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Team Avatar and the future of our prototype

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Rotten Legion
#3441 - 2014-02-14 18:01:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Arduemont
Lipbite wrote:
WoD development is being re-animated. There is hope to see WiS before 2030 \o/ Maybe even before 2020 - but that would be too much to wish...

Truth is we know very little of how it's development is going. They NDAed the gameplay footage shown at the last fanfest, and the year before that all we saw were procedurally generated landscapes.

So really, the only people who have the slightest idea of how far along it is are CCP, and the people who went to the presentation (less than 100 people) at the last fanfest. Hopefully we will get to see some actual game play footage this year without having to physically travel to Iceland.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

The Aussienauts
#3442 - 2014-02-14 18:27:42 UTC
WoD development does not mean WiS progress. As they specified the engines now differed. Obviously the art differs, and even DUST development with avatar spaces in New Eden hasn't actually led to WiS progress.

Soraya Xel - Council of Planetary Management 1 -

#3443 - 2014-02-16 01:52:03 UTC
I find it interesting that CCP continue to provide additional clothing items with limited editions etc.

They wouldn't be doing that if it didn't make it more likely for players to part with their money.
Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#3444 - 2014-02-16 02:25:47 UTC
Crasniya wrote:
WoD development does not mean WiS progress. As they specified the engines now differed. Obviously the art differs, and even DUST development with avatar spaces in New Eden hasn't actually led to WiS progress.

"Differed," to the extent that they forked CARBON. It's still CARBON, and the changes they make can be adapted right back into the version of CARBON under EVE; or, if CCP does Incarna as a separate client, it can run on a different version of CARBON as well.

There's already been a fair amount of cross-pollination between the EVE and WoD teams. There's no reason to think that would suddenly end.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

#3445 - 2014-02-16 03:00:24 UTC
Dersen Lowery wrote:
Crasniya wrote:
WoD development does not mean WiS progress. As they specified the engines now differed. Obviously the art differs, and even DUST development with avatar spaces in New Eden hasn't actually led to WiS progress.

"Differed," to the extent that they forked CARBON. It's still CARBON, and the changes they make can be adapted right back into the version of CARBON under EVE; or, if CCP does Incarna as a separate client, it can run on a different version of CARBON as well.

There's already been a fair amount of cross-pollination between the EVE and WoD teams. There's no reason to think that would suddenly end.

Not to mention that all the tools that they are creating to allow them to quickly build the world WoD could potentially be used to build stuff for WiS.

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#3446 - 2014-02-16 18:02:44 UTC
The way I see it, there was a plan to use dual/forked development for both EVE and WOD, however that all fell apart in the wake of the Nex/Greed is good riots.

CCP are still trying to fulfil the original plan though can only do so with one half of the fork/not both after promising the FIS only crowd that Avatar development would stop. Hence we see delays for WOD and no development at all (other than the bare minimum they can get away with) for Eve.

CCP Seagul's plan/vision for player made stargates is just filler designed to keep the eve playerbase happy whilst the WOD fork is underway, as is the ship re-balancing and player made star-gates.

Remember they had to abandon the Eve fork of the plan after considerable amounts of money/dev time and resources were spent on it. That type of decision cannot be taken lightly. Given that they've just lost the benefit of all of the afore mentioned dev time, money and resources what choice did they have but to abandon all Eve development until the original plan for Wod/Eve (now just a WOD plan) is completed? Remember they are contractually obliged to produce WOD.

Rebalancing and POS/SOV improvements could easily be handled in a single expansion with the resources available to CCP. 'm old enough to remember in this game when patches/expansions were world changing events that affected every aspect of life in New Eden. That isn't the case anymore.

Also if we can have wormholes in a single expansion why can't we have player made star-gates on the same timescale? I fail to see why there has to be a five year plan to get all of this done. Unless of course that WOD development is sucking away all of the resources in secret, not to mention dust and Valkyrie.

I can confidently predict that on successful delivery of WOD CCP will then turn it's attention back to avatars as they never ever give up on any long term visions or plans. That's why I say that avatar gameplay in eve is imevitable, we've just got to be patient.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

#3447 - 2014-02-17 04:46:23 UTC
Call me selfish. But I'd rather they implement avatar gameplay before WoD arrives.

Was walking in my quarters today. CCP certainly managed to create some impressive avatar technology. Still the best in the business in my opinion, even despite the severely limited gameplay.
Mashie Saldana
#3448 - 2014-02-17 11:09:33 UTC
Any idea what new clothing stuff they will bundle with EVE Source?
Seras Victoria Egivand
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#3449 - 2014-02-18 02:49:17 UTC
Flamespar wrote:
Call me selfish. But I'd rather they implement avatar gameplay before WoD arrives.

