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A petition to CCP Greyscale on Sentry Mechanics (Please Read)

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Safety Set To Red
Train Wreck.
#241 - 2012-08-05 10:40:12 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Sure, I'll make a note to have another look at this and get some more player feedback when we start finalizing the designs.

Quoting myself. This is a spitball idea that we shared with the CSM, not a final design.

I call a big phat bull on your comments there. You have the cheek to talk about finalising design which tell me u dont give a **** about any of the forum posts or what any of us think and are gonna just as usual saya big FU ima put that content in anyway because i dont care about the ppl who subscribe to this game and pay my wages. Then you change the goalposts saying its an idea not a final design, make your mind up greyscale/ I havent seen anything constructive from you or your collegues in any of the threads that have appeared all over your forums regarding this idiotic and moronic idea.

The fact you are even discussing this or thinking about it show me and the rest of the player base you have no idea about any game mechanics outside of highsec. Feel free actually have some discussion with the now thousands of players talking about quitting and unsubbing if this goes thru. You can also log on to sisi and test current sentry mechnics in all subcap ships if you like but you done that before u started this stupidity didnt you?

I just think you are out of touch with the game you are breaking one patch at a time.


I have created a channel ingame for like minded individuals out there who are -10 and wanna fight our corner regarding this moronic "idea" or is it "design". Channel is called "Stop the Rot" This has the potential to be incarna sized sh1tstorm so if u agree with me and wanna tag along for the ride then join my channel. I'll be posting in channels and forums to drum up support as this debacle unfolds.

JOIN "Stop the Rot" INGAME

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#242 - 2012-08-05 11:13:35 UTC

You guys are such pussies, it's incredible !
Eugene Kerner
Goonswarm Federation
#243 - 2012-08-05 11:25:14 UTC
Jimmy Gunsmythe wrote:
Tara Read wrote:
Eugene Kerner wrote:
Guess its just what Sony tells CCP:
Make the Game more attractive for people that are used to WOW but grew out of it and make it a "hello kitty in space". It is pure greed. We do not even have to talk about the fact that epic gate fights will not happen anymore...You will not have the time to ransom other players anymore which will result in EVERYBODY catched by a camp just getting podded (until CCP breaks podding in low sec as well)...

I never even thought about the inability to ransom someone. Well this actually DOES kill Piracy in it's truest form.....

Pirates killed piracy. You guys could have ran that sh*t like the mob, but instead it became about kill mails, dishonoring ransoms and blowing up anything that popped through the gates. The short term thinking of the majority of losec players amazes me, because with some protection rackets and crafty manipulation you might have made some serious bank. I'm talking a player-driven social structure that could easily be comparable to such things as the mob in 30s Chicago or 70-80s New York, or even a Mexican Cartel organization.

Maybe that's what CCP is trying to nudge the players to incorporate for themselves, instead of this scorched earth policy that most people utilize for the lulz and the mailz. That was never sustainable in the first place, and it reeks of welfare dependance that players would do this and then cry that CCP should move Lvl4s, Incursions, etc. out to losec. By now making it near impossible to perma-tank gate guns (which never should have been an option, ever), players will now have to adapt, be creative, learn new methods to play and profit from the game. If losec players are smart, they will start thinking more long term. They may even create a whole new social structure in losec that would encourage more people to come to losec via a mafia-style protection system that would shield those who pay and destroy those who are payees to other losec corps.

THIS would be emergent gameplay, and this would be something that would draw me out into losec in a heartbeat.

We always honor ransom.

And btw the changes do not really hurt the campers but everyone else. I f we can use fast frig tacklers at the gate...damn NOBODY will be save, no cloaky transport no covert ops. It harms the real pvp where two + parties slowly escalate a fight.
Camps wil just be even more organized as they are now.

TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] "   CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#244 - 2012-08-05 11:58:48 UTC
What an immense amount of whining :-)

Its an aberration that any gate camping is possible in supposed empire space. Hopefully if done right this improves non-pirate activity in LS, if it doesn't its a failure. If it does that means there is more things to kill - just not on gates and pirates will have to work harder for the kill mails, or work harder to organise camps.

