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Fuel blocks! (and CCP Soundwaves wildlife safety advice)

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CCP Soundwave
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2011-12-09 14:32:57 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Navigator
Starbase structures begin consuming fuel blocks exclusively on January 24th. Hopefully this timeline will allow you to build up a sizable stock of blocks, without ruining your Christmas. I’m sure your family will appreciate you not bringing your laptop to the Christmas dinner to start production jobs. Please keep in mind that on the day of the switch, POSs will ONLY consume fuel blocks and all the old items will no longer keep the starbase going.

On a slightly related note, here is a quick piece of wildlife advice that could save you or a loved one: If bitten by a snake, avoid attempting to suck out the poison from the wound, like seen in movies. You’ll remove insignificant quantities of poison, while transferring bacteria to the wound and subjecting yourself to the risk of getting poisoned. Instead, call for help and arrange transport to the nearest hospital emergency room. Like with bears, the safest bet is staying away from poisonous snakes in the first place.

We might be able to sneak a few more changes in, but for now, this is the timeframe for fuel blocks. Enjoy.

Update from CCP Greyscale:

We got the TEMPORARY fuel bay size boost through all the relevant hoops and it's going out in the patch tomorrow.

This means that, until January 24th, your fuel bay sizes will be doubled, which should allow you to compensate for the unfortunate postponement of the fuel block switchover by just dumping another month's worth of fuel into your bay, without having to take out any blocks that you've already added. We are at this time planning to revert these changes and reduce bay sizes back to their current (ie, post-Crucible-boost, pre-tomorrow-boost) sizes on the 24th.
CCP Prism X
C C P Alliance
#2 - 2011-12-09 14:35:27 UTC
Why are you tackling these inconsequential survival myths?
What about drinking my own urine? I should be drinking my own urine while the snake bites me, right?!
Brooks Puuntai
Solar Nexus.
#3 - 2011-12-09 14:36:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Brooks Puuntai
Fuel Pellets sounded cooler. Gotta feed those POS hamsters.

Edit: You should probably sticky this btw..

CCP's Motto: If it isn't broken, break it. If it is broken, ignore it. Improving NPE / Dynamic New Eden

Halcyon Ingenium
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#4 - 2011-12-09 14:37:23 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Please keep in mind that on the day of the switch, POSs will ONLY consume fuel blocks and all the old items will no longer keep the starbase going.

Good news. Is there a time we can use fuel blocks before this or is the switch over going to be that abrupt?

By the way, since we're already talking, do you want to buy a rifter? I've got the cheapest rifters in Metropolis. If you can find a cheaper rifter, buy it!

Global Telstar Federation Offices
Masters of Flying Objects
#5 - 2011-12-09 14:41:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Salpun
As a wh dweller who got a bpo into the wh and started makeing blocks in an anticipated switch over in 2 weeks from blue print release your pushing it back for a month just put a big kink in my plans. Will now have to pull in more fuel to carry us over to the new date. Would have been nice to have this news even 24 hours agoWhat?

Could "time left" be changed to "must be refilled by" in anticipation of the change P

If i dont know something about EVE. I check

See you around the universe.

Abdiel Kavash
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#6 - 2011-12-09 14:42:17 UTC
Thank you for letting us know so far in advance. We were fearing a "Oh, btw, the block switchover? In three days." scenario. Now I can go to sleep safely knowing that I won't have to spend the next three days hauling cubes 23/7 to get to every tower.
CCP Soundwave
C C P Alliance
#7 - 2011-12-09 14:45:18 UTC
Halcyon Ingenium wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Please keep in mind that on the day of the switch, POSs will ONLY consume fuel blocks and all the old items will no longer keep the starbase going.

Good news. Is there a time we can use fuel blocks before this or is the switch over going to be that abrupt?

Going to be abrupt. Hopefully the long leadtime will make it less painful.
Halcyon Ingenium
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#8 - 2011-12-09 14:47:12 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Halcyon Ingenium wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Please keep in mind that on the day of the switch, POSs will ONLY consume fuel blocks and all the old items will no longer keep the starbase going.

Good news. Is there a time we can use fuel blocks before this or is the switch over going to be that abrupt?

Going to be abrupt. Hopefully the long leadtime will make it less painful.

