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Insurance and Loss due to criminal activity

First post
#101 - 2011-10-23 17:41:55 UTC  |  Edited by: DireNecessity
Jennifer Starling wrote:
Silent Lamb wrote:
what I'm getting at is that removing the insurance payout isn't going to stop people from suicide ganking. and let's be honest here... almost everyone who wants the insurance payout removed also wants to have some sort of restraint (like CCP did with bombs) so that it's impossible to suicide gank to begin with.

No. I think the majority of those opposed just wants to get rid of something illogical and nonsensical.

Suicide ganks will still happen, they will just have to target slightly more profitable targets.

Nonsensical to you. Have you seen Pend's financials? Do payouts to obvious sucide gankers lose them money in total? Like so many of the NPC institutions in EvE, Pend looks to be thoroughly corrupt. Perhaps they treat incentivizing suiciders as an advertising expense. “Always Insure All Of Your Boats – Suiciding Ganking Criminals Lurk Everywhere!”

I fully appreciate that you find Pend’s in game actions so jarring that it breaks immersion for you.

If I may ask, why does that bust the game for you but bizarre police procedures like merely blowing up a criminal’s boat and lowering their sec status (which means “Clear some ever repopulating rats for us or we’ll continue to treat you like a bad guy”) doesn’t?

Silent Lamb
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#102 - 2011-10-23 17:58:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Silent Lamb
Dire, I do appreciate your attempt to poke fun at people... I really do. and honestly I have a raging desire to do the same. I am probably one of the biggest trolls you will ever find anywhere. hell, it's why I'm using this alt instead of one that people actually know.

that said, I truly am attempting to get people to accept a few facts that no one on either side seems to be focusing on except me, and to an extent tip since his writing and people's responses to it got my gears thinking harder. please don't troll on this issue. I really do think that people should switch from this focus (which is utterly pointless because most suicide gankers target ships that drop modules with high enough values to pay for the ganker's lost ships and modules and still pull a profit without insurance) and focus on how the insurance mechanic doesn't allocate for t2 ship values that are derived from moon goo more than they are from the minerals to make the t1 equivalent.

I mean... isn't that why this was brought up to begin with? people can't afford for replacement hulks they shouldn't fly since they can't afford to lose them, which in turn makes them hypocrites when they say back 'you shouldn't fly what you can't afford to lose'?

have insurance allocate for t2's and t3's, miners in hulks pay less out of pocket to replace, easing tensions and everyone wins.

Where are they taking the hobbits?

Goonswarm Federation
#103 - 2011-10-23 18:02:09 UTC
Silent Lamb wrote:
Dire, I do appreciate your attempt to poke fun at people... I really do. and honestly I have a raging desire to do the same. I am probably one of the biggest trolls you will ever find anywhere. hell, it's why I'm using this alt instead of one that people actually know.

that said, I truly am attempting to get people to accept a few facts that no one on either side seems to be focusing on except me, and to an extent tip since his writing and people's responses to it got my gears thinking harder. please don't troll on this issue. I really do think that people should switch from this focus (which is utterly pointless because most suicide gankers target ships that drop modules with high enough values to pay for the ganker's lost ships and modules and still pull a profit without insurance) and focus on how the insurance mechanic doesn't allocate for t2 ship values that are derived from moon goo more than they are from the minerals to make the t1 equivalent.

t2 ships don't insure well deliberately moron

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Silent Lamb
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#104 - 2011-10-23 18:03:58 UTC
Weaselior wrote:
Silent Lamb wrote:
Dire, I do appreciate your attempt to poke fun at people... I really do. and honestly I have a raging desire to do the same. I am probably one of the biggest trolls you will ever find anywhere. hell, it's why I'm using this alt instead of one that people actually know.

that said, I truly am attempting to get people to accept a few facts that no one on either side seems to be focusing on except me, and to an extent tip since his writing and people's responses to it got my gears thinking harder. please don't troll on this issue. I really do think that people should switch from this focus (which is utterly pointless because most suicide gankers target ships that drop modules with high enough values to pay for the ganker's lost ships and modules and still pull a profit without insurance) and focus on how the insurance mechanic doesn't allocate for t2 ship values that are derived from moon goo more than they are from the minerals to make the t1 equivalent.

t2 ships don't insure well deliberately moron

I am aware of this. I am attempting to provide a fix so that the people whining about gankers getting insurance have an alternitive to focus on instead of this completely pointless topic.

Where are they taking the hobbits?

