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Live Events Discussion

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My question is, why only once?

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Helios Aquiness
Caldari State
#1 - 2013-03-22 23:34:43 UTC
I get the fact that this game is based in Iceland and on their time frame. I get the fact that server nodes can only handle so many people. Hell I dont even care if the whole thing was scripted. But why was this a one time thing? Why couldnt the titan respawn and be destroyed once every 4-6 hours all weekend? More people would be able to see the event. I dont know if the majority of others disagree with me then I guess Im just the odd man out.
Carebear? Im a brony, motherf***er.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2013-03-22 23:36:39 UTC
Because there is only one Shiigeru (the titan that got killed). Not several. It's not how EVE works.
Caffeine Commodities Company
#3 - 2013-03-22 23:37:31 UTC
Helios Aquiness wrote:
I get the fact that this game is based in Iceland and on their time frame. I get the fact that server nodes can only handle so many people. Hell I dont even care if the whole thing was scripted. But why was this a one time thing? Why couldnt the titan respawn and be destroyed once every 4-6 hours all weekend? More people would be able to see the event. I dont know if the majority of others disagree with me then I guess Im just the odd man out.

(( Live events create the backstory for eve and dust. Titans are super expensive, and well, the factions dont really have the amount of cash that the null sec alliances do. Pretending they do and spawning multiple titans would seriously impact lore, as well as who would captain all the titans? Its not like a faction is going to trust just anyone to do it... ))
Vardaugas Family
#4 - 2013-03-22 23:45:16 UTC
The point of unique events is that they are unique. Make them to a scheduled recurring event and the whole story turns to a joke, like every mission. Or when was the last time you read through the story part of a mission and felt immersed in it?
Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#5 - 2013-03-23 00:39:16 UTC
Popsikle wrote:
Helios Aquiness wrote:
I get the fact that this game is based in Iceland and on their time frame. I get the fact that server nodes can only handle so many people. Hell I dont even care if the whole thing was scripted. But why was this a one time thing? Why couldnt the titan respawn and be destroyed once every 4-6 hours all weekend? More people would be able to see the event. I dont know if the majority of others disagree with me then I guess Im just the odd man out.

(( Live events create the backstory for eve and dust. Titans are super expensive, and well, the factions dont really have the amount of cash that the null sec alliances do. Pretending they do and spawning multiple titans would seriously impact lore, as well as who would captain all the titans? Its not like a faction is going to trust just anyone to do it... ))

Popsikle, the only in-character forum is the IGS, everything else is out of character. Don't need the brackets! :)

Otherwise, +1.
Helios Aquiness
Caldari State
#6 - 2013-03-23 01:21:31 UTC
Fair points. But I'm not saying that it should always happen or that it should be a new Titan every time. It would not hurt the lore, in my opinion atleast, to kill the same Titan all weekend for an event then have the lore say it was killed once and move on from there.
Carebear? Im a brony, motherf***er.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2013-03-23 10:51:47 UTC
Helios Aquiness wrote:
Fair points. But I'm not saying that it should always happen or that it should be a new Titan every time. It would not hurt the lore, in my opinion atleast, to kill the same Titan all weekend for an event then have the lore say it was killed once and move on from there.

It would, because it could only die once. The Titanic didn't sink twice - only once.
Daved Hunter
Covert Intell Corporation
#8 - 2013-03-23 13:56:23 UTC
My question to all of this is why there is people playing in this game that do not have to pay to do it as the rest of us have to.
Inkarr Hashur
Skyline Federation
#9 - 2013-03-23 15:30:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Inkarr Hashur
Ingkala wrote:
Helios Aquiness wrote:
Fair points. But I'm not saying that it should always happen or that it should be a new Titan every time. It would not hurt the lore, in my opinion atleast, to kill the same Titan all weekend for an event then have the lore say it was killed once and move on from there.

It would, because it could only die once. The Titanic didn't sink twice - only once.

Firstly, you don't get suspension of disbelief.

Second, wow. That'

Okay lemme break this down for you. A live event for people to enjoy is not like the SINKING OF THE TITANIC. Because that's a tragedy where thousands of people died. It's more comparable to watching James Cameron's Titanic. Because that's entertainment.

You don't show a movie only once. And lots of people voluntarily watch a given movie multiple times. Sometimes twice in one opening weekend. Get it?

