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EVE General Discussion

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Big Brother Is Watching you

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Varius Xeral
#21 - 2013-09-11 14:43:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Varius Xeral

Official Representative of The Nullsec Zealot Cabal

#22 - 2013-09-11 14:46:50 UTC
Vobard wrote:
Tikitina wrote:
Vobard wrote:
Well let's be serious for a moment and take a look at all those high isk suicide ganks done to players 30 days old or less. If a rookie can lead you to warnings and or bans anywhere in space then those lol kills around Jita could technically get you guys in trouble should CCP decide to take action.

Since when is Jita a Rookie System?

Grinder2210 wrote:

CCP Has made some changes to the Rookie Systems Rule...

You probably missed the part in the change where this is not confined to rookie systems anymore.

Probably a good change and most likely a result of players trying to work around the existing rules.

You reap what you sew.
Utassi Security
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#23 - 2013-09-11 14:48:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Turelus
TL;DR: Systems in question didn't change they just made it more clear.

Previously the warning was a tiny box at the bottom which could easily be missed.
I would quite often inform can flippers in local they were breaking rules and they had no idea because the information just wasn't there for them.

This is a good move my CCP by both expanding it to "don't mess with newbies" and placing it at the top of the article.

Let's be honest ripping of a one hour old newbie or blowing him up does nothing positive for the game and there is no way you can spin it in your favour as immersive or sandbox gameplay when you're talking about someone who has no idea at all about the game.

Turelus CEO Utassi Security

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#24 - 2013-09-11 14:48:18 UTC
Right out of the box I am going to expect people who see a problem with this to be noob harvesters and there's no way they are not scumbags in the real world too.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Azami Nevinyrall
#25 - 2013-09-11 14:50:06 UTC
Gatecamps............gatecamps at every stargate on the otherside on Starter systems...littered with wrecks and thrashers...


Eugene Spencer
Set Phasers To Malky
#26 - 2013-09-11 14:53:17 UTC
I don't see why this is a problem at all. Lets face it, it's not really going to affect the average EVE non-noob. Unless you get your kicks from bullying noobs. But then you're a bawbag anyway and your opinion is irrelevant.

I have a specific comb for my beard.

Elizabeth Aideron
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2013-09-11 14:54:22 UTC
Vobard wrote:
Tikitina wrote:
Vobard wrote:
Well let's be serious for a moment and take a look at all those high isk suicide ganks done to players 30 days old or less. If a rookie can lead you to warnings and or bans anywhere in space then those lol kills around Jita could technically get you guys in trouble should CCP decide to take action.

Since when is Jita a Rookie System?

Grinder2210 wrote:

CCP Has made some changes to the Rookie Systems Rule...

You probably missed the part in the change where this is not confined to rookie systems anymore.

No, it specifically says in the rookie systems still. It's insane that the factory lines in them are constantly filled just so people can try to sell rookies the civilian afterburners.
Petrus Blackshell
#28 - 2013-09-11 14:54:53 UTC
Grinder2210 wrote:
Ok i have A pritty good idea what a rookie is ( A rookie is any Player under 30days old )

The wording now isnt Rookie its New player so now i have to ask whats a new player is that anyone with less experance

'Warning: Attempting to abuse a new player’s lack of knowledge of the game "

Idk about you but ive met players with no pvp knowledge at all after playing for 10years ... .....

"This includes, but is not limited to; tricking new players" "Pilots found to pursue activities against new players in other areas may be subject to further restrictions "

Ok so your sitting outside Jita 44 in a shiney new gank Nado random suspect undocks you fire Suspect die's you lol Few days later you get a Worning for attacking rookies

Fact is this Could happen just read the rule im not saying it is happening IDK but If Players have to Check the age of every player thay shoot in every system there in Includeing LowSec and Null space this to me in unfar to Every Player in EVE

You seem to have misplaced all of your periods at the end of one line. You might want to spread those out.

Last night I ganked a Thrasher that was running level missions out of my station in lowsec. Why? Because it was a Thrasher running level missions out of my station in lowsec, and such behavior is simply not allowed. Only later did I realize he was a 1.5 month old newbie who really stood no chance (didn't even know he could re-dock upon being shot). Would I get banned for doing this? Hardly. The fact he was a clueless newb had no bearing on my actions.

Now, if I performed the same gank out in 0.9 space, it is far more likely that I am just doing it for trolling newbies. The gank in lowsec nets me a safer/emptier home system, and possibly some loot to make my time worth it. The hisec gank, not so much, which only leaves "for lulz" as a reason. As per the article on grief play:

A grief player, or "griefer," is a player who devotes much of his time to making others’ lives miserable, in a large part deriving his enjoyment of the game from these activities while he does not profit from it in any way. Grief tactics are the mechanics a griefer will utilize to antagonize other players. At our discretion, players who are found to be consistently maliciously interfering with the game experience for others may receive a warning, temporary suspension or permanent banning of his account.

