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Test Server Feedback

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Duality Open Period - 26/10 to 30/10 and 05/11 - 08/11

First post
Amarr Empire
#41 - 2012-10-26 14:05:45 UTC
log in :)
Amarr Empire
#42 - 2012-10-26 14:06:10 UTC
REDNECK008 wrote:
log in :)

Iam a Spy2
solo and loveing it
#43 - 2012-10-26 14:06:37 UTC
its up
Global Telstar Federation Offices
Masters of Flying Objects
#44 - 2012-10-26 14:57:10 UTC
Still getting a 15 min log out timer when shooting at rocks. What?

If i dont know something about EVE. I check

See you around the universe.

CCP Paradox
#45 - 2012-10-26 15:07:27 UTC
Salpun wrote:
Still getting a 15 min log out timer when shooting at rocks. What?

I told Masterplan about that earlier in the week. He's working on that.

CCP Paradox | EVE QA | Team Phenomenon

Space Magician

Global Telstar Federation Offices
Masters of Flying Objects
#46 - 2012-10-26 15:41:29 UTC
Nice new notifications. Option to move needed badly. Punkturis says its in work YES.Big smile

Point camera option in Selected items window needs an option for a second selected item so drones and target of the drones can be be both viewed. Location of camera focus needs to be changable. But looks good for now.

New shop graphics look good.

Micro jump drive needs new icon. Timers needs work so they show at all times.

Place bounty button needs to be a diffrent color.

Place bounty amount screen needs a confirmation option.

If i dont know something about EVE. I check

See you around the universe.

Blake Armitage
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#47 - 2012-10-26 15:45:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Blake Armitage
1. I'm noticing that there isn't always a space between "damage" and "from".

BTW the new smooth scrolling notification text is so much better than the previous dialogue box.

2. Can you add the ability to left/right justify the notification area? My OCD wants to be able to move it over to the left above my chat area.

3. The timer notification for the Micro Jump drive was in the 'old' format. Are just damage notifications going to be updated with the nice scroll text or will all pilot notifications eventually move to this new scroll format?

4. Can the micro jump module flash/blink red like triage modules to let you know that you can't use it? OR add the timer to the tooltip.

5. Good - I can't clear the micro jump timer by docking

6. Excellent - You can now drag items + ships from a active ship cargohold to your station Item hanagar and ships will go into ships, items items. As a hauler this is so so nice.

7. I hope that drones eventually move to be a 'module' as the current drone window is very, very hard to work with.

8. Salvage and abandon drone are far too close on the menu.

9. Cursor when clicking on the 'place bounty' plus button remains on the char screen. I think it should become active in the new bounty dialogue window.
Hannott Thanos
Squadron 15
#48 - 2012-10-26 16:06:21 UTC
I am still sad panda, because you have still not fixed the Myrmidon texture issue.

while (CurrentSelectedTarget.Status == ShipStatus.Alive) {



CCP BlueScreen
C C P Alliance
#49 - 2012-10-26 16:56:02 UTC
Hannott Thanos wrote:
I am still sad panda, because you have still not fixed the Myrmidon texture issue.

What issue in particular are you referring to?
Iris Bravemount
Golden Grinding Gears
#50 - 2012-10-26 18:09:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Iris Bravemount
[Edited] Will make a seperate forum thread for this.

"I will not hesitate when the test of Faith finds me, for only the strongest conviction will open the gates of paradise. My Faith in you is absolute; my sword is Yours, My God, and Your will guides me now and for all eternity." - Paladin's Creed

Logan LaMort
Screaming Hayabusa
#51 - 2012-10-26 18:50:55 UTC
CCP BlueScreen wrote:
Hannott Thanos wrote:
I am still sad panda, because you have still not fixed the Myrmidon texture issue.

What issue in particular are you referring to?

On the left 'arm' of the Myrmidon, above the third and fourth hardpoint is a black mark embedded into the hull, that isn't present on the right arm. It looks like a glitch with the bump map and you can easily see it in the ship viewer if you zoom and check above those hardpoints. It's been there since the V3 revamp as far as I can remember.
CCP BlueScreen
C C P Alliance
#52 - 2012-10-26 19:09:10 UTC
Logan LaMort wrote:
CCP BlueScreen wrote:
Hannott Thanos wrote:
I am still sad panda, because you have still not fixed the Myrmidon texture issue.

