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Audio Customization in the ESC menu

First post
CCP WhiteNoiseTrash
C C P Alliance
#41 - 2014-05-19 06:37:46 UTC
Orla- King-Griffin wrote:
I don't know what's up with this but i haven't seen anyone mention it so.

Ui @90% scaling

that's just SISI, shouldn't affect TQ once it goes there.
if this persists! on SISI, let me know. ;)

It only happens when your UI "thing" is not re-calculated, if I change the order of things or move them around a bit or change something, or make something different, or put them somewhere else ;)
It's just a mess in the code, that's all.

Bjørn Jacobsen | Deceased Audio Designer | EVE Online & EVE : Valkyrie | CCP Games | I might be slow at replying - but at least I'm bad at football.

CCP WhiteNoiseTrash
C C P Alliance
#42 - 2014-05-19 06:38:22 UTC
Nicen Jehr wrote:
Solhild wrote:
I'm also highly entertained by the Dev's posting style. This will enhance my forum lurking immeasurablyCool

btw I was the guy with the bandanna who attended fanfest audio roundtable and waved hi at the office on Monday morning after Fanfest :)

Hey man.
yea it was epic, you were a lot of my roundtables :D

Spider Cardboard ;)

Bjørn Jacobsen | Deceased Audio Designer | EVE Online & EVE : Valkyrie | CCP Games | I might be slow at replying - but at least I'm bad at football.

Orla- King-Griffin
#43 - 2014-05-19 09:52:18 UTC
CCP WhiteNoiseTrash wrote:
Orla- King-Griffin wrote:
I don't know what's up with this but i haven't seen anyone mention it so.

Ui @90% scaling

that's just SISI, shouldn't affect TQ once it goes there.
if this persists! on SISI, let me know. ;)

It only happens when your UI "thing" is not re-calculated, if I change the order of things or move them around a bit or change something, or make something different, or put them somewhere else ;)
It's just a mess in the code, that's all.

Grand soBig smile

Ah shite...

Ariel Rin
Tactically Challenged
The Initiative.
#44 - 2014-05-19 12:55:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Ariel Rin
WNT, thanks bro, seriously....

But on the note of sound Audio - > Inactive client sound

It was originally checked, but with the options greyed out, i had to uncheck and recheck it, not sure if relevant - didn't reoccur after client reopen

And on a slightly, less experience note, not all of the descriptions are exactly clear, what falls under a turret fire, what falls under a module, what falls under a impact vs a explosion.

Are mining lasers a turret or module? is it limited to my modules, or will it mute incoming gunshots and other situations that aren't exactly clear - or for that matter might want to be tuned further.

I run 6 clients, and I'm a scrub, I'm honestly terrible at EVE, so there are those of us that exist! - the first step is admitting the problem

i do like how concise the options are, but perhaps a tool-tip (invasions of the tool-tip) would help clarify some situations

Ariel Rin

Creator and Manager of EVE Meet, for notification and sharing of out of game meets.

Twitter - Ariel Rin - EVE Meet

CCP WhiteNoiseTrash
C C P Alliance
#45 - 2014-05-20 06:37:18 UTC
Ariel Rin wrote:
WNT, thanks bro, seriously....

But on the note of sound Audio - > Inactive client sound

It was originally checked, but with the options greyed out, i had to uncheck and recheck it, not sure if relevant - didn't reoccur after client reopen

And on a slightly, less experience note, not all of the descriptions are exactly clear, what falls under a turret fire, what falls under a module, what falls under a impact vs a explosion.

Are mining lasers a turret or module? is it limited to my modules, or will it mute incoming gunshots and other situations that aren't exactly clear - or for that matter might want to be tuned further.

I run 6 clients, and I'm a scrub, I'm honestly terrible at EVE, so there are those of us that exist! - the first step is admitting the problem

i do like how concise the options are, but perhaps a tool-tip (invasions of the tool-tip) would help clarify some situations

Toolstips and a very explanatory dev blog is in the making, as I knew this specific thing would become "a thing" :)
The greyed out part is being worked on by a programmer here, trying to figure out why client doesn't remember the setting, so it should be fixed for release.

I don't have access to the project right now, so if what I know say is wrong, don't get mad:
Turrets, are basically "anything" that can be attached to high power slots, so a mining laser is a turret, but a cloaking device is a module. just like shield hardeners and so on.

you can think of it as if the thing fires something, then it's a turret. if not, it's a module. but that leaves NOS in the middle and it's still a module.

Basically, Turrets are the sound of what you fire away.
Impacts are what hits you or others.
Explosions are whenever something explodes.