This should not be confused with standard conflict that might arise between two (or more) players, such as corporation wars. The EVE universe is a harsh universe largely driven by such conflict and notice must be taken of the fact that nonconsensual combat alone is not considered to be grief play per the above definition.

Are you taking advantage of inexperience in your opponents in order to have some tangible profit or victory? You're fine. Are you picking on inexperienced players just to make their lives miserable? You gon' have a bad time.

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#29 - 2013-09-11 15:04:16 UTC
Vobard wrote:
Tikitina wrote:
Vobard wrote:
Well let's be serious for a moment and take a look at all those high isk suicide ganks done to players 30 days old or less. If a rookie can lead you to warnings and or bans anywhere in space then those lol kills around Jita could technically get you guys in trouble should CCP decide to take action.

Since when is Jita a Rookie System?

Grinder2210 wrote:

CCP Has made some changes to the Rookie Systems Rule...

You probably missed the part in the change where this is not confined to rookie systems anymore.

Hmmmm.... specifically it says

Pilots found to pursue activities against new players in other areas may be subject to further restrictions as deemed necessary by CCP Games Customer Support Team.

It does not say "Starter system restrictions will now be strictly enforced throughout EVE" as you are trying to infer.

I know you hate the phrase "as deemed necessary" because it takes away those nifty loopholes you like to try to exploit, but you're going to have to man up now and actually act like part of this gaming community... instead of victimizing the helpless. And by helpless I don't mean people that are bad at EVE... I mean people that don't even know the game rules well enough to find out if they ARE bad at EVE.

Use some common sense and quit farming targets that have no game knowledge yet. All you are doing is hurting the game for everyone. They'll be viable targets soon enough.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#30 - 2013-09-11 15:31:52 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:

It does not say "Starter system restrictions will now be strictly enforced throughout EVE" as you are trying to infer.

That pritty much exactly what it says

Warning: Attempting to abuse a new player’s lack of knowledge of the game and its mechanic for your personal gain or simply for their harm is prohibited in these solar systems. This includes, but is not limited to; tricking new players into situations where you or others may open fire on them freely or scamming ISK or assets from them. Disregarding warnings to cease such behavior from authorized CCP personnel is considered to be in violation of section 6 of the EVE Online Terms of Service.

Pilots found to pursue activities against new players in other areas may be subject to further restrictions as deemed necessary by CCP Games Customer Support Team.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#31 - 2013-09-11 15:33:31 UTC
Its sad what EVE is slowly becoming. By codling these new players we are actually hurting them in the long run. What will happen eventually is that one day a new player older than 30 days is going to be ganked or scammed in a nice expensive ship which will result in rage/quit. By losing cheap ships and being scammed with a small wallet it atleast prepares them for the future and possibly educates them on how to avoid such treachery.

Signatured removed, CCP Phantom

Harry Forever
#32 - 2013-09-11 15:36:48 UTC
Grinder2210 wrote:
You Decide

CCP Has made some changes to the Rookie Systems Rule

Im all for helping and teaching new players the game, but the wording clearly sets ground work makeing shooting any new player in any system a offance

Old Wording :

Warning: Attempting to trick new players in to situations where you can fire on them freely, such as can flipping them, in these systems is prohibited.

New Wording :

Warning: Attempting to abuse a new player’s lack of knowledge of the game and its mechanic for your personal gain or simply for their harm is prohibited in these solar systems. This includes, but is not limited to; tricking new players into situations where you or others may open fire on them freely or scamming ISK or assets from them. Disregarding warnings to cease such behavior from authorized CCP personnel is considered to be in violation of section 6 of the EVE Online Terms of Service.

Pilots found to pursue activities against new players in other areas may be subject to further restrictions as deemed necessary by CCP Games Customer Support Team.

:D hey grinder! :'D seems your party camping epic arc mission objectives is over Cool
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#33 - 2013-09-11 15:43:50 UTC
Grinder2210 wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:

It does not say "Starter system restrictions will now be strictly enforced throughout EVE" as you are trying to infer.

That pritty much exactly what it says

Warning: Attempting to abuse a new player’s lack of knowledge of the game and its mechanic for your personal gain or simply for their harm is prohibited in these solar systems. This includes, but is not limited to; tricking new players into situations where you or others may open fire on them freely or scamming ISK or assets from them. Disregarding warnings to cease such behavior from authorized CCP personnel is considered to be in violation of section 6 of the EVE Online Terms of Service.

Pilots found to pursue activities against new players in other areas may be subject to further restrictions as deemed necessary by CCP Games Customer Support Team.

