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Team Avatar and the future of our prototype

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Tomiko Kawase
#3101 - 2013-12-04 23:54:35 UTC
All of that sounds pretty cool, if we didn't already have the option to do all of that right now and much more conveniently than in a "boardroom."

For instance, having FC tools like what your scout sees is already a very integral part of fights. Set up a private twitch stream for your scout and look at what he sees. Even better, you're not limited to a room!

Information readouts that are already readily available don't add anything.
#3102 - 2013-12-05 05:57:45 UTC
Tomiko Kawase wrote:
All of that sounds pretty cool, if we didn't already have the option to do all of that right now and much more conveniently than in a "boardroom."

For instance, having FC tools like what your scout sees is already a very integral part of fights. Set up a private twitch stream for your scout and look at what he sees. Even better, you're not limited to a room!

Information readouts that are already readily available don't add anything.

Extraordinary lack of imagination detected.

Personally I like the idea of the interactive map to which players can submit reports from space/Dust 514.

If you see a gatecamp you can press a button to send a short report that will be displayed on the maps location. Or if an explorer finds a cluster of exploration sites or a wormhole location (or even a ghost site) then they can send an update.

Active and upcoming battles in Dust514. Corp events and locations. Annotations. Whatever.

Being able to view districts in Dust514 in order to help plan an attack.

The exciting part is that it also creates opportunities for misinformation. Reporting enemy ships where there are none. Lying about the location of an exploration site. Spamming the war room with false reports to confuse the leaders.

Being able to see the status of POS's at a glance with displays that show fuel reminaing. Silo capacity. Whatever.

A boardroom like the one suggested could be an ideal way of linking Dust and EVE players in a way that is more meaningful than a bar/social space.
#3103 - 2013-12-05 06:08:47 UTC
CCP Aporia wrote:
Lors Dornick wrote:
Cpt Tirel wrote:
Lors Dornick wrote:
Lipbite wrote:
Apparently "EVE Boardroom" image is the most upvoted link in EVE sub-reddit today. Image of a feature which does not exist is twice more popular than devs post about SoE battleship.

Imagine - how interesting it could be if it actually worked?

How about not all, except for a very select group of people.

Some fun stats can be found at

3225 post, 448 posters.

Top 10 posters have written 40%+ of all posts (top 15 breaks 50%).

And 8.7% of all posts have been written by a Fazmarai ;)

Not very suprising, and why do you quote Lipbite? this has nothing to do with her post.

Because I felt the statistics indicated how many eve players that would be interested.

As my old maths teacher used to say: "Statistics are like bikinis: It's what they don't show that's interesting".

Most people on this forum quote only those statistics that they think support their argument (whilst ignoring the rest)

9 out of 6 people know this.
Hemi DarkStar
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#3104 - 2013-12-05 08:07:20 UTC
A boardroom or extra room were avatars walk around should be functional though. Gambeling and doing other silly things will not help EVE's delicate economy, as people that prefer high-sec will never leave their stations.

So whatever CCP comes up with, it must have a function and still promote the fact that you need to get out and explore the universe. Otherwise you will collapse the economy while avatars do the funky chicken in a station 24/7. The current CQ is simply an alternative for the hangar and does not take the players away from what they are supposed to do, fly ships and destroy / create new ones. The same rule applies for any other room that get's added into the game.

I'm not saying a boardroom is the sollution, but maybe there are other activities that can fuel the economy and still provide an avatar interaction of some kind.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3105 - 2013-12-05 08:40:23 UTC
Flamespar wrote:
Extraordinary lack of imagination detected.
Agreed, but also - Eve is "only about spaceships" detected. "Me, me, me."
These guys are always going to do spaceships-only mantra ignoring every argument why WiS can be good and how good it could be - provided proper implementation.

