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Team Avatar and the future of our prototype

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#3401 - 2014-02-05 09:21:26 UTC
Yeah. I reckon it'll be that EVE: True stories graphic book
Sointu Luonnotar
#3402 - 2014-02-05 13:18:18 UTC
Flamespar wrote:
Yeah. I reckon it'll be that EVE: True stories graphic book

That and/or the EVE: Source.
#3403 - 2014-02-05 20:10:54 UTC
CCP says they don't have the resources for WiS

Then spends money on a monument most players will never visit.

Thanks for the middle finger CCP
Ventreel Echelon
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#3404 - 2014-02-05 22:01:48 UTC
Look, all i want is to replace this CQ with Interstellar Strip Club. This is a legimate idea.
Another Posting Alt
Zerious Fricken Biziness
#3405 - 2014-02-05 22:49:43 UTC
Flamespar wrote:
CCP says they don't have the resources for WiS

Then spends money on a monument most players will never visit.

Thanks for the middle finger CCP

Yeah, that would have taken hundreds of man-hours away from important WiS development.
#3406 - 2014-02-05 22:59:37 UTC
Another Posting Alt wrote:
Flamespar wrote:
CCP says they don't have the resources for WiS

Then spends money on a monument most players will never visit.

Thanks for the middle finger CCP

Yeah, that would have taken hundreds of man-hours away from important WiS development.

It's always a surprise what promises CCP decides to keep and which ones it's hopes we forget.

Now please excuse me whilst I go enjoy my modular POS after doing some ring mining with the new direct X 11 effects, I think I may even drop by the 10 year vet station to catch up with mates in a player establishment and play with some custom paint jobs for my ship.

Oh wait...

But at least we got a monument .. right ... right?
Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#3407 - 2014-02-05 23:38:39 UTC
Flamespar wrote:
Another Posting Alt wrote:
Flamespar wrote:
CCP says they don't have the resources for WiS

Then spends money on a monument most players will never visit.

Thanks for the middle finger CCP

Yeah, that would have taken hundreds of man-hours away from important WiS development.

It's always a surprise what promises CCP decides to keep and which ones it's hopes we forget.

Now please excuse me whilst I go enjoy my modular POS after doing some ring mining with the new direct X 11 effects, I think I may even drop by the 10 year vet station to catch up with mates in a player establishment and play with some custom paint jobs for my ship.

Oh wait...

But at least we got a monument .. right ... right?

If you can't get to the monument you could always try out some atmospheric flight, oh wait...

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#3408 - 2014-02-05 23:40:02 UTC
Another Posting Alt wrote:
Flamespar wrote:
CCP says they don't have the resources for WiS

Then spends money on a monument most players will never visit.

Thanks for the middle finger CCP

Yeah, that would have taken hundreds of man-hours away from important WiS development.

Agreed, it's budget that could have been spent on devs.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Ashlar Vellum
Esquire Armaments
#3409 - 2014-02-05 23:55:09 UTC
Flamespar wrote:
Another Posting Alt wrote:
Flamespar wrote:
CCP says they don't have the resources for WiS

Then spends money on a monument most players will never visit.

Thanks for the middle finger CCP

Yeah, that would have taken hundreds of man-hours away from important WiS development.

It's always a surprise what promises CCP decides to keep and which ones it's hopes we forget.

Now please excuse me whilst I go enjoy my modular POS after doing some ring mining with the new direct X 11 effects, I think I may even drop by the 10 year vet station to catch up with mates in a player establishment and play with some custom paint jobs for my ship.

Oh wait...

But at least we got a monument .. right ... right?

one out of 6 that's not bad, don't rush it. P
Sointu Luonnotar
#3410 - 2014-02-06 00:26:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Sointu Luonnotar
Flamespar wrote:
CCP says they don't have the resources for WiS

Then spends money on a monument most players will never visit.

"Sorry guys we don't have time or the resources to work on WiS, and you don't even want us to work on that stuff right?" (Meanwhile, on the forums, 10,000+ posts combined in the the largest WiS/Avatar related threads)

"We also still won't be working seriously on World of Darkness even though we announced it like 7 years ago, instead we'll sacrifice its devs and / or make them work for our other projects all the time..."

