTC
marVLs wrote:
That's why CCP doing this, going back to EVE that should be not some afk game for lazy kids but true fun game where a lot is happening.

The amount of cry here only shows in how bad condition was EVE

Congrats CCP, that's the best and biggest change in last years !!!

Your right it shouldn't be, there have been some amazing ideas over the years by players who have put in some real thought but all those ideas required something new to be created and as CCP has proved time and time again over the last 18 months, all they are interested in is changing a few numbers in a database and the odd line of code.

The time of CCP introducing something new is over.
Mister Pirate
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2583 - 2014-10-02 06:29:13 UTC
dont nerf jumpdrives CCP..
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#2584 - 2014-10-02 06:29:44 UTC
I've been reading these posts and I agree with both sides.

I think just about everybody can admit that the power projection and scope is a problem, but even those who agree are saying that this "jump fatigue" thing is kind of dumb and arbitrary.

But if tasked to think of a better idea, I don't think I could come up with anything.

In the end CCP will do this but the lore is probably going to get hurt the most.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Dave Stark
#2585 - 2014-10-02 06:30:06 UTC
Mark Hadden wrote:
lmao, 131 pages whine.
holy cow :D

you say that, but you physically can't jump more than 6 times in a day, and if you do that you can't then do any jumps for 3.5 days. (and your fatigue will be at nearly 20 days (assuming all jumps are 5ly)).

to be honest, the most interesting parts of this change are seeing how high you can get your jump fatigue. or maybe that's because i'm not a cap pilot so maths is the only part of these changes that i understand....

then again, if you just wait an hour between jumps you never have to care about fatigue to begin with.
Sabrina Scatterbrain
United Souls Research And Development
#2586 - 2014-10-02 06:30:08 UTC
Page 131.

This is what happens when CCP let's the cleaning lady make game design decisions.
Goonswarm Federation
#2587 - 2014-10-02 06:31:22 UTC
Mark Hadden wrote:
OldWolf69 wrote:

Actually i think it's all about sustenability . If "work" part becomes 3-4x bigger than "fun" part this not a good mix.

another one who didnt get what CCP is actually doing and why. You arent supposed to jump all over universe anymore like you used to - but focus on your local area you live in. No more stretched territories, no more third partying, all this sick bull**** will hopefully go away.
This is exactly what eve needs, finally it's getting big again.

Somehow true. Still details might kill that.
Vlade Randal
#2588 - 2014-10-02 06:31:36 UTC
On behalf of capital pilots all over new eden... I'd like to protest this kind of nerf to capitals.

Surely there is a better way to generate game content, that doesn't involve harming all the loyal subscribers that have paid monthy for "YEARS" to train for capital ships.

This proposed patch suggests that I have wasted time and money investing into capital pilots and capital ships, that if this patch goes ahead, I will not be able to use very often at all. I may as well un-sub a few accounts based on the fact that i can't use them effectively anymore.

Prince Kobol
#2589 - 2014-10-02 06:31:39 UTC
Sabrina Scatterbrain wrote:
Page 131.

This is what happens when CCP let's the cleaning lady make game design decisions.

Pretty sure the cleaning lady could come up with better ideas....
Dbars Grinding
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#2590 - 2014-10-02 06:31:40 UTC
Zacaral wrote:
Altirius Saldiaro wrote:
Thinning the herd. Its going to be great.

Until CCP goes bankrupt because they're gonna lose probably thousands if not tens of thousands of subscriptions over this, it's gonna be the summer of rage all over again.

Yea this one is goin to be brutal on sub numbers.

I have more space likes than you. 

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#2591 - 2014-10-02 06:33:37 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
Mark Hadden wrote:
lmao, 131 pages whine.
holy cow :D

you say that, but you physically can't jump more than 6 times in a day, and if you do that you can't then do any jumps for 3.5 days. (and your fatigue will be at nearly 20 days (assuming all jumps are 5ly)).

to be honest, the most interesting parts of this change are seeing how high you can get your jump fatigue. or maybe that's because i'm not a cap pilot so maths is the only part of these changes that i understand....

then again, if you just wait an hour between jumps you never have to care about fatigue to begin with.

Well to be honest it was also a good thing that Red Dragons could not use their breath weapon at every turn. You can only roll so many saving throws before that D20 ceases to smile upon thee.

(D20 is a 20-sided die, kids. My cousin once killed a dinosaur with one)

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Antihrist Pripravnik
Cultural Enrichment and Synergy of Diversity
Stain Neurodiverse Democracy
#2592 - 2014-10-02 06:33:56 UTC
You know what will be exceptionally fun?