Good to know, good to know. Thank you.

By the way, since we're already talking, do you want to buy a rifter? I've got the cheapest rifters in Metropolis. If you can find a cheaper rifter, buy it!

Body Count Inc.
Mercenary Coalition
#9 - 2011-12-09 14:50:52 UTC
CCP Prism X wrote:
Why are you tackling these inconsequential survival myths?
What about drinking my own urine? I should be drinking my own urine while the snake bites me, right?!

Gave you a like for this one, bro.

2004-2008: Mercenary Coalition Boss

2007-2010: CCP Game Designer | 2011-2013: CSM6 Delegate & CSM7 Chairman

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Follow Seleene on Twitter!

Jarnis McPieksu
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2011-12-09 14:51:09 UTC
Thank you for finally announcing a date and a date that is now known well in advance. Should make the transition smooth.

Assuming of course the actual switchover goes without any hilarious bugs... well, I'll have my fuel blocks and bags of popcorn ready...
CCP Soundwave
C C P Alliance
#11 - 2011-12-09 14:51:21 UTC
Seleene wrote:
CCP Prism X wrote:
Why are you tackling these inconsequential survival myths?
What about drinking my own urine? I should be drinking my own urine while the snake bites me, right?!

Gave you a like for this one, bro.

CCP Prism should continue drinking his own urine. Everyone else should not.
CCP Soundwave
C C P Alliance
#12 - 2011-12-09 14:52:52 UTC
Jarnis McPieksu wrote:
Thank you for finally announcing a date and a date that is now known well in advance. Should make the transition smooth.

Assuming of course the actual switchover goes without any hilarious bugs... well, I'll have my fuel blocks and bags of popcorn ready...

Yeah, having it late January means everyone is also back at the office, ready to remedy if needed. The programmers responsible for the change have promised to not make any bugs, so we should be in the clear!
Jarnis McPieksu
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2011-12-09 14:54:42 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Jarnis McPieksu wrote:
Thank you for finally announcing a date and a date that is now known well in advance. Should make the transition smooth.

Assuming of course the actual switchover goes without any hilarious bugs... well, I'll have my fuel blocks and bags of popcorn ready...

Yeah, having it late January means everyone is also back at the office, ready to remedy if needed. The programmers responsible for the change have promised to not make any bugs, so we should be in the clear!

Sounds legit. No bugs then. Whatcouldpossiblygowrong.jpg
Louis deGuerre
The Dark Tribe
#14 - 2011-12-09 14:58:25 UTC
*Reserves 25-31 january schedule for looting POS modules*
CynoNet Two
GSF Logistics and Posting Reserves
Goonswarm Federation
#15 - 2011-12-09 15:02:27 UTC  |  Edited by: CynoNet Two
Thanks for letting us know this on December 9th, two weeks after everyone asked you to postpone this change. We've all really enjoyed rushing around half-filling towers with fuel blocks all week only to now have to replace with normal fuel again for another month.

**** you very much
CynoNet Two
GSF Logistics and Posting Reserves
Goonswarm Federation
#16 - 2011-12-09 15:04:03 UTC
edit: quote is not edit

but still **** you anyway
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#17 - 2011-12-09 15:04:12 UTC
CynoNet Two wrote:
Thanks for letting us know this on December 9th. I've really enjoyed rushing around half-filling towers with fuel blocks this week only to now have to replace with normal fuel again for over a month.

**** you very much

Not empty quoting.
Two step
Aperture Harmonics
#18 - 2011-12-09 15:07:04 UTC
Yeah, I am really not a fan of this, after you guys said 2 weeks after the patch the switch would happen. It is especially bad for folks in w-space, most of whom have been converting their fuel to blocks for the last week.

CSM 7 Secretary CSM 6 Alternate Delegate @two_step_eve on Twitter My Blog

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#19 - 2011-12-09 15:08:41 UTC
I bet you still haven't updated the starbase API either.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#20 - 2011-12-09 15:12:37 UTC
Nothing like having 4 days left on a deadline, only to be told that you have another month and a half.

And now you have to do twice as much work now to maintain your fuel block levels, or back them all out.

**** CCP.

BTW, considered reading anything beyond general discussion? You do have a science and industry subforum that would have been ideal for this.
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