"But hey, because like, at least a hundred people asked for it during the fanfest, here, have some VR gimmick game that takes 30 devs to work on it.. By the way we're going to give the boot for 15 people working on WoD just in a few months time because we can't afford them... I mean we're restructuring our teams. *ahem*"

"Also, to show just how broke we are we're building real life statues for y'all and launching some stuff in to low orbit. "

I mean come on. Can't you see how ridiculous this looks like, and should look like even without my poor attempts at humor? I have nothing againts the people working for CCP, mind you - except just the one whoever is in ultimate charge of these ridiculous decisions.
Seras Victoria Egivand
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#3411 - 2014-02-06 08:15:33 UTC
Sointu Luonnotar wrote:
Flamespar wrote:
CCP says they don't have the resources for WiS

Then spends money on a monument most players will never visit.

"Sorry guys we don't have time or the resources to work on WiS, and you don't even want us to work on that stuff right?" (Meanwhile, on the forums, 10,000+ posts combined in the the largest WiS/Avatar related threads)

"We also still won't be working seriously on World of Darkness even though we announced it like 7 years ago, instead we'll sacrifice its devs and / or make them work for our other projects all the time..."

"But hey, because like, at least a hundred people asked for it during the fanfest, here, have some VR gimmick game that takes 30 devs to work on it.. By the way we're going to give the boot for 15 people working on WoD just in a few months time because we can't afford them... I mean we're restructuring our teams. *ahem*"

"Also, to show just how broke we are we're building real life statues for y'all and launching some stuff in to low orbit. "

I mean come on. Can't you see how ridiculous this looks like, and should look like even without my poor attempts at humor? I have nothing againts the people working for CCP, mind you - except just the one whoever is in ultimate charge of these ridiculous decisions.

Sad part is even tho it looks really nice im so in agreement with u... I feel like they just gave every eve player the middle finger...
Angelica Dreamstar
Gallente Federation
#3412 - 2014-02-06 08:33:08 UTC
Seras Victoria Egivand wrote:

Sad part is even tho it looks really nice im so in agreement with u... I feel like they just gave every eve player the middle finger...

I really tried resisting but it's stronger than me. :(


They gave everyone the finger? I don't feel anything. :(

bingo, his pig not being a goat doesn't make the pig wrong, just him an idiot for shouting at his pig "WHY ARENT YOU A GOAT!" (Source)

-- Ralph King-Griffin, about deranged people playing EVE ONLINE

Your Dad Naked
#3413 - 2014-02-06 09:00:13 UTC
Issue is communication with the community. It seems CCP think the CSM and forum regulars represent the general opinion. It's just not true.

Most players would adore walking in stations. Hanging at the bar with corp mates. Most people want it more than ANY deployable.

Until CCP finds a way to properly communicate with the playerbase, they'll never figure this out. They'll keep thinking the elitists on EVE-O forums represent all of us.
Angelica Dreamstar
Gallente Federation
#3414 - 2014-02-06 09:02:39 UTC
Your Dad Naked wrote:
Issue is communication with the community. It seems CCP think the CSM and forum regulars represent the general opinion. It's just not true.

Most players would adore walking in stations. Hanging at the bar with corp mates. Most people want it more than ANY deployable.

Until CCP finds a way to properly communicate with the playerbase, they'll never figure this out. They'll keep thinking the elitists on EVE-O forums represent all of us.

Errr...... absolutely not.

bingo, his pig not being a goat doesn't make the pig wrong, just him an idiot for shouting at his pig "WHY ARENT YOU A GOAT!" (Source)

-- Ralph King-Griffin, about deranged people playing EVE ONLINE

Elizabeth Brown
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#3415 - 2014-02-06 09:30:42 UTC
The monument is more or less irrelevant in this discussion. That statue would probably have cost around £5000, which might pay a developer for two months but you wouldn't see much done in that time. As for the work put into it by CCP, I image it was a project set to one person and wouldn't have taken all their time at that. Any attempt to make it seem those resources could be spent on Avatar content, is weak at best and whiny at worst.

