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[Rubicon] Marauder rebalancing

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Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#5641 - 2013-10-15 18:25:32 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

Remember the troll you are arguing with.
The guy is a goon FC, whose only small gang warfare is when he runs his high sec suicide Tornado fleets.

Also remember, he does not pay for ships.
goon line members get free ships, when fit to the doctrine, FC's get a whole lot more.

I'm not an FC, we don't run nado gank fleets and I pay for my own ships.

Right, it is another baltec running the goon megathron fleets.
That would explain your continued attempts at trolling.
You really are that disconnected from reality and your belief in others to read.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#5642 - 2013-10-15 18:41:58 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

Right, it is another baltec running the goon megathron fleets.
That would explain your continued attempts at trolling.
You really are that disconnected from reality and your belief in others to read.

Oh I see. You think because they named a fleet after me it must be because I am a FC.
Bearing Srl.
#5643 - 2013-10-15 18:46:28 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

Remember the troll you are arguing with.
The guy is a goon FC, whose only small gang warfare is when he runs his high sec suicide Tornado fleets.

Also remember, he does not pay for ships.
goon line members get free ships, when fit to the doctrine, FC's get a whole lot more.

I'm not an FC, we don't run nado gank fleets and I pay for my own ships.

Right, it is another baltec running the goon megathron fleets.
That would explain your continued attempts at trolling.
You really are that disconnected from reality and your belief in others to read.

just use ignore button on him, he's a troll
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#5644 - 2013-10-15 18:49:33 UTC
gascanu wrote:

just use ignore button on him, he's a troll

Wrong again.

I'm the guy actually testing these things.
Serge SC
The Valhalla Project
#5645 - 2013-10-15 18:51:39 UTC
There's an ignore button?

In any case, CCP, this is by far the most discussed topic since post (5644 posts long so far). Plenty of ideas have been given, some good, some bad. People mostly want these ships to be either 1 thing or another. But one thing is certain, as of now, Marauder V2 R1 (version 2 revision 1) is basically the same as Marauder V1 R1 (making it, V1 R2) with a new module to compensate where it lacks...

Serge SC Le Frenchman Friendly FC

SOL Ranger
Imperial Armed Forces
#5646 - 2013-10-15 20:27:59 UTC  |  Edited by: SOL Ranger
The most disturbing problems with the Bastion are:

  • Absolute E-war immunity, ignores sandbox game mechanics.
  • Absolute RR/assistance lockout, ignores sandbox game mechanics.
  • Promotes halfwit play styles by ignoring mechanics and limiting choices.
  • Very few actually trained for a stationary bunker nor do I suspect they want one.
  • Bastion cycle makes it a piñata in PvP.
  • The active tanking bonuses it promotes are often negated by the forced immobility, active tanking was never a problem to begin with.
  • The ranges it promotes are negated by the immobility very quickly.
  • The hulls suffer nerfs making them less useful outside bastion than on live(currently this is true, could change).

  • But the most important of all...

  • Offers no additional fun/useful or engaging properties which follow the core design of Marauders being versatile and for long term deployment, a magical tractor them all module doesn't count either; These are only efforts to make things extremely easy and simple, not interesting in any way.

  • The more I think about it the more I dislike everything about it, I'm not saying I have the perfect solution, just that Bastion isn't even close. Sad

    The Vargur requires launcher hardpoints, following tempest tradition.

    Tyberius Franklin
    Federal Navy Academy
    Gallente Federation
    #5647 - 2013-10-15 20:39:00 UTC
    SOL Ranger wrote:
    The most disturbing problems with the Bastion are:

  • Absolute E-war immunity, ignores sandbox game mechanics.
  • Absolute RR/assistance lockout, ignores sandbox game mechanics.
  • Promotes halfwit play styles by ignoring mechanics and limiting choices.
  • ...

