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Team Avatar and the future of our prototype

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Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#3841 - 2014-05-07 04:17:39 UTC
I have a feeling that Walking in Trailers is going to be the extent of what we see at least until the current development arc is finished, riding new star bases, corporation management, industry and sovereignty to player-built star gates.

And while the latest trailer is riveting and epic, I'm somewhat worried that the trailers have become more and more aspirational and less and less like the actual game.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#3842 - 2014-05-07 04:26:17 UTC
Dersen Lowery wrote:
I have a feeling that Walking in Trailers is going to be the extent of what we see at least until the current development arc is finished, riding new star bases, corporation management, industry and sovereignty to player-built star gates.

And while the latest trailer is riveting and epic, I'm somewhat worried that the trailers have become more and more aspirational and less and less like the actual game.


I got news for you, the trailers haven't been representative of game play for a LONG time.

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Naomi Hale
#3843 - 2014-05-07 06:00:13 UTC
Dersen Lowery wrote:
I have a feeling that Walking in Trailers is going to be the extent of what we see at least until the current development arc is finished, riding new star bases, corporation management, industry and sovereignty to player-built star gates.

And while the latest trailer is riveting and epic, I'm somewhat worried that the trailers have become more and more aspirational and less and less like the actual game.

But with the new six week update system we could see small aditions to avatar gameplay, a lot of the current and planned updates are more on the programming/ui side of things which frees up the art department. That said there are several new ship models for Kronos and then art for Valkyrie and Legion to work on... damn, they are busy actually.

I'm Naomi Hale and this is my favourite thread on the forums.

Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#3844 - 2014-05-07 18:20:23 UTC
Doc: Point conceded. I'm reminded of that huge industrial alliance that some guy in a Widow pissed off...

Naomi Hale wrote:
But with the new six week update system we could see small aditions to avatar gameplay, a lot of the current and planned updates are more on the programming/ui side of things which frees up the art department. That said there are several new ship models for Kronos and then art for Valkyrie and Legion to work on... damn, they are busy actually.

Yeah, the thing about avatar gameplay is that it really is another game in terms of its scope, and it's not something that CCP can get wrong again. CCP should probably get Valkyrie out the door first, and either get Legion up and running or decide that it isn't feasible (with any luck, before they've wasted eight years on it, and preferably without enraging more of their customers), and get EVE patched up, looking good and running well before they can reasonably commit the manpower and time necessary to make it a meaningful expansion to the universe. If they want to, say, finish the character creator, or maybe tweak something here or there, or add assets, that would be nice.

It sounds like CCP Veritas' team is doing great work, the art team is really starting to deliver on the promise of V3, the industry rebalance is disruptive, necessarily, but it seems to be well thought through, and I'm greatly heartened by what I've read about CCP Rise's presentation on the new player experience under development... so I'm optimistic about the game generally. If it's good enough to distract me from my beloved avatars for a few more years, that'll do.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

#3845 - 2014-05-10 03:33:18 UTC
Does legion satisfy the WiS fans?
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3846 - 2014-05-10 07:01:33 UTC
Flamespar wrote:
Does legion satisfy the WiS fans?

No because it doesn't have dance emotes.

EVE is a game about spaceships and there's an enormous amount of work to do on the in-space gameplay before players (or developers) are ready to sacrifice it for a totally new type of gameplay - CCP Rise

Beofryn Sedorak
#3847 - 2014-05-10 07:36:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Beofryn Sedorak
Flamespar wrote:
Does legion satisfy the WiS fans?

I believe it's enough to keep many of them content, not satisfied.

A lot of the people that want avatar based gameplay are looking for more traditional social, or adventure mmo type game play.

I agree with Dersen Lowery in that WiS probably needs it's own product to tack onto the EVE product line to really do it right. I also could see Legion becoming the vessel the WiS gameplay get's built into. It's already mountains ahead of EVE or Valkyrie in term of similarities in player/game interaction. Once CCP get's the combat stuff down and is looking to expand game play experiences within Legion, it may be that adding (non-)combat (High sec vs low/null) station environments that provide social interaction while not on the planets might happen.

They've already stated they want you to be able to use one character for all three games at some point in the future. They've also expressed that "There's a powerful idea here, we haven't forgotten about it" (CCP Pockethulhu in regards to social game play "Behind the door"). While there are some that view anything that doesn't stroke their ego or satiate their bloodlust, or that brings anyone joy when they're trying to inflict misery upon others is a terrible idea, CCP is smart enough to ignore them and realize the importance and significance a bridge like a common station environment for everyone from all 3 games to directly interact in real time will have on the EVE Universe. One of the biggest benefits of tieing the three games into the same IP so strongly is that you will be able to Invest in all 3 games at the same time regardless of which one you feel like playing. Another big benefit is the "Cross pollination" someone that likes FPS but wouldn't ever otherwise consider trying out a spaceship MMO based on spreadsheets might now try it because it's directly related to their boots on the ground game play. EVE players will get to see if they actually want to dogfight (many say they do, but I'm sure not 100% of them will actually enjoy it :p). MOST importantly, When someone gets a little bored with one of the gameplay mechanics and decides to play a different game for a bit, There's a very strong encouragement fo that game to be one of the other CCP titles. All of these things can have significant impact on the stability and growth of CCP for many many years.

