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Has suicide ganking become a problem? Empty freighters being ganked.

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Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#3781 - 2014-09-03 12:29:16 UTC
no words
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#3782 - 2014-09-03 12:31:37 UTC
What in the hell...?

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#3783 - 2014-09-03 12:37:47 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
What in the hell...?

untanked threadBlinkPirate
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#3784 - 2014-09-03 12:38:47 UTC
Thomas Mayaki wrote:
To fix the suicide ganking problem CCP needs desparately to fix nullsec. Currently the only point to nullsec is that it is an isk printing machine enabling bored null sec pilots to come to highsec for what little fun they have left in this game. It is a bit sad really.

1st, lol at everyone else, good catch.

Now to the point. Nullsec has nothing to do with anything, many of the gankers I know personally have hated null sec for YEARS. Gankers come from all parts of EVE (high, low, null, wormholes) and do that activity for a number of reasons (money, fame, '***** and giggles', to strike a blow for freedom, one liberated hull full of goods at a time etc).

In my time in EVE i've noticed that high sec posters in particular tend to be the kinds of people who cling to and thus take comfort in certain illogical beliefs. Of course "gankers are all from null sec and ganking only exists because null sec pilots are bored" is one of them. "Null is safer than high sec" is another (that one is particularly galling because only in high sec does magical space police appear out of nowhere to shoot the people shooting you). "high sec keeps getting nerfed and null gets nothing but buffed" is one too as well as "most bots operate in null".

Like a real world religion, "High-Secism" is 100% resistant to any form of countervailing evidence. You can link graph after CCP generated graph (or whole fanfest YouTube videos) demonstrating that what they believe is not true, you can have Blue Tagged Angels (DEVs) come out of the sky with thunder and lightning shooting out of their bums proclaiming the actual truth and not only will the Hisec-ist not believe it, their false beliefs will get stronger.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3785 - 2014-09-03 13:02:42 UTC
Mizhir wrote:
afkalt wrote:
Page 188....wins pretty much the internet.

Dude your face!

Ach it's been like that for over 3 years.

I actually created him with the intention of being a cloaky alt given the tears going on at the time (that are, irritatingly/amusingly, still going on) and his face has kind of stuck on me Smile
Critically Preposterous
#3786 - 2014-09-03 13:17:52 UTC
afkalt wrote:
Mizhir wrote:
afkalt wrote:
Page 188....wins pretty much the internet.

Dude your face!

Ach it's been like that for over 3 years.

I actually created him with the intention of being a cloaky alt given the tears going on at the time (that are, irritatingly/amusingly, still going on) and his face has kind of stuck on me Smile

insert x files theme
Solar Winds Security Solutions
#3787 - 2014-09-03 13:18:29 UTC
NoLife NoFriends StillPosting wrote:
Veers Belvar wrote:
Well that's enough for tonight....just more speculation, and more dead freighters. 6 yesterday, today was quiet. Maybe they were all "bad" at avoiding bumping, but I seriously doubt that you can ALWAYS escape it, in fact done properly, I strongly suspect that you can virtually NEVER escape it.

it really is up to the suicide gankers to decide when they want to start blowing up freighters. They have all the power and are the ones able to operate without significant costs, penalties, or risk.

This is just like the margin trading scam. The victims usually aren't even aware that it is possible until it happens to them and then there is a good chance of kissing that sub goodbye out of the unfairness of it all. I'm amazed at the lack of foresight that this has been allowed to continue for so long. I guess I shouldn't be since it took them 10 years to fix can flipping.What? And we all know it will predictably just get worse as more people become aware of the insane profits without risk for merely camping a gate in high sec.

I'm so glad they "fixed" canflipping and added MTUs and updated the mining barge line. I have stolen hundreds of millions of ISK since the changes. :D

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Critically Preposterous
#3788 - 2014-09-03 13:32:22 UTC
Xuixien wrote:
NoLife NoFriends StillPosting wrote:
Veers Belvar wrote:
Well that's enough for tonight....just more speculation, and more dead freighters. 6 yesterday, today was quiet. Maybe they were all "bad" at avoiding bumping, but I seriously doubt that you can ALWAYS escape it, in fact done properly, I strongly suspect that you can virtually NEVER escape it.

it really is up to the suicide gankers to decide when they want to start blowing up freighters. They have all the power and are the ones able to operate without significant costs, penalties, or risk.

This is just like the margin trading scam. The victims usually aren't even aware that it is possible until it happens to them and then there is a good chance of kissing that sub goodbye out of the unfairness of it all. I'm amazed at the lack of foresight that this has been allowed to continue for so long. I guess I shouldn't be since it took them 10 years to fix can flipping.What? And we all know it will predictably just get worse as more people become aware of the insane profits without risk for merely camping a gate in high sec.

I'm so glad they "fixed" canflipping and added MTUs and updated the mining barge line. I have stolen hundreds of millions of ISK since the changes. :D

I, for one, am not so happy about jetcans becoming an extinct race.

Thomas Mayaki
Caldari State
#3789 - 2014-09-03 13:33:16 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Nullsec has nothing to do with anything.

Apart from the New Order being affiliated with a nullsec power, wanting highsec to be just like nullsec (which is stagnating dispite the recent buffs), is run by an ex-goon and is indifferent to botting in null sec.