The countdown though was a classic case of CCP not understanding their playerbase, and dashing people's hopes as usual. They were stupid to think people wouldn't expect more, even with the countdown on the community page.
Dior Rellik
#3416 - 2014-02-06 10:37:46 UTC
Hey maybe we should start a whole new thread dedicated to just monuments.

I think CCP should build a monument of The Mittani next to there head quarters. Purely because he virtually runs eve and has helped made it was it is today giving lots of new content, a place for noobs to quickly get into null stuff.

Just a thought being as CCP likes to waste money.
DSpite Culhach
#3417 - 2014-02-06 10:37:55 UTC  |  Edited by: DSpite Culhach
Well, if CCP already has all the assets from Dust514, it does not seem like too much of a longshot to transfer those assets to a WiS/EVA system ... I'm just saying that some groundwork is already in place for some integration, and it might not be THAT monumental level of work as starting a project from scratch.

Then again, I'm just guessing here.

As far as WiS, do people actually have any idea what they would want to use it for? I would have thought it would slow work down, not speed it up.

I apparently have no idea what I'm doing.

Sointu Luonnotar
#3418 - 2014-02-06 13:01:16 UTC
Elizabeth Brown wrote:
The monument is more or less irrelevant in this discussion.

No it's not. In the grand scheme of things it's yeat another example of CCP claiming they can't do something because no resources / no time / not allowed because reasons. Yet they splurge on things like this. Nevermind if it were "cheap" - and looking at the size of that thing (five meters tall), materials (stainless steel, granite, aluminum), plus the carvings, etc, your $5,000 is a sore underestimate, $30,000-$50,000 is more realistic for material value alone, and still probably undervalued considering all other costs, even if they got the place to slap it on for free.

But to return back on track, it's just another example in a long line of examples of whoever decides these things making dumb decisions. "CCP shouldn't keep all eggs in one basket." But lo and behold, they practically don't seem to care about their other intellectual property that has nothing do with EVE - World of Darkness. Like I said, one of the worst examples being that they put 30 people wokring on EVE: Valkyrie because, apparently, a number of people going to fanfest thought it was cool. Of course they would think it was cool for the couple of days they spend at the fanfest - but really, I haven't even tried Oculus Rift and the "wow factor" has worn off of me. I'd be damn surprised if it doesn't flop, because people will get tired of it in a matter of weeks, just like how 3D television hasn't really taken off because while it is cool, it is only cool the first couple of times.

Getting a little sidelined here... So, they devoted 30 people for Valkyrie. 4 months later they announce they're laying off people from CCP Atlanta. On top of the previous layoffs that affected Atlanta the worst last time. So explain to me how they can't afford to keep 15 people working on a game that would gather a whole different gamerbase than EVE, yet dedicate 30 people to what is, frankly, just a gimmick and probably will not make back even the 30 dev's salaries, and that is just at it's core part of the same universe and largely interesting only for people who already play and know what EVE is.
The people they fired, by the way, were level designers and various other undefined producers and designers. So either WoD is already almost done (yet, they really shouldn't be firing level designers if they plan on expanding the game), or they had to cut down expenses because of Valkyrie and they for some god forsaken reason cut them from the only other game project that could gather them a large number of completely new players - say, some of the people abandoning WoW in droves, or long-time WoD / White Wolf fans - instead of die-hard EVE fans.

What I've read from ex-employees and general workplace reviews - obviously these are somewhat biased accounts, but there has to be a grain of truth in there since just about all of them complain about poor over-meddling management that doesn't seem to listen to no one, not the devs or the customers. The reason that Crucible and Inferno were the largest fixing patches in EVE was because the devs were given almost free reign to work on what they wanted. Faction Warfare was completely abandoned after implementation because the lead game designer hated it and would not let devs work on it despite the pleas of the playerbase. Four years of no iteration on it because of one person.

