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Crius Feedback

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Yongtau Naskingar
Yongtau Naskingar Corporation
#21 - 2014-07-22 12:17:43 UTC
Retar Aveymone wrote:

3) You can't make the giant honkin' blueprint window take up less space if, say, you just want to check on your jobs.

+1 one for a way to hide the top part and just see the lists
Eve Faction Trade Exchange
#22 - 2014-07-22 12:18:21 UTC
I have noticed a couple of things that would be nice to get clarified.

1. I have a POS and got as many ME/TE jobs as I could running before patch. However, when I go into Jobs, the Facility column is showing the station where my Blueprints are stored and NOT my various labs. Does this mean I can take down my POS and/or remove excess labs now without having to wait for jobs to complete???

2. I used to be able to go into the Corp Blueprints tab and look in the various Corp Division hangars which I used to organise various groups. When there was a BP with the stats I wanted to take, I could Right-Click and Deliver it to my Sales Hangar or Personal Hangar. Now, when on the Blueprints tab in Industry when I Right-Click there is no Deliver option. I have many of the same print and many prints so looking in the Inventory for which one I want is very time consuming. Am I missing how to do this now or an we have Deliver option back?


Yes, we're going to die, but you're coming with us!

CCP Claymore
C C P Alliance
#23 - 2014-07-22 12:20:47 UTC
Takanuro wrote:
I have noticed a couple of things that would be nice to get clarified.

1. I have a POS and got as many ME/TE jobs as I could running before patch. However, when I go into Jobs, the Facility column is showing the station where my Blueprints are stored and NOT my various labs. Does this mean I can take down my POS and/or remove excess labs now without having to wait for jobs to complete???

2. I used to be able to go into the Corp Blueprints tab and look in the various Corp Division hangars which I used to organise various groups. When there was a BP with the stats I wanted to take, I could Right-Click and Deliver it to my Sales Hangar or Personal Hangar. Now, when on the Blueprints tab in Industry when I Right-Click there is no Deliver option. I have many of the same print and many prints so looking in the Inventory for which one I want is very time consuming. Am I missing how to do this now or an we have Deliver option back?


To part 1, were the jobs being run remotely? By this I mean, Blueprints in the station using the modules in your POS?

If that is the case, we have moved all jobs that were running remotely to the station where the blueprint was based.

Quality Assurance Analyst Team Psycho Sisters

Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#24 - 2014-07-22 12:21:16 UTC
we need a way to track teams we are bidding on, to see if we got outbid
Eve Faction Trade Exchange
#25 - 2014-07-22 12:23:44 UTC
CCP Claymore wrote:
Takanuro wrote:
I have noticed a couple of things that would be nice to get clarified.

1. I have a POS and got as many ME/TE jobs as I could running before patch. However, when I go into Jobs, the Facility column is showing the station where my Blueprints are stored and NOT my various labs. Does this mean I can take down my POS and/or remove excess labs now without having to wait for jobs to complete???

2. I used to be able to go into the Corp Blueprints tab and look in the various Corp Division hangars which I used to organise various groups. When there was a BP with the stats I wanted to take, I could Right-Click and Deliver it to my Sales Hangar or Personal Hangar. Now, when on the Blueprints tab in Industry when I Right-Click there is no Deliver option. I have many of the same print and many prints so looking in the Inventory for which one I want is very time consuming. Am I missing how to do this now or an we have Deliver option back?


To part 1, were the jobs being run remotely? By this I mean, Blueprints in the station using the modules in your POS?

If that is the case, we have moved all jobs that were running remotely to the station where the blueprint was based.

Yes all BPO were in NPC station in corp hangars and installed to remote POS. Thanks for answer will save me some fuel :)

Yes, we're going to die, but you're coming with us!

Len Ross
#26 - 2014-07-22 12:24:20 UTC
SO a successful deploy of a totally bugged patch. Doesn't anyone do tests before its sent into the wild?
Celor Ma'fer
Jouhinen Inc
#27 - 2014-07-22 12:24:24 UTC
Retar Aveymone wrote:
we need a way to track teams we are bidding on, to see if we got outbid

Mentioned earlier in the thread, but worth another +1 Big smile
KIller Wabbit
MEME Thoughts
#28 - 2014-07-22 12:25:09 UTC
How about input materials being sorted in Alpha order on the BP's??? Holy @^&!$!&
Sentient Blade
Crisis Atmosphere
Coalition of the Unfortunate
#29 - 2014-07-22 12:26:31 UTC
* The client noticeably freezes when loading the various industry tabs on a 3.6Ghz 3630, GTX 580 4GB OC with 32GB of 1600 Mhz RAM. I have many thousand of BPCs for when I was doing invention, it seems loading them all makes the client cry.

* Agree with a need to remove the giant tool at the top when I just want to view my jobs.

* The dark grey on even darker grey for the in-use blueprints is neigh unreadable. There needs to be another way to show that a blueprint is unavailable beyond giving me eye strain.

