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Team Avatar and the future of our prototype

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Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3341 - 2014-01-31 15:11:01 UTC
Arduemont wrote:
You know, if you love spaceships so much maybe you should play a spaceship sim. Eve is an MMO, a social monster, where a great many of the people who play successfully hardly ever need to undock. Spaceships are the medium of our gameplay, but they are not the gameplay itself. A great many of the things that are important in Eve don't require spaceships at all.

A better way to say what you're trying to say is that Eve is a sandbox and spaceships are how we interact with that sandbox. CCP is really good at utilizing spaceships to make the sandbox fun but they have a pretty horrible track record when it comes to shoehorning avatar gameplay into their spaceship game. Why wouldn't you want them to continue to do what they are good at?

EVE is a game about spaceships and there's an enormous amount of work to do on the in-space gameplay before players (or developers) are ready to sacrifice it for a totally new type of gameplay - CCP Rise

Rotten Legion
#3342 - 2014-01-31 15:40:18 UTC
Rhes wrote:
Arduemont wrote:
You know, if you love spaceships so much maybe you should play a spaceship sim. Eve is an MMO, a social monster, where a great many of the people who play successfully hardly ever need to undock. Spaceships are the medium of our gameplay, but they are not the gameplay itself. A great many of the things that are important in Eve don't require spaceships at all.

A better way to say what you're trying to say is that Eve is a sandbox and spaceships are how we interact with that sandbox. CCP is really good at utilizing spaceships to make the sandbox fun but they have a pretty horrible track record when it comes to shoehorning avatar gameplay into their spaceship game. Why wouldn't you want them to continue to do what they are good at?

A track record implies multiple events. One expansion is not a track record. If your not willing to give them a second chance then I understand your hesitancy, but a lot of people want to see that second chance.

Why wouldn't you want them to continue to do what they are good at?

I do want them to. The difference between you and I is I believe they can be good at this.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3343 - 2014-01-31 15:53:35 UTC
Arduemont wrote:
A track record implies multiple events. One expansion is not a track record. If your not willing to give them a second chance then I understand your hesitancy, but a lot of people want to see that second chance.

The track record consists of Incarna, DUST and the WoD vaporware game. That's three chances!

EVE is a game about spaceships and there's an enormous amount of work to do on the in-space gameplay before players (or developers) are ready to sacrifice it for a totally new type of gameplay - CCP Rise

Rotten Legion
#3344 - 2014-01-31 16:29:52 UTC
Rhes wrote:
Arduemont wrote:
A track record implies multiple events. One expansion is not a track record. If your not willing to give them a second chance then I understand your hesitancy, but a lot of people want to see that second chance.

The track record consists of Incarna, DUST and the WoD vaporware game. That's three chances!

Rhes wrote:
they have a pretty horrible track record when it comes to shoehorning avatar gameplay into their spaceship game.

I'm counting one from where I am sitting. Dust and WoD aren't 'shoehorning avatar gameplay' into a spaceship game.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3345 - 2014-01-31 16:43:53 UTC
Arduemont wrote:
Rhes wrote:
Arduemont wrote:
A track record implies multiple events. One expansion is not a track record. If your not willing to give them a second chance then I understand your hesitancy, but a lot of people want to see that second chance.

The track record consists of Incarna, DUST and the WoD vaporware game. That's three chances!

Rhes wrote:
they have a pretty horrible track record when it comes to shoehorning avatar gameplay into their spaceship game.

I'm counting one from where I am sitting. Dust and WoD aren't 'shoehorning avatar gameplay' into a spaceship game.

So your argument is that the horrible DUST avatar gameplay or the non-existant WoD avatar gameplay would translate perfectly to Eve? Or is it that CCP should spend another two years ignoring Eve to come up with a whole new framework?

EVE is a game about spaceships and there's an enormous amount of work to do on the in-space gameplay before players (or developers) are ready to sacrifice it for a totally new type of gameplay - CCP Rise

Rotten Legion
#3346 - 2014-01-31 16:46:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Arduemont
Rhes wrote:
Arduemont wrote:
Rhes wrote:
Arduemont wrote:
A track record implies multiple events. One expansion is not a track record. If your not willing to give them a second chance then I understand your hesitancy, but a lot of people want to see that second chance.

The track record consists of Incarna, DUST and the WoD vaporware game. That's three chances!

Rhes wrote:
they have a pretty horrible track record when it comes to shoehorning avatar gameplay into their spaceship game.

I'm counting one from where I am sitting. Dust and WoD aren't 'shoehorning avatar gameplay' into a spaceship game.