    Just to address something in your post that seems rather far off:
    Conditional Immunities don't ignore sandbox mechanics. Trading one attribute for another in interactions is itself an acceptable sandbox mechanic. Furthermore no choices are limited so long as bastion is not mandatory. Actually, the "halfwit play styles" you mention represent increased choices rather than limit those already available.
    Bearing Srl.
    #5648 - 2013-10-15 20:45:46 UTC
    Serge SC wrote:
    There's an ignore button?


    click on his name >hide posts or something
    Narcotic Gryffin
    Digital Mercenaries Inc.
    #5649 - 2013-10-15 20:57:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Narcotic Gryffin
    So many ideas so little time, a new idea crossed my mind while at work though. Basing this idea off currently proposed bastion and hull changes the idea of the bastion module is to make a long ranged tank capable ship, while simultaneously nerfing its ability to engage up close and leaving it very vulnerable in that department, I propose after reading many different ideas:

    -Get rid of the tractor bonus, its still not very long and is only for pve leaving it a very limited use bonus to a "versatile ship"

    -Add into the Bastion Module a Web Range bonus to help it have some chance against incoming hostiles before getting into such a short range that you are screwed. Note this won't be a web strength bonus but getting a web to say 20~30km so that there is still a chance to get those fast targets before they start orbiting you at the point you cant track them and are left with no choice but to MJD out or engage with only drones.

    -Let the hulls have the t2 resist so when on the move they are still capable ships just not as tanky because they wont have the added rep bonus from bastion mode.

    -Possibily make it to where incoming EWAR has a 60% chance of not working rather than complete immunity which is kinda ridiculous.

    Small changes but they leave room for versatility in both pvp and pve.

    Bearing Srl.
    #5650 - 2013-10-15 21:08:02 UTC
    also it seems that if you dced while in bastion your ship will not ewarp, so if you are not fast to log back in you are pretty much dead...
    Dinsdale Pirannha
    Pirannha Corp
    #5651 - 2013-10-15 23:14:15 UTC
    Another reason why so few will use this bastion mess outside of high sec:

    Assume you are in space that is not a secure null sec enclave.
    Now, you enter an anom/plex/site/whatever.
    Are you REALLY going to immobilize yourself for a full minute PLUS another minute of unable to dock/jump, knowing that interceptors can now traverse 3 jumps in a minute?

    Sure, those groups with awesome intel networks that have complete knowledge on non-neutral movement, they can have the luxury of hitting brick mode. No one else in non-high sec can.

    And high sec, if not war-decced.
    Oh, and of course, also if you are not worried about gankers. Because remember how we keep hearing from gankers "it's your fault I ganked you, because you did not fly aligned". Well, guess what, that concept goes bye bye.

    So anyone who flies a Marauder with any nice modules on it would be flat nuts to turn it on anywhere near a prime mission hub.
    Unless of of course, not only do you fit a repper but ALSO a plate.

    The entire concept of the bastion mode is just plain dumb.
    Daishan Auergni
    Federal Navy Academy
    Gallente Federation
    #5652 - 2013-10-15 23:52:23 UTC
    Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
    Another reason why so few will use this bastion mess outside of high sec:

    Because Marauders are all over low and nullsec now?

    IF CCP wants them in PvP and these changes do nothing to encourage that, what exactly has changed?

    Are the SiSi versions less effective than the current iterations?

    They're different, assuredly, but effectiveness can be argued back and forth (ad nauseaum). Are they more vulnerable to ganking than current versions? Are they weaker? Are they slower isk makers?

    I don't think so.
    Arthur Aihaken
    #5653 - 2013-10-16 00:03:15 UTC
    Daishan Auergni wrote:
    Because Marauders are all over low and nullsec now?

    I think the point was that this aspect should be worked on to encourage their use outside of high-sec.

    I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

    SOL Ranger
    Imperial Armed Forces
    #5654 - 2013-10-16 00:13:35 UTC
    Tyberius Franklin wrote:

    Just to address something in your post that seems rather far off:
    Conditional Immunities don't ignore sandbox mechanics. Trading one attribute for another in interactions is itself an acceptable sandbox mechanic. Furthermore no choices are limited so long as bastion is not mandatory.

