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Crius Feedback

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Vincent Athena
#61 - 2014-07-22 13:27:20 UTC
Shaax MacGruber wrote:

are we charged after the job is completed? I installed a ton of jobs and haven't been charged anything from POS.

I installed some jobs at a station and was charged right away. About 8% of the value of the input material. I did note the bar showing me the relative cost at that facility was all the way across its window, and red, like the cost was maxed out. But it was not maxed out at 100%, it was just 8%.

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Yongtau Naskingar
Yongtau Naskingar Corporation
#62 - 2014-07-22 13:34:32 UTC
Alexsis Solette wrote:

Click count yes, but I have so many bpos/bpcs that the scroll bar is such a tiny sliver I have trouble click on it so they REALLY increased the wear on my mouse wheel :)

Use the filter, mon!

Niko Lorenzio wrote:

  • In facilities tab, arranging by a certain facility index is not really doing it's job. I'm clicking through them and the cost indexes are all over the place instead of the most expensive on top arranged down etc.

It seems to work for me, though what's annoying is that stations that don't have a facility get sorted above systems with low index

Niko Lorenzio wrote:

  • WTH is up with the cost scaling? It's high everywhere???

For anything but manufacturing, apparently. Just like before there were almost no slots available.
Hegia Rilemack Opper
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#63 - 2014-07-22 13:36:38 UTC
Starbase Reprocessing Array

I would love to see same kind of dialogbox/window open as I do when reprocessing something in station Blink
Ritual Union
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#64 - 2014-07-22 13:36:43 UTC
Retar Aveymone wrote:
The industry UI contains several crimes against humanity:


3) You can't make the giant honkin' blueprint window take up less space


This has to be the most annoying thing in this release, it affects everyone. It needs a fix, asap.Roll


Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#65 - 2014-07-22 13:37:08 UTC
Reprocessing UI is much less informative than before. It doesn't tell you base yield, tax, etc. until you try to reprocess something.

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

CSM matters, your voice matters, your vote matters!

Jacabon Mere
Capital Storm.
Out of the Blue.
#66 - 2014-07-22 13:40:45 UTC
To research a Naglfar BPO from ML 8 to ML 9 is 22.7bil is it really intended to be this high. the 108 days part is understandable, but 22bil? 22 BILLION!!!!!!

Capital Storm is recruiting Aussies for Lowsec pvp and money making. Join "Capital Storm Pub" channel ingame.

Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#67 - 2014-07-22 13:42:06 UTC
My first impressions of the new industry UI isn't exactly positive. It's slow, overly large, hardly any of it actually interacts with the user (making it's massive size even more confusing), you can't drag stuff or change stuff like you would expect. It has the look and feel of a prototype rather than a finished product.

I'm sure, like the old UI, I'll learn how to work around it's poor design in time, but I was expecting good design this time around.
Vincent Athena
#68 - 2014-07-22 13:44:19 UTC
Teams seem to be irrelevant for me.
I make starbase structures. I do not make that many, so I do not have all my slots used. Thus, a team that gives TE is of little use for me.
Most of my jobs require only one unit of the different input items. ME cannot reduce item use below one per run. Hence a team that gives ME is irrelevant.

I thought there would be teams that reduced my install cost, but apparently, no, they all increase install cost.

Know a Frozen fan? Check this out

Frozen fanfiction

Yongtau Naskingar
Yongtau Naskingar Corporation
#69 - 2014-07-22 13:45:40 UTC
Jacabon Mere wrote:
To research a Naglfar BPO from ML 8 to ML 9 is 22.7bil is it really intended to be this high. the 108 days part is understandable, but 22bil? 22 BILLION!!!!!!

Thanatos to ME 9 in station: 19B. In POS: 102M (Both in pretty high indexed system)

If yer going to do the crazy thing for high ME on caps, you need a POS.
KIller Wabbit
MEME Thoughts
#70 - 2014-07-22 13:55:09 UTC
Yongtau Naskingar wrote:
Jacabon Mere wrote:
To research a Naglfar BPO from ML 8 to ML 9 is 22.7bil is it really intended to be this high. the 108 days part is understandable, but 22bil? 22 BILLION!!!!!!

Thanatos to ME 9 in station: 19B. In POS: 102M (Both in pretty high indexed system)

If yer going to do the crazy thing for high ME on caps, you need a POS.

Yep. Put the cap BPO's out in the POS's!! Please! TwistedTwistedTwistedTwisted

CCP soooo bait and switch on this...
George Gouillot
Pandemic Horde
#71 - 2014-07-22 14:03:01 UTC
KIller Wabbit wrote:
Customs Office dialog dies when a transfer from launchpad executed.

Edit: reposted to correct thread....

Not new, had same problem since Rubicon, but it happens only occasionally.
Jacabon Mere
Capital Storm.
Out of the Blue.
#72 - 2014-07-22 14:12:24 UTC
Yongtau Naskingar wrote:
Jacabon Mere wrote:
To research a Naglfar BPO from ML 8 to ML 9 is 22.7bil is it really intended to be this high. the 108 days part is understandable, but 22bil? 22 BILLION!!!!!!

Thanatos to ME 9 in station: 19B. In POS: 102M (Both in pretty high indexed system)

If yer going to do the crazy thing for high ME on caps, you need a POS.

