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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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CCP karkur - you're our only hope - new Little Things

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Utremi Fasolasi
La Dolce Vita
#1 - 2013-09-07 03:58:36 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Max Trix
Wishing CCP Soundwave all the best but hope lives on.

How about a new Little Things thread to reflect that?

1. Some sort of indicator in the character sheet (or Journal) for NPC corps you have standing with, showing progress to the next storyline mission. Like a 16 part pie that fills in or something with each mission and resets every 16 missions.

2. When I am docked in the hangar or CQ I want a radial menu for my active ship for the common actions like:

- Leave ship
- Open Cargo
- Open Fittings
- Open Drone Bay
- Open specialised hold

(the right click menu is unwieldy and also suffers featuritis)

3. Also a palette floating at the top of the Neocom for the active docked ship in hangar view with buttons for these functions would be very nice. Something like this in terms of function already exists in space in the form of the Selected Item palette. These common actions really should have 1 click access in the hangar.

Those are three things off the top of my head.

Edit: fixed title :-)

Edit from CCP Explorer: Instructions from CCP karkur here on how to post so the ideas can be most efficiently harvested.

Edit: Removed Sticky ISD Max Trix
Tarn Kugisa
Kugisa Dynamics
#2 - 2013-09-07 05:33:08 UTC
we have a gigantic idea thread to pull ideas from

Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to troll everyone you meet - KuroVolt

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2013-09-07 07:10:01 UTC
So SoundWave is leaving and now we need a new thread?

CCP Explorer
C C P Alliance
#4 - 2013-09-07 08:44:34 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Explorer
You should change the team name there in the title to "... and Team Kuromaku...". This you would know if you have been reading her devblogs: Blink

Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson | Senior Development Director | EVE Online // CCP Games | @CCP_Explorer

CCP karkur
C C P Alliance
#5 - 2013-09-07 09:50:41 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP karkur
ok, I guess we could start a new thread since the suggestions from the other threads have been collected and summarized by the CSM, but I think we should have posting rules so it's easier to skim over it and collect the suggestions.

Something similar to what the CSM asked for in the crowdsourcing... I think that would be a good start.
(I'm totally sure about the format yet, so don't go all crazy posting here just yet)

ok, could you please format your posts like this(without the quote):

  • Suggestion: Sort bookmark folders in Edit/Create window for bookmarks
  • Keywords: ui, bookmarks
  • Note: They are in random order
  • ---

    I find it very difficult to find the folder where I want to save my bookmark because they are in magic order that makes no sense. I think once it was ordered correctly but now it's not and this is just some fake text for this example!

    Please keep the suggestion short, to the point and only 1 sentance.
    Keywords and note are optional, but cannot be more than 1 line.
    Check out the blog from the CSM for some examples and further explanations

    Feel free to elaborate in as much detail you want below the line (the line is 3 -).

    This format will allow us (with help from CSM members) to easily summarize the posts and compile a list of suggestions.

    It would be excellent if before posting, you could check here if your suggestion has already been posted.

    CCP karkur | Programmer | Team Five 0 | @CCP_karkur

    Bat Country
    Pandemic Horde
    #6 - 2013-09-07 10:12:16 UTC
    Did someone just say post crazy?
    Fuzzyness Enterprizes
    #7 - 2013-09-07 11:23:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Eraza
    ok, here's one that has been annoying me lately:
    when i warp to a station, docking manually, and when i'm in warp, i'm safe right? i will dock instantly when i arrive at station,
    so i alt tab to the forums, and..
    never actually dock, untill the INSTANT i tab back in (tested this also happens with autopilot)

    some npcs attacking drones to the exclusion of everything else, so much that i can keep them off me just by juggling drones..
    especially not when it's not on something that's really all that useful to distract with this, it's never the top dps in the area.. it's just annoying.. and those npcs look really ******** with this "ooh drone, lets drop everything to chase it" behaviour
    does that high bounty for it's size class come with brain damage?

    piniata commander spawns, dramatic warp in message, and then dies effortlessly..
    anomaly sites are heavy with this, the commander has mabey 50% more hp,
    this guy is supposed to be the site boss, make it feel like a boss,
    the text in local is like i'm supposed to feel "whoa, boss fight"
    but experience with those guys makes me think "OOH, PINIATA!"

