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Can we turn off the new jump animation?

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School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#141 - 2013-06-05 16:26:46 UTC
Emu Meo wrote:
CCP has said that the new jump effect is integrated into the system switch mechanic now, and so reverting it back would not only be a technical challenge, it would also waste a lot of dev time which could be spent on improving the game further instead of taking it back into the past as you are suggesting.

And as I said, there are practical and simple things that the player can do to stop the sickness, seeing as it's most likely their posture and bad habits that are causing it in the first place.

AKA Hambone

Author of The Deathworlders

Nikko Jiangtibayan
Ghosts That Linger
#142 - 2013-06-05 16:32:59 UTC
Emu Meo wrote:
Nikko Jiangtibayan wrote:
So why, exactly, should people who dislike this not be able to turn it off?.

CCP has said that the new jump effect is integrated into the system switch mechanic now, and so reverting it back would not only be a technical challenge, it would also waste a lot of dev time which could be spent on improving the game further instead of taking it back into the past as you are suggesting.

You're missing the point. This thread, if I have interpreted it correctly, is not asking the devs to revert to the old system. It is asking for the option to disable a camera movement or effect that causes them problems. Not to remove the effect for everyone, and change the system; to prevent it from playing for people who have ticked the box.

All that would be required is a simple check box that prevents the effect (be it camera movement or jump tunnel) from playing. We have many of these boxes already, for things like animated turrets and camera shake.


Mizhir: "Brakes are for cowards and they makes the ship heavier."

ISD LackOfFaith
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#143 - 2013-06-05 16:40:41 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD LackOfFaith
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Cleaned up the thread according to the above rules. Please stay courteous, constructive, and on topic.

ISD LackOfFaith


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to Eve Mail or anything other than the forums.

Tronicl Maruni
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#144 - 2013-06-05 18:20:09 UTC
Nice animation, but as some of you allready said it should be disable/enable at effects-option like all other effects are. The animation causes lag also while playing with one client on my notebook and for those with great ideas to solve that: no, i don't want to buy a better one yet because everything else is running perfect. Pirate In fleets there is also no need for every jump to show the animation, greatings to the lag and to tidi (I guess).

Best regards o/

Gallowmere Rorschach
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#145 - 2013-06-05 18:40:28 UTC
Stitcher wrote:
Emu Meo wrote:
CCP has said that the new jump effect is integrated into the system switch mechanic now, and so reverting it back would not only be a technical challenge, it would also waste a lot of dev time which could be spent on improving the game further instead of taking it back into the past as you are suggesting.

And as I said, there are practical and simple things that the player can do to stop the sickness, seeing as it's most likely their posture and bad habits that are causing it in the first place.

Funny how my posture and bad habits weren't a problem until yesterday. I'm pretty sure that alone negates your entire argument.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#146 - 2013-06-05 18:41:55 UTC
Please, please an On/Off button... please. The new animation make me feel sick and is totally annoying.

Is it cool - only the way a gif is cool for a few moments. Not every 30 seconds when you are travelling someplace/roaming around. It doesn't even fit in with the rest of the game's atmosphere, it belongs in some action shooter or something.

Adding the On/Off button would be dev time well spent. It's the time they spent putting it in that is questionable.


Dyvim Slorm
Coven of the Morrigan
#147 - 2013-06-05 18:49:42 UTC
Tomba wrote:
Please, please an On/Off button... please. The new animation make me feel sick and is totally annoying.

Is it cool - only the way a gif is cool for a few moments. Not every 30 seconds when you are travelling someplace/roaming around. It doesn't even fit in with the rest of the game's atmosphere, it belongs in some action shooter or something.

Adding the On/Off button would be dev time well spent. It's the time they spent putting it in that is questionable.


Agree it needs a disable option.

Personally it doesn't worry me that much but it does become tiresome after a few jumps, perhaps CCP think they are programming an arcade game or somehting
Brujo Loco
Brujeria Teologica
#148 - 2013-06-05 18:52:33 UTC
After the 10th jump, I did more or less what I did with CQ back in the day, avoid it, and only way to do it now is by pressing F10 before jumping. Fact is on long trips all I do is leave Map on for the whole ride.

