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Crime & Punishment

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Miner Bumping, Ganking and the activities of James 315 and the New Order of Highsec.

First post
Maxmillian Rokatansky
#321 - 2014-04-11 15:20:54 UTC
No you still got me all wrong mate, I'm the "he ripped of a childrens magazine for one of the sections of his code" guy.
I think that Goofus and Gallant is still a regular feature in Hi-lights magazine but I'm not sure.
Now if James came up with that idea first then he is one radical old timer playin internet spaceships because Highlights came out in the 1940's. If that is truly the case I apologize for all the comments about only logging in for ten minutes a day. I realize he must be very busy indeed with matlock reruns and eating dinner at 4 pm.
Eagle's Talon's
#322 - 2014-04-11 23:38:08 UTC
Is GoonSwarm still around?

I thought they would have broken up by now into smaller clans so that the local Goon Masters would have reign over a particular sector of space.

Empires rise and empires matter how large an empire will always fall with a grandeur that was twice its rising.
Clara Pond
Never Not Snazzy
#323 - 2014-04-12 00:19:49 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
Is GoonSwarm still around?
I thought they would have broken up by now into smaller clans so that the local Goon Masters would have reign over a particular sector of space.

Mr Bennington is a recent beneficiary of Code enforcement in Derelik. It's possible that his clone transfer didn't work 100% correctly, causing the above muddled thoughts. Let's all try to be understanding.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#324 - 2014-04-12 00:24:01 UTC
Maxmillian Rokatansky wrote:
No you still got me all wrong mate, I'm the "he ripped of a childrens magazine for one of the sections of his code" guy.
I think that Goofus and Gallant is still a regular feature in Hi-lights magazine but I'm not sure.
Now if James came up with that idea first then he is one radical old timer playin internet spaceships because Highlights came out in the 1940's. If that is truly the case I apologize for all the comments about only logging in for ten minutes a day. I realize he must be very busy indeed with matlock reruns and eating dinner at 4 pm.

... that's it? That's your "gotcha!"?

A parody of a comic strip?


"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#325 - 2014-04-12 00:43:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Leto Thule
Came back to read anti-code rebuke. Found only a vague reference to old magazines and more inane rambling.

Left sorely dissapointed.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Maxmillian Rokatansky
#326 - 2014-04-12 01:06:12 UTC
That ok mate, sometimes if you're having trouble keeping up it might be a good idea to go back a few pages and re-read some of the posts. I was responding to Malcoms last post and if you click on the link he has in there it might help clear things up. Besides
that I not sure what you or that Kaaro fellow have to do with my invitation to the MB channel. Are you guys with CODE or are you just cheerleaders and hang-arounds?
Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#327 - 2014-04-12 04:14:14 UTC
Pretty sure your the one who needs to go back and read mate. This thread isn't about your lame chat invite.

I'm not involved with NO on a personal basis, but I support them, and any other content providers.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Capt Starfox
Goonswarm Federation
#328 - 2014-04-12 06:12:54 UTC
Maxmillian Rokatansky wrote:
You seem to be missing the point here or you are really good at the classic technique of puttin the spin on it.
It doesnt take much at all to get banned from the MB channel especially if you happen to catch James online while poking holes in the logic of his beloved CODE. My other character was kicked after he threatened to show chat logs of one of your members acting very unCODE-like in local, This included some very foul language which I had previously never encountered before from a CODE agent. Even more surprising was a tear filled rant that included every square from a miner bingo card after your member had lost a ship. Naturally said member didnt want any of this information to be presented to his agent friends and he had my gank alt kicked after I called him on his behaviour.

If you look through the previous posts you will see I was responding to your ivitation to come to the MB channel and have "conversations". I dont want or need to join you. My associates and I are allready bumping and ganking miners. They just happen to have mining permits and pledges of support in their bio's.

The reactions of your agents to our actions have been quite varied.
Some think its great.
Some deny it is even happening despite being provided with the KM's.
One of your corps even declared war after we ganked a few permit holders in their area.
They learned two things that you think would have allready been evident to a New Order corp:
War deccing doesnt really combat suicide ganking.
Its very easy to lose a war when your foe uses the techniques pionerred by James 315.
Our guy didnt even have to shed the corp and restart it. After being down 50 mil the New Order corp must have realized
the folly in war deccing a one man corp with a -5 gank alt.

More power to you for ganking Miners, even if they are Code miners. As I've said before, if you are able to gank a miner, then that miner was not paying attention and deserved it.