    EDIT: the forums suggesting i post empty, and giving me the "backup" option of actually posting what i wrote
    stop clearing my text the instant i click "post"
    seriously: i have gotten used to copying all the text before clicking, and then going *post* *ctrl-v* *post* in a quick succesion
    Caden La'Rue
    School of Applied Knowledge
    Caldari State
    #8 - 2013-09-07 11:42:30 UTC
    1. When I go to move my probes and they jump back and forth because I'm not zoomed into the magical "no jumping 50 feet left and right" zone.

    2. Buyer 1 (highest buy order) want 23 of this item, buyer 2 (second highest) wants 2 of this item, buyer 3 wants 17 of this item, buyer 4 wants 1, etc. I just want to sell all 2000 of the ones I have with the simple sale.

    3. 10% of 5000 isk is not 900. High-sec PI taxes math is hard.
    Test Alliance Please Ignore
    #9 - 2013-09-07 12:05:28 UTC
    Decrease session change timer to 5 seconds. \o/
    CCP karkur
    C C P
    C C P Alliance
    #10 - 2013-09-07 14:49:41 UTC
    Before posting, please see my posting guidelines a few posts above Smile

    CCP karkur | Programmer | Team Five 0 | @CCP_karkur

    CCP Explorer
    C C P
    C C P Alliance
    #11 - 2013-09-07 17:16:53 UTC
    Ammzi wrote:
    Decrease session change timer to 5 seconds. \o/
    This is by far not a Little Thing. We decreased the session change timer from 30 seconds to 10 second through a number of optimisation efforts and further decreases are more difficult.

    Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson | Senior Development Director | EVE Online // CCP Games | @CCP_Explorer

    Redemption Road
    #12 - 2013-09-07 17:59:19 UTC
    Suggestion: Add shortcuts to the following broadcasts: Align to, Warp to, Jump to.
    Keywords: fleet, broadcasts
    Note: Oh please please let us set a shortcut to these broadcasts! We have shortcuts for broadcasting need armor, target, all kinds of broadcasts, but these three broadcast options can NOT be assigned a shortcut. When you are broadcasting fleet movements for several hours on a big roam, right-click cramps become downright painful!

    What you do for yourself dies with you, what you do for others is immortal.

    Free weekly public roams & monthly NewBro new player roams!

    Visit Redemption Road or join mailing list REDEMPTION ROAMS for information

    Spy 21
    #13 - 2013-09-07 18:00:23 UTC
    Add PI to the Industry or Business training mission.

    Obfuscation for the WIN on page 3...

    Benny Ohu
    Royal Amarr Institute
    Amarr Empire
    #14 - 2013-09-07 18:01:34 UTC
    Suggestion: Correct the picture of the Customs Office in the Selected Items window to have the proper right-click context menu as every other object in space
    Keywords: ui, bug
    Note: When does bug reporting come back online?

    this is the easiest way to access the warp to... menu when the POCO is selected already

    Suggestion: Have broadcast icons in the watchlist disappear after a certain time
    Keywords: ui, watchlist, fleet
    Note: The FC needed shields... an hour ago. Thanks, watchlist!

    Suggestion: Nerf goons
    Keywords: nerf, goon
    Note: Nerf goons

    Suggestion: Add 'Confirm jump clone destruction' to the Reset Suppress Message Settings menu in ESC
    keywords: ui, jumpclone, whoops, full HG-slave set
    Note: This is the message you get when you jump away from a station you already had a clone in, and a JC and implants are about to be destroyed. It's suppressable but you can't reset that setting.