Not whining, just posting a workaround to those "GET USED TO IT" whining whiners against whiners posts.


Though I would love an option to turn it off. It´s good, I appreciate the effort of the art team, blah blah, but gets annoying on long trips.

As usual, CCP not giving choices, even a black screen would be better and I assume, shouldnt take too much effort, but then again who knows, a black screen might require ten years and 5 PHDs to code, since I know what a lot of people will answer and I am just a shoemaker... and enjoy turnip soup

Good animation guys, but just giving us CHOICE to turn it off would be great, like CQ. I hate it when CCP changes FLUFF and doesnt give an option to avoid it.


Inner Sayings of BrujoLoco:

Illest Insurrectionist
#149 - 2013-06-05 18:56:24 UTC
Choice is good.

I'd like the choice to turn off the new animation. Yes, I'd rather have a black screen. Or yellow would be nice. Spice it up you know.
Alex Alenterres
The Scope
#150 - 2013-06-05 19:08:50 UTC
This my very first post to the Eve forums and it seems the right time and place to do it.

+1 for the the option to turn off the jump animations

aya nasta
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#151 - 2013-06-05 19:20:46 UTC
Alex Alenterres wrote:
This my very first post to the Eve forums and it seems the right time and place to do it.

+1 for the the option to turn off the jump animations

Same here. First time post. Would like an "off" switch for the animation.
Gallowmere Rorschach
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#152 - 2013-06-05 19:25:00 UTC
aya nasta wrote:
Alex Alenterres wrote:
This my very first post to the Eve forums and it seems the right time and place to do it.

+1 for the the option to turn off the jump animations

Same here. First time post. Would like an "off" switch for the animation.

When people who have never used the forums before start showing up to complain about something, it's a pretty good indicator that CCP has **** the bed with a feature.
Roxxo I'doCocaine
#153 - 2013-06-05 19:43:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Roxxo I'doCocaine
CCP Greyscale wrote:

Our current plan is to leave it as-is for a few weeks and then see if it's still bothering people. It's very hard in advance to separate the things that will annoy people for a week and then stop being an issue from the things that will persist in annoying people forever. If you look at the initial feedback for the new font, for example, there was a near-riot when it was deployed - but if you go back and look at the old font now it's horrible.

CCP Greyscale's reply was to the thread linked above re: the scan animation that occurs after landing on grid post-jump. My take on it is that this will be CCP's position when it comes to all complaints about the Odyssey UI changes, including this one.

So the message from CCP is that if you care about this, do not take inaction and silence from CCP as evidence that they will not change it. In fact, what they seem to be saying is that if you really care, let them know it, and keep it up for at least a month or until it's changed.

Hey, it's an improvement over "We'll listen to what they do more than what they say". CCP wants to hear from you, and your corpies/buddies, for the next few weeks.
Zina Volkov
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#154 - 2013-06-05 20:00:40 UTC
My two cents is being thrown down with most others here: Make the visuals optional or turn them off completely.
Tribal Liberation Force
#155 - 2013-06-05 20:15:31 UTC
The animation doesn't bother me, but the gate jump volume is way way way too loud!

It overpowers every other sound coming out of my headphones, in game and out.
Alex Alenterres
The Scope
#156 - 2013-06-05 20:43:41 UTC
Roxxo I'doCocaine wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:

Our current plan is to leave it as-is for a few weeks and then see if it's still bothering people. It's very hard in advance to separate the things that will annoy people for a week and then stop being an issue from the things that will persist in annoying people forever. If you look at the initial feedback for the new font, for example, there was a near-riot when it was deployed - but if you go back and look at the old font now it's horrible.

CCP Greyscale's reply was on the cited thread regarding the scan animation that occurs after landing on grid after jumping. My take on it though is that this is CCP's position when it comes to all complaints about the Odyssey UI changes, including this one.

