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Faction Warfare farming has to end - we want war instead of the Cloak & Stabs -game

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Plug in Baby
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#61 - 2013-12-09 21:31:26 UTC
30 plex a day per side per warzone.

Each has ship restrictions, tougher NPCs, shows up on map and takes 1 hour to capture. 10% system capture per plex.

No farmers, get fights.

Or something like that.

This is not a forum alt, this is a forum main.

Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#62 - 2013-12-09 22:12:34 UTC
Lugalbandak wrote:
Wich part you guys hang out lol , i think you overrated this problem , i see those farmers too, but the majority gives me fights.

By nerfing fw you gonna buuried again me thinks. im in for timer reset solo if you cloacked as mention before.

Dont forget the little guys friend , you may be top 2 batlltclinic bla bla , and i can effort also to "farm" in tech2&faction , but plenty of guys also who just are simpel newbros with 1 account , tey need those lp to keep them going to get expiernce en skills etc

Just to reiterate my personal opinion if it is not clear- FW LP payouts are very well balanced if you actually participate in the PVP part. LP together with all the PVP loot are enough to sustain active daily FW fighting. We have access to nice LP stores where we can buy ships, implants, ammo etc for reduced prices. This works, we can keep on fighting- you won't get rich, and if you want to fly stuff like T2 cruisers a lot, you'll need additional sources of income. During heavy campaigning the income stops almost completely, which in itself is a very nice dynamic and simulates war rather well.

The problem is not how much LP you get, but how. Because of an oversight/loophole in the plexing mechanics, non-FW people are able to exploit the LP payout system, and their actions also happen to affect the warzone control, and the daily life of people who try to engage in FW like it was meant to. This isn't an economic problem because the payouts are LP, not ISK, just a cancer of an otherwise fantastic gameplay area.


Solar Winds Security Solutions
#63 - 2013-12-09 22:19:27 UTC
I like the false premise that you should have to PvP that these sorts of threads are always based on.

In the end it's really a judgement call - an opinion not actually rooted in anything that would actually improve the game.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#64 - 2013-12-09 22:22:25 UTC
Roime wrote:
The problem is not how much LP you get, but how. Because of an oversight/loophole in the plexing mechanics, non-FW people are able to exploit the LP payout system, and their actions also happen to affect the warzone control...

What? How?

Genuine question as I'm a neut in FW area and enjoy it purely because it's a good place to find fights.

I don't earn any LP and don't affect warzone control in any way that I am aware.

If there is a way to allow me to exploit the LP payout system I'd love to know about it and if I do affect warzone control, that would also be good to know.

I encounter many LP farmers and cloaky plexers in the last few months, but despite them, FW plexes are still the best and fastest way to find fights in high, low and nullsec.

From what I understand in interacting with many of farmers, they are throw away alts of FW pvp players; and any change to the LP mechanics would impact, not only the farmers, but the pvp mains as well.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#65 - 2013-12-09 22:36:38 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Why is that a response? Here's an area of the game that's supposed to brew conflict and actual warfare. That's the explicit stated intent. Instead players are using it to farm massive amounts of isk and people are actually driven away from the warfare aspect because too many of them just want to carebear.

But it does brew conflict and actual warfare.

Look at systems like Old Man Star and Heydieles. There's been a huge amount of conflict there for the last couple of months; all based on factional conflict.

The same can be said of the systems around Tama, Eha/Oicx and I'm sure similar in the Amarr/Min FW area (I'm not so familiar with that outside the Ammamake/Sesiede systems.

Across most of the GalCal FW systems it's relatively easy to find fights and there are regular fleet encounters between the opposing sides.

So the LP farming isn't instead of warfare, it's in addition to warfare and for many, it serves to sustain their warfare losses. PvP isn't free and a lot of players go through a lot of ships because they like to PvP. They need a way to sustain that in order to keep the FW zones busy.
Karrl Tian
#66 - 2013-12-09 23:09:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Karrl Tian
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Rainbow Dash wrote:
surprisingly bad isk/hr

Rainbow Dash wrote:
Right now I'm barely making 400m/hr

Rainbow Dash wrote:
Right now I'm barely making 400m/hr

Rainbow Dash wrote:
surprisingly bad isk/hr

You know that other thread we have, where the wormhole-dweller OP got ganked in highsec in his faction fit ECM Tengu? There's insinuation that because wormhole dwellers make so much ISK, they lose touch of what a more standard income actually is. That seems to be happening here. Of course the difference is that wormhole dwellers have to put considerably more effort and risk into what they do for their gains.