"Oh but look at incarna and the riots it caused!" - Anything poorly implemented with crappy release would be followed up by a fallout.
"We better get the spaceships only, as a paying customer i want spaceships only!" - You aren't the only one paying for Eve, nor the only one driving the Plex market bringing CCP revenue.
"But they dared to talk about $1k jeans, microtransactions and how about that awful 'greed is good' leak!" - It's all about micro-transactions already. Would be interesting to see the statistics on Pay2win through plexing to replace losses. Or amount of accounts these players got on average.
Also how dare CCP make any profits off the game many of them dedicated a decade of their life to!
Flamespar wrote:
A boardroom like the one suggested could be an ideal way of linking Dust and EVE players in a way that is more meaningful than a bar/social space.
Not only more meaningful, but maybe even much more efficient as an interface between player and eve. I don't think i'd be the only one to mention that Eve is weak in that regard. Many game's aspects look as spreadsheets - good luck trying to "immerse a newbie." Of course nobody wants WiS that would hinder interaction between player and the client. But what if the same "boardroom" included and maybe improved those 3rd party tools, in such a way that we do not have to alttab out of the client?

Should be all about immersion, improvement of interaction between players, improvement of interface.
Express Hauler
#3106 - 2013-12-05 10:17:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Lipbite
Tomiko Kawase wrote:
Lipbite wrote:
Apparently "EVE Boardroom" image is the most upvoted link in EVE sub-reddit today. Image of a feature which does not exist is twice more popular than devs post about SoE battleship.

Imagine - how interesting it could be if it actually worked?

I'm trying to imagine any use for a "boardroom" and I'm drawing a blank. What purpose would something like this serve?

It's kind of a cool image, but I just don't see any use for it.

Purpose of development and progress is quality of life (and gameplay). EVE stuck in 90s with its chat as "social" interface a-la Diablo 1 / Battlenet chat.
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#3107 - 2013-12-06 21:14:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
Shamelessly bumping The Thread to post something interesting I crafted earlier today:

Arguments in favor of avatars as they were in 2011, and still are valid in 2013:

- provide a immersive New Player Experience
- improve player attachment to the game
- optimize and exploit the resources spent in developing WoD
- gain female players
- enable vanity microtransactions
- expand EVE beyond its "cult" niche

Arguments new and specific to 2013:

- attract new players
- compete against a new generation of "classic" space games featuring avatars
- expand beyond its stagnant niche

Must be noted that all the points above except the expansion can be achieved without additional gameplay. Must be noted too that the ongoing Hallelujah Plan does not adress any of the above.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Goonswarm Federation
#3108 - 2013-12-06 21:23:53 UTC
a reputation as a killer in space, and also in close quarters firefights... so epic
Lors Dornick
Kallisti Industries
#3109 - 2013-12-06 23:39:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Lors Dornick
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Shamelessly bumping The Thread to post something interesting I crafted earlier today:

Arguments in favor of avatars as they were in 2011, and still are valid in 2013:

- provide a immersive New Player Experience
- improve player attachment to the game
- optimize and exploit the resources spent in developing WoD
- gain female players
- enable vanity microtransactions
- expand EVE beyond its "cult" niche

Arguments new and specific to 2013:

- attract new players
- compete against a new generation of "classic" space games featuring avatars
- expand beyond its stagnant niche

Must be noted that all the points above except the expansion can be achieved without additional gameplay. Must be noted too that the ongoing Hallelujah Plan does not adress any of the above.

Shamelessly pointing out where I think you're fundamentally wrong.

- Eve shouldn't trap innocent gamers by pretending to be a game it isn't.
- Eve players already has an unhealthy attachment to the game.
- CCP is optimizing and exploiting the resources spent on developing WoD. Go down to Georgia and they'll tell you (in that slow country style).
- As heterosexual male with female offspring I duck for this one, whatever I say will be 100% wrong.
- Tricking people to pay for vanity items without telling them how silly they look is pure evil.
- EvE has survived for 10 years thanks to it's "cult" niche.

- Attracting new players with a false perception of EvE is bad marketing.
- None of the new generation of "classic" space games competes with EvE, unless you first transform EvE to compete with them.
- I don't know what game you play, by the Eve I play is far from stagnant. I have to admit that I'm quite busy trying to keep up.

CCP Greyscale: As to starbases, we agree it's pretty terrible, but we don't want to delay the entire release just for this one factor.

Ashlar Vellum
Esquire Armaments
#3110 - 2013-12-07 00:35:06 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

- compete against a new generation of "classic" space games featuring avatars

Em, and what are those "classic" space games that EVE is competing against?

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

- expand EVE beyond its "cult" niche

When all things are fixed yes, but now not so much.

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

can be achieved without additional gameplay.

