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EVE Probe

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EVE Probe Installer 0.82.6614.0

First post First post First post
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#21 - 2014-09-18 15:32:19 UTC
I know you said Windows only, but here are the results under Linux:


fixme:d3d11:D3D11CreateDevice stub: adapter 0x14da30, driver_type D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_UNKNOWN, swrast (nil), flags 0, feature_levels 3378884, levels 0x1, sdk_version 7, device 0x338edc, feature_level 0x338ec0, context 0x338ed0
No handlers could be found for logger "trinity"
Starting up Trinity through _trinity_dx9_deploy ...
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x3386d8,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x339078,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),1,0x339078,0x00000000), stub!
Unhandled exception in run()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 414, in run
File "", line 396, in run_protected
File "infogatherer\", line 110, in gather_info
File "infogatherer\", line 103, in getGpuInfo
File "infogatherer\", line 87, in getGpuDriverInfo
ALError: ALResult(80004005) E_FAIL: An undetermined error occurred
An exception has occurred. It has been logged in the log server as exception
Macabre Votum
Northern Coalition.
#22 - 2014-09-18 15:33:10 UTC
run -- yeah i got the frame stutter as well
Juliette Asanari
Voodoo Children
#23 - 2014-09-18 15:39:53 UTC
How long is the control tower scene supposed to run? I've just terminated Probe after 20 minutes of tower shooting (maybe you shouldn't have fitted lasers on that leviathan ;-) )

For serious: The scene plays out with multiple pans and angles (with ~1 fps - no surpise there) until it stops with a amarr battleship in the foreground (abaddon or armageddon - I'm bad at this) and the tower being pummeld in the lower left corner. No camera movement, just the ships shooting at the tower. After 20 minutes of disco lightshow, I quit probe, since apparently something is going wrong...
Russian Thunder Squad
Against ALL Authorities
#24 - 2014-09-18 15:43:48 UTC
Any chances we will ever get white-background glitch fixed for nvidia users? Cry
Seventh Pinnacle
Brutor Tribe
#25 - 2014-09-18 15:45:20 UTC
Juliette Asanari wrote:
How long is the control tower scene supposed to run? I've just terminated Probe after 20 minutes of tower shooting (maybe you shouldn't have fitted lasers on that leviathan ;-) )

For serious: The scene plays out with multiple pans and angles (with ~1 fps - no surpise there) until it stops with a amarr battleship in the foreground (abaddon or armageddon - I'm bad at this) and the tower being pummeld in the lower left corner. No camera movement, just the ships shooting at the tower. After 20 minutes of disco lightshow, I quit probe, since apparently something is going wrong...

Ran for no more than 2 minutes for me, so yea, I believe something went wrong indeed.
Rhyme Bittern
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#26 - 2014-09-18 15:49:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Rhyme Bittern
Sorry, please disregard - I didn't read the OP carefully and installed on linux.
CCP Maxwell
C C P Alliance
#27 - 2014-09-18 15:50:30 UTC
Juliette Asanari wrote:
How long is the control tower scene supposed to run? I've just terminated Probe after 20 minutes of tower shooting (maybe you shouldn't have fitted lasers on that leviathan ;-) )

For serious: The scene plays out with multiple pans and angles (with ~1 fps - no surpise there) until it stops with a amarr battleship in the foreground (abaddon or armageddon - I'm bad at this) and the tower being pummeld in the lower left corner. No camera movement, just the ships shooting at the tower. After 20 minutes of disco lightshow, I quit probe, since apparently something is going wrong...

20 minutes is definitely way, way too long.

We will take a look at the results and see what we can do about this.

Thanks for posting!

CCP Maxwell - QA Engineer - Team RnB

Titus Tallang
EVE University
Ivy League
#28 - 2014-09-18 15:51:23 UTC
Installed and running.

Director of Education - EVE University -

Sir Constantin
#29 - 2014-09-18 15:55:46 UTC
Rhyme Bittern wrote:
Using WINE 1.7.26 on ubuntu linux 14.10, the big button on the bottom of the launcher says "running!" but I see nothing - just the launcher. Is that normal?

