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New dev blog: Ship balancing summer update

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Infinite Force
#861 - 2012-07-03 18:15:51 UTC
Urgg Boolean wrote:
Many people are suggesting a lot of interesting ideas, but nobody can predict what the Devs will really do. That being said, many players in this thread seem to be directly and/or indirectly suggesting T3 ORE ships. It sure seems like a T3 mining vessel would solve the "tiericide" issues by being massively flexible, and offering capabilities based upon loadout/build/skills. I seriously doubt we will get a T3 ORE ship. That being said, I give two thumbs up for the proposed rethinking/balancing of mining ships.

So, I encourage the Dev Team to give the specs to the fellow who wrote EFT so we can be working out builds for these new ORE ships well before release.

I support giving out the proposed specs so that we can see the EFT, PyFA and EveHQ fits (even though I doubt they'd do it). You should also be able to go on SiSi around that time and start fitting for cheap too.

+1 to T3 ORE ships
+1 to releasing specs well ahead of time and LISTENING to subsequent feedback

HROLT CEO Live Free; Die Proud - The only way to go!

Derick Deninard
Order of the Penguin
#862 - 2012-07-05 07:41:55 UTC
I like the idea of rebalancing the mining ships, and while I have not read all 40 some pages of replies so I am not sure if this has been suggested or not, I belive that there should be a ship class capable of transporting between 50,000 and 75,000 m3 base with decent amout of speed for a ship that size say 90mps and warp around 3 AU/s. Give it some decent sheild and armor and a couple of slots to customize it. Maybe even a turret or lancher slot depending on race. Maybe I'm alone in this thinking, but we have something like a pickup truck size craft, or a tractor trailer size ship with no delivery truck catigory. It just seems like a long way to me between 6,000m3 even maxed out with rigs and expanders around 42k m3 and the standard freighter of over 720,000 m3 cargo hold. Seems like there should be ships capable of transporting an out post but not an entire station.
SabuMaru ICE
DLM Enterprises
The Serenity Initiative
#863 - 2012-07-05 09:59:09 UTC  |  Edited by: SabuMaru ICE
Derick Deninard wrote:
I like the idea of rebalancing the mining ships, and while I have not read all 40 some pages of replies so I am not sure if this has been suggested or not, I belive that there should be a ship class capable of transporting between 50,000 and 75,000 m3 base with decent amout of speed for a ship that size say 90mps and warp around 3 AU/s. Give it some decent sheild and armor and a couple of slots to customize it. Maybe even a turret or lancher slot depending on race. Maybe I'm alone in this thinking, but we have something like a pickup truck size craft, or a tractor trailer size ship with no delivery truck catigory. It just seems like a long way to me between 6,000m3 even maxed out with rigs and expanders around 42k m3 and the standard freighter of over 720,000 m3 cargo hold. Seems like there should be ships capable of transporting an out post but not an entire station.


90.000M3 cargo hold
50.000M3 ORE hold
40.000M3 corporate hanger

no turrets

hence there are remarks made about makin a T3 industiel/Miner that can forefill part of that roll

edit :
on the outpost remark : 1 outpost takes multiple Freighter loads to online .. that is Egg + startup fuel
a station will probably requere dozens of Freighters

jumpfreighters are NOT counted as they have 200-300K capacity and as such not usefull
Infinite Force
#864 - 2012-07-05 13:49:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Infinite Force
SabuMaru ICE wrote:

90.000M3 cargo hold
50.000M3 ORE hold
40.000M3 corporate hanger

no turrets

hence there are remarks made about makin a T3 industiel/Miner that can forefill part of that roll

edit :
on the outpost remark : 1 outpost takes multiple Freighter loads to online .. that is Egg + startup fuel
a station will probably requere dozens of Freighters

jumpfreighters are NOT counted as they have 200-300K capacity and as such not usefull

Derick Deninard is asking for a mini-freighter, NOT an ORCA.

Freighers are required for Outposts - leave that alone.

HROLT CEO Live Free; Die Proud - The only way to go!

SabuMaru ICE
DLM Enterprises
The Serenity Initiative
#865 - 2012-07-05 18:47:19 UTC  |  Edited by: SabuMaru ICE
mis clicked
Cloned S0ul
#866 - 2012-07-06 09:21:24 UTC
I have no idea about ship balance but top mining bargers should get enough mining boost that give to miners ability to earn more money per hour and get a bit close to, lvl 4 mission runers, here is still big disspresion betwen benefit form missions lvl 4 and mining while solo. I dont whine here, just give you my opinion, i have exhumers on lvl 5 and pro mining skills on one of my mining character, and one character with tengu with well skiled missile etc, tengu pilot is able to earn like 30-40% more isk per hour (only form bounty) while runing mission lvl 4 than this miner.
Everything Went Black
#867 - 2012-07-06 15:59:59 UTC
Cloned S0ul wrote:
More yield will let miners make more ISK.

This is a common fallacy. More supply drives down profit since minerals are based around a supply/demand market. If every miner suddenly doubled their mineral production, mineral prices would nearly half.
It would do nothing but make ships cheaper, in reality.
Infinite Force
#868 - 2012-07-06 16:32:41 UTC
MortisLegati wrote:
Cloned S0ul wrote:
More yield will let miners make more ISK.

This is a common fallacy. More supply drives down profit since minerals are based around a supply/demand market. If every miner suddenly doubled their mineral production, mineral prices would nearly half.
It would do nothing but make ships cheaper, in reality.