To OP: From what I understand CCP wasn't flipping a switch and letting AI controlled boats go at each other, so I would just let it go. Maybe in the future they'll wisen up and set up a live event to repeat.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2013-03-23 15:49:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Ingkala
Inkarr Hashur wrote:
Ingkala wrote:
Helios Aquiness wrote:
Fair points. But I'm not saying that it should always happen or that it should be a new Titan every time. It would not hurt the lore, in my opinion atleast, to kill the same Titan all weekend for an event then have the lore say it was killed once and move on from there.

It would, because it could only die once. The Titanic didn't sink twice - only once.

Firstly, you don't get suspension of disbelief.

Second, wow. That'

Okay lemme break this down for you. A live event for people to enjoy is not like the SINKING OF THE TITANIC. Because that's a tragedy where thousands of people died. It's more comparable to watching James Cameron's Titanic. Because that's entertainment.

You don't show a movie only once. And lots of people voluntarily watch a given movie multiple times. Sometimes twice in one opening weekend. Get it?

To OP: From what I understand CCP wasn't flipping a switch and letting AI controlled boats go at each other, so I would just let it go. Maybe in the future they'll wisen up and set up a live event to repeat.

It can be likened to the event. The film is merely just a recording (if you will) of the event. If you want, you can watch a recording of the destruction of the titan, but the event itself only happened once. A film does not offer interaction - a game does, thus to have it repeat would break the immersion and meaning of the event.
CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#11 - 2013-03-23 16:00:06 UTC
Inkarr Hashur wrote:
Ingkala wrote:
Helios Aquiness wrote:
Fair points. But I'm not saying that it should always happen or that it should be a new Titan every time. It would not hurt the lore, in my opinion atleast, to kill the same Titan all weekend for an event then have the lore say it was killed once and move on from there.

It would, because it could only die once. The Titanic didn't sink twice - only once.

Firstly, you don't get suspension of disbelief.

Second, wow. That'

Okay lemme break this down for you. A live event for people to enjoy is not like the SINKING OF THE TITANIC. Because that's a tragedy where thousands of people died. It's more comparable to watching James Cameron's Titanic. Because that's entertainment.

You don't show a movie only once. And lots of people voluntarily watch a given movie multiple times. Sometimes twice in one opening weekend. Get it?

To OP: From what I understand CCP wasn't flipping a switch and letting AI controlled boats go at each other, so I would just let it go. Maybe in the future they'll wisen up and set up a live event to repeat.

We won't. EVE is a living universe that has consequences - things happen once.

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

Evi Polevhia
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#12 - 2013-03-23 16:01:10 UTC
Daved Hunter wrote:
My question to all of this is why there is people playing in this game that do not have to pay to do it as the rest of us have to.

If you're talking about the Titan and other capital ship pilots at the Live Event? They work at CCP. It's their job to work on this game. That Titan pilot was in orbit for what, 7 hours? It's not like s/he could just say "Nah, I'm done for the day" after a few. S/he had to stay there and stay in character.

It's like acting. Quite a few actors consider it fun to act. So many non-actors consider acting to be so fun, they rush off and make games of acting (Live action role play). But at the end of the day, being an actor is still a job. One where who you are and what you do and for how long you do it is controlled by your boss and it may not be fun. But you do it. Because it's a job, not a game, for these people.
Evi Polevhia
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#13 - 2013-03-23 16:03:02 UTC
Inkarr Hashur wrote:
A live event for people to enjoy is not like the SINKING OF THE TITANIC. Because that's a tragedy where thousands of people died.

You do realize the irony here, right? Do you even know what the crew of the Shiigeru was?
Inkarr Hashur
Skyline Federation
#14 - 2013-03-23 16:21:38 UTC
Evi Polevhia wrote:
Inkarr Hashur wrote:
A live event for people to enjoy is not like the SINKING OF THE TITANIC. Because that's a tragedy where thousands of people died.

You do realize the irony here, right? Do you even know what the crew of the Shiigeru was?

You missed the entire part where I compared an entertaining event to an entertaining event, while you compared an entertaining event to a tragedy? And I explained why that's a bad comparison? Good lord.
Inkarr Hashur
Skyline Federation
#15 - 2013-03-23 16:22:16 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
Inkarr Hashur wrote:
Ingkala wrote:
Helios Aquiness wrote:
Fair points. But I'm not saying that it should always happen or that it should be a new Titan every time. It would not hurt the lore, in my opinion atleast, to kill the same Titan all weekend for an event then have the lore say it was killed once and move on from there.