HTFU and go camp in 0.0 if thats your preferred play style.... :-p
Safety Set To Red
Train Wreck.
#245 - 2012-08-05 12:02:40 UTC
betoli wrote:
What an immense amount of whining :-)

Its an aberration that any gate camping is possible in supposed empire space. Hopefully if done right this improves non-pirate activity in LS, if it doesn't its a failure. If it does that means there is more things to kill - just not on gates and pirates will have to work harder for the kill mails, or work harder to organise camps.

HTFU and go camp in 0.0 if thats your preferred play style.... :-p

Another idiot that has no clue about game mechanics and cant read. This isnt just about camping u tit its about small fleet warfare in low sec that 99% of the time takes place on gates and stations. Go read up on game mechanics and low sec before bashing the keyboard with ur club hands
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#246 - 2012-08-05 12:13:05 UTC  |  Edited by: betoli
ANGRY23 wrote:
betoli wrote:
What an immense amount of whining :-)

Its an aberration that any gate camping is possible in supposed empire space. Hopefully if done right this improves non-pirate activity in LS, if it doesn't its a failure. If it does that means there is more things to kill - just not on gates and pirates will have to work harder for the kill mails, or work harder to organise camps.

HTFU and go camp in 0.0 if thats your preferred play style.... :-p

Another idiot that has no clue about game mechanics and cant read. This isnt just about camping u tit its about small fleet warfare in low sec that 99% of the time takes place on gates and stations. Go read up on game mechanics and low sec before bashing the keyboard with ur club hands

Your name suits you :-)

From what I read in the minutes, the definition of 'suspect' isn't defined yet. Whats the difference between a gatecamp and small fleet warefare that happens at gates BTW? Why can't these roams happen in null? aha the bubbles and the thought that you might run into someone elses camp......

ETA: the ideal effect is that more carebears venture into ls, and more ls pirates venture into null overall migrating everyone into riskier space.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#247 - 2012-08-05 12:27:37 UTC
betoli wrote:
ETA: the ideal effect is that more carebears venture into ls, and more ls pirates venture into null overall migrating everyone into riskier space

Most pirates I have come across are vetrans of Eve Online and have done the null sec stuff, and get bored of ETA's and all the bull that goes with it, Being in Neg Ten suits my game style atm with my RL balance, so why would LS pirates want to go back to Null.

Dont think non pirates realise how much work goes into being successful in low sec, should try it, then form an opinion on these changes

Azn Empire
#248 - 2012-08-05 12:36:17 UTC
betoli wrote:
ETA: the ideal effect is that more carebears venture into ls, and more ls pirates venture into null overall migrating everyone into riskier space.
The fact you think null is riskier space, says it all.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Alara IonStorm
#249 - 2012-08-05 12:41:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Alara IonStorm
betoli wrote:

ETA: the ideal effect is that more carebears venture into ls, and more ls pirates venture into null overall migrating everyone into riskier space.

What makes you think Carebears should ever enter Lo-Sec at all. PvE'ers yes absolutely and they do enter Lo-Sec.

If you spend time in Lo-Sec you will notice 3 things right right off the bat.

1. Most of the people in Local are not Pirates.
2. Most of the people in Lo-Sec won't attack you, they would rather go about their business.
3. Almost all non Pirates who go to on a regular basis or live in Low-Sec have assets there at their disposal.

They have friends on call. Frequently traveled systems and well used stations. They have people with Carriers to stay mobile. They drop into an area of their choosing and setup stakes. If an enemy comes more often then not they will pull back and the pirates will move on. If they start sticking around they will knock them back or pull up stakes and move to a new system. Solo PvE'ers and Explorers on the other hand are another breed you see often using backwater routes and specialized ships. They don't mind taking a lose or two because they are good enough to escape or slip through 99% of the time.