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#105 - 2011-10-23 18:18:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Aqriue
Weaselior wrote:
t2 ships don't insure well deliberately moron

And T2 ships should have better insurance (not full price though, like 3x T1 hull price and you still take a loss), while T1 shouldn't pay squat and all modules are destroyed (would create a huge isk sink right there). T1 are throw away, like a condom/tampon/burger wrapper once you are done with them while T2/T3 kills should be highly coveted for the KM and loot. Why does the Hulk pilot have to risk it all? If you can just blow up a Hulk worth 200m and laugh it away with a 20m Brutix and 2 mill in fittings are you risking it? Not really, zero risk with full reward becaue you can continue to play your game as sec status loss is a joke and how often are kill rights claimed? There should be risk to both parties (the hulk pilot and you). If you want to gank someone, there should be sufficent penalty to make you stop and think "is it worth it?" before you pull the trigger because the Hulk pilot knows he will loose the ship as soon as he undocks but nothing really stops you from repeatedly blowing up bargers/exhumers while the miners can do it only so many times until their wallet is suffering because they cannot continue their choosen career
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#106 - 2011-10-23 19:00:25 UTC
Silent Lamb wrote:

just so you are aware, I was not complaining about concord's invincibility. I really don't care if they're invincible or not. what I'm getting at is that removing the insurance payout isn't going to stop people from suicide ganking. and let's be honest here... almost everyone who wants the insurance payout removed also wants to have some sort of restraint (like CCP did with bombs) so that it's impossible to suicide gank to begin with. the problem with doing that is simple and obvious. some people wouldn't be able to do what they want to do in game that has Devs, GMs, and all manor of employees stating at various times of the game's existence that part of the game is indeed suicide ganking. if you don't like the suicide ganking go back to WoW where the game mechanics actually restrict it.

This isn't WoW, it's EVE. get used to it. besides, it's a game. don't take it so serious.

This isn't about stopping suicide ganking. As you correctly stated, nobody will stop that as long as many 0.0 alliances are sponsoring it. This is about making this game a bit more realistic. Something that people who engage in activities that create a Concord response always hold so high, but the moment it is about making it a bit more realistic for them they are all up in arms.

The responses range from "it won't change anything" which would actually mean they should not be against the change since nothing will change for them to "this is how it has always been" which would indicate that they are living in caves because humans have way back when lived in caves and we should keep it how it always has been. Other arguments say that this game is not realistic - I guess the tag line "Eve is real" has not reached the cave that they have been living in.

Silent Lamb said it well: let's be blunt here.... this isn't WoW. it's EVE. you will get shot. you will lose ships. you will lose things you worked hard for. get over it.

I fully agree with the above statement. you will lose things and you should and those who engage in activities that are against Concord rules should lose their ship and not get insurance. HTFU as that nice Eve songs says. If you want to suicide gank, go for it, but don't be such a poor loser and whine if you don't get the insurance payout. Take it like a man (or woman)
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#107 - 2011-10-23 19:00:36 UTC
double post removed
#108 - 2011-10-23 19:02:26 UTC  |  Edited by: DireNecessity
Silent Lamb wrote:
Dire, I do appreciate your attempt to poke fun at people... I really do. and honestly I have a raging desire to do the same. I am probably one of the biggest trolls you will ever find anywhere. hell, it's why I'm using this alt instead of one that people actually know.

I don’t mean to troll. Well, not only troll.

I take the real life comparisons seriously. Not because there’s any logical sense to them but rather because they display how thoroughly immersed the poster is in the game -- so immersed that the seemingly bizarre actions of an in game NPC corporation generates player outrage.

One certain reason for this outrage is that some players find it incredibly unfair to their preferred play style and that busts the game for them. I complement you on trying to navigate a solution to this.

Another reason may be that it’s so “illogical” and so “nonsensical” that it busts my precious immersion. One of the fascinating things about being pushed one suspension of disbelief too far is how the often unquestioning interjection “This is just absurd!” pops out with little recognition that a previous suspension of disbelief sits only inches away but doesn't destroy immersion.

Immersion isn’t terribly important in a game like chess but for a game like EvE it’s one of the central components. Given that, I think it’s worth exploring how immersion gets busted by a game mechanic like insurance.

Goonswarm Federation
#109 - 2011-10-23 19:02:43 UTC
do you want to know why I gank?

it's this, this right here:

Re: customer satisfaction survey
From: Crystal Solette
Sent: 2011.10.23 18:54
To: Weaselior,

just wanted to thank you for showing me that this game really IS a complete waste of time and rl money... saving for months and months, barely getting by but looking forward to advancing myself.. and all gone in less than 2 seconds. Really cool game.. anyway, have fun in your lil cartoon world. Maybe you will grow a penis some day?

no amount of insurance changes will keep me out of these belts :3:

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Azn Empire
#110 - 2011-10-23 19:08:48 UTC
Tarkoauc wrote:
This is about making this game a bit more realistic.
So if this change is implemented, then so should a change to Concord.

Then when you've done with that, actual space interaction should be changed. Because at the moment it's based upon underwater physics, rather than those of a vacuum.