Was walking in my quarters today. CCP certainly managed to create some impressive avatar technology. Still the best in the business in my opinion, even despite the severely limited gameplay.

Doubt you will see any game or wis anytime soon... CCP no offence develops like a kid with ADD they only work on it tell something else shinny comes along..
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3450 - 2014-02-18 03:08:48 UTC
Seras Victoria Egivand wrote:
Doubt you will see any game or wis anytime soon... CCP no offence develops like a kid with ADD they only work on it tell something else shinny comes along..

That's how they used to be. Ever since they almost blew up the game with Incarna CCP has been really good about sticking to their promise to focus on spaceship content. I have to admit that after the Summer of Rage I didn't believe that they would keep their word but I'm glad they did and that they give every indication of continuing to do so.

EVE is a game about spaceships and there's an enormous amount of work to do on the in-space gameplay before players (or developers) are ready to sacrifice it for a totally new type of gameplay - CCP Rise

Hal Morsh
#3451 - 2014-02-18 04:55:47 UTC
I think people just scared CCP out of trying to make walking in station content

Oh, I perfectly understand, Hal Morsh — a mission like this requires courage, skill, and heroism… qualities you are clearly lacking. Have you forgotten you're one of the bloody immortals!?

Irya Boone
The Scope
#3452 - 2014-02-18 12:25:51 UTC
they don't want new players , and spreadsheet is so fun !!

CCP it's time to remove Off Grid Boost and Put Them on Killmail too, add Logi on killmails .... Open that damn door !!

you shall all bow and pray BoB

The Aussienauts
#3453 - 2014-02-18 15:12:45 UTC
Hal Morsh wrote:
I think people just scared CCP out of trying to make walking in station content

They're scared of making ANY EVE content. What Rhes doesn't realize, is that the Summer of Rage killed EVE development. Which is why we have falling subscriptions and no content in the last four expansions that a new player will even see, much less care about. Players sent the message loud and clear "We don't like change. We expect our game to never change."

Soraya Xel - Council of Planetary Management 1 -

Rotten Legion
#3454 - 2014-02-18 17:48:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Arduemont
Crasniya wrote:
Hal Morsh wrote:
I think people just scared CCP out of trying to make walking in station content

They're scared of making ANY EVE content. What Rhes doesn't realize, is that the Summer of Rage killed EVE development. Which is why we have falling subscriptions and no content in the last four expansions that a new player will even see, much less care about. Players sent the message loud and clear "We don't like change. We expect our game to never change."

Although I am pro-Avatar development, I can't help but correct this. We don't know anything about number of subs (we never have really), and CCP haven't released any official figures in a long time. Active player numbers however, seem to be doing fine.

Don't get me wrong. That graph would look much better if CCP hadn't split their resources on so many terrible project ideas. We could have had expansions just like the ones we have had plus Avatar content development. C'est la vie.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#3455 - 2014-02-18 18:30:05 UTC
Arduemont wrote:
Don't get me wrong. That graph would look much better if CCP hadn't split their resources on so many terrible project ideas. We could have had expansions just like the ones we have had plus Avatar content development. C'est la vie.

Just to continue the contrarian tone: After you've been winded by a punch to the gut from the consumers of your one single product, isn't it entirely reasonable to redouble your efforts to not rely on that one single product for your livelihood? Why do you think CCP took the unprecedented step of looking for outside financing for DUST514?

You can talk "right" and "wrong" all day, but the Summer of RAEG was the summer that CCP realized that EVE was not a safe, reliable income stream. Of course they took measures to deal with that; people generally like to eat with roofs over their heads, even after they've made stupid mistakes.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Rotten Legion
#3456 - 2014-02-18 18:39:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Arduemont
Dersen Lowery wrote:

Just to continue the contrarian tone: After you've been winded by a punch to the gut from the consumers of your one single product, isn't it entirely reasonable to redouble your efforts to not rely on that one single product for your livelihood? Why do you think CCP took the unprecedented step of looking for outside financing for DUST514?

You can talk "right" and "wrong" all day, but the Summer of RAEG was the summer that CCP realized that EVE was not a safe, reliable income stream. Of course they took measures to deal with that; people generally like to eat with roofs over their heads, even after they've made stupid mistakes.

I was not trying to imply that CCP should have 'no' other projects. That would be daft. But, CCP are currently running four projects and a mobile app (Eve, Dust, WoD, Valkyrie and the app). And CCP had openly voiced concerns that Dust wasn't pulling it's weight. Most big games companies (We're talking EA, Bioware, Blizzard etc) run only one (or occasionally two) unfinished projects at once and if one of their games flops they drop it and don't have to worry about maintenance costs.