    I am directly aiming my critique at the Bastion and what using it entails, moving away from the bastion as the center of the topic and saying that not using it is an alternative solution is missing the point and as it happens, not true.
    Bastion will be mandatory, the mobility of Marauders among other things is already being nerfed, so choices are in fact being limited.
    Anyone planning not to use the Bastion will find any faction/pirate ship will easily outperform Marauders; Marauders are deliberately being designed around the Bastion and you will have a hard time not using it because of the costs in the balancing.

    Additionally, my gripe with the Bastion is not the idea that it isn't usable for at least something like gimmick PvP, it is that the module has severe flaws and it should be abolished as it currently is being presented, more so due to the fact it presents no actual interesting or fun mechanics to speak of when speaking of following the Marauder role.


    Conditional immunities ignore the very idea of having established mechanics which exist have any effect on the results, which means you have balanced E-war for the whole game but then decide to circumvent this mechanic by a simple conditional rule which states, here the rules don't apply, effectively creating a second rule, every immunity is another rule and exception added to the first.

    Would you support missiles which always applied full damage through a conditional and ignored signature radius/exp velocity? No you wouldn't, exact same thing, the proper way to do it is to follow mechanics in a relatively reasonable manner.

    If in this case E-war is too powerful then rebalance it, revisit the mechanics and alter them to function as intended, just do not create new ways to avoid the problems.

    E-war immunity ignores the sandbox mechanics for E-war, which is a use for sensor strength to determine efficiency, if there was a legit suggestion they would give Marauders a relatively high sensor strength in Bastion and not just outright cut them out from the sandbox in that specific area; Sandbox mechanics rely on the fact that they apply without selective interpretation causing meta rule sets, effectively destroying the whole concept in the process.

    RR/assistance lockout ignores the idea of partaking in more complex parts of multiplayer gaming, it is a counterproductive limitation at best, promoting locked out solo play is out of touch with the whole concept of MMOs regardless of the fact if it is ignoring how RR works with mere conditionals.

    Tyberius Franklin wrote:

    Actually, the "halfwit play styles" you mention represent increased choices rather than limit those already available.

    Again, if you won't be using Bastion then you'll be better off in other ships by default, there is no choice between having the Bastion module or not, it is a choice between Bastion Marauder and Pirate Battleship, the live Marauders will no longer exist.

    If you're even remotely interested in fluent mobility and kiting you will pick a Pirate Battleship.

    The only choice you are getting with Bastion is, will I deploy here and die or win?

    You are getting this one choice to substitute all the mobile intricacies of EVE combat, E-war threats and even quite simply the consequences of taking damage in many situations, successful tanking of damage becoming a guarantee rather than an active process of skill to manage a capacitor and avoid excess damage in multitudes of ways

    The Ignoring of the whole concept of support in terms of remote assistance in situations where you should have need for it is one of the greatest flaws in Bastion design, when you are deployed.

    It literally defines the idea of picking the worst of all possible scenarios into one module currently.

    The Bastion undeniably promotes poor play styles, it throws every common sense defensive or offensive maneuver/adjustment out of the window and simplifies everything.

    The Vargur requires launcher hardpoints, following tempest tradition.

    Anize Oramara
    #5655 - 2013-10-16 00:38:27 UTC
    To be fair, with the bastion module you'd be an absolute dutz to fit fancy tank modules on it because T2 will give you more tank that you will ever need in ANY lv4 mission. Thus you will now not be a ganker's loot pinyata. The poor pirate battleships though, they still need those dedspace and faction tank modules.

    The ewar immunity is nice for the larger shansha/sentis/guirista missions that has a lot of ewar. Quite a few missions have gates/objectives stupidly far away so the mjd bonus is nice. I never used more than a set of lights and a set of mediums anyways so drones are fine if we at least have 50/75 (50/100 would be extra nice so I can carry salvage drones)

    I am however sad panda over the minuscule boost in range the Vargur will get and fitting arty seems unappealing from a dps perspective as I remember running an arty mael.