It would, because it could only die once. The Titanic didn't sink twice - only once.

Firstly, you don't get suspension of disbelief.

Second, wow. That'

Okay lemme break this down for you. A live event for people to enjoy is not like the SINKING OF THE TITANIC. Because that's a tragedy where thousands of people died. It's more comparable to watching James Cameron's Titanic. Because that's entertainment.

You don't show a movie only once. And lots of people voluntarily watch a given movie multiple times. Sometimes twice in one opening weekend. Get it?

To OP: From what I understand CCP wasn't flipping a switch and letting AI controlled boats go at each other, so I would just let it go. Maybe in the future they'll wisen up and set up a live event to repeat.

We won't. EVE is a living universe that has consequences - things happen once.

Please hold events only during Euro primetime then. Please.
Tavin Aikisen
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#16 - 2013-03-23 16:38:30 UTC
Inkarr Hashur wrote:
Evi Polevhia wrote:
Inkarr Hashur wrote:
A live event for people to enjoy is not like the SINKING OF THE TITANIC. Because that's a tragedy where thousands of people died.

You do realize the irony here, right? Do you even know what the crew of the Shiigeru was?

You missed the entire part where I compared an entertaining event to an entertaining event, while you compared an entertaining event to a tragedy? And I explained why that's a bad comparison? Good lord.

Do you realise the irony here? Comparing a live event to the world's worst maritime tragedy is wrong... but comparing it to a movie based on said tragedy is not only acceptable, it's entertaining? :P

The solution to maintaining the unique aspect is to go with something along the lines of your last suggestion: timezone rotation.

Attending all the events can be very predictable and quite consumerist. However it's refreshing to attend some events and then read about others. Much like in the real world. You'll rarely pick up a newspaper and say "I was there" to every article.. You won't even read every article. And that is the type of experience CCP is trying to create with their virtual world. :)

"Remember this. Trust your eyes, you will kill each other. Trust your veins, you can all go home."

-Cold Wind

Helios Aquiness
Caldari State
#17 - 2013-03-23 17:31:17 UTC
Im not one of those guys thats gonna moan about this forever. I would have liked to see the event yes but CCP did what they thought was best for their game. Thanks everyone for answering my question with minimal flaming.
Carebear? Im a brony, motherf***er.
Calathorn Virpio
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#18 - 2013-03-23 17:55:30 UTC
Helios Aquiness wrote:
Im not one of those guys thats gonna moan about this forever. I would have liked to see the event yes but CCP did what they thought was best for their game. Thanks everyone for answering my question with minimal flaming.

must. not. troll!



I attended the School of Hard Nocks, the only place you will ever learn anything of value, sadly most Americans never meet the requirments to attend

Inkarr Hashur
Skyline Federation
#19 - 2013-03-23 18:17:57 UTC
Tavin Aikisen wrote:
Inkarr Hashur wrote:
Evi Polevhia wrote:
Inkarr Hashur wrote:
A live event for people to enjoy is not like the SINKING OF THE TITANIC. Because that's a tragedy where thousands of people died.

You do realize the irony here, right? Do you even know what the crew of the Shiigeru was?

You missed the entire part where I compared an entertaining event to an entertaining event, while you compared an entertaining event to a tragedy? And I explained why that's a bad comparison? Good lord.

Do you realise the irony here? Comparing a live event to the world's worst maritime tragedy is wrong... but comparing it to a movie based on said tragedy is not only acceptable, it's entertaining? :P

The solution to maintaining the unique aspect is to go with something along the lines of your last suggestion: timezone rotation.

Attending all the events can be very predictable and quite consumerist. However it's refreshing to attend some events and then read about others. Much like in the real world. You'll rarely pick up a newspaper and say "I was there" to every article.. You won't even read every article. And that is the type of experience CCP is trying to create with their virtual world. :)

Entertainment being entertaining, a mystifying concept. And you still don't understand how suspension of disbelief can apply to a repeating event.

Here's a smiley for you too XD
Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#20 - 2013-03-23 18:41:55 UTC
As annoyed I was that I didn't get a chance to do anything in this event, I'd prefer it only happened once.

So, good on CCP.
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