What issue in particular are you referring to?

On the left 'arm' of the Myrmidon, above the third and fourth hardpoint is a black mark embedded into the hull, that isn't present on the right arm. It looks like a glitch with the bump map and you can easily see it in the ship viewer if you zoom and check above those hardpoints. It's been there since the V3 revamp as far as I can remember.

Right you are, I remember this issue actually, will look into why this isn't fixed.
Hermes Enterprises
#53 - 2012-10-26 19:16:27 UTC
I was looking for the salvage drone skillbook and the drone itself but cannot seem to find them. Were they put into this release?

Also, the text for the new crimewatch hangs over just a tad too long.

And could the "point camera to selected item" be moved to the bottom of the box? Having it at the top could pose a risk if you accidently click it and then de-orient yourself while in the middle of pvp.

But I do love the new crimewatch stuff, icons and "safety" feature. Looks to be an awesome expansion so far...
Oberine Noriepa
#54 - 2012-10-26 19:19:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Oberine Noriepa
I have illustrated my thoughts on the "Point camera to selected item" feature here. On top of making the default position lower, it would be nice to give us the option of customizing where the default position is.

Was a new soundtrack added? Even though I didn't have the Jukebox running, I was presented with music. I've never heard these tracks before. If they are new, they're great! I really like how each track seamlessly connects.

DJ P0N-3 wrote:
In fact, could we have an option to change how much text we see under the icon in the same way that we choose columns in the overview? It seems to take up way more space than it used to, and I don't actually need all of that information all the time.

This actually sounds like a great way to start thinning out the overview overall. Transporting information on the overview to the HUD in a clear, cool, and simple way gets us closer to something that looks like this if not better.

Hannott Thanos
Squadron 15
#55 - 2012-10-26 19:45:14 UTC
CCP BlueScreen wrote:
Logan LaMort wrote:
CCP BlueScreen wrote:
Hannott Thanos wrote:
I am still sad panda, because you have still not fixed the Myrmidon texture issue.

What issue in particular are you referring to?

On the left 'arm' of the Myrmidon, above the third and fourth hardpoint is a black mark embedded into the hull, that isn't present on the right arm. It looks like a glitch with the bump map and you can easily see it in the ship viewer if you zoom and check above those hardpoints. It's been there since the V3 revamp as far as I can remember.

Right you are, I remember this issue actually, will look into why this isn't fixed.

Thanks.. CCP Zorba promised to send me a mail on the issue back at 2012.06.11, but he never did :\

while (CurrentSelectedTarget.Status == ShipStatus.Alive) {



Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#56 - 2012-10-26 20:21:04 UTC
I really like the idea of having some information show up next to the target in space. It would be awesome if things like velocity, angular velocity, radial velocity, etc. could be shown next to the target.
Takeshi Yamato
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#57 - 2012-10-26 20:28:48 UTC
Some feedback for the new damage notifications: there is too much duplicate info being displayed.

Merge damage from a flight of drones drones into one message please.

Sometimes other messages seem to show twice (it's a bit hard to tell because they disappear so quickly).
Oberine Noriepa
#58 - 2012-10-26 20:36:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Oberine Noriepa
On the subject of damage notifications, it would be great if we could change the size of the font for them and customize where they appear on the HUD.

Some of the black box notifications are still present. It would be great if those notifications looked like the new damage notifications.

Unrelated problem: The Tengu is still missing its thruster sound effects.

Cazador 64
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#59 - 2012-10-26 20:50:10 UTC
Incompatible (Protocol)
Rothschild's Sewage and Septic Sucking Services
The Possum Lodge
#60 - 2012-10-26 22:01:10 UTC
Okay first off, what is the point of having Bucky, SiSi AND Duality running for Eve if the only one with the stuff for winter is Duality?

Why not just test it on, oh i don't know, the primary test server? (you just might get more feedback that way) This telling ppl to keep switching their Test Server client to the FOTM is getting old. (for those of us who do not wish to suck up the remaining HDD space at nearly 20gigs per client, and you want us to have FOUR!!!!!!    < Unified Inventory is NOT ready...