Low-Sec right now is group space. Full of PvE'ers, Pirates, Weekend PvP'ers from Hi and Null, general corporations, Anti Pirates, Solo Explorers and FW.

Why you think Carebears who by nature do not form up, share intel, are 100% risk adverse and complain everytime they lose a ship belong in PvP capable space is beyond me. EVE's so called Carebear population is lower then the forums make it out to be. The rewards of Lo-Sec are too low for the effort currently. To many small corps would rather rent space in Null then set up stakes in Lo.

In essence Lo-Sec is a place majorly for small Corporations who set themselves up not Carebears. If CCP wants to boost Lo-Sec that is who they should be catering too.

The irony of this is the mechanics are setup to neither help Lo-Sec residents and built with more then enough loop holes to allow for camping solely of solo carebears. This accomplishes no goal other then making the space less fun for PvP'ers and no PvP'ers does not just mean Pirates. More then not you are likely to see a High Sec Gang looking for Pirates to kill as well.

There is a Lo-Sec community that enjoys the space. Why nerf their fun?
Halcyon Ingenium
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#250 - 2012-08-05 12:54:04 UTC
With respect to your OP, I'll sign if you can show that your interpretation of "suspect" is the one actually intended for a change in game mechanics purposes. As funny as I find your day being ruined, I don't find funny changes to mechanics that have no clear purpose or reason behind them, or those changes which it seems obvious to me will not have the effect intended. This change, if your interpretation of "suspect" is indeed more than just arm flapping panic, would fall in the later category.

As to changes to get people into low, or at least more passing through, the answer is obvious. You don't see it because you assume everyone in null actually flies from null to high and back again. It's like you don't even realize there is another way to make that trip. You seem as blind to it as all the high sec peeps that whine about bottlenecks to null, not realizing every null area has a back door wide open for anyone, unguarded, to fly straight through.

Jeebuz, don't you people look at things like maps and skillbooks? Never mind, I already know the answer.

By the way, since we're already talking, do you want to buy a rifter? I've got the cheapest rifters in Metropolis. If you can find a cheaper rifter, buy it!

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#251 - 2012-08-05 12:58:30 UTC
Mag's wrote:
betoli wrote:
ETA: the ideal effect is that more carebears venture into ls, and more ls pirates venture into null overall migrating everyone into riskier space.
The fact you think null is riskier space, says it all.

Null is safer if your a part of a sov holding alliance in their own space. Small gang roaming in someone else's territory I would say was more risky, and if all the gatecampers were displaced into the fringes of null, quite a lot more risky, both for themselves and the residents.

Look at it another way - everyone wants their cake and eat it.

a) Small gangs want to operate in ls because other small gangs operate there and because of the lack of bubbles.

b) Pirate camps want to operate there because of occasional strays from high sec, HS<->null traffic and (a).

c) High sec dwellers don't want to operate there because the existence of (a) and (b) makes the risk/reward equation unfavourable.

IMO its important that c) is addressed. Its also important that (a) has somewhere to play... (b) however shouldn't whine because there are other places to camp, the whine is that if they go do it in null, they'll **** off the locals (ie no different to pissing of the empire factions). The B group want access to kill travellers in important space without repercussions from the owners of that space which makes **** all sense.

I'm not sure that the gate gun tweak is the perfect solution to this, however the sense of entitlement thats being demonstrated in wanting to be able to sit on the public transport network owned by a major faction and kill passers by is unbelievable - especially when there are areas that are not controlled by the factions.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#252 - 2012-08-05 13:11:40 UTC  |  Edited by: betoli
No disagreeing with your post in the main, but;

Alara IonStorm wrote:

The rewards of Lo-Sec are too low for the effort currently. To many small corps would rather rent space in Null then set up stakes in Lo.

This is a fact. The low density of LS is also a fact, though as you say some people play there.

You say reward, but actually its risk/reward that is the critical equation. There are two ways of fixing that, CCPs proposal addresses risk. I'd be happy to see a considerable reward buff as well (or instead of). But currently the equation is broken.