I'm assuming you were kicked for joining the channel and starting arguments with people. If this is the case, in the future when you're in a channel, or in RL, try to be a bit more classy next time.

This is the part where I tell you that you haven't done enough research. Agents can talk to miners the way they perceive will best represent the Code. This is not a new thing and has been around for well over a year now; in fact, I believe it's around 2 years now. So, complaining about how the Code is wrong because of an Agent acting in a way that you would disagree with is irrelevant.

Furthermore, I don't believe you have chat logs. And even if you do, I bet they're doctored. I've already seen chat logs where pieces of information where removed in order to make the "rebels" look better.

Which is great, really. You guys are reaching and grabbing at straws, or anything for that matter that you believe could, sort of, maybe support your claims. But, once you have to start changing words around, or deleting them entirely, or simply not including them, we've already won.

In fact, think about it this way: You're doing exactly what we want you to be doing.

Thank you.

Abandon all hope ye who x up in fleet

Maxmillian Rokatansky
#329 - 2014-04-12 16:44:57 UTC
Capt Starfox wrote:
Maxmillian Rokatansky wrote:
You seem to be missing the point here or you are really good at the classic technique of puttin the spin on it.
It doesnt take much at all to get banned from the MB channel especially if you happen to catch James online while poking holes in the logic of his beloved CODE. My other character was kicked after he threatened to show chat logs of one of your members acting very unCODE-like in local, This included some very foul language which I had previously never encountered before from a CODE agent. Even more surprising was a tear filled rant that included every square from a miner bingo card after your member had lost a ship. Naturally said member didnt want any of this information to be presented to his agent friends and he had my gank alt kicked after I called him on his behaviour.

If you look through the previous posts you will see I was responding to your ivitation to come to the MB channel and have "conversations". I dont want or need to join you. My associates and I are allready bumping and ganking miners. They just happen to have mining permits and pledges of support in their bio's.

The reactions of your agents to our actions have been quite varied.
Some think its great.
Some deny it is even happening despite being provided with the KM's.
One of your corps even declared war after we ganked a few permit holders in their area.
They learned two things that you think would have allready been evident to a New Order corp:
War deccing doesnt really combat suicide ganking.
Its very easy to lose a war when your foe uses the techniques pionerred by James 315.
Our guy didnt even have to shed the corp and restart it. After being down 50 mil the New Order corp must have realized
the folly in war deccing a one man corp with a -5 gank alt.

More power to you for ganking Miners, even if they are Code miners. As I've said before, if you are able to gank a miner, then that miner was not paying attention and deserved it.

I'm assuming you were kicked for joining the channel and starting arguments with people. If this is the case, in the future when you're in a channel, or in RL, try to be a bit more classy next time.

This is the part where I tell you that you haven't done enough research. Agents can talk to miners the way they perceive will best represent the Code. This is not a new thing and has been around for well over a year now; in fact, I believe it's around 2 years now. So, complaining about how the Code is wrong because of an Agent acting in a way that you would disagree with is irrelevant.

Furthermore, I don't believe you have chat logs. And even if you do, I bet they're doctored. I've already seen chat logs where pieces of information where removed in order to make the "rebels" look better.

Which is great, really. You guys are reaching and grabbing at straws, or anything for that matter that you believe could, sort of, maybe support your claims. But, once you have to start changing words around, or deleting them entirely, or simply not including them, we've already won.

In fact, think about it this way: You're doing exactly what we want you to be doing.

Thank you.

As I stated before in this thread, I was kicked from your channel for for posting contrary ideas about your CODE while James was online and was kicked immediately. Wasnt argueing or being unpolite. What is it with you guys telling people how to how to behave in RL. Whats that have to do with internet spaceships? James does the same thing in many of his minerbumping blog posts. If anyone in this game needs to worry about RL behavior it is probably the person who celebrates being the villain but still trys to make it seem noble and honorable.

As for chatlogs, James uses them alot in his blog, sometimes its screen shots and sometimes not, I wonder if any of those are doctored.