CCP on the other hand are running 1 finished product that pulls it's weight (Eve), one project that might even be running at a loss but with no intention of dropping it (Dust) and three other projects. All of those projects rely on the income of one single game. There are literally no other successful games companies stupid enough to try this. If CCP hadn't have been greedy and added one project at a time, imagine how much more development resources they would have available for each game if they were only running two projects. Dust would have been twice the game it was, and Eve would be a completely different beast.

So I agree and disagree. Developing new stuff is the safe route, and a good idea but not to the extent that CCP have been trying to do it.

Edit: Also, as an aside, the Sony sponsorships happened before Incarnageddon. Dust and WoD both probably started development about Incursions time. So this was a problem that contributed to the summer of rage, rather than being a solution to it.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

Shepard Book
Underground Stargate
#3457 - 2014-02-18 22:28:54 UTC
Arduemont wrote:
[quote=Dersen Lowery]
CCP on the other hand are running 1 finished product that pulls it's weight (Eve), one project that might even be running at a loss but with no intention of dropping it (Dust) and three other projects.

I do not think even CCP is kidding itself by thinking dust is a finished product. On top of that there is really no marketing for it either so not sure whats going on there.

I basicly resub here to say hey to old friends every now and then. I mostly play dust as far as new eden goes and it will be a year or so before they flesh out most of what they said their goals were in fanfest if they do not back out of that planning too. I am starting to think PVE in Dust is going the way of to Dodo like WIS did in Eve.

I really wish CCP would make WIS a priority. Once S.C. hits I am not sure what I will do. I know its not the scale of Eve but with time it will have a lot of the space sim that was once a goal of Eve.
#3458 - 2014-02-18 22:45:36 UTC
Shepard Book wrote:
Arduemont wrote:
[quote=Dersen Lowery]
CCP on the other hand are running 1 finished product that pulls it's weight (Eve), one project that might even be running at a loss but with no intention of dropping it (Dust) and three other projects.

I do not think even CCP is kidding itself by thinking dust is a finished product. On top of that there is really no marketing for it either so not sure whats going on there.

I basicly resub here to say hey to old friends every now and then. I mostly play dust as far as new eden goes and it will be a year or so before they flesh out most of what they said their goals were in fanfest if they do not back out of that planning too. I am starting to think PVE in Dust is going the way of to Dodo like WIS did in Eve.

I really wish CCP would make WIS a priority. Once S.C. hits I am not sure what I will do. I know its not the scale of Eve but with time it will have a lot of the space sim that was once a goal of Eve.

My suspicion with Dust is that they will do a marketing push once they have fixed some of the glaring issues with the Graeme, such as the complete lack of a new player experience, no PVE, planetary conquest being broken.
Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#3459 - 2014-02-18 22:46:53 UTC
Shepard Book wrote:
Arduemont wrote:

CCP on the other hand are running 1 finished product that pulls it's weight (Eve), one project that might even be running at a loss but with no intention of dropping it (Dust) and three other projects.

I do not think even CCP is kidding itself by thinking dust is a finished product. On top of that there is really no marketing for it either so not sure whats going on there.

First, let me note Arduemont's corrections to my post. Thanks!

Those facts acknowledged, CCP does not appear to think that DUST is a finished product, given the way they're still fussing with very basic mechanics. They haven't even introduced variants of each piece of equipment for each faction yet.

You'll know when they think it's finished when it gets a huge marketing campaign, possibly coincident with an announcement that it will be on the PS4--there's no reason for them to move an unfinished game there (or to the PC, or anywhere beside the PS3), is there?

Shepard Book wrote:
I really wish CCP would make WIS a priority. Once S.C. hits I am not sure what I will do. I know its not the scale of Eve but with time it will have a lot of the space sim that was once a goal of Eve.

That still is the goal. CCP has just figured out that it can't get there as quickly or as easily as they hoped they could.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Sura Sadiva
Entropic Tactical Crew
#3460 - 2014-02-18 22:47:46 UTC
Dersen Lowery wrote:
You can talk "right" and "wrong" all day, but the Summer of RAEG was the summer that CCP realized that EVE was not a safe, reliable income stream. Of course they took measures to deal with that; people generally like to eat with roofs over their heads, even after they've made stupid mistakes.

But CCP was already working on that before the summer rage. At least from 2009, and if I remember correctly they were already working on WoD. CCP started to divert reources from EVE to other external projects just after Apocrhypa, in their highest peak.

The summer rage itself was nothing special, just only a big arranged forum flame as happens periodically. Ant there was everything in it: people against the NEX store, people complaining cause monochle cost was too high, people upset for WiS not delivered as expected.

The only difference is that CCP used that as an excuse to disengage from any EVE serious develompents to focus on Dust (in the meantime they got the agreement with Sony) on and to lay-off part of their employees.

All things that was going to happens anyway.

So, was mostly an inside company operation. Hell, CCP also market it in their slide-shows