Goal was to make a state of PvP that would payout for those who didn't want to farm all the time to offset losses fighting. Bounties are still broken, and piracy (especially the highsec kind) can't be buffed too much or CCP's bread-and-butter goes away. Unfortunately, or should I say naturally, this was abused to holy hell and back by people who had no intention of risking more than they had to, and as it only required a t1 naked frig, they don't have to risk a lot.
Abiding Ormolus
#67 - 2013-12-09 23:16:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Starbuck05
What is it you PVPers tell carebears all the time? Ah yes - Mr Pragmatic

So i take it your one of the little carebears that couldnt ? if not , then please explain what you where trying to say there , because either i am stupid or you clearly have no ideea what this thread has been going on about ...

Side note , this is not about PVE , this is about PvP , and about factional warfare itself , as i mentioned above the people who trully joined fw and play it like it should , give a damn about the war zone , about they-re hom systems stability and about the lp they work for in order to fund they-re pvp . This is not about your casual carebear that shoots a red cross and w8s for sparks to come flying out of the loot can .. if you don't have anything constructive to say about all of this , for example why do you consider this is or is not a good or bad ideea , to tell us , then why do you even bother posting bullsh1t ? ... because you probably have your own alt farming the plexes and hate the fact that the little isk pixies might dissapear ....

And what the h3lll does HTFU even mean ffs .... speak english( or atleast somethin close to that , like me ) because i cba to learn every acronym there is just because you are lazy ..

Typing from my phone so can't actually quote properly ..

Just because i am blond does not make me stoopid !

Solar Winds Security Solutions
#68 - 2013-12-09 23:54:38 UTC
Starbuck05 wrote:
And what the h3lll does HTFU even mean ffs .... speak english( or atleast somethin close to that , like me ) because i cba to learn every acronym there is just because you are lazy ..

It means "Harden The **** Up" - in other words - stop whining.

Also it's ironic that you tell us to "speak English and stop using acronyms" when your post contained 2 of your own acronyms.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#69 - 2013-12-10 00:42:34 UTC
To the people who are defending isk farming bots in FW space:

You're insane. The people bot farming in cloaked and stabbed ships aren't of any benefit to the people who actually fight in FW. They're not there to farm isk to benefit the warzone or the people in it.

They're there to get free money with no effort.

If you're going to put yourself in a position where you are defending free money for no effort, just go mine ice or blitz L4s and be done with it.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Dread Delgarth
Flames Of Chaos
Great Wildlands Conservation Society
#70 - 2013-12-10 01:21:44 UTC
Xuixien wrote:

Making them have to jump through extra hurdles to cap a plex, reducing payouts, making "no cloak zones", making the rats harder... it will not give you more kills, because people can still simply warp out when there's someone on scan.

How many times does this need spelling out - it's not the easily gained LP factor or lack of PvP thats the real problem, they are more annoyances then anything else. It's the fact that these week old characters can have a direct effect on Sovereignty of a system.

Can you imagine the outrage if a similar mechanism was at work in Null sec and noob farmer alts had the potential to remove access from stations for people living there?
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#71 - 2013-12-10 01:25:31 UTC
Xuixien wrote:
Domanique Altares wrote:
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:

I'd like an empty low sec too, but that's because I like to explore without using probes and rat at belts, but I fully accept that other people have the right to deny me my spoils, how are you any different to a miner or a hauler complaining about gankers?

Good lord. Are you ignorant, or just being obtuse?

You really don't get what the purpose of this thread is, do you?

She has a point, though.

Miner complains: "This is not fair! This is ruining my game! Low SP characters in cheap, disposable ships can just come and ruin my play with no consequence to themselves!"

FWer complains: "This is not fair! This is ruining my game! Low SP characters in cheap, disposable ships can just come and ruin my play with no consequence to themselves!"

I mean, you and I flew in FW together for a long while. You know that I know how frustrating it can be when a target gets away... but there's really no solution to it. People will still be able to warp out of a plex when you're on DScan. Making them have to jump through extra hurdles to cap a plex, reducing payouts, making "no cloak zones", making the rats harder... it will not give you more kills, because people can still simply warp out when there's someone on scan.

Also it's nice to know that if I'm really busy IRL and need to get some quick ISK to PvP with, I can run a few plexes.

Yeah I was just thinking this.

Hey, does anybody have any guides to this ISK faucet playing? I got an alt for whom I can built scores of T1 frigates.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#72 - 2013-12-10 01:26:06 UTC
Dread Delgarth wrote:
Can you imagine the outrage if a similar mechanism was at work in Null sec and noob farmer alts had the potential to remove access from stations for people living there?

Well people in Null tend to be more active in their stating system.. maybe that is part of your problem

But also they would probalyl be more active in the PvP sense to keep them away.. be it gate camps or in FW sense camping the plexes to keep them away.

Hell you can even keep your 1 week old alt at the plex to keep away the undesirables
Rainbow Dash
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#73 - 2013-12-10 01:46:07 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
I'll abstain from this thread then since I don't have direct knowledge, but given what I've heard it wouldn't surprise me if he were serious.

