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Live Events Discussion

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My question is, why only once?

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The Scope
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2013-03-24 13:06:42 UTC
Helios Aquiness wrote:
I get the fact that this game is based in Iceland and on their time frame. I get the fact that server nodes can only handle so many people. Hell I dont even care if the whole thing was scripted. But why was this a one time thing? Why couldnt the titan respawn and be destroyed once every 4-6 hours all weekend? More people would be able to see the event. I dont know if the majority of others disagree with me then I guess Im just the odd man out.

It would never work for something like this event. It was a one off unique thing.

Maybe different live events could be be like a prolonged war for an area of space (think faction warfare style) that last for a weekend.
Vincent Athena
#22 - 2013-03-24 13:32:30 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
Inkarr Hashur wrote:
Ingkala wrote:
Helios Aquiness wrote:
Fair points. But I'm not saying that it should always happen or that it should be a new Titan every time. It would not hurt the lore, in my opinion atleast, to kill the same Titan all weekend for an event then have the lore say it was killed once and move on from there.

It would, because it could only die once. The Titanic didn't sink twice - only once.

Firstly, you don't get suspension of disbelief.

Second, wow. That'

Okay lemme break this down for you. A live event for people to enjoy is not like the SINKING OF THE TITANIC. Because that's a tragedy where thousands of people died. It's more comparable to watching James Cameron's Titanic. Because that's entertainment.

You don't show a movie only once. And lots of people voluntarily watch a given movie multiple times. Sometimes twice in one opening weekend. Get it?

To OP: From what I understand CCP wasn't flipping a switch and letting AI controlled boats go at each other, so I would just let it go. Maybe in the future they'll wisen up and set up a live event to repeat.

We won't. EVE is a living universe that has consequences - things happen once.

How many times has Zor died?

CCP Goliath, you need to have a bit more imagination.
The Caldari could have had several replacement Titans ready. After one drops, the replacement shows up. Different ship name, maybe the same captain. The Feds would announce to the player "Intel has indicated there are a total of 6 Titans, and they all need to be destroyed to free Caldari Prime". Now the task for the Gallente is to destroy them all, in a specified time frame. If CCP did that:

If the Gallente were a little slow the event would end with a Titan in orbit, and the Caldari would have won.
Even so you would still get the crashed Titan landscape for Dust.
The event would have persisted alot longer and more players would have had a chance at it.

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Tavin Aikisen
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#23 - 2013-03-24 14:12:44 UTC
Inkarr Hashur wrote:

Entertainment being entertaining, a mystifying concept. And you still don't understand how suspension of disbelief can apply to a repeating event.

Here's a smiley for you too XD

You can't have suspension of disbelief when the exact same event is occuring repeatedly in a non-linear world... That's the whole point...

"Remember this. Trust your eyes, you will kill each other. Trust your veins, you can all go home."

-Cold Wind

Gallente Federation
#24 - 2013-03-24 14:26:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Sobach
Vincent Athena wrote:
How many times has Zor died?

A mission is not a live event mkay?

CCP Goliath, you need to have a bit more imagination.
The Caldari could have had several replacement Titans ready. After one drops, the replacement shows up. Different ship name, maybe the same captain. The Feds would announce to the player "Intel has indicated there are a total of 6 Titans, and they all need to be destroyed to free Caldari Prime". Now the task for the Gallente is to destroy them all, in a specified time frame. If CCP did that:

If the Gallente were a little slow the event would end with a Titan in orbit, and the Caldari would have won.
Even so you would still get the crashed Titan landscape for Dust.
The event would have persisted alot longer and more players would have had a chance at it.

TBH, your plan sounds like a terrible idea, if it was that easy for the Caldari to send such a massive fleet to Luminaire, why did they wait 'til now to do it? it took a surprise attack and multiple colossal failure on the Federation's part for the first titan to get there, and now you want a blob of them to simply waltz through the front door when all eyes are on them?

And just why the hell would they break up their blob of titans, for the other side to take down one by one? "The real titan is in the next castle!" Roll
CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#25 - 2013-03-24 14:26:54 UTC
Vincent Athena wrote:
CCP Goliath wrote:
Inkarr Hashur wrote:
Ingkala wrote:
Helios Aquiness wrote:
Fair points. But I'm not saying that it should always happen or that it should be a new Titan every time. It would not hurt the lore, in my opinion atleast, to kill the same Titan all weekend for an event then have the lore say it was killed once and move on from there.

It would, because it could only die once. The Titanic didn't sink twice - only once.

Firstly, you don't get suspension of disbelief.

Second, wow. That'

Okay lemme break this down for you. A live event for people to enjoy is not like the SINKING OF THE TITANIC. Because that's a tragedy where thousands of people died. It's more comparable to watching James Cameron's Titanic. Because that's entertainment.