Alara IonStorm wrote:

In essence Lo-Sec is a place majorly for small Corporations who set themselves up not Carebears. If CCP wants to boost Lo-Sec that is who they should be catering too.

The irony of this is the mechanics are setup to neither help Lo-Sec residents and built with more then enough loop holes to allow for camping solely of solo carebears. This accomplishes no goal other then making the space less fun for PvP'ers and no PvP'ers does not just mean Pirates. More then not you are likely to see a High Sec Gang looking for Pirates to kill as well.

There is a Lo-Sec community that enjoys the space. Why nerf their fun?

I'd hope I wasn't advocating nerfing anyones play style. ;-) My main cristicism of EVE over the years is that the risk gradient from HS to LS (and from 0.4 to 0.0) is too steep. That leads people into becoming carebears because it is a SANE decision that the risk of lowsec is not worth it. I wonder if the change as proposed only being applied to 0.4 and 0.3 in combination with a slight reward bump, and a major reward bump in 0.1 0.2 would be better received?

Gatecamping itself is a pisspoor mechanic for creating conflict, we shouldn't defend the right to gatecamp, we should be creating better ways for players to engage.
Azn Empire
#253 - 2012-08-05 13:16:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
betoli wrote:
I'm not sure that the gate gun tweak is the perfect solution to this, however the sense of entitlement thats being demonstrated in wanting to be able to sit on the public transport network owned by a major faction and kill passers by is unbelievable - especially when there are areas that are not controlled by the factions.
So where exactly are we meant to catch people?
You talk of sense of entitlement, but we live in low and that is how we make our living. This will not increase traffic or get more living there or increase so called real PvP. It will make it worse for you, not better. But at the same time it will reduce our income, but without any obvious reason for it.
We will not even consider ransoming, if this change comes into effect. So more ships die and again our income is reduced.

Even if you are not renting, pets or in a large Alliance in null, it's still safer.
One could even argue it's safer that highsec. Because at least in null, you know who your enemy is in local.

Gates guns atm are a pain we deal with. We can't even benefit from drones, as they get popped way too quick. But most fights are at gates. This change will simply nerf and not improve anything.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Alara IonStorm
#254 - 2012-08-05 13:22:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Alara IonStorm
betoli wrote:

I'd hope I wasn't advocating nerfing anyones play style. ;-) My main cristicism of EVE over the years is that the risk gradient from HS to LS (and from 0.4 to 0.0) is too steep. That leads people into becoming carebears because it is a SANE decision that the risk of lowsec is not worth it. I wonder if the change as proposed only being applied to 0.4 and 0.3 in combination with a slight reward bump, and a major reward bump in 0.1 0.2 would be better received?

I know that argument for Lo-Sec Newbie created carebears and it is true to a degree. The solution is information, not that the space is dangerous like everyone says but that it is for group players and well prepared players. That has to be drilled in before they touch an 0.4 Gate.

As for the steep drop I agree which is why I said this in another thread.

Alara IonStorm wrote:
I would just prefer it if they made 0.4 to High Sec Gates WTFBBQ Guns and lowered them in generous increments so the farther down in Sec you get the less dangerous they are. Then actively display the Sec where the gate you are jumping through to leads on the overview so you know what you are getting into.

Perhaps increase the number of 0.3 - 0.2 systems as well.

The truth of the proposed system is that it doesn't defend Newbies since a neutral Ceptor or Sebo Ship can grab tackle and a gang at a pre-aligned safe can dive in and gank them real quick. With the ramp up it isn't much a danger at all to kill a single player.

betoli wrote:

Gatecamping itself is a pisspoor mechanic for creating conflict, we shouldn't defend the right to gatecamp, we should be creating better ways for players to engage.

Yes it is to a degree but it is the main one and simply killing it in one area does not solve the problem and just rips a chunk out of a unique PvP area. If you look at each area the styles of PvP are very different. I don't fight the same way Sec to Sec because I know people role different tactics.