So, lets make this simple. Maybe I have been confused. If the CODE is a living breathing document like James describes then it might be considered to be difficult to understand for a simple internet spaceship guy like myself.
Hopefully an esteemed agent of the CODE will help me with this inquiry:
1. Is foul language in local prohibited by the CODE?
2. Are CODE agents required to follow the CODE?
These questions are worded very simply and should not be to difficult for a veteren CODE represenative.
They could even be considered to be yes or no questions.
I eagerly await your response and in the meantime I shall attempt to become more classy.
La Rynx
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#330 - 2014-04-12 17:56:35 UTC  |  Edited by: La Rynx
Capt Starfox wrote:

I'm assuming you were kicked for joining the channel and starting arguments with people. If this is the case, in the future when you're in a channel, or in RL, try to be a bit more classy next time.

So you assume. Thats not very gallant.

Capt Starfox wrote:

This is the part where I tell you that you haven't done enough research. Agents can talk to miners the way they perceive will best represent the Code. This is not a new thing and has been around for well over a year now; in fact, I believe it's around 2 years now. So, complaining about how the Code is wrong because of an Agent acting in a way that you would disagree with is irrelevant.

The code would life through the ppl who represent it. Sofar: Its not irrelevant.

Capt Starfox wrote:

Furthermore, I don't believe you have chat logs. And even if you do, I bet they're doctored. I've already seen chat logs where pieces of information where removed in order to make the "rebels" look better.

There are no rebels. Just ppl that dont want to play with you.
But thats missing the Point.
The point is, that you should read jimmies stuff.
All stuff Jimmie releases is heavily edited to let codies look good.
Its very unpolit to assume that Maxmillian Rokatansky would lie or manipulate, especialy looking at the other manipulator called Jimmy.

Capt Starfox wrote:

Which is great, really. You guys are reaching and grabbing at straws, or anything for that matter that you believe could, sort of, maybe support your claims. But, once you have to start changing words around, or deleting them entirely, or simply not including them, we've already won.

Well if so, you have lost massivly.
Cause Jimmy cuts and edits the story like he finds fitting. Only a fool or one that wants to believe dosnt realise.

Capt Starfox wrote:

In fact, think about it this way: You're doing exactly what we want you to be doing.

Noper, never Big smile

To be gallant or noble, you should have some inner "noblesse" something that the codies i met were clearly missing.

So back to the beginning:
How one, or some (or many?) codies act, they represent the code. And how do they act? like bullies!
Bullying the weakest poorest miners, that neither have experience nor the ISK, or skill to equip a skiff.
The real bots? fly in big fleets with x skiffs and are not harmed, nor disturbed.
Codies are just pathetic.

Atomic Virulent : "You can't spell DOUCHE. without CODE."

Selina Dyle
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#331 - 2014-04-12 18:47:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Selina Dyle
La Rynx wrote:

Yadda Yadda butthurt miner reporting in

First of all. If you think its badass to call James "jimmy" like most childish rebels do, it is not... it just puts you in line with all the retards beeing angry about the new order.

Second about all the stories posted on his website. I was featured in a couple of posts and none of them were edited. If you like point one of my stories out and i will send you the same exact chatlogs and mails i have sent to James.
You will realise that it is completely unedited.
So stop rumor mongering like all that silly rebels are.
All stories on are uncut and show nothing out of context.

So next time before making assumptions and start lying, deliver proof.

Agent Selina
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#332 - 2014-04-12 19:29:59 UTC
Maxmillian Rokatansky wrote:
Hopefully an esteemed agent of the CODE will help me with this inquiry:
1. Is foul language in local prohibited by the CODE?

The code is clear on this: Keep local clean. Miners should be courteous in local and should refrain from the use of profanity.

2. Are CODE agents required to follow the CODE?

Yes. Any agent found mining in violation of the code wouldn't be an agent for very long.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Syds Sinclair
#333 - 2014-04-12 20:15:20 UTC
..Eloquently said, root.

All if this hubbub could really be put to rest by spending a few nights by the fire, sipping an aged whiskey, and thoroughly studying The Code. I personally do this myself from time to time.

Different parts of The Code will speak to you as you mature into different areas as an Agent, or as a simple pod pilot.
Maxmillian Rokatansky
#334 - 2014-04-12 21:51:41 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Maxmillian Rokatansky wrote:
Hopefully an esteemed agent of the CODE will help me with this inquiry:
1. Is foul language in local prohibited by the CODE?

The code is clear on this: Keep local clean. Miners should be courteous in local and should refrain from the use of profanity.

2. Are CODE agents required to follow the CODE?

Yes. Any agent found mining in violation of the code wouldn't be an agent for very long.