I'm sure there are many many more we can change, in order to aid your sense of realism in this internet spaceship game.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Fille Balle
Ballbreakers R us
#111 - 2011-10-23 19:28:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Fille Balle
Mag's wrote:
Tarkoauc wrote:
This is about making this game a bit more realistic.
So if this change is implemented, then so should a change to Concord.

Then when you've done with that, actual space interaction should be changed. Because at the moment it's based upon underwater physics, rather than those of a vacuum.

I'm sure there are many many more we can change, in order to aid your sense of realism in this internet spaceship game.

Lol taking comments about making EVE realistic seriously. No, that's not the case. I'd say, that's not the deal here. It's about fair. Each playstyle should have it's merits, rewards, advantages and weaknesses.

Here Is a poster that reports doing 22b in damages in a single kill, with a KB link as proof. If you can make that sort of isk, you certainly don't need any subsidies. That's certainly not balanced.

And that folks, is what this thread is really about. Game balance. Stop talking about reality and realistic. It's a game. Games are supposed to be fun. Realism tends to ruin that. In EVE, unfortunately for some people, some people have fun by ruining other peoples fun. Which is part of EVE and it's meant to be that way. Take that away and you take away the very thing that makes EVE be EVE.

HOWEVER, the reason this is fine and why it works is because there is some level of game balance. You can fight back. You can hide. You can ask for help. There are options. But if the other guy is abusing a game mechanic to get an advantage he absolutely does not need, then changes need to be made to level the playing field.

If you remove the level playing field, then you will also have ruined the very thing that makes EVE be EVE.

Stop the spamming, not the scamming!

Goonswarm Federation
#112 - 2011-10-23 19:30:48 UTC
protip for idiots: killing 22b worth of mackinaws doesn't get you 22b isk

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Roadkill Rhino
#113 - 2011-10-23 19:34:36 UTC
Weaselior wrote:
do you want to know why I gank?

it's this, this right here:

Re: customer satisfaction survey
From: Crystal Solette
Sent: 2011.10.23 18:54
To: Weaselior,

just wanted to thank you for showing me that this game really IS a complete waste of time and rl money... saving for months and months, barely getting by but looking forward to advancing myself.. and all gone in less than 2 seconds. Really cool game.. anyway, have fun in your lil cartoon world. Maybe you will grow a ***** some day?

no amount of insurance changes will keep me out of these belts :3:

So you successfully made a player unsub? Great, i'm sure that the CCP team must be over the moon about players quitting.
Roadkill Rhino
#114 - 2011-10-23 19:35:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Roadkill Rhino
Weaselior wrote:
protip for idiots: killing 22b worth of mackinaws doesn't get you 22b isk

No, but if you loot and salvage it does get you a few bill, and that's way more than you lost from the suicides.

Anyway, if you'll still gank even without insurance, then why should you care about this thread?
Azn Empire
#115 - 2011-10-23 19:36:46 UTC
Fille Balle wrote:
Lol taking comments about making EVE realistic seriously.
Your sarcasm detector seems to be switched off.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#116 - 2011-10-23 19:39:32 UTC
Fille Balle wrote:
HOWEVER, the reason this is fine and why it works is because there is some level of game balance. You can fight back. You can hide. You can ask for help. There are options. But if the other guy is abusing a game mechanic to get an advantage he absolutely does not need, then changes need to be made to level the playing field.
Hence the question: why does insurance need to be removed from ganks?

“Balance” is an interesting route to take it because it actually takes us down the only useful path: mechanics. But the question remain: why should it be removed? What is the problem? More specifically, in this case, where's the imbalance? What is the point of comparison? You're also mentioning abuses and unfair advantages — what are they (if they exist at all in this case)?
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#117 - 2011-10-23 19:50:12 UTC
Tippia wrote:
]Hence the question: why does insurance need to be removed from ganks?

“Balance” is an interesting route to take it because it actually takes us down the only useful path: mechanics. But the question remain: why should it be removed? What is the problem? More specifically, in this case, where's the imbalance? What is the point of comparison? You're also mentioning abuses and unfair advantages — what are they (if they exist at all in this case)?

To me it is just this: Realism. Balance is an elusive goal. There will never be balance. Some people will be smarter, prettier, richer, more ruthless, bigger jerks thank you. Making people accountable for their actions is the way to go. Let everyone feel the harshness of Eve that we so much love.
Fille Balle
Ballbreakers R us
#118 - 2011-10-23 19:53:51 UTC
Weaselior wrote:
protip for idiots: killing 22b worth of mackinaws doesn't get you 22b isk

Oh yeah, my bad. Too lazy to actually click the link and misunderstanding the poster is the correct answer. No need to use offensive language my dear chap.

Either way, this:

Roadkill Rhino wrote:
No, but if you loot and salvage it does get you a few bill, and that's way more than you lost from the suicides.