    Sounds like the Palladin got the best deal and the vargur the worst. Not sure about the Kronos but the Golem is way better off than people seem to realize now that it can fit MORE mid slot stuff (paints and webs) to kill cruisers easier. I used to fly a RNI as well and the elite cruisers were always the problem but volley counting isn't my thing. Never used torps much though so can't comment on torp golem but it would seem to be able to fare a lot better as well.

    Still I guess I can fit a paint in place of a tank module and switch to tracking scripts and that should help my damage application a bit and I'll make better use of the range bonus on bastion.

    At the very least it's something NEW and DIFFERENT for people who've never flown a carrier/dread and even IF! it fails it is worth trying something new as that is the only way forward. Capsuleers are pretty resourcefull. If there is a use for it in PvP or null/low they will find it even if it is just to bait cap fleets. Anyone know what is the most absurd T2/cheap tank you can fit on it now (ASB/AAR/Invuls/adaptive/etc.) ?

    A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

    Anize Oramara
    #5656 - 2013-10-16 00:49:23 UTC
    SOL Ranger wrote:
    Tyberius Franklin wrote:

    Just to address something in your post that seems rather far off:
    Conditional Immunities don't ignore sandbox mechanics. Trading one attribute for another in interactions is itself an acceptable sandbox mechanic. Furthermore no choices are limited so long as bastion is not mandatory.

    I am directly aiming my critique at the Bastion and what using it entails, moving away from the bastion as the center of the topic and saying that not using it is an alternative solution is missing the point and as it happens, not true.
    Bastion will be mandatory, the mobility of Marauders among other things is already being nerfed, so choices are in fact being limited.
    Anyone planning not to use the Bastion will find any faction/pirate ship will easily outperform Marauders; Marauders are deliberately being designed around the Bastion and you will have a hard time not using it because of the costs in the balancing.

    Additionally, my gripe with the Bastion is not the idea that it isn't usable for at least something like gimmick PvP, it is that the module has severe flaws and it should be abolished as it currently is being presented, more so due to the fact it presents no actual interesting or fun mechanics to speak of when speaking of following the Marauder role.


    Conditional immunities ignore the very idea of having established mechanics which exist have any effect on the results, which means you have balanced E-war for the whole game but then decide to circumvent this mechanic by a simple conditional rule which states, here the rules don't apply, effectively creating a second rule, every immunity is another rule and exception added to the first.

    Would you support missiles which always applied full damage through a conditional and ignored signature radius/exp velocity? No you wouldn't, exact same thing, the proper way to do it is to follow mechanics in a relatively reasonable manner.

    If in this case E-war is too powerful then rebalance it, revisit the mechanics and alter them to function as intended, just do not create new ways to avoid the problems.

    E-war immunity ignores the sandbox mechanics for E-war, which is a use for sensor strength to determine efficiency, if there was a legit suggestion they would give Marauders a relatively high sensor strength in Bastion and not just outright cut them out from the sandbox in that specific area; Sandbox mechanics rely on the fact that they apply without selective interpretation causing meta rule sets, effectively destroying the whole concept in the process.

    RR/assistance lockout ignores the idea of partaking in more complex parts of multiplayer gaming, it is a counterproductive limitation at best, promoting locked out solo play is out of touch with the whole concept of MMOs regardless of the fact if it is ignoring how RR works with mere conditionals.

    Tyberius Franklin wrote:

    Actually, the "halfwit play styles" you mention represent increased choices rather than limit those already available.

    Again, if you won't be using Bastion then you'll be better off in other ships by default, there is no choice between having the Bastion module or not, it is a choice between Bastion Marauder and Pirate Battleship, the live Marauders will no longer exist.

    If you're even remotely interested in fluent mobility and kiting you will pick a Pirate Battleship.

    The only choice you are getting with Bastion is, will I deploy here and die or win?