    Suggestion: Highlight damaged modules and ships in the hangar
    Keywords: ui, inventory
    Note: Quality of life

    Suggestion: Add 'insure ship' to the context menu in stations
    Keywords: ui, insurance
    Note: Scrolling through lots of ships in the insurance menu is painful

    Suggestion: Add 'board ship' to the context menu in the insurance menu
    Keywords: ui, insurance, opposite day
    Note: When you have a lot of doctrine ships, going through them in the inventory to search for the insured one is more painful
    Benny Ohu
    Royal Amarr Institute
    Amarr Empire
    #15 - 2013-09-07 18:28:15 UTC
    actually do this
    keywords: ms paint, comic sans, benny rules
    note: my red rockets thorax with the lifesavers are insured (the tooltip tells me so), the thorax with the red border is damaged or has damaged modules
    Global Telstar Federation Offices
    Masters of Flying Objects
    #16 - 2013-09-07 18:30:20 UTC
    Benny Ohu wrote:
    Suggestion: Correct the picture of the Customs Office in the Selected Items window to have the proper right-click context menu as every other object in space
    Keywords: ui, bug
    Note: When does bug reporting come back online?

    this is the easiest way to access the warp to... menu when the POCO is selected already

    Suggestion: Have broadcast icons in the watchlist disappear after a certain time
    Keywords: ui, watchlist, fleet
    Note: The FC needed shields... an hour ago. Thanks, watchlist!

    Suggestion: Nerf goons
    Keywords: nerf, goon
    Note: Nerf goons

    Suggestion: Add 'Confirm jump clone destruction' to the Reset Suppress Message Settings menu in ESC
    keywords: ui, jumpclone, whoops, full HG-slave set
    Note: This is the message you get when you jump away from a station you already had a clone in, and a JC and implants are about to be destroyed. It's suppressable but you can't reset that setting.

    Suggestion: Highlight damaged modules and ships in the hangar
    Keywords: ui, inventory
    Note: Quality of life

    Suggestion: Add 'insure ship' to the context menu in stations
    Keywords: ui, insurance
    Note: Scrolling through lots of ships in the insurance menu is painful

    Suggestion: Add 'board ship' to the context menu in the insurance menu
    Keywords: ui, insurance, opposite day
    Note: When you have a lot of doctrine ships, going through them in the inventory to search for the insured one is more painful

    Bug reporting is back on lineTwisted

    If i dont know something about EVE. I check

    See you around the universe.

    Tomiko Kawase
    #17 - 2013-09-07 18:36:40 UTC

    • Suggestion: Allow more keys to be rebound such as "Tab" and "Shift+Tab"
    • Keyword: UI, Gameplay, keybinds
    Rutger Janssen
    The Initiative.
    #18 - 2013-09-07 18:57:26 UTC
    Salpun wrote:
    Bug reporting is back on lineTwisted

    Yes, but if bugs take months/years to get fixed, I can imagine people wanting to post it here so they jump queue.

    But let's ask CCP, can bugs be posted here too or will those bug reports just have to wait their turn?
    Caviar Liberta
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #19 - 2013-09-07 19:04:22 UTC
    Eraza wrote:
    ok, here's one that has been annoying me lately:
    when i warp to a station, docking manually, and when i'm in warp, i'm safe right? i will dock instantly when i arrive at station,
    so i alt tab to the forums, and..
    never actually dock, untill the INSTANT i tab back in (tested this also happens with autopilot)

    I just tested this and recorded what I did. I warped to station from sun then from station to station. Clicking the dock option I alt tabbed to your post as soon as I heard docking permission requested and stayed on said post till I heard docking permission accepted.

    The only thing that was different was using the autopilot.

    Autopilot active, warping to starbase, approaching starbase, docking permission requested and then docking permission accepted.

    Here's a video of me doing this.

    Docking issues?

    This was also done on the test server. Not sure if it would differ from the live server now.
    Mindstar Technology
    Goonswarm Federation
    #20 - 2013-09-07 19:56:30 UTC
    Suggestion: Sort local by standings
    tags: Local , UI
    Notes: Would be nice to know who is in packed or active sytems
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