Anyway, if you'll still gank even without insurance, then why should you care about this thread?

still stands, thus making my previous statement no less valid.

Mag's wrote:
Your sarcasm detector seems to be switched off.

Yes, now if you'd trained "Sence of humor" to lvl1 you wouldn't be so frustrated. Jokes aside, you still haven't responded to the actual content of my post.

My previous point still stands.

Stop the spamming, not the scamming!

Azn Empire
#119 - 2011-10-23 20:02:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Fille Balle wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Your sarcasm detector seems to be switched off.

Yes, now if you'd trained "Sence of humor" to lvl1 you wouldn't be so frustrated.
Ahh the old 'I was joking' retort. Nice one.
Fille Balle wrote:
Jokes aside, you still haven't responded to the actual content of my post.
Because it's going over old ground. You talk of balance, but only for one side of the argument.
Fille Balle wrote:
My previous point still stands.
Which I responded to in this thread.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Silent Lamb
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#120 - 2011-10-23 20:07:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Silent Lamb
Tarkoauc wrote:
Silent Lamb wrote:

just so you are aware, I was not complaining about concord's invincibility. I really don't care if they're invincible or not. what I'm getting at is that removing the insurance payout isn't going to stop people from suicide ganking. and let's be honest here... almost everyone who wants the insurance payout removed also wants to have some sort of restraint (like CCP did with bombs) so that it's impossible to suicide gank to begin with. the problem with doing that is simple and obvious. some people wouldn't be able to do what they want to do in game that has Devs, GMs, and all manor of employees stating at various times of the game's existence that part of the game is indeed suicide ganking. if you don't like the suicide ganking go back to WoW where the game mechanics actually restrict it.

This isn't WoW, it's EVE. get used to it. besides, it's a game. don't take it so serious.

This isn't about stopping suicide ganking. As you correctly stated, nobody will stop that as long as many 0.0 alliances are sponsoring it. This is about making this game a bit more realistic. Something that people who engage in activities that create a Concord response always hold so high, but the moment it is about making it a bit more realistic for them they are all up in arms.

The responses range from "it won't change anything" which would actually mean they should not be against the change since nothing will change for them to "this is how it has always been" which would indicate that they are living in caves because humans have way back when lived in caves and we should keep it how it always has been. Other arguments say that this game is not realistic - I guess the tag line "Eve is real" has not reached the cave that they have been living in.

Silent Lamb said it well: let's be blunt here.... this isn't WoW. it's EVE. you will get shot. you will lose ships. you will lose things you worked hard for. get over it.

I fully agree with the above statement. you will lose things and you should and those who engage in activities that are against Concord rules should lose their ship and not get insurance. HTFU as that nice Eve songs says. If you want to suicide gank, go for it, but don't be such a poor loser and whine if you don't get the insurance payout. Take it like a man (or woman)

once again you're stating that you feel it should be more realistic...

ok, let's go down that route. Pend (a corporation that provides insurance and has no law enforcement responsibility) provides insurance to people that suicide gank ships. in the RL insurance companies for vehicles provide insurance to repeat drunk drivers, even after the drunk driver has killed people, served neglegable time in jail, and resumed their trucking career (not saying all truckers are drunk drivers, just giving a RL example that involved my older sister). the trucker goes on being insured at the same rates they had been 2 deaths and about 15 DUI's ago. they then kill the daughter of a city manager, who promptly does his damned best to make sure that brian casino (yes, that's his RL name) spends the rest of his days in jail, but lo and behold, within about 4 years of serving jail time after having killed a total of 3 or 4 people on different occasions over the 20 years he had been driving semi's drunk he's back out and insured at the same rates he had been for the longest time.

let's further the whole 'reality' thing and take it one step further. in RL, police are not invincible, and don't always win, even in mass numbers. what's more is that the 'really bad guys' do 'loot' the police they kill and use their own weapons and tech against them.

now that a bit of 'RL' on those areas has been highlighted, keeping in mind that it's a minority and not a majority that commit the crimes both in RL and in EVE, let's take this a step further.

if you negate the insurance it would need to be balanced out some how by bringing another RL factor into existence. but wait... when CONCORD was first brought into the game it was able to be destroyed and it wasn't considered an exploit or anything... and people could gank their targets as well as blow up CONCORD (which dropped some awesome loot).

so, I guess what I'm saying is that if you want reality, don't stop half way, go all the way. otherwise you're just a hypocrite.

as for making the game 'balanced' ... how exactly do you think removing the insurance payout is going to make it balanced? people will still suicide gank, make a profit from doing it, continue doing it while targeting those most vocal about this subject, and you'll still complain about losing exhumers and demand further action.

let's face it... the exhumer pilots don't want to admit they don't fly ships they can afford to lose... which is against common sense considering the nature of this game.

Where are they taking the hobbits?