You can make all the terrible jokes about "Wizrds in space" or "Emoting in stations", Fortunately for the rest of us, Your vocal minority doesn't by itself have any actual impact on the business decisions that CCP make. They make their decisions on things mature people evaluate, Product viability, Market reception, Demographic saturation (And a million other things). They have a TON of experience in making games, You can toss some of the mistakes they've made on a pole and parade them around, But you can't deny that CCP has succesfully made a game that makes you irrationally passionate about things to the point that you'll make a fool of yourself repeatedly with the same repetitious garbage over and over and over again all because someone else is interested in something that you're not. If you want to talk about what would be bad things for CCP to do, it would be to base their decisions on the opinions of vocal minority's and nay sayers instead of rational thought and evaluation of detailed market analysis that we as non CCP employees aren't privy to.

But in all honesty, If the idea of WiS annoys you so much, You probably shouldn't spend so much time engrossing yourself in it's community. Just sayin it's kind of like intentionally torturing yourself.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3848 - 2014-05-10 07:56:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Rhes
Beofryn Sedorak wrote:
But you can't deny that CCP has succesfully made a game that makes you irrationally passionate about things to the point that you'll make a fool of yourself repeatedly with the same repetitious garbage over and over and over again all because someone else is interested in something that you're not.

Just to clarify, CCP has successfully made a spaceship game that we are passionate about. They have yet to successfully produce anything else.

Beofryn Sedorak wrote:
But in all honesty, If the idea of WiS annoys you so much, You probably shouldn't spend so much time engrossing yourself in it's community. Just sayin it's kind of like intentionally torturing yourself.

There isn't a WiS community. There are a small handful of roleplayer trolls who won't let it go.

EVE is a game about spaceships and there's an enormous amount of work to do on the in-space gameplay before players (or developers) are ready to sacrifice it for a totally new type of gameplay - CCP Rise

Beofryn Sedorak
#3849 - 2014-05-10 07:59:51 UTC
Rhes wrote:
Just to clarify, CCP has successfully made a spaceship game that we are passionate about. They have yet to successfully produce anything else.

Thanks for clearing that up, I must have been crazy to think that all the outcry from the Dust community when legion was announced and would likely kill dust was born out of passion for something other than internet spaceships. I'd be lost without your infinite wisdom, insight, and guidance.

Man that was hard to say with a straight face! xD
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3850 - 2014-05-10 08:00:56 UTC
Beofryn Sedorak wrote:
Rhes wrote:
Just to clarify, CCP has successfully made a spaceship game that we are passionate about. They have yet to successfully produce anything else.

Thanks for clearing that up, I must have been crazy to think that all the outcry from the Dust community when legion was announced and would likely kill dust was born out of passion for something other than internet spaceships. I'd be lost without your infinite wisdom, insight, and guidance.

Man that was hard to say with a straight face! xD

Haha you think Dust is a successful game. Again, just like with the WiS fetishists, you're letting a small group of vocal players trick you into thinking there is a large group behind them.

EVE is a game about spaceships and there's an enormous amount of work to do on the in-space gameplay before players (or developers) are ready to sacrifice it for a totally new type of gameplay - CCP Rise

Solecist Project's Alt
#3851 - 2014-05-10 08:05:15 UTC
Rhes wrote:
Beofryn Sedorak wrote:
Rhes wrote:
Just to clarify, CCP has successfully made a spaceship game that we are passionate about. They have yet to successfully produce anything else.

Thanks for clearing that up, I must have been crazy to think that all the outcry from the Dust community when legion was announced and would likely kill dust was born out of passion for something other than internet spaceships. I'd be lost without your infinite wisdom, insight, and guidance.

Man that was hard to say with a straight face! xD

Haha you think Dust is a successful game. Again, just like with the WiS fetishists, you're letting a small group of vocal players trick you into thinking there is a large group behind them.

According to those who understand the financial report from CCP,
DUST is profitable, thus it's successfull.

Your opinion on the matter is irrelevant.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3852 - 2014-05-10 08:09:17 UTC
Solecist Project's Alt wrote:
Rhes wrote:
Beofryn Sedorak wrote:
Rhes wrote:
Just to clarify, CCP has successfully made a spaceship game that we are passionate about. They have yet to successfully produce anything else.

Thanks for clearing that up, I must have been crazy to think that all the outcry from the Dust community when legion was announced and would likely kill dust was born out of passion for something other than internet spaceships. I'd be lost without your infinite wisdom, insight, and guidance.

Man that was hard to say with a straight face! xD

Haha you think Dust is a successful game. Again, just like with the WiS fetishists, you're letting a small group of vocal players trick you into thinking there is a large group behind them.

According to those who understand the financial report from CCP,
DUST is profitable, thus it's successfull.

Your opinion on the matter is irrelevant.

If it was successful they would be working overtime to port it to PS4.