So your argument is that the horrible DUST avatar gameplay or the non-existant WoD avatar gameplay would translate perfectly to Eve? Or is it that CCP should spend another two years ignoring Eve to come up with a whole new framework?

Here, we go with the 'Two years of neglect' bullshit that you attribute to WiS, but actually have nothing to do with it. You got any sources? Or are you just happy to make stuff up?

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3347 - 2014-01-31 16:48:30 UTC
Arduemont wrote:
Here, we go with the 'Two years of neglect' bullshit that you attribute to WiS, but actually have nothing to do with it. You got any sources? Or are you just happy to make stuff up?

What content was added to the game in the two years WiS was being implemented that actually worked when it was released. This is another one of my questions you've never been able to answer. I'm starting to think you may not actually know what you're talking about.

EVE is a game about spaceships and there's an enormous amount of work to do on the in-space gameplay before players (or developers) are ready to sacrifice it for a totally new type of gameplay - CCP Rise

Rotten Legion
#3348 - 2014-01-31 16:53:30 UTC
Rhes wrote:
Arduemont wrote:
Here, we go with the 'Two years of neglect' bullshit that you attribute to WiS, but actually have nothing to do with it. You got any sources? Or are you just happy to make stuff up?

What content was added to the game in the two years WiS was being implemented that actually worked when it was released. This is another one of my questions you've never been able to answer. I'm starting to think you may not actually know what you're talking about.

The question is irrelevant. It doesn't need answering. Yes, the game was neglected. But not because of WiS. That's your bullshit to prove. You have nothing. Literally nothing. Zip. Squat. Nada. Those two years weren't spent on the captains quarters. Simple. As. That.

To paraphrase Tim Minchin

'Show me that they spent two years on the captains quarters and I will change my mind, I will spin on a ******* dime. I'll be as embarrassed as hell, but I will run through the streets screaming "It's a miracle, Rhes was right!"... and when I've recovered from the shock i'll take a compass and carve 'fancy that' on the side of my ****'.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

Silivar Karkun
#3349 - 2014-01-31 16:53:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Silivar Karkun
as i've seen Arduemont post, that's the fundamental premise that keeps EVE locked from avatar interaction........the game was at its core designed around spaceship content.....practically the whole game revolves around them.......the rest of the content is tied to it one way o another. WiS wll only be part of the game unless CCP completelly reform the game and make it capsuleer centric.......this means, focusing in what the player's avatar can do, as i have explained several times in this thread, and as it was discussed in the EVE Vegas videos. the game has to move from being locked to an spaceship which houses a pilot. to a pilot who can also use drop suits and/or pilot a fighter too, along with other vehicles.

unless we get an EVE game where the player can explore and interact wth the whole universe seamlessly using the tools he wants and the transportation medium he wants (dropsuits, planetary vehicles, spaceships, fighters, heck even animal mounts could be avaliable).....

WiS will never be part of EVE no matter how much you want the door to be opened it doesnt give anything unless there's actually something meaningfull to do out there, be it killing other players while using a dropsuit when invading an enemy station, exploring the inside of an sleeper complex with weapons and archeology/hacking kits in inventory, or even extracting and crafting planetary commodities on the surface of a planet and later selling them in an alliance owned city......the possibilities are endless......
Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#3350 - 2014-01-31 17:57:53 UTC
Flamespar wrote:
Dust514 seems to have improved lately. Don't know if it's enough for it to profitable, but there has definitely been some small improvement.

The reason why I think Dust players will be walking in derelicts before us is because most of the technology is already in game. Just add PVE and some new levels.

It would annoy me greatly if it happened though. As it would be another broken promise as far as I'm concerned.

I remember watching a youtube video Hilmar at a keynote speaker at Fanfest when he referred back to the atmospheric flight demo shown five years ago, claiming that now they had delivered it as it's possible to fly a vehicle over the planetary surface in dust, claiming to all that they'd somehow fulfilled their promise when in fact the original demo was shown well before dust was a thing. It's obvious that the original promise was that this would happen within the Eve (FIS) client, but that's a CCP promise for you. I mean these should be politicians. So yes in essence It wouldn't surprise me one bit if this ace bit of development found it's way into dust as a way propping up that already dead enterprise. Whilst I look forward to valkyrie I can't help but think that it's also doomed to failure. They might as well include both games as a free of charge optional download for PC alongside the eve client as that is the only way either of those games have any meaningful future.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#3351 - 2014-01-31 18:10:27 UTC
Rhes wrote:
Arduemont wrote:
Rhes wrote:
Arduemont wrote:
A track record implies multiple events. One expansion is not a track record. If your not willing to give them a second chance then I understand your hesitancy, but a lot of people want to see that second chance.