So for every turret sound, there is an impact sound, it's just depending on if your turrets hits or misses the target that's relevant.
They have two different sliders for a few reasons. A. you can turn down your turrets, B. you can still hear when you are getting shot at and hit.

Bjørn Jacobsen | Deceased Audio Designer | EVE Online & EVE : Valkyrie | CCP Games | I might be slow at replying - but at least I'm bad at football.

Ariel Rin
Tactically Challenged
The Initiative.
#46 - 2014-05-20 06:53:48 UTC
That actually clarifies it in my mind for the future, and glad to see its something being worked on and still expanded

thanks again, looking forward to the TQ implementation

come to evedownunder and we will all celebrate 'splody noises and making eve have no sound

Ariel Rin

Creator and Manager of EVE Meet, for notification and sharing of out of game meets.

Twitter - Ariel Rin - EVE Meet

Global Telstar Federation Offices
Masters of Flying Objects
#47 - 2014-05-21 01:55:09 UTC
CCP WhiteNoiseTrash wrote:
Orla- King-Griffin wrote:
I don't know what's up with this but i haven't seen anyone mention it so.

Ui @90% scaling

that's just SISI, shouldn't affect TQ once it goes there.
if this persists! on SISI, let me know. ;)

It only happens when your UI "thing" is not re-calculated, if I change the order of things or move them around a bit or change something, or make something different, or put them somewhere else ;)
It's just a mess in the code, that's all.

Still persisting for lines 8,9,10 of the Advanced auto menu.

If i dont know something about EVE. I check

See you around the universe.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#48 - 2014-05-21 19:48:51 UTC
I'm sorta missing a slider to move all of them at the same time so i can silence a lot of things and louden up specifics, unless thats already possible.
Erin Crawford
#49 - 2014-05-22 09:25:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Erin Crawford
Just thought the following made some good points about the audio for the new warp effects and having an audio slider just for that and so we can make it louder!
Big smile

Solhild wrote:
The effect is really cool, was warping a couple of characters to and from each other repeatedly earlier on.
My feedback is:
Would like the effect to kick in sooner and to be bigger/louder
Make the warp in effect more like the trailer so that ships appear to come in faster then brake very sharply
Have a separate slider for warp in audio so I can make it LOUD Lol
So far, this is my favourite thing about the new expansion, really looking forward to seeing a fleet land on grid Shocked

Jessica Danikov wrote:
Definitely one of the best non-things (functionally it does little) in this release.

Even if it doesn't get it's own slider, it'd be nice if the sound guys or some diligent person could work out which slider corresponds to the effect sounds- I too find them a little quiet amongst the rest of the game hubbub (although perhaps that's somewhat to do with the location of the sounds- naturally people warping in are spatially distant).

If people want first-person effects, I wouldn't expect the exact same effect on my own ship but something that connects with the experience others are having (so some kind of effect that snaps/thuds at the same time). That doesn't seem planned with this iteration so just food for future thought.

"Those who talk don’t know. Those who know don’t talk. "

Bo Rothrock
Gallente Federation
#50 - 2014-05-22 17:01:24 UTC
Hi there,

I have my computer plugged in to two TVs via HDMI. As such, my computer sees each TV as a sound device. I can currently set all my sound to come from one sound device (TV) or the other in Windows, but what I would love to see would be the ability to individualize the sound output for each client to a different sound device. This would allow me to hear wormhole fire, shield alarms, etc from an appropriate direction and help tell me which of my clients is in distress. Now, this option already exists for Eve Voice. Is the code similar enough to allow for the option exist for all sound output?
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#51 - 2014-05-22 19:23:39 UTC
I hope there will be a devblog explaining a bit more in depth of what does what,

For instance which slider lowers the volume of sensor boosters, tracking computers and shield/armor hardeners, just to name a few common modules that are running all the time.
Amarr Empire
#52 - 2014-05-25 18:46:52 UTC
Haven't listened to sound since I started playing this game many years ago. Maybe I'll turn it on this time.

Yeah right! Who am I fooling? I'll still keep it off.
CCP WhiteNoiseTrash
C C P Alliance
#53 - 2014-05-27 12:14:03 UTC
Salpun wrote:
CCP WhiteNoiseTrash wrote:
Orla- King-Griffin wrote:
I don't know what's up with this but i haven't seen anyone mention it so.

Ui @90% scaling

that's just SISI, shouldn't affect TQ once it goes there.
if this persists! on SISI, let me know. ;)

It only happens when your UI "thing" is not re-calculated, if I change the order of things or move them around a bit or change something, or make something different, or put them somewhere else ;)
It's just a mess in the code, that's all.

Still persisting for lines 8,9,10 of the Advanced auto menu.

yea, I found the bug :D
took a while ;)

but it should be fixed on next update and for sure on TQ on the 3rd..