EVE is a game about spaceships and there's an enormous amount of work to do on the in-space gameplay before players (or developers) are ready to sacrifice it for a totally new type of gameplay - CCP Rise

Beofryn Sedorak
#3853 - 2014-05-10 08:13:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Beofryn Sedorak
Rhes wrote:
Beofryn Sedorak wrote:
Rhes wrote:
Just to clarify, CCP has successfully made a spaceship game that we are passionate about. They have yet to successfully produce anything else.

Thanks for clearing that up, I must have been crazy to think that all the outcry from the Dust community when legion was announced and would likely kill dust was born out of passion for something other than internet spaceships. I'd be lost without your infinite wisdom, insight, and guidance.

Man that was hard to say with a straight face! xD

Haha you think Dust is a successful game. Again, just like with the WiS fetishists, you're letting a small group of vocal players trick you into thinking there is a large group behind them.

I very much so believe Dust is and will be a successful game. Success isn't only defined in terms of current users, it's also a measure of potential value, something Legion and Valkyrie are in no short supply of. if you look at how EVE has grown over the years, CCP is much more interested in the long term rather than Unsustainable explosive growth in a short time frame that sputters out after a year or two. They focus on building foundations and iterating upon them. This has been going on since EVE was released, It will continue happening for many many years to come.

I'm not surprised that you choose to be ignorant of such things as if true they would destroy your careful little pedestal you prop yourself up on. In the same way I don't allow your misguided hubris to affect my opinion, My belief in this doesn't stem from the voices of the tiny percentage of players of CCP games that actually know the forums exist. My belief that it is an inevitable future comes from trends in the social media consumption, Trends in game developments, failed and successful pioneering into wider ranges and styles of game play over many many years by countless game companies. But the most interesting thing is watching how threatened you feel over it and how desperate you are to put a lid on it before anyone should ever try it. Your actions speak far louder than your words do.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3854 - 2014-05-10 08:18:20 UTC
Beofryn Sedorak wrote:
CCP is much more interested in the long term rather than Unsustainable explosive growth in a short time frame that sputters out after a year or two.

This is hilarious considering the only reason CCP is now like this is because of the summer of rage. Which was caused by WiS.

EVE is a game about spaceships and there's an enormous amount of work to do on the in-space gameplay before players (or developers) are ready to sacrifice it for a totally new type of gameplay - CCP Rise

Beofryn Sedorak
#3855 - 2014-05-10 08:23:45 UTC
Rhes wrote:
Beofryn Sedorak wrote:
CCP is much more interested in the long term rather than Unsustainable explosive growth in a short time frame that sputters out after a year or two.

This is hilarious considering the only reason CCP is now like this is because of the summer of rage. Which was caused by WiS.

Summer of rage was caused by greed and neglected development on sapceships to satisfy that greed. Not because WiS existed. It is possible to work on other things at the same time they're working on spaceships. I'm surprised you haven't picked up on this despite it being explained to you over and over again. Makes me worry about you.
Solecist Project's Alt
#3856 - 2014-05-10 08:24:31 UTC
If it was successful they would be working overtime to port it to PS4.
You have no insight in business decisions and your response to my post is irrelevant to the context.

You think opinions matter more than hard facts?
Or do you think the financial report is a hoax?

Fine then. Considering the fact that 90% of your posts are biased crap
and full of negativity towards others, I guess it's pointless to try to talk to you.

I'm not really willing to deal with weak minds like yours right now.

*sips chai latte*

Maniacal Miners INC
The Legends In The Game
#3857 - 2014-05-10 08:25:20 UTC
It only makes sense that the next and the only new project is going to be about exploration of the Universe from person's perspective. Exploration of the world that is out there.
Solecist Project's Alt
#3858 - 2014-05-10 08:26:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Solecist Project's Alt
Beofryn Sedorak wrote:
Rhes wrote:
Beofryn Sedorak wrote:
CCP is much more interested in the long term rather than Unsustainable explosive growth in a short time frame that sputters out after a year or two.

This is hilarious considering the only reason CCP is now like this is because of the summer of rage. Which was caused by WiS.

Summer of rage was caused by greed and neglected development on sapceships to satisfy that greed. Not because WiS existed. It is possible to work on other things at the same time they're working on spaceships. I'm surprised you haven't picked up on this despite it being explained to you over and over again. Makes me worry about you.
Argueing with weak minded people only drags you down to their level.

Negativity can be contagious.

I suggest withdrawing attention from him,
because being ignored is the least he wants to be.

He will, of course, prominently display how he doesn't care.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3859 - 2014-05-10 08:39:22 UTC
Beofryn Sedorak wrote:
neglected development on sapceships.

This is the first thing you've gotten right.

EVE is a game about spaceships and there's an enormous amount of work to do on the in-space gameplay before players (or developers) are ready to sacrifice it for a totally new type of gameplay - CCP Rise

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3860 - 2014-05-10 08:45:38 UTC
Solecist Project's Alt wrote:
Argueing with weak minded people only drags you down to their level.

It's too bad you people can't discuss this without resorting to personal insults which just causes ISD to butcher the threads.

EVE is a game about spaceships and there's an enormous amount of work to do on the in-space gameplay before players (or developers) are ready to sacrifice it for a totally new type of gameplay - CCP Rise