Yeah right... just like this pinnacle of gaming
Eli Green
The Arrow Project
#3111 - 2013-12-07 01:09:40 UTC
Ashlar Vellum wrote:

I think I can safely say that whatever direction CCP takes WiS it won't be that. Shocked


Cygnet Lythanea
World Welfare Works Association
#3112 - 2013-12-07 01:51:44 UTC
Lors Dornick wrote:

- EvE has survived for 10 years thanks to it's "cult" niche..

Survived yes, but not really grown much past the 40k mark. New subs are just equaling people leaving. That's not really a good thing.
#3113 - 2013-12-07 02:03:46 UTC
Lors Dornick wrote:

- EvE has survived for 10 years thanks to it's "cult" niche.

- Attracting new players with a false perception of EvE is bad marketing.

-Surviving is not thriving, especially when EVE pays for 3 other games.

-Tell that to the people that keep making avatars important parts of the expansion trailers as of late even though avatars are still mostly just portraits and nothing more

Couple of things I had to point out, I'm sure others will pick this post clean.
Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#3114 - 2013-12-07 09:57:29 UTC
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
Lors Dornick wrote:

- EvE has survived for 10 years thanks to it's "cult" niche..

Survived yes, but not ren much past the 40k mark. New subs are just equaling people leaving. That's not really a good thing.

Plus the universe is filling up with alts whilst numbers at logon don't seem to have altered much which makes me think that we have a declining population of players, the fact that years back we had 30k online at a time with very little multi boxing and now there are 50k when practically everyone has more than one account suggests that CCP has stopped attracting new players which nicely explains the desire to dumb down and represent eve in a noob friendly way.

having less people who are willing to pay more is not good for the core business and does not represent the success the community needs in attracting new blood who decide to stay and become subscribers.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#3115 - 2013-12-07 09:58:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
Lors Dornick wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Shamelessly bumping The Thread to post something interesting I crafted earlier today:

Arguments in favor of avatars as they were in 2011, and still are valid in 2013:

- provide a immersive New Player Experience
- improve player attachment to the game
- optimize and exploit the resources spent in developing WoD
- gain female players
- enable vanity microtransactions
- expand EVE beyond its "cult" niche

Arguments new and specific to 2013:

- attract new players
- compete against a new generation of "classic" space games featuring avatars
- expand beyond its stagnant niche

Must be noted that all the points above except the expansion can be achieved without additional gameplay. Must be noted too that the ongoing Hallelujah Plan does not adress any of the above.

Shamelessly pointing out where I think you're fundamentally wrong.

- Eve shouldn't trap innocent gamers by pretending to be a game it isn't.
- Eve players already has an unhealthy attachment to the game.
- CCP is optimizing and exploiting the resources spent on developing WoD. Go down to Georgia and they'll tell you (in that slow country style).
- As heterosexual male with female offspring I duck for this one, whatever I say will be 100% wrong.
- Tricking people to pay for vanity items without telling them how silly they look is pure evil.
- EvE has survived for 10 years thanks to it's "cult" niche.

- Attracting new players with a false perception of EvE is bad marketing.
- None of the new generation of "classic" space games competes with EvE, unless you first transform EvE to compete with them.
- I don't know what game you play, by the Eve I play is far from stagnant. I have to admit that I'm quite busy trying to keep up.

For clarity, will counter-point one by one:

- Eve shouldn't trap innocent gamers by pretending to be a game it isn't.

That's exactly what it does now with its marketing, hisec content and everything not related to asploding ships. To be honest, EVE's NPE should consist of spawning new players in space in a 0.0 island in hisec. Any gate leads to safety... but you must die a few times before getting there. Surely that would weed out all the wrong players right on arrival. But maybe also would have some angry stakeholders asking for Hilmar's head not-so-metaphorically.

- Eve players already has an unhealthy attachment to the game.

Those who feel attached, yes. But a vast majority find themselves not involved with an anonymous ship and a pile of spreadsheets, and quit the game easily enough to kill all growth for the last two years.

- CCP is optimizing and exploiting the resources spent on developing WoD. Go down to Georgia and they'll tell you (in that slow country style).

Using those resources in their money maker game would make them more money. Maybe it coud even pay for the development of WoD before it is complete and (hopefully) paying itself. And it even was the original plan, as it makes so much good sense that everything else reeks either of incompetence or hopelessness.

- As heterosexual male with female offspring I duck for this one, whatever I say will be 100% wrong.