The track record consists of Incarna, DUST and the WoD vaporware game. That's three chances!

Rhes wrote:
they have a pretty horrible track record when it comes to shoehorning avatar gameplay into their spaceship game.

I'm counting one from where I am sitting. Dust and WoD aren't 'shoehorning avatar gameplay' into a spaceship game.

So your argument is that the horrible DUST avatar gameplay or the non-existant WoD avatar gameplay would translate perfectly to Eve? Or is it that CCP should spend another two years ignoring Eve to come up with a whole new framework?

I don't see any avatar gameplay in the fps that is dust. Plus we've had two years since Incarna in which CCP have blissfully ignored EVE. Ship rebalancing and modules like the ESS (chase the Egg/Beacon Hunt) do not improve gamplay when everyone agrees that POS's and SOV are completely ******.

It's strange though that I am not seeing any development on SOV/POS's that's because Eve has been put into maintenance mode whilst CCP develops other things in the hope of creating multiple streams of income. I've got no problem with any company wanting more than one income stream, from a business point of view it's clearly a sensible thing to do. Thing is it shouldn't be done on the cheap (which is what CCP is doing by not employing new developers and teams to do this) and this miserable situation is all because some people with a smilar outlook to Rhes hijacked community anger over the next store and the greed is good memo to torpedo avatar content. So Rhes you can thank your cohorts for putting eve in a permanent state of no development. That fact that SOV isn't ever going to be fixed and POS's are a long way (perhaps ten years away) from being looked at is the fault of your fellow buddies who don't like Avatar content.

You've killed your own game.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Sura Sadiva
Entropic Tactical Crew
#3352 - 2014-01-31 20:39:20 UTC
Silivar Karkun wrote:
WiS will never be part of EVE no matter how much you want the door to be opened it doesnt give anything unless there's actually something meaningull to do out there, be it killing other players while using a dropsuit when invading an enemy station, exploring the inside of an sleeper complex with weapons and archeology/hacking kits in inventory, or even extracting and crafting planetary commodities on the surface of a planet and later selling them in an alliance owned city......the possibilities are endless......

I think you're on spot here. However all this can't be done all togheter, need a step by step progression. And the first, basic, step for any avatar gameplay is having more than one avatar interacting in a shared envinroment. Then build on this base.

Spaceship based gameplay is the core of EVE, and any avatar implementation have to be linked directly or indirectly to it.
Problem here is that spaceship mechanics are deeply developed and mature.While there're are several other areas of the game that need some serious attention and developments (WiS is only one of these).

CCP having troubles to keep the game alive and eventually growing again. They keep shuffling spaceship stats becuase is the more easy and cheap things to do; but when they try to add something new to this area they struggle, create ships clones, or risk o mess things with questionable design like the new deployables.

On the countrary WiS offer a virgin terrain to develop and expand EVE. There was a good post from Malcanis with a good analysis of this, but now I can't find it.

Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#3353 - 2014-01-31 21:09:45 UTC
What it comes down to is that WiS is not an expansion. It's at least one new game. On of CCP's mistakes was that they didn't realize that--but there were lots of other mistakes they made as well. CCP will do it, one way or another, because it has been their plan from the beginning to simulate a universe. There are a number of very good reasons why ships were the place to start, but it was never the plan that EVE would only be spaceships, and it will never be. That's their current focus, and it should be, because it's the shipping game. But all you need to do is watch their aspirational trailers and promotional videos to see where they want things to be.

Those of you crowing over the failures of DUST and WoD to launch into the MMO stratosphere have forgotten that if CCP felt that way about EVE, they'd have shuttered it after its incredibly rocky start. Instead, they risked their own homes to pull it through. They're playing a long game here. I'm not saying they'll succeed, I'm just saying that they're giving themselves a long timeline and a lot of chances to get those games polished up. They've developed a shipping game before, after all; I remember it was right around Crucible that someone joked that EVE was finally out of beta.

The thing I love most about CCP is that they are still that crazy. EVE will start to wither the minute they lose that gleam in their eyes and fall back on focus-group-tested features and timid expansions exclusively. My optimism comes from the observable fact that, since (the months leading up to) Crucible, CCP has also shown an ability to execute in addition to its ability to dream big.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#3354 - 2014-01-31 21:51:02 UTC
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
Rhes wrote:
Arduemont wrote:
Rhes wrote:

The track record consists of Incarna, DUST and the WoD vaporware game. That's three chances!

Rhes wrote:
they have a pretty horrible track record when it comes to shoehorning avatar gameplay into their spaceship game.