It was only half a joke. If I cash out now it's only like 400m/hr, which isn't that much for FW L4 missions. However, compared to pretty much every other activity in the game, it's a shitton of isk, and the risk/reward is way out of wack.
Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#74 - 2013-12-10 02:46:15 UTC
the best way to 'win' the plexing mechanic is to run away every time someone else enters

this is a problem because the whole point of faction war is 'pvp for isk' and the reason for plexes to exist is to provoke pvp encounters

the best fix is to make 'staying and fighting people off' a more attractive option than 'running and boring everyone else off'

limiting stabs and cloaks inside plexes (limiting player choice) is not a good route to fixing the problem. this should be a last resort only.
Alavaria Fera
#75 - 2013-12-10 02:55:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Alavaria Fera
Benny Ohu wrote:
the best way to 'win' the plexing mechanic is to run away every time someone else enters

this is a problem because the whole point of faction war is 'pvp for isk' and the reason for plexes to exist is to provoke pvp encounters

the best fix is to make 'staying and fighting people off' a more attractive option than 'running and boring everyone else off'

limiting stabs and cloaks inside plexes (limiting player choice) is not a good route to fixing the problem. this should be a last resort only.

'staying and died to an uberfit ganker or rather group of gankers' vs 'running and boring everyone else off'

actually, more like

'staying and died to an uberfit ganker or rather group of gankers, losing a ship and time, giving them a killmail that will encourage them to look for me more frequently resulting in the loss of more time and possibly ships' vs 'no fun allowed'

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Arthur Aihaken
#76 - 2013-12-10 03:48:36 UTC
Roime wrote:
- timer rollbacks
- buffing the NPCs
- cloak prevention mechanism

Agree with all of these. I think if implemented, you won't need to look at any warp core rebalancing.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#77 - 2013-12-10 04:21:00 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Benny Ohu wrote:
the best way to 'win' the plexing mechanic is to run away every time someone else enters

this is a problem because the whole point of faction war is 'pvp for isk' and the reason for plexes to exist is to provoke pvp encounters

the best fix is to make 'staying and fighting people off' a more attractive option than 'running and boring everyone else off'

limiting stabs and cloaks inside plexes (limiting player choice) is not a good route to fixing the problem. this should be a last resort only.

'staying and died to an uberfit ganker or rather group of gankers' vs 'running and boring everyone else off'

actually, more like

'staying and died to an uberfit ganker or rather group of gankers, losing a ship and time, giving them a killmail that will encourage them to look for me more frequently resulting in the loss of more time and possibly ships' vs 'no fun allowed'

when the best way to win is 'no fun allowed' there's something wrong with the game, especially when the mechanic in question has a design goal of provoking pvp and facilitating players to enjoy themselves (you should be familiar with this concept already, the same problem appears in sov war?)

it's not like i'm blaming the farmers. they're doing the best thing they need to do to win. but what's happening is contrary to what the fw rebalance was designed to achieve

gankers aren't uberfit anyway vOv farmers will run from a venture frigate. any difference in power between aggressors and farmers is because farmers are low-skill alts, because how many skills do you need to kill a rat and warp out?
Felicity Love
#78 - 2013-12-10 05:01:40 UTC
... laughs an evil laugh and savours the ISK-farming hypocrisy, being an especially delicious vintage today...Pirate

"EVE is dying." -- The Four Forum Trolls of the Apocalypse.   ( Pick four, any four. They all smell.  )

Erica Dusette
Division 13
#79 - 2013-12-10 05:15:29 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
There's insinuation that because wormhole dwellers make so much ISK, they lose touch of what a more standard income actually is.

What the flying, furry **** ?

Pleeease, please don't group us all with that one person. Attention

Some of us live in W-space simply because ... well, just because **** Empire that's why. It's fun having your own system of sorts, having no local and a proportionately lower amount of idiots per capita. Anyone who knows me knows I don't give two hoots about farming or making ISK, just having some simple fun. I'm sure many other wormhole dwellers are the same, living there for the unique opportunities one encounters to have that fun, and not just for making ISK. For some players all of eve is just a big expense.

Jack Miton > you be nice or you're sleeping on the couch again!

Part-Time Wormhole Pirate Full-Time Supermodel

worмнole dιary + cнaracтer вιoѕвσss

Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#80 - 2013-12-10 05:26:51 UTC
Garandras wrote:
Dread Delgarth wrote:
Can you imagine the outrage if a similar mechanism was at work in Null sec and noob farmer alts had the potential to remove access from stations for people living there?

Well people in Null tend to be more active in their stating system.. maybe that is part of your problem

But also they would probalyl be more active in the PvP sense to keep them away.. be it gate camps or in FW sense camping the plexes to keep them away.

Lol you might want to edit that after you've checked the facts mate Lol

Hell you can even keep your 1 week old alt at the plex to keep away the undesirables

Sounds like a great mechanic, don't you think