Admiral I thank you for your reply though I think a simple yes or no might have been more easily understood.
I hope this post from admiral root clears things up for the citizens of hi-sec who might have been misunderstanding different sections of the CODE.

Apparently only miners need to refrain from using profanity in local, now this might seem like a free pass for all you mission runners, salvagers, haulers etc etc, but lets at least make an effort to keep it clean out there people.

According to root CODE agents only have to follow the CODE when they are mining, which most of them state they would never be caught dead doing, so in effect the rest of the time they dont have to follow the CODE.

Does that sum it up or will we require some more clarification?
La Rynx
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#335 - 2014-04-12 21:58:08 UTC  |  Edited by: La Rynx
Selina Dyle wrote:

Yadda Yadda butthurt miner reporting in

Bad Luck: my miner Butt is virgin.
Butthurt codebully feels offended.

Selina Dyle wrote:

First of all. If you think its badass to call James "jimmy" like most childish rebels do, it is not... it just puts you in line with all the retards beeing angry about the new order.

Naming "it" Jimmy shows my disrespect and doesn't make me feel "badass".

Much less an insult as calling me and other critics of the bully club "retards".
Quite the type of CodeBully i was thinking of. Nothing with being "gallant"

Selina Dyle wrote:

Second about all the stories posted on his website. I was featured in a couple of posts

Yes i am sure that made you very proud and you feel very badass, right?
You showed it to the lowly folks out there. Want a medal?

Selina Dyle wrote:

You will realise that it is completely unedited.

i am a quite acute observer and changing the sequence of things and showing Letters of Submission from victims that where forced out for ship ransom, is the kind of edit i mean. Or Posting only fragments of chats. Classical Propaganda works sometimes i have a hard time reading it, because i feel disgusted. Do ppl really believe this?

Selina Dyle wrote:

So stop rumor mongering like all that silly rebels are.
All stories on are uncut and show nothing out of context.

Yes yes and CodeBullies never lie and dont use any excuse to kill ppl that where so stupid to buy a permit.

La Rynx

Atomic Virulent : "You can't spell DOUCHE. without CODE."

Syds Sinclair
#336 - 2014-04-12 22:03:11 UTC
..La Rynx, why are you so angry that some people choose to PvP in a PvP themed game?
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#337 - 2014-04-12 22:16:40 UTC
Syds Sinclair wrote:
..La Rynx, why are you so angry that some people choose to PvP in a PvP themed game?

The same root cause of every carebear's anger.

They think they're special. They think the rules don't apply to them, and they can act like this is a single player game without consequence.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

La Rynx
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#338 - 2014-04-12 22:19:31 UTC
Syds Sinclair wrote:
..La Rynx, why are you so angry that some people choose to PvP in a PvP themed game?

Why does me calling a Bully a Bully, make you think i a am angry?

Reading very bad written Propaganda, well, yes that makes me disgusted and a little angry.

Those ppl bragging how strong they are when they heroicly defeated unarmed badly tanked ships and battle-inexperienced players, makes them laughingstock not something to get angry about.

Atomic Virulent : "You can't spell DOUCHE. without CODE."

La Rynx
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#339 - 2014-04-12 22:31:59 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

They think they're special.

Methinks, you think you are special.
You are not.

Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

They think the rules don't apply to them, and they can act like this is a single player game without consequence.

How very wrong.
I play EvE because things *have* consequences.
My kick?
earning and saving money by mining and prodding the stuff i fly to kill and get killed. beeing able to fight and defend my stuff and not to bow my head before some bullies. Still more getting killed instead of killing, but i take pride that i pay for my own stuff, instead of some "gankbear" destroyer refunding programm.

Atomic Virulent : "You can't spell DOUCHE. without CODE."

Maxmillian Rokatansky
#340 - 2014-04-12 22:35:42 UTC
It seems we drifted a bit off-topic with the whole chat-logs thing but I do think its impossible to know if someone is doctoring the logs they post for public disemination unless you are that person.
I personally dont belive that James alters what he posts because this game is known for the crazy things people come up with when confronted by one another. You dont need to make this stuff up.

I've witnessed the tear filled rants in local after the CODE guys did their work and expeirenced it first hand when a permit holding miner relized that their permit tank wasnt the best tank after all.

Thought we were keeping things in this thread civil for the most part untill Selina charged in with accusations of lying and calling people retards and childish.

Maybe she hasnt yet learned to channel her inner "James Bond" in order to remain cool and calm at all times like most of the veteren CODE agents do.