* When selecting to stop a job, the button changes to 'Confirm' but there is no cancel button. You can change the button back by clicking on another blueprint, but there needs to be an equally prominent cancel button.
Quay Industries
#30 - 2014-07-22 12:27:00 UTC
just checking at sticking 1 level of ME on an already part researched Fenrir BPO, prices range from under 1m to 51m depending on location, that I understand. However, it says time that it will take is 257d

Celor Ma'fer
Jouhinen Inc
#31 - 2014-07-22 12:27:24 UTC
Len Ross wrote:
SO a successful deploy of a totally bugged patch. Doesn't anyone do tests before its sent into the wild?

Got a specific point or have you just come here to be a tool?
Kaija Asanari
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#32 - 2014-07-22 12:34:17 UTC
Very confused about Invention jobs - how do I tell if an invention attempt is successful or not? The "Outcome" is a T2 BPC with the ME/TE values based on the decryptor used. But the "Deliver" button doesn't give me any additional information on whether I was successful or not. And if I hit it again" I get the message "The job cannot be completed as it has already completed".

I pointed this out in some feedback from the initial test server run, but Invention was broken at the time, so I didn't have a chance to re-test.
The Ironfist
Amarr Empire
#33 - 2014-07-22 12:34:41 UTC
7 month of dev time for such a pipe of sh!t amazing.. I though CCP could not possibly sink any further then incrana, I was proven wrong. -10 accounts literately not worth a single €. Most expansive subscription based game on the market yet no new content for 3 years gg.
Celor Ma'fer
Jouhinen Inc
#34 - 2014-07-22 12:38:55 UTC
Kaija Asanari wrote:
Very confused about Invention jobs - how do I tell if an invention attempt is successful or not? The "Outcome" is a T2 BPC with the ME/TE values based on the decryptor used. But the "Deliver" button doesn't give me any additional information on whether I was successful or not. And if I hit it again" I get the message "The job cannot be completed as it has already completed".

I pointed this out in some feedback from the initial test server run, but Invention was broken at the time, so I didn't have a chance to re-test.

I mentioned this earlier, it does say whether the job failed or was successful (I can only vouch for failed as all of mine did), but not obviously. As you click Deliver a red colouring scrolls across the job line and it says Failed vaguely in the background, but no other notification
Jarlhettur's Drop
United Federation of Conifers
#35 - 2014-07-22 12:39:20 UTC
I have an algos BPO that was 27 yesterday, and now it's -10 and it's showing 58 days to train to -9.

So, is it meant to do that?

( know that ME is shown in negatives now)

And all of my T2 comp BPOs are at -9 or -10 from perfect yesterday.

And somehow my T2 ship BPCs and now better researched than the BPOs they came from.
Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#36 - 2014-07-22 12:42:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Retar Aveymone
there is no indication when setting an outpost tax if it is absolute (i.e. if when I put 100% I double the job cost) or if I am setting how much of the 10% I want (i.e. 10% equals additional 1% job cost and 100% equals additional 10% job cost)

there are going to be a lot of corps that set the tax at 1% instead of 10% by accident if I am correct that it is the latter (which is very un-intuitive), and if it's the first i am going to have some angry goons at the extortionate taxes i accidentally set
Len Ross
#37 - 2014-07-22 12:42:41 UTC
Celor Ma'fer wrote:
Len Ross wrote:
SO a successful deploy of a totally bugged patch. Doesn't anyone do tests before its sent into the wild?

Got a specific point or have you just come here to be a tool?

Airing a complaint. if that's being a tool so be it. I would have been fired if I signed off and released buggy software.
Bellasarius Baxter
Zilog Enterprises
#38 - 2014-07-22 12:44:00 UTC
First observation: Pre-patch I had a perfectly researched Orca blueprint, which took quite some time.
It was at ML=6 pre-patch.
Now I have a blueprint at 9%, and am looking at 257 days of research, and 828 MILLION ISK in research cost to make it perfect again.

You guys at CCP has got to be kidding me!

It has been a great 7 years mostly, but this screw-up is simply unforgivable.

Sorry guys, you really blew it this time.
Quay Industries
#39 - 2014-07-22 12:45:11 UTC
Bellasarius Baxter wrote:
First observation: Pre-patch I had a perfectly researched Orca blueprint, which took quite some time.
It was at ML=6 pre-patch.
Now I have a blueprint at 9%, and am looking at 257 days of research, and 828 MILLION ISK in research cost to make it perfect again.

You guys at CCP has got to be kidding me!

It has been a great 7 years mostly, but this screw-up is simply unforgivable.

Sorry guys, you really blew it this time.

think the timescale is correct but not the ISK value, click on a location that offers ME research, it should then come down a bit.
Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#40 - 2014-07-22 12:45:35 UTC
Bellasarius Baxter wrote:
First observation: Pre-patch I had a perfectly researched Orca blueprint, which took quite some time.
It was at ML=6 pre-patch.
Now I have a blueprint at 9%, and am looking at 257 days of research, and 828 MILLION ISK in research cost to make it perfect again.

You guys at CCP has got to be kidding me!

It has been a great 7 years mostly, but this screw-up is simply unforgivable.

Sorry guys, you really blew it this time.

it was communicated repeatedly this was how it would work

if you'd read the threads you would have known that if you put it into research pre-patch you'd have gotten a 10% bpo back