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Prototype: Dojos
CCP Veritas - Technical Director - EVE Online
Bad Jokes since -09.... Fly Safe! o7
Stop discrimination, help in a fight against terrorists
Show your support to The Cause!
"Meh.." - Albert Einstein
CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath
gay gamers for jesus
"For it was said they had become like those peculiar demons, which dwell in matter but in whom no light may be found." - Father Grigori, Ravens 3:57
Servant of the Secret League, Wielder of the Monocle Clubhouse Flame.
Loyal servent to Mother Amamake. @EVE_Tetsel
Another Bittervet Please Ignore
Youtube Channel about Micro and Small scale PvP with commentary: Fleet Commentary by l0rd carlos