Your own quote (and mine) clearly shows otherwise.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#34 - 2013-09-11 15:49:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
RomeStar wrote:
Its sad what EVE is slowly becoming. By codling these new players we are actually hurting them in the long run. What will happen eventually is that one day a new player older than 30 days is going to be ganked or scammed in a nice expensive ship which will result in rage/quit. By losing cheap ships and being scammed with a small wallet it atleast prepares them for the future and possibly educates them on how to avoid such treachery.

I know what you are saying, and might agree completely if there was a mode players could easily enter where they could experiment with game mechanics on their own for a while... but there isn't. In EVE they are thrown in the shark tank from day one. Even in a simpler game it can take a while to figure out the basics if they are something other than a run of the mill FPS or flight sim.

There is absolutely no harm in allowing them time to get their bearings for a month. Once they figure out what is going on they are much more likely to stay, and then they are fair game and have at least some sort of chance to make half way intelligent decisions under duress.

Frankly, the pro's of having better player retention far out weigh the giggles one gets from nailing someone less than a month in who barely understands how to get from one celestial object to another.

We all want more people to shoot. I tend to think of that first month as a "catch and release" period. You don't keep the littles one so they can grow up to be something worth catching a little later on.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Alavaria Fera
#35 - 2013-09-11 15:51:51 UTC
Elizabeth Aideron wrote:
Vobard wrote:
Tikitina wrote:
Vobard wrote:
Well let's be serious for a moment and take a look at all those high isk suicide ganks done to players 30 days old or less. If a rookie can lead you to warnings and or bans anywhere in space then those lol kills around Jita could technically get you guys in trouble should CCP decide to take action.

Since when is Jita a Rookie System?
Grinder2210 wrote:

CCP Has made some changes to the Rookie Systems Rule...

You probably missed the part in the change where this is not confined to rookie systems anymore.

No, it specifically says in the rookie systems still. It's insane that the factory lines in them are constantly filled just so people can try to sell rookies the civilian afterburners.

That surely can't be allowed.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#36 - 2013-09-11 16:09:17 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:

:D hey grinder! :'D seems your party camping epic arc mission objectives is over Cool

No worrys on that Harry my long Combat History will show that i am more than able to get kills elsewere

That Said I just like Arnon the most
#37 - 2013-09-11 16:12:19 UTC
Yah just gtfo of there

There are good ships,

And wood ships,

And ships that sail the sea

But the best ships are Spaceships

Built by CCP

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#38 - 2013-09-11 18:43:54 UTC
Grinder2210 wrote:
You Decide

CCP Has made some changes to the Rookie Systems Rule

Im all for helping and teaching new players the game, but the wording clearly sets ground work makeing shooting any new player in any system a offance

Old Wording :

Warning: Attempting to trick new players in to situations where you can fire on them freely, such as can flipping them, in these systems is prohibited.

New Wording :

Warning: Attempting to abuse a new player’s lack of knowledge of the game and its mechanic for your personal gain or simply for their harm is prohibited in these solar systems. This includes, but is not limited to; tricking new players into situations where you or others may open fire on them freely or scamming ISK or assets from them. Disregarding warnings to cease such behavior from authorized CCP personnel is considered to be in violation of section 6 of the EVE Online Terms of Service.

Pilots found to pursue activities against new players in other areas may be subject to further restrictions as deemed necessary by CCP Games Customer Support Team.


This post isnt about rookie systems this post is about everysystem

Whan you read this dont think about the systems listed as rookie system think about eveonline as a hole becasue That what the GM posting this is saying

"Pilots found to pursue activities against new players in other areas may be subject to further restrictions[/u] as deemed necessary by CCP Games Customer Support Team"

This rule Can be applyed anywere the GM sees fit From Jita to the deepst cornor of Null Sec
Minmatar Citizen160812
The LGBT Last Supper
#39 - 2013-09-11 19:05:56 UTC
Grinder2210 wrote:

in these solar systems.

One system out is still ok...

The rookie systems are just like the gated and caged cattle chutes in prison. You can't mess with them there but once inside? Buttsex for everyone!
Khen'do Khen
#40 - 2013-09-11 19:28:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Khen'do Khen
embrel wrote:
how long is a player considered a rookie?

And what's the difference between a rookie and week-old alt?

Pilots found to pursue activities against new players in other areas may be subject to further restrictions as deemed necessary by CCP Games Customer Support Team.

If my enemy trains a new hauler alt and I find it and gank it, does it fall under this umbrella? When my enemy is using this rookie hauler alt to transport items to use against me, does this fall under "pursue activities against new players in other areas"? New account, not affiliated with the vet's account. Wouldn't that look like a "rookie"?

Too vague. Too weak. It was fine having it in the few rookie systems, but suddenly it can expand to other areas. So basically, if a rookie goes looking for a fight 2 weeks in, gets whipped, and decides to cry about it...