If they want to kill Gate camping fine but it should come with a ready made replacement.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#255 - 2012-08-05 13:25:42 UTC
Mag's wrote:
betoli wrote:
I'm not sure that the gate gun tweak is the perfect solution to this, however the sense of entitlement thats being demonstrated in wanting to be able to sit on the public transport network owned by a major faction and kill passers by is unbelievable - especially when there are areas that are not controlled by the factions.
So where exactly are we meant to catch people?
You talk of sense of entitlement, but we live in low and that is how we make our living. This will not increase traffic or get more living there or increase so called real PvP. It will make it worse for you, not better. But at the same time it will reduce our income, but without any obvious reason for it.

Personally I think it will increase population. But as you say not for "real" PVP, unless something else is added as a compensation. The game could do with a non-bubble non-sov zone.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#256 - 2012-08-05 13:27:26 UTC
Alara IonStorm wrote:

If they want to kill Gate camping fine but it should come with a ready made replacement.

Get on it CCP!

Scion Lex
The Unspoken Ones
Hole Control
#257 - 2012-08-05 13:37:35 UTC
yep cause this is easier than putting out an update, official guide on pvp that you would have to maintain CCP. Yep, get on it. They will all die regardless.
Azn Empire
#258 - 2012-08-05 13:43:03 UTC
It all come down to choice tbh.

So my choice would be to boost low, not nerf it.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Minmatar Citizen160812
The LGBT Last Supper
#259 - 2012-08-05 13:49:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Minmatar Citizen160812
Alara IonStorm wrote:
betoli wrote:

ETA: the ideal effect is that more carebears venture into ls, and more ls pirates venture into null overall migrating everyone into riskier space.

What makes you think Carebears should ever enter Lo-Sec at all. PvE'ers yes absolutely and they do enter Lo-Sec.

If you spend time in Lo-Sec you will notice 3 things right right off the bat.

1. Most of the people in Local are not Pirates.
2. Most of the people in Lo-Sec won't attack you, they would rather go about their business.
3. Almost all non Pirates who go to on a regular basis or live in Low-Sec have assets there at their disposal.

They have friends on call. Frequently traveled systems and well used stations. They have people with Carriers to stay mobile. They drop into an area of their choosing and setup stakes. If an enemy comes more often then not they will pull back and the pirates will move on. If they start sticking around they will knock them back or pull up stakes and move to a new system. Solo PvE'ers and Explorers on the other hand are another breed you see often using backwater routes and specialized ships. They don't mind taking a lose or two because they are good enough to escape or slip through 99% of the time.

Low-Sec right now is group space. Full of PvE'ers, Pirates, Weekend PvP'ers from Hi and Null, general corporations, Anti Pirates, Solo Explorers and FW.

Why you think Carebears who by nature do not form up, share intel, are 100% risk adverse and complain everytime they lose a ship belong in PvP capable space is beyond me. EVE's so called Carebear population is lower then the forums make it out to be. The rewards of Lo-Sec are too low for the effort currently. To many small corps would rather rent space in Null then set up stakes in Lo.

In essence Lo-Sec is a place majorly for small Corporations who set themselves up not Carebears. If CCP wants to boost Lo-Sec that is who they should be catering too.

The irony of this is the mechanics are setup to neither help Lo-Sec residents and built with more then enough loop holes to allow for camping solely of solo carebears. This accomplishes no goal other then making the space less fun for PvP'ers and no PvP'ers does not just mean Pirates. More then not you are likely to see a High Sec Gang looking for Pirates to kill as well.

There is a Lo-Sec community that enjoys the space. Why nerf their fun?

That's pretty dead on other than the nerfing fun part. Any changes made that cause me to pay attention to security status will do exactly that...and I'll get it to +5 on a regular basis to go reap a whirlwind in high sec. Suicide ganks not meant to be profitable? They must mean suicide ganks (on mining barges).