    You are getting this one choice to substitute all the mobile intricacies of EVE combat, E-war threats and even quite simply the consequences of taking damage in many situations, successful tanking of damage becoming a guarantee rather than an active process of skill to manage a capacitor and avoid excess damage in multitudes of ways

    The Ignoring of the whole concept of support in terms of remote assistance in situations where you should have need for it is one of the greatest flaws in Bastion design, when you are deployed.

    It literally defines the idea of picking the worst of all possible scenarios into one module currently.

    The Bastion undeniably promotes poor play styles, it throws every common sense defensive or offensive maneuver/adjustment out of the window and simplifies everything.

    Soooo.... What about Dreads and Triage Carriers? Since it is so similar then all of this ranting and raving applies to them as well right? Are you in fact calling for Siege and Triage to be removed as well or is it ok because it's confined to low/null/WH? Does Dreads and Carriers Reduce the Sandboxieness of this game?

    Sandbox is all about choice and choosing to use a Bastion Marauder is a valid choice in that context as is completely true to the game being Sandbox. Now weather the Basiton Marauser is OP and UP might indeed be very valid concerns and those should be brought to the attention of CCP after proper testing.

    The only thing I DO agree with is theres no point in running the marauder without the bastion. I ran a Marauder because I could salvage and loot at the same time. I do not really do LP stuff so the loot and salvage has always been more important than running more missions faster without.

    It's a CHOICE and this change makes that choice a lot more interesting with new pros and cons and hopefully new tools (traktor structure) to work with people's play styles. I do not begrudge people choosing Pirate BS.

    Don't be afraid of the new or the change. That's what keeps eve alive.

    A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

    Garviel Tarrant
    Beyond Divinity Inc
    Shadow Cartel
    #5657 - 2013-10-16 00:51:02 UTC
    280 pages..

    I think this proves quite definitively which player group is the loudest...

    BYDI recruitment closed-ish

    Serge SC
    The Valhalla Project
    #5658 - 2013-10-16 00:52:47 UTC
    Daishan Auergni wrote:
    Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
    Another reason why so few will use this bastion mess outside of high sec:

    Are the SiSi versions less effective than the current iterations?

    They're different, assuredly, but effectiveness can be argued back and forth (ad nauseaum). Are they more vulnerable to ganking than current versions? Are they weaker? Are they slower isk makers?

    They are quite a bit more tanky; On 1v1 engagement, they can outlast most battleship while shredding similar targets. But they're in no means solo pvp ships. Also, sisi pvp is not the same as TQ pvp. Can't tell honestly how they'd fare...

    They have a somewhat smaller buffer tank, relying almost entirely on resists to tank, resists coming from Bastion.

    In high-sec, they're not that vulnerable, with those resists, you could tank some ships until concord arrives. It would be dumb, thought to be out of bastion if getting ganked, unless you're already ready to warp.

    Serge SC Le Frenchman Friendly FC

    Daishan Auergni
    Federal Navy Academy
    Gallente Federation
    #5659 - 2013-10-16 00:56:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Daishan Auergni
    Arthur Aihaken wrote:
    Daishan Auergni wrote:
    Because Marauders are all over low and nullsec now?

    I think the point was that this aspect should be worked on to encourage their use outside of high-sec.

    What is the biggest hangup to them being used in PvP?

    In fact, in terms of BS hulls, which are the most commonly used in PvP, small, large, blob, whatever? Are ANY of the top 10 more than 200 million ISK? I have no idea, but I'm going to guess NO.

    The biggest hangup to seeing billion ISK hulls in PvP? Billion ISK hulls.
    Arthur Aihaken
    #5660 - 2013-10-16 01:08:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
    Anize Oramara wrote:
    Not sure about the Kronos but the Golem is way better off than people seem to realize now that it can fit MORE mid slot stuff (paints and webs) to kill cruisers easier.

    I wouldn't say the Golem is better off. That web bonus is about as useful as screen doors on the bridge...

    Garviel Tarrant wrote:
    280 pages..
    I think this proves quite definitively which player group is the most ignored...

    There, fixed it for you.

    I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.