This game smells so much of neckbeard that we should name it "spaceships, spreadsheets and neckbeards"... I am glad that you understand what is wrong with that. Blink

- Tricking people to pay for vanity items without telling them how silly they look is pure evil.

Was there a point? I think I missed it.

- EvE has survived for 10 years thanks to it's "cult" niche.

It used to do more than survive, it used to grow without spending millions in marketing. Now it spends millions just to keep the numbers where they are. Two cult niches are larger than a single cult niche.

- Attracting new players with a false perception of EvE is bad marketing.

Point 1, CCP is already doing that. Just look at the latest trailers and tell me they look like anything you can see or do in the actual game.

Point 2, advertise what you can deliver and deliver what you advertise are good practices. Nobody is asking CCP to do it wrong again...

- None of the new generation of "classic" space games competes with EvE, unless you first transform EvE to compete with them.

They don't compete with, they compete against EVE for a limited amount of customers, their money and their time. To every enterprise, most of their customers are "wrong" customers. If someone offers those customers what they want, and does it better, they will leave. And so far, EVE's only competition have been "WoW in space", not the kind of game we old farts played when we were young.

- I don't know what game you play, by the Eve I play is far from stagnant. I have to admit that I'm quite busy trying to keep up.

Just look at PCU versus marketing expense, or try to unsub an account and wait to see how much they shell you with return offers up to 40% discount. The user base is not growing, and that means that anything that increases unsubscription rate will shrink PCU, and past a certain point, will damage the game economy both ingame and IRL. And earlier in RL than ingame, actually: Incarnageddon, with all its dramatic consequences, is rumored to have caused a drop of just 8-10% in subcriptions.

And by the way, if we look at the proliferation of multiple accounts, the damage taken if they start unsubbing will be even larger than if EVE had a healthier mix of single/multiple accounts.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Eve Cluster Explorations
#3116 - 2013-12-07 10:12:15 UTC
Posting in what appears to be the longest EVE is Dying thread ever.

Here's to another ten years of dying.

Witty Image - Stream

Not Liking this post hurts my RL feelings and will be considered harassment

Anomaly One
#3117 - 2013-12-07 12:24:30 UTC
I just remembered that even battlestar galactica online has more WiS in it than EvE does


Tricking people to pay for vanity items without telling them how silly they look is pure evil

maybe to you I look silly, but to me

Never forget. Trust me, I'm an Anomaly. DUST 514 FOR PC

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#3118 - 2013-12-07 15:07:44 UTC
Crumplecorn wrote:
Posting in what appears to be the longest EVE is Dying thread ever.

Here's to another ten years of dying.

I think that's unfair. The people in favour of WIS are no less convinced that EVE is dying than the FIS only crowd. Indeed as a person who would like to see more avatar content in game I am passionate about EVE and want to see it continue indefinitely with more players drawn from all walks of real life. I hope Eve outlasts' me and I planning on having at least another 40 years of life on Earth.

As mentioned in previous posts I advocate the twin focus approach to WIS and FIS so that every expansion from here on in offers a little to both communities. Small enhancements that don't cost the earth to implement would be a good start such as increased functionality of that big screen in the CQ such as Station based D-Scan on screen to give you a clue as to what is out there within 14 AU of the station as of course your ship cant do this as it's in the station. It's a small bridge between the 'station windows are impossible because of server ticks' brigade and the WIS crowd with something that is tactically useful for small gangs that can't always have a scout outside.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#3119 - 2013-12-07 16:19:00 UTC
Station windows actually sound way more possible than a lot of the WiS visions mentioned here. The server knows the station and since (correct me if I'm wrong!) station grids are allocated in a static way (A grid around a station/belt/celestial always exists regardless of player presence) it can refer to it for a list of objects on said grid.

They then could be rendered outside of a fake window - maybe not in their exact position, to create an illusion of what's where. Not a true reflection - I guess you could get standing/status coloured dots though. And it could add a function to the door - a bigass balcony behind it that has a window you can moodily stare at when docked and not spinning your ship.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Davon Mandra'thin
Das Collective
#3120 - 2013-12-07 16:22:02 UTC
You know what? A station window would be amazing. Would mean you didn't need an alt or a scout to look at the outside of the station you are actually in to know if there were people outside. In a super futuristic future with immortal pilots who plug directly into their ship, we can't look outside before undocking.