Bjørn Jacobsen | Deceased Audio Designer | EVE Online & EVE : Valkyrie | CCP Games | I might be slow at replying - but at least I'm bad at football.

CCP WhiteNoiseTrash
C C P Alliance
#54 - 2014-05-27 12:14:36 UTC
bassie12bf1 wrote:
I'm sorta missing a slider to move all of them at the same time so i can silence a lot of things and louden up specifics, unless thats already possible.

It's thought of. but it won't be done for now.

Bjørn Jacobsen | Deceased Audio Designer | EVE Online & EVE : Valkyrie | CCP Games | I might be slow at replying - but at least I'm bad at football.

CCP WhiteNoiseTrash
C C P Alliance
#55 - 2014-05-27 12:16:26 UTC
Bo Rothrock wrote:
Hi there,

I have my computer plugged in to two TVs via HDMI. As such, my computer sees each TV as a sound device. I can currently set all my sound to come from one sound device (TV) or the other in Windows, but what I would love to see would be the ability to individualize the sound output for each client to a different sound device. This would allow me to hear wormhole fire, shield alarms, etc from an appropriate direction and help tell me which of my clients is in distress. Now, this option already exists for Eve Voice. Is the code similar enough to allow for the option exist for all sound output?

Yea. I would like that too.
the issue is the sound engine being used. I don't know if it can route like that or if it's forced to use your windows default output.

I'll look into it. it's a good idea if running multiple clients, with one on each monitor with separate speakers.

Bjørn Jacobsen | Deceased Audio Designer | EVE Online & EVE : Valkyrie | CCP Games | I might be slow at replying - but at least I'm bad at football.

Dav Varan
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#56 - 2014-05-27 13:12:30 UTC
If I have 3 accounts and 9 characters how many times am I going to have to setup my sound preferences for a consistent experience ?
CCP WhiteNoiseTrash
C C P Alliance
#57 - 2014-05-27 18:57:00 UTC
Dav Varan wrote:
If I have 3 accounts and 9 characters how many times am I going to have to setup my sound preferences for a consistent experience ?

three times.
I honestly don't remember right off my head if it's set to be saved as per. account or per. character. but pretty sure it's per account.

Which I would like to change at some point, as you might have different priorities with different chars, depending on their use.

Bjørn Jacobsen | Deceased Audio Designer | EVE Online & EVE : Valkyrie | CCP Games | I might be slow at replying - but at least I'm bad at football.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#58 - 2014-05-29 17:42:41 UTC
Is there a full ore hold sound?

Blessed is the man who has nothing to say and remain silent yet!!

CCP WhiteNoiseTrash
C C P Alliance
#59 - 2014-05-29 22:27:38 UTC
AgentMaster wrote:
Is there a full ore hold sound?

not yet.
will come soon.. promise.

Bjørn Jacobsen | Deceased Audio Designer | EVE Online & EVE : Valkyrie | CCP Games | I might be slow at replying - but at least I'm bad at football.

CCP WhiteNoiseTrash
C C P Alliance
#60 - 2014-05-29 22:27:44 UTC
ok, Quick update.. it's really late and I have been at the office for 12 hours now.

Because of all the feedback here and comments and opinions given and my own thoughts after having seen this in action. I have made a few last minute changes to this.

and I'll reply to all the replies since my last post later (as they are a quite a few, but I was just too busy with this today - as I got into excitement mode while working on it - and you don't interrupt excitement mode)

1. The ability to INCREASE the volume has now been added.
this was an option mentioned by many, so it is now made so that all the sliders start in the middle and you can lower it completely or mash it to the right, giving it a 6 dB increase in volume.

have in mind that this is on your own risk! not saying that it will blow your speakers to oblivion, but the mix might go slightly over 0 dBFS which you don't want of course. (the option of just limiting and compressing this is the easy way out, but for now this is put in for you to control yourself)

2. The ability to change the volume of dungeon music, separate from general music has been added.

3. Inactive client volume is now called "inactive client muting" to clear some of the misunderstandings about this and the counter intuitive meaning of the checkboxes.

4. the 3rd party warp effect, the new flash and boom you hear, has been added to the list - it was magically gone missing before. and we can't have magic in our game.

That's it... :)
The sliders being in the middle, does on the other hand force the values back to the default value when you turn the system on and off, so you may experience a change in loudness when turning this on and off, so have that in mind if you turn a lot of stuff down and suddenly turn off the system ..

Cheeererio ;)
-CCP WNT . .. and I shall go watch some hockey now!

Bjørn Jacobsen | Deceased Audio Designer | EVE Online & EVE : Valkyrie | CCP Games | I might be slow at replying - but at least I'm bad at football.