You don't show a movie only once. And lots of people voluntarily watch a given movie multiple times. Sometimes twice in one opening weekend. Get it?

To OP: From what I understand CCP wasn't flipping a switch and letting AI controlled boats go at each other, so I would just let it go. Maybe in the future they'll wisen up and set up a live event to repeat.

We won't. EVE is a living universe that has consequences - things happen once.

How many times has Zor died?

CCP Goliath, you need to have a bit more imagination.
The Caldari could have had several replacement Titans ready. After one drops, the replacement shows up. Different ship name, maybe the same captain. The Feds would announce to the player "Intel has indicated there are a total of 6 Titans, and they all need to be destroyed to free Caldari Prime". Now the task for the Gallente is to destroy them all, in a specified time frame. If CCP did that:

If the Gallente were a little slow the event would end with a Titan in orbit, and the Caldari would have won.
Even so you would still get the crashed Titan landscape for Dust.
The event would have persisted alot longer and more players would have had a chance at it.

We're going to have to agree to disagree. For me, this event would have been cheapened if we had handwaved an excuse to have it run 6 times consequentially. As someone pointed out above, there are other ways to run long events without compromising.

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

Gallente Federation
#26 - 2013-03-24 15:06:44 UTC  |  Edited by: iyammarrok
On the subject of Zor.

He's a capsuleer. not a very good one... seems he hasn't trained up his core skills
but still... he can keep comming back because he's one of them pirate capsuleers

(the handwave here comes in the fact that he somehow warps his pod out before it appears on the overview.)

as for 'repeating live events' .... it boils down to the difference between the LE-incursions and the AI ones.

The LE ones were a lot more fun.

Not indicative of corporate policy unless otherwise stated.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#27 - 2013-03-24 15:34:22 UTC
Helios Aquiness wrote:
Hell I dont even care if the whole thing was scripted.

I basically agree with OP. The problem was that it was scripted, so they couldn't let the players fight the titan multiple times. Otherwise at some point the whole playerbase might have decided to side on Caldari for a change and save the titan, and that was probably something CCP couldn't afford to happen.
Sentient Blade
Crisis Atmosphere
Coalition of the Unfortunate
#28 - 2013-03-24 15:42:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Sentient Blade
It can't really be done more than once.. but that doesn't have to mean the story ends..

Those Moros that got brought in and the pilots that flew them need to be punished.

I'm thinking it's time the Caldari built a new Titan in honour of it, and then used said titan to bridge in a *massive* fleet right on top of the Gallente shipyards with (let's pretend) no warning.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2013-03-24 16:02:19 UTC
iyammarrok wrote:
On the subject of Zor.

He's a capsuleer. not a very good one... seems he hasn't trained up his core skills
but still... he can keep comming back because he's one of them pirate capsuleers

(the handwave here comes in the fact that he somehow warps his pod out before it appears on the overview.)

as for 'repeating live events' .... it boils down to the difference between the LE-incursions and the AI ones.

The LE ones were a lot more fun.

RE Zor, you could argue you that the pod dies in the explosion and just keeps his clone nearby
CCP Falcon
#30 - 2013-03-25 00:11:55 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
We won't. EVE is a living universe that has consequences - things happen once.


CCP Falcon || EVE Universe Community Manager || @CCP_Falcon

Happy Birthday To FAWLTY7! <3

Karaena Eli Hakoke
Cyber Dragoons
Cyber Dragoons Alliance
#31 - 2013-03-25 00:50:07 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:
CCP Goliath wrote:
We won't. EVE is a living universe that has consequences - things happen once.


Even if I was unable to attend the battle over Caldari Prime, I do agree that it has to occur only once, as stated above.
#32 - 2013-03-25 01:36:39 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:
CCP Goliath wrote:
We won't. EVE is a living universe that has consequences - things happen once.


ha! there are still dozens of more interesting landmarks you haven't pointlessly blown up. Plenty of room for repeats! Keep at it until space is as interesting as oatmeal! Then they'd have to buy dust!

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Aegea Siannodel
Trantor Mentalics
#33 - 2013-03-25 14:36:00 UTC
Sentient Blade wrote:
It can't really be done more than once.. but that doesn't have to mean the story ends..

Those Moros that got brought in and the pilots that flew them need to be punished.

I'm thinking it's time the Caldari built a new Titan in honour of it, and then used said titan to bridge in a *massive* fleet right on top of the Gallente shipyards with (let's pretend) no warning.

the moros were left in space while the devs went to dinner and beer, pretty sure they were finished off.; but i didn't continue watching the stream much after CCP_Rise said they were leaving. as I had already wasted 3+ hours.
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