Yeah i checked again and it dropped to between 400 and 800 mil in station.

Capital Storm is recruiting Aussies for Lowsec pvp and money making. Join "Capital Storm Pub" channel ingame.

Jacabon Mere
Capital Storm.
Out of the Blue.
#73 - 2014-07-22 14:13:35 UTC
Also whats the logic behind the input ordering when you hover over the input arrow? alphabetical would be nice...........

Capital Storm is recruiting Aussies for Lowsec pvp and money making. Join "Capital Storm Pub" channel ingame.

Rothschild's Sewage and Septic Sucking Services
The Possum Lodge
#74 - 2014-07-22 14:18:12 UTC
Celor Ma'fer wrote:
Len Ross wrote:
SO a successful deploy of a totally bugged patch. Doesn't anyone do tests before its sent into the wild?

Got a specific point or have you just come here to be a tool?

I'm going to have to defend Len Ross on this one, seeing how they didn't put the actual release on sisi until less than a week ago, at which point it was accessible for approximately 5 minutes before it crashed out for several days until coming back online late Friday night... so you tell me how much actual testing of this patch actually made it into the released product?

It was for this very reason they switched to the 6 week release cycle so if something wasn't ready/tested, they could put it off til the next 6 week, but apparently they just didn't want to listen to any of our feedback or answer any real questions so now they get to deal with people that got hit in the face with this today (the rest of us that tried to test this only just barely got hit in the face with a few hard numbers/test circumstances Friday night).

From trying to work with this awfulness on sisi it was quite apparent that nobody at CCP actually tries to play the game to see if a change is good, bad, or just a change for the sake of change. They only care if that button does what it is supposed to do when clicked, regardless of if that click is even needed or wanted by anyone that actually plays the game.
Alexsis Solette
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#75 - 2014-07-22 14:18:21 UTC
Jacabon Mere wrote:
Yongtau Naskingar wrote:
Jacabon Mere wrote:
To research a Naglfar BPO from ML 8 to ML 9 is 22.7bil is it really intended to be this high. the 108 days part is understandable, but 22bil? 22 BILLION!!!!!!

Thanatos to ME 9 in station: 19B. In POS: 102M (Both in pretty high indexed system)

If yer going to do the crazy thing for high ME on caps, you need a POS.

Yeah i checked again and it dropped to between 400 and 800 mil in station.

I think the algorithms are still settling since they don't have any real background information on which to average the number of jobs in a system. They can't see oh this system receives 300 jobs every 24 hours. Right now they're just like oh there's 200 jobs in the 3 hours I've been logging so that must mean this system has 1.6k jobs per 24 hours.
Yongtau Naskingar
Yongtau Naskingar Corporation
#76 - 2014-07-22 14:22:09 UTC
Alexsis Solette wrote:
I think the algorithms are still settling since they don't have any real background information on which to average the number of jobs in a system. They can't see oh this system receives 300 jobs every 24 hours. Right now they're just like oh there's 200 jobs in the 3 hours I've been logging so that must mean this system has 1.6k jobs per 24 hours.

I was under the impression CCP was going to seed the algorithms with past usage?
Shade Millith
Tactical Farmers.
Pandemic Horde
#77 - 2014-07-22 14:26:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Shade Millith
Okay, after about 10 minutes of playing around, it seems as though the proposed idea of additional facilities giving bonuses in POSs seems to be scraped.


I mean, I'm not going to complain too much, because this just means that my empire industry tower is also going to be a fully fledged deathstar and pretty much impervious to assault while cranking out full production, but this seems like really bad balancing.
Brainless Bimbo
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#78 - 2014-07-22 14:31:06 UTC
Industry window........

You can hide the facilities, jobs blueprints and team area , but why the hell can you not hide the bloody action area.

The action area is not used as much in a casual way that checking jobs etc is, u lose half the screen to nothing.

Wake up and think ffs.

already dead, just havenĀ“t fallen over yet....

Veruca d'Artan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#79 - 2014-07-22 14:31:08 UTC
Veruca d'Artan wrote:
Celor Ma'fer wrote:
Veruca d'Artan wrote:
Installation costs are way out of proportion. They would be between 2 and 15% of basecosts as promised.

I'm tryint to install a job of ONE tristan (valued at 481K isk at the moment)

The install costs are 406K (in gelfiven)

That is 84% of base value!

That's insane. I was just quoted 114k for manufacturing 20 Rifters in Illuin. Have you tried closing and re-opening the UI, that has to be a glitch

after clicking around more I got a quote below 10k, but sill some POS assembly arrays are sometimes quoting around 400k for a single frigate run

It appears that when you select a BP that is in a place without assembly capability it quotes you a ridiculous price; after selecting an installation fro the facilities tab it starts quoting less annoying amounts.

PS why did you nearly quadruple building time on shuttles?
Celor Ma'fer
Jouhinen Inc
#80 - 2014-07-22 14:43:54 UTC
Shade Millith wrote:
Okay, after about 10 minutes of playing around, it seems as though the proposed idea of additional facilities giving bonuses in POSs seems to be scraped.


I mean, I'm not going to complain too much, because this just means that my empire industry tower is also going to be a fully fledged deathstar and pretty much impervious to assault while cranking out full production, but this seems like really bad balancing.

This was mentioned sneakily in here Dev Post