However I see that mentioning nullsec is a touchy subject as you seem to fall into 'nullsec is poor and needs more isk' crowd or perhaps its nullsec is so dangerous it should have more treaties to defend its isk making machines. As for bots and running sites AFK that could never happen in nullsec could it with it being so dangerous and all.

Also stop being crying about CONCORDE or 'the magical space police' as you put it. Did I mention some of the whinniest Nullbears come from Nullsec? Perhaps you should petition those CCP devs you were on about.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3790 - 2014-09-03 13:34:45 UTC
Well consider this.

I live in null. I support that character by means of a high sec alt.

That doesn't seem wholly right and proper now, does it?
Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#3791 - 2014-09-03 13:39:20 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Thomas Mayaki wrote:

'gankers are nullseccers'. they're operating in highsec for gosh sakes. even if one was to describe players as pidgeonholed descriptions like "highseccer" or "nullseccer" it's most logical to call them 'highseccers'

you already know that ofc but damn :/

i think the thinking is something along the lines of "this is something i don't like > i'm obviously right> because i'm right, other people surely share this view with me > i pve > ganking interrupts pve > therefore the people who agree with me are pveers > i play in highsec > other people i see in highsec pve > therefore highsec's for pve > the people who share my view are highseccers > all highseccers must therefore agree with me > therefore anyone who doesn't is a nullsec ganker"
Hengle Teron
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#3792 - 2014-09-03 13:39:34 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:

damn that's the most content this thread had since its creation.
Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#3793 - 2014-09-03 13:42:06 UTC
Thomas Mayaki wrote:
CONCORDE or 'the magical space police' as you put it

literally fly in on a sparkling unicorn wearing white armour and wielding a fairy floss lance

e: literally
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#3794 - 2014-09-03 14:03:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Thomas Mayaki wrote:
Apart from the New Order being affiliated with a nullsec power, wanting highsec to be just like nullsec (which is stagnating dispite the recent buffs), is run by an ex-goon and is indifferent to botting in null sec.

However I see that mentioning nullsec is a touchy subject as you seem to fall into 'nullsec is poor and needs more isk' crowd or perhaps its nullsec is so dangerous it should have more treaties to defend its isk making machines. As for bots and running sites AFK that could never happen in nullsec could it with it being so dangerous and all.

Also stop being crying about CONCORDE or 'the magical space police' as you put it. Did I mention some of the whinniest Nullbears come from Nullsec? Perhaps you should petition those CCP devs you were on about.

GRRR Goons

You're so far off the mark that the mark is on another planet.

Incidentally, Concorde was an advanced Anglo-French SST that was decommissioned in 2003, Concord is an NPC entity in Eve and a place name.Roll

Know the difference.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Eve Cluster Explorations
#3795 - 2014-09-03 14:23:32 UTC
Thomas Mayaki wrote:
Did I mention some of the whinniest Nullbears come from Nullsec?
Wouldn't all nullbears come from nullsec by definition...?

Witty Image - Stream

Not Liking this post hurts my RL feelings and will be considered harassment

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#3796 - 2014-09-03 14:26:26 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Thomas Mayaki wrote:
Apart from the New Order being affiliated with a nullsec power, wanting highsec to be just like nullsec (which is stagnating dispite the recent buffs), is run by an ex-goon and is indifferent to botting in null sec.

However I see that mentioning nullsec is a touchy subject as you seem to fall into 'nullsec is poor and needs more isk' crowd or perhaps its nullsec is so dangerous it should have more treaties to defend its isk making machines. As for bots and running sites AFK that could never happen in nullsec could it with it being so dangerous and all.

Also stop being crying about CONCORDE or 'the magical space police' as you put it. Did I mention some of the whinniest Nullbears come from Nullsec? Perhaps you should petition those CCP devs you were on about.

GRRR Goons

You're so far off the mark that the mark is on another planet.

Incidentally, Concorde was an advanced Anglo-French SST that was decommissioned in 2003, Concord is an NPC entity in Eve and a place name.Roll

Know the difference.

Had a joke for this,
though better of it,
I feel bad even thinking it.
Lady Areola Fappington
#3797 - 2014-09-03 14:26:52 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:

You're so far off the mark that the mark is on another planet.

Incidentally, Concorde was an advanced Anglo-French SST that was decommissioned in 2003, Concord is an NPC entity in Eve and a place name.Roll

Know the difference.

So far, CODE and related gankers are, in no particular order: Goons, Russians, N3/PL, RL Mafia, a highsec industrial cabal, CCP devs, Star Citizen Devs, WoW Devs, ISD, ex-ISD, Anonymous hackers, paid CCP rabblerousers, paid SC rabblerousers, ex BoB, 4channers, furries......

I guess "Buncha people who like to explode things, harvest tears, and refine them to ISK via storytime" is just entirely too drab and boring for the EVE haute bourgeoisie.

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#3798 - 2014-09-03 14:33:29 UTC
Might as well fess up now. All of CODE. are my alts. Every one of them. I have a sekrut room with a hundred PC's that I ISBOX all of CODE. from. Or at least the script that I wrote does. It also posts on the forums for me. It's actually a massive BOT-aspirant AFK gank fleet I run from the basement. Oh the hypocrisy... oh, wait. That's right.
None of that crap is true. Carry on.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#3799 - 2014-09-03 14:55:24 UTC
Oh gawd let me get my tinfoil hat on
Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3800 - 2014-09-03 15:42:03 UTC
Thomas Mayaki wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Nullsec has nothing to do with anything.

Apart from the New Order being affiliated with a nullsec power


This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.