When renters figure out that their landlords have hard time keeping their own massive amounts of space together and decide to "change" the agreements a bit Twisted. Smart and brave renters, say hello to high end moons in your possession. Lol

Disclaimer: At least those renters who know how to play this game well (the rest will evac to highsec).
Nazri al Mahdi
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2593 - 2014-10-02 06:34:08 UTC
marVLs wrote:
That's why CCP doing this, going back to EVE that should be not some afk game for lazy kids but true fun game where a lot is happening.

The amount of cry here only shows in how bad condition was EVE

Congrats CCP, that's the best and biggest change in last years !!!

So ticking off a crapload of their subscribers is proof of their success? Well, here's hoping every last player unsubs - why, that would be the highest success possible!
Gavin Dax
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2594 - 2014-10-02 06:34:26 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:

Phase Two is focused on medium-term changes to the ways that organizations capture and hold Nullsec space and infrastructure (...) currently most of our conceptual prototyping has loosely fallen into categories that could be described as "occupancy-based" systems and more "freeform" systems that decentralize sov to focus more on control of the individual pieces of infrastructure.

This plan is totally misguided and won't have the effect that people want. The reason why we have stagnation is that the game lacks *CONFLICT DRIVERS*. It's not because the SOV mechanics are bad. It's because literally once you have your space you have no reason to leave it or take someone else's space.

Make ISK harder to obtain - more risk and changing conditions. The best space today should not be the best space for what you want 6 months from now. The ability to just stay in a system and farm it for ISK forever without going anywhere else is the real problem.

We need more conflict drivers and they need to be dynamic. People need a reason to fight - a game where every fight is an honour brawl is just stupid, and that's currently what it is - fights for the sake of fights alone. Marginally slower travel times or SOV mechanic changes do absolutely nothing to fix the underlying issue. They will not magically fix anything or even come close - it's just blue sky thinking. The fact that conflict drivers were not even mentioned in the dev blog (or even in the open letter to CCP from the players) at all just shows how misguided the approach to this is right now.
Electrified Circuits
Predator Ewoks
#2595 - 2014-10-02 06:34:37 UTC
Please don't nerf JF jump range, they already take a long time to move and forcing us to use more alts or make corpies wait for cooldown timers is not a fun or useful mechanic.

More importantly to the point though it will starve nullsec markets and destroy an already sensitive Tech 2 market. I'm sure that is not your intention with this change or do you mean to artifically inflate prices again?
Goonswarm Federation
#2596 - 2014-10-02 06:35:27 UTC
Antihrist Pripravnik wrote:
You know what will be exceptionally fun?

When renters figure out that their landlords have hard time keeping their own massive amounts of space together and decide to "change" the agreements a bit Twisted. Smart and brave renters, say hello to high end moons in your possession. Lol

Disclaimer: At least those renters who know how to play this game well (the rest will evac to highsec).

Shooting their own renters might make a lot of ppl's day, true enuf. Lol
Shojin Askulf
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2597 - 2014-10-02 06:36:04 UTC
No reason for anyone to unsub at the moment, lets see how ccp react to this topic, more than a month before this goes live leaves a lot of time for tweaks and changes, those jumping ship because of a dev blog which has specifically been put out here to gauge reactions and gain feedback both negative and positive really do need to go play wow instead.

IF these changes go live as is then yes I can see the game changing in a lot of ways only six months down the road will we see how those changes actually effect and how different groups adapt.

Give feedback, thoughts and criticism plus ideas then take a breath and lets see what november brings, always time to push the cancel button then.
Prince Kobol
#2598 - 2014-10-02 06:36:19 UTC
Antihrist Pripravnik wrote:
You know what will be exceptionally fun?

When renters figure out that their landlords have hard time keeping their own massive amounts of space together and decide to "change" the agreements a bit Twisted. Smart and brave renters, say hello to high end moons in your possession. Lol

Disclaimer: At least those renters who know how to play this game well (the rest will evac to highsec).

You don't get do you.

After this change those renters living in deep null will be more protected then ever. It will be a null bear heaven.
Goonswarm Federation
#2599 - 2014-10-02 06:36:36 UTC
I can see it now,
The doors of nullsec finally thrown wide open, the light beckoning those who've never lived there, who've never done it, or those who have, and turned away because of how unfair it was...
As they rush into the light, arms open wide...

The light...

Is 10 Officer smartbombing titans on the other side of the gate.

This is still EVE. People still want to kill you.

Because they can.

Before posting in Features and Ideas, please remember that Eve is in no way obligated to change based on your stupidity, ineptitude, or well honed sense of personal butthurt.

#2600 - 2014-10-02 06:36:49 UTC
just a note to the DEV, once this mechanics is on, as per what has been highlighted, will there be adjustments or re-balances in mining resources? moon resources?

cos everything that needs some distance in sourcing, has now changed. esp the part on JITA ...

surely you do not expect all JF to jump into ONLY 2 exit systems? you might as well ... relist JITA as LO-sec LOL ... am i right? Lol

WUT ???