So the message from CCP is that if you care about this, do not take inaction and silence from CCP as evidence that they will not change it. In fact, what they seem to be saying is that if you really care, let them know it, and keep it up for at least a month or until it's changed.

Hey, it's an improvement over "We'll listen to what they do more than what they say". CCP wants to hear from you, and your corpies/buddies, for the next few weeks.

So do we just issue our dismay constantly for a week, repeating ourselves again and again in this forum and others or do we just start a similar thread in a week?
State War Academy
Caldari State
#157 - 2013-06-05 20:48:05 UTC
I think its just very shortsighted to put this animation in a way that replaces all other options.
Its like harcoding subtitles into a video and deleting the original, then realizing you made spelling mistakes.
On/Off option should be the obvious move here, I've done like 100 jumps already, and I'm starting to cringe every time now...

An interesting article about Solo PvP:

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#158 - 2013-06-05 20:48:54 UTC
Nikko Jiangtibayan wrote:
Emu Meo wrote:
Nikko Jiangtibayan wrote:
So why, exactly, should people who dislike this not be able to turn it off?.

CCP has said that the new jump effect is integrated into the system switch mechanic now, and so reverting it back would not only be a technical challenge, it would also waste a lot of dev time which could be spent on improving the game further instead of taking it back into the past as you are suggesting.

You're missing the point. This thread, if I have interpreted it correctly, is not asking the devs to revert to the old system. It is asking for the option to disable a camera movement or effect that causes them problems. Not to remove the effect for everyone, and change the system; to prevent it from playing for people who have ticked the box.

All that would be required is a simple check box that prevents the effect (be it camera movement or jump tunnel) from playing. We have many of these boxes already, for things like animated turrets and camera shake.

I had no idea that all you have to do to make a new feature work or not work was to code in a simple check box.

Isn't modern technology wonderful?

Perhaps we can have them code in a simple check box to allow us to have modular POS's, or destructible asteroids... should take about 5 minutes tops. Smile

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Jake Rake
All Ore Nothing
#159 - 2013-06-05 20:57:38 UTC
+1 for removing the jump animation

To avoid getting seasick, I have to press F10, to open the starmap at each jump.
Plz Plz Plz remove it...
Nikko Jiangtibayan
Ghosts That Linger
#160 - 2013-06-05 21:14:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Nikko Jiangtibayan
Ranger 1 wrote:
Nikko Jiangtibayan wrote:
Emu Meo wrote:
Nikko Jiangtibayan wrote:
So why, exactly, should people who dislike this not be able to turn it off?.

CCP has said that the new jump effect is integrated into the system switch mechanic now, and so reverting it back would not only be a technical challenge, it would also waste a lot of dev time which could be spent on improving the game further instead of taking it back into the past as you are suggesting.

You're missing the point. This thread, if I have interpreted it correctly, is not asking the devs to revert to the old system. It is asking for the option to disable a camera movement or effect that causes them problems. Not to remove the effect for everyone, and change the system; to prevent it from playing for people who have ticked the box.

All that would be required is a simple check box that prevents the effect (be it camera movement or jump tunnel) from playing. We have many of these boxes already, for things like animated turrets and camera shake.

I had no idea that all you have to do to make a new feature work or not work was to code in a simple check box.

Isn't modern technology wonderful?

Perhaps we can have them code in a simple check box to allow us to have modular POS's, or destructible asteroids... should take about 5 minutes tops. Smile

No. That's not what I'm saying. I'm talking about a visual effect that already exists. You might be surprised how easy it is to make visual effects not play; it happens by accident all the time, which is part of the reason bug reports exist. One may infer that doing it on purpose isn't much harder.

Like I said, refer back to the examples of camera shake and turret effects. Those too are visual effects with a simple checkbox to turn them off. That's all this thread's asking for.

Personally, I like the new jump effect, though the camera swings do need to be much smoother/slower before I consider it polished. However, I also appreciate that others may wish to turn it off, and since their ability to do so affects me in no way whatsoever, I will happily support their cause - I may even change my mind later and want to turn it off too.


Mizhir: "Brakes are for cowards and they makes the ship heavier."