If the genius that opened this can of worms is still reading move all static plexes that aren't related to stories or whatever in high sec to low sec and spread them out. If I have to explain to you why this would continue to achieve what you guys are trying to do I'd want to be paid so you'd actually value it. FW changes seem like a good step to an outsider like me so why start taking steps backwards into "more safe"? You guys were applauded for buffing something that makes you LESS SAFE!


Pirates killed piracy. You guys could have ran that sh*t like the mob, but instead it became about kill mails, dishonoring ransoms and blowing up anything that popped through the gates. The short term thinking of the majority of losec players amazes me, because with some protection rackets and crafty manipulation you might have made some serious bank. I'm talking a player-driven social structure that could easily be comparable to such things as the mob in 30s Chicago or 70-80s New York, or even a Mexican Cartel organization.

Maybe that's what CCP is trying to nudge the players to incorporate for themselves, instead of this scorched earth policy that most people utilize for the lulz and the mailz. That was never sustainable in the first place, and it reeks of welfare dependance that players would do this and then cry that CCP should move Lvl4s, Incursions, etc. out to losec. By now making it near impossible to perma-tank gate guns (which never should have been an option, ever), players will now have to adapt, be creative, learn new methods to play and profit from the game. If losec players are smart, they will start thinking more long term. They may even create a whole new social structure in losec that would encourage more people to come to losec via a mafia-style protection system that would shield those who pay and destroy those who are payees to other losec corps.

THIS would be emergent gameplay, and this would be something that would draw me out into losec in a heartbeat

Here is an example of a guy that thinks a sentry change would magically create something that already exists. After this change he still wouldn't go near low sec and I'll prove it to you.

I have a small low sec pocket under decent control with a level 4 agent, lucrative belts for mining and very nice exploration sites. I can provide you with an intel channel, light blue status, and a custom scarebear guide to help insure your safety. The cost is 100mil a month per character. I'll wait for all the mails to pour in from interested carebears....Roll

The minute I tell them they need to watch local, use d-scan and report intel they think I'm ripping them off because we can never make it a 100% brainless activity like high sec and they will need to be at the keyboard 100% when in space. They don't understand they are just paying for "protection"....FROM US not every single person that enters local. Wanna pay for that? No? Why?

Ransoms? How many have you paid? 9 1/2 times out of 10 when you offer a ransom you're promptly told to F*UCK OFF. While I can understand this mindset we're not talking about a ransom mechanic being added to escrow money that only gets released when the point drops.
Militaris Industries
Northern Coalition.
#260 - 2012-08-05 14:54:47 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
EliteStealth wrote:

Also if Eve is a sandbox why is ccp trying to take away from that mechanic??? Honestly if people like low sec and aren't complaining then wy change it? Furthermore the game isn't about making it easier its about willpower, strength, and determination. The best quote from EVEONLINE I have ever heard is Wow gives you a cookie for each of your accomplishments...EVEONLINE takes your cookie eats it in front of you and laughs at you for brining one in the first place...

I think the main problem is that Lo-sec is a ghost town and people are complaining about it, just not the pirates who live there.
As to the cookie this is stealing part of a pirates cookie and giving it to someone else.

To be honest given the population levels of Lo-sec, you should all be proud. Just about everyone in lo-sec must have come on to these forums by now to complain about this change.

Well at least we have a forum to point to if lo-sec dwellers ever complain that Lo-sec is so dead.

See look what happened last time they thought about changing Lo-sec Big smile

Wow spoken from a guy who does trading..did you get shot down in low sec and feel cheated by it? I dont know man when it happened to me the first time I complained about it but its part of the game and it should be left alone....As for changes to low sec those were ok additions I guess but adding a pirate detection system is just criminal. If im reading this right it basically says if you are suspected of being a criminal the guns will auto fire on simply put if you have negative status which most pirates do you cant be around gates not in haulers frigs or anything else...So what's the next course of action for people with bad sec? Belt rat to go back to hi sec or go to blob warfare of null? I for one will unsubscribe my toons if this change takes place...and I won't be the last either....Oh by the way isn't CCP all about making money not losing it? Just to let you know you will be losing it if you adopt this radical change...