I'm counting one from where I am sitting. Dust and WoD aren't 'shoehorning avatar gameplay' into a spaceship game.

So your argument is that the horrible DUST avatar gameplay or the non-existant WoD avatar gameplay would translate perfectly to Eve? Or is it that CCP should spend another two years ignoring Eve to come up with a whole new framework?

I don't see any avatar gameplay in the fps that is dust. Plus we've had two years since Incarna in which CCP have blissfully ignored EVE. Ship rebalancing and modules like the ESS (chase the Egg/Beacon Hunt) do not improve gamplay when everyone agrees that POS's and SOV are completely ******.

It's strange though that I am not seeing any development on SOV/POS's that's because Eve has been put into maintenance mode whilst CCP develops other things in the hope of creating multiple streams of income. I've got no problem with any company wanting more than one income stream, from a business point of view it's clearly a sensible thing to do. Thing is it shouldn't be done on the cheap (which is what CCP is doing by not employing new developers and teams to do this) and this miserable situation is all because some people with a smilar outlook to Rhes hijacked community anger over the next store and the greed is good memo to torpedo avatar content. So Rhes you can thank your cohorts for putting eve in a permanent state of no development. That fact that SOV isn't ever going to be fixed and POS's are a long way (perhaps ten years away) from being looked at is the fault of your fellow buddies who don't like Avatar content.

You've killed your own game.

Crucible, Inferno, Retribution, Odyssey and Rubicon are the best expansions of EvE Online, the game is in better shape than ever before.

The Tears Must Flow

Silivar Karkun
#3355 - 2014-01-31 22:28:29 UTC
Sura Sadiva wrote:
Silivar Karkun wrote:
WiS will never be part of EVE no matter how much you want the door to be opened it doesnt give anything unless there's actually something meaningull to do out there, be it killing other players while using a dropsuit when invading an enemy station, exploring the inside of an sleeper complex with weapons and archeology/hacking kits in inventory, or even extracting and crafting planetary commodities on the surface of a planet and later selling them in an alliance owned city......the possibilities are endless......

I think you're on spot here. However all this can't be done all togheter, need a step by step progression. And the first, basic, step for any avatar gameplay is having more than one avatar interacting in a shared envinroment. Then build on this base.

Spaceship based gameplay is the core of EVE, and any avatar implementation have to be linked directly or indirectly to it.
Problem here is that spaceship mechanics are deeply developed and mature.While there're are several other areas of the game that need some serious attention and developments (WiS is only one of these).

CCP having troubles to keep the game alive and eventually growing again. They keep shuffling spaceship stats becuase is the more easy and cheap things to do; but when they try to add something new to this area they struggle, create ships clones, or risk o mess things with questionable design like the new deployables.

On the countrary WiS offer a virgin terrain to develop and expand EVE. There was a good post from Malcanis with a good analysis of this, but now I can't find it.

step by step progression is what CCP has been doing since the start, and its of course admirable, but in order to put WiS in function as i explained it requires making big expansions.......bigger than Apocrypha in order to put it to function......a character editor and a bunch of places to visit isnt enough for the scope of what WiS can needs to be done with the same effort as with the spaceship content of the last 10 years......even more.....
Zyklon Stargazer
#3356 - 2014-01-31 23:23:47 UTC
This thread deserves a sticky.
#3357 - 2014-02-01 04:16:49 UTC
Doesn't need one. It's something players want and aren't willing to give up asking.
Seras Victoria Egivand
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#3358 - 2014-02-01 06:06:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Seras Victoria Egivand
Flamespar wrote:
Doesn't need one. It's something players want and aren't willing to give up asking.

No and honestly they need to actually complete it...

People say core game needs to be re balanced sov/low sec needs overhauled you know what you don't need expansions to revamp those that should be going on though mini patches throughout the year. New colored ships also umm Really don't care just give us what you promised before that with decal's and ship coloring u will never have to release another skin for a ship ever....

We want content we want stuff that expands the game and makes it better new space new exploration the ability to have a life or take over empires from the ground ....... Honestly we just want what you promised and cant ever seem to deliver..

Honestly i think the promise of eve the percetion that CCP gives eve in there videos and fanfest is diffrent then the reality of eve... Thats a sad thing.
Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#3359 - 2014-02-01 10:01:08 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:

Crucible, Inferno, Retribution, Odyssey and Rubicon are the best expansions of EvE Online, the game is in better shape than ever before.

Yeah... sure...

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

#3360 - 2014-02-01 11:01:31 UTC
Wow. When you see the list of recent expansions like that, it really makes you realise how little has been added.