I have the same problem on Windows Xp Sp3.
It says RUNNING! but nothing happens.

I also tried launching exefile.exe from "C:\Program Files\CCP\EVE Probe\bin" but didn't do anything.
#30 - 2014-09-18 16:00:56 UTC
installed und launched
hf with my data :)
Asha Xa'clan
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2014-09-18 16:01:41 UTC
The first time I ran it, the window with the scenes wasn't opened in the foreground. I finally got to it by manually opening it from the task bar, but I got some insane 15000fps for the first scene in the report. The scene loading felt also much slower than in the later runs (not caching, I restarted), and it crashed in the end.

The next time it ran without problems. I get rather bad framerates and a lot of stutter on hardware that easily runs the game itself, but I assume that the scenes are more demanding on purpose.
Xavier Saskuatch
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#32 - 2014-09-18 16:04:25 UTC
Ran in a few minutes, interesting change in frame rates on my GTX 560

Control Tower fps : 26
Festival Launchers fps : 90
Fleet 1 fps : 46
Fleet 2 fps : 31
Fleet 3 fps : 20

In space typically flying around gate to gate I get 60fps.

Titus Tallang
EVE University
Ivy League
#33 - 2014-09-18 16:05:23 UTC
The screensaver mode is awesome.

However, if you use two screens, the screensaver will stretch over both screens (good) but with the camera center being the middle, e.g. where the two screens intersect. This means that the focused ship will be "cut in half", making it less aesthetically pleasing.

Ability to set "center monitor" that is used as camera center (the same way the in-game left/right slider works except simpler) and then have the scene extend to all other monitors from there? Please?

Director of Education - EVE University -

Juliette Asanari
Voodoo Children
#34 - 2014-09-18 16:14:59 UTC
CCP Maxwell wrote:
Juliette Asanari wrote:
How long is the control tower scene supposed to run? I've just terminated Probe after 20 minutes of tower shooting (maybe you shouldn't have fitted lasers on that leviathan ;-) )

For serious: The scene plays out with multiple pans and angles (with ~1 fps - no surpise there) until it stops with a amarr battleship in the foreground (abaddon or armageddon - I'm bad at this) and the tower being pummeld in the lower left corner. No camera movement, just the ships shooting at the tower. After 20 minutes of disco lightshow, I quit probe, since apparently something is going wrong...

20 minutes is definitely way, way too long.

We will take a look at the results and see what we can do about this.

Thanks for posting!

I've managed to get the scene to complete after quiting any other program running in the background (including AVG and GoogleDrive) \o/

... for a whooping 2 fps and 362 mb Malloc /o\
Caitlin Kev
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#35 - 2014-09-18 16:15:03 UTC
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Wheee! Screensaver!

Butch Cassidy
#36 - 2014-09-18 16:17:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Butch Cassidy
While I really love this idea, I think it'll need alot of improvements. Running a 780 Ti, along with i7 4790k@4,2Ghz & Samsung SSD 850 Pro - and it took me ages to load up the first fleet.
Other than that I'd love a screen detection. Since most users have at least two screens nowadays I'd recommend blacking out all the screens, but the main one, so you get reasonable benchmark results.

edit: I think you're also using better textures or slightly better shaders in Probe. Please give them to us.
#37 - 2014-09-18 16:24:56 UTC
EVE for non-Windows platforms? Roll
Psianh Auvyander
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#38 - 2014-09-18 16:34:11 UTC
My scene initializations load -extremely- slowly. One or two percent per minute, maybe. Checked to make sure it was running from my GPU instead of CPU and no change.

Anyone else running into this and/or have an idea of what may be happening?

My Blog


CCP Maxwell
C C P Alliance
#39 - 2014-09-18 16:38:04 UTC
The long initialization the first time you run EVE Probe is a know issue.

This is due to the application downloading the needed resources for the scenes. You will find that subsequent runs will be much different.

We'll see what we can do about this, but we still wanted to get the EVE Probe out now and get feedback (and stats).

CCP Maxwell - QA Engineer - Team RnB

Vincent Athena
#40 - 2014-09-18 16:44:58 UTC
When will non-window customers get to see this?

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