So yeah, what I'm getting at is, that something is really wrong with the way CCP manages its projects and resource allocation. Another example would be all the prototyping they do that never seems to be good enough to use - again there was a rather complete if buggy WiS Prototybe back in 2008. That got scrapped because reasons. So that was a bunch of dev time down the drain, most likely because of at most a couple of people who simply say "jump" and everyone else in the company have to ask "how high?" These people are the ones who should get fired, before they kill the company - and I*m surprised they haven't yet, despite apparently trying really hard.
Seras Victoria Egivand
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#3419 - 2014-02-06 18:26:23 UTC
Sointu Luonnotar wrote:
Elizabeth Brown wrote:
The monument is more or less irrelevant in this discussion.

No it's not. In the grand scheme of things it's yeat another example of CCP claiming they can't do something because no resources / no time / not allowed because reasons. Yet they splurge on things like this. Nevermind if it were "cheap" - and looking at the size of that thing (five meters tall), materials (stainless steel, granite, aluminum), plus the carvings, etc, your $5,000 is a sore underestimate, $30,000-$50,000 is more realistic for material value alone, and still probably undervalued considering all other costs, even if they got the place to slap it on for free.

But to return back on track, it's just another example in a long line of examples of whoever decides these things making dumb decisions. "CCP shouldn't keep all eggs in one basket." But lo and behold, they practically don't seem to care about their other intellectual property that has nothing do with EVE - World of Darkness. Like I said, one of the worst examples being that they put 30 people wokring on EVE: Valkyrie because, apparently, a number of people going to fanfest thought it was cool. Of course they would think it was cool for the couple of days they spend at the fanfest - but really, I haven't even tried Oculus Rift and the "wow factor" has worn off of me. I'd be damn surprised if it doesn't flop, because people will get tired of it in a matter of weeks, just like how 3D television hasn't really taken off because while it is cool, it is only cool the first couple of times.

Getting a little sidelined here... So, they devoted 30 people for Valkyrie. 4 months later they announce they're laying off people from CCP Atlanta. On top of the previous layoffs that affected Atlanta the worst last time. So explain to me how they can't afford to keep 15 people working on a game that would gather a whole different gamerbase than EVE, yet dedicate 30 people to what is, frankly, just a gimmick and probably will not make back even the 30 dev's salaries, and that is just at it's core part of the same universe and largely interesting only for people who already play and know what EVE is.
The people they fired, by the way, were level designers and various other undefined producers and designers. So either WoD is already almost done (yet, they really shouldn't be firing level designers if they plan on expanding the game), or they had to cut down expenses because of Valkyrie and they for some god forsaken reason cut them from the only other game project that could gather them a large number of completely new players - say, some of the people abandoning WoW in droves, or long-time WoD / White Wolf fans - instead of die-hard EVE fans.

What I've read from ex-employees and general workplace reviews - obviously these are somewhat biased accounts, but there has to be a grain of truth in there since just about all of them complain about poor over-meddling management that doesn't seem to listen to no one, not the devs or the customers. The reason that Crucible and Inferno were the largest fixing patches in EVE was because the devs were given almost free reign to work on what they wanted. Faction Warfare was completely abandoned after implementation because the lead game designer hated it and would not let devs work on it despite the pleas of the playerbase. Four years of no iteration on it because of one person.

So yeah, what I'm getting at is, that something is really wrong with the way CCP manages its projects and resource allocation. Another example would be all the prototyping they do that never seems to be good enough to use - again there was a rather complete if buggy WiS Prototybe back in 2008. That got scrapped because reasons. So that was a bunch of dev time down the drain, most likely because of at most a couple of people who simply say "jump" and everyone else in the company have to ask "how high?" These people are the ones who should get fired, before they kill the company - and I*m surprised they haven't yet, despite apparently trying really hard.

so im not the only one that looks at glassdoor and other employment sites to see how working for companies goes.. :P Spot on with what you said.
Cyber Chaos Crew
#3420 - 2014-02-06 18:50:55 UTC
+1 completely agree , very sharp point of view

CCP suits, take a good hard look at that post and and chill.