When I mine, my purpose is to pull in as much ore as possible in the shortest amount of time. Why? Because I can then go on to do other things in the time I have available to me.

HROLT CEO Live Free; Die Proud - The only way to go!

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#869 - 2012-07-07 17:41:12 UTC
While I like some of the changes. I don't like how it seems like some of the uniqueness of the different races ships is being removed. I mean, how can you destroy the precious kestrel? D:
Estrale Frontiers
#870 - 2012-07-08 07:45:06 UTC
Just spit balling here...

Hypothetically if you gave the new mining frigate 5 high slots for mining lasers couldn't you just use a fancy version of the same artwork to make a T2 mining frigate that is specialized for gas mining?

Isn't all gas mining in 0.0 and WH's anyway? By default a dangerous job. So the ships needs to be lite and fast with maybe a point or two in warp core stability?

All you need is a Blockade Runner to haul your gas out etc etc.
#871 - 2012-07-09 08:20:42 UTC
SabuMaru ICE wrote:

90.000M3 cargo hold
50.000M3 ORE hold
40.000M3 corporate hanger

no turrets

hence there are remarks made about makin a T3 industiel/Miner that can forefill part of that roll

edit :
on the outpost remark : 1 outpost takes multiple Freighter loads to online .. that is Egg + startup fuel
a station will probably requere dozens of Freighters

jumpfreighters are NOT counted as they have 200-300K capacity and as such not usefull

Derick Deninard is asking for a mini-freighter, NOT an ORCA.

Freighers are required for Outposts - leave that alone.
Live Free; Die Proud

Hammer Mineral Compression - The only way to go!

But still if you add a fuel bay and give it the ability to compress ore as you mine an Orca would be a nice mining platform.Something for higher skilled players to look forward to and not just reworked barges.
SabuMaru ICE
DLM Enterprises
The Serenity Initiative
#872 - 2012-07-09 13:48:38 UTC
DeltaV wrote:

But still if you add a fuel bay and give it the ability to compress ore as you mine an Orca would be a nice mining platform.Something for higher skilled players to look forward to and not just reworked barges.

u mean a high sec version of an Rorqual ?

that should be a T2 varriant then but without the boosts

compressing is something that is very hard to get Economicaly Viable imo
as u need large volumes of high end ORE
not sure if a change in that Fuel usage would be a nice thing to add

Tie Fighters Inc
#873 - 2012-07-10 06:23:17 UTC
Infinite Force wrote:
Urgg Boolean wrote:
Many people are suggesting a lot of interesting ideas, but nobody can predict what the Devs will really do. That being said, many players in this thread seem to be directly and/or indirectly suggesting T3 ORE ships. It sure seems like a T3 mining vessel would solve the "tiericide" issues by being massively flexible, and offering capabilities based upon loadout/build/skills. I seriously doubt we will get a T3 ORE ship. That being said, I give two thumbs up for the proposed rethinking/balancing of mining ships.

So, I encourage the Dev Team to give the specs to the fellow who wrote EFT so we can be working out builds for these new ORE ships well before release.

I support giving out the proposed specs so that we can see the EFT, PyFA and EveHQ fits (even though I doubt they'd do it). You should also be able to go on SiSi around that time and start fitting for cheap too.

+1 to T3 ORE ships
+1 to releasing specs well ahead of time and LISTENING to subsequent feedback

CCP will never release T3 ORE ships, becuase of hulkageddon and all the suicide attacks on miners. Even in the dev blog, they said they are only designing new mining ships to deal with hulkageddon and suiciders. T3s would cost too much when lost, and be a high gank target.

If anything, this expansaion is only nice, since it might be cheaper to die while mining.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

SabuMaru ICE
DLM Enterprises
The Serenity Initiative
#874 - 2012-07-10 07:19:17 UTC
rodyas wrote:
Infinite Force wrote:
Urgg Boolean wrote:
Many people are suggesting a lot of interesting ideas, but nobody can predict what the Devs will really do. That being said, many players in this thread seem to be directly and/or indirectly suggesting T3 ORE ships. It sure seems like a T3 mining vessel would solve the "tiericide" issues by being massively flexible, and offering capabilities based upon loadout/build/skills. I seriously doubt we will get a T3 ORE ship. That being said, I give two thumbs up for the proposed rethinking/balancing of mining ships.

So, I encourage the Dev Team to give the specs to the fellow who wrote EFT so we can be working out builds for these new ORE ships well before release.

I support giving out the proposed specs so that we can see the EFT, PyFA and EveHQ fits (even though I doubt they'd do it). You should also be able to go on SiSi around that time and start fitting for cheap too.

+1 to T3 ORE ships
+1 to releasing specs well ahead of time and LISTENING to subsequent feedback

CCP will never release T3 ORE ships, becuase of hulkageddon and all the suicide attacks on miners. Even in the dev blog, they said they are only designing new mining ships to deal with hulkageddon and suiciders. T3s would cost too much when lost, and be a high gank target.

If anything, this expansion is only nice, since it might be cheaper to die while mining.

i've bin mining for a long time now and even during Hulkageddon. and even the current Exhumers are capable of withstanding some gun fire without sacrificing Yield. T3's would indeed be a bigger target for gankers, but according to CCP they will never hand us a ship with more yield then the Hulk, that means that a T3 would have :

  1. Better Tank
  2. More Storage Space
  3. Build-in Booster
  4. Cloaking
  5. increased warp strength
  6. interdiction nullification
  7. more mining drones
  8. better mining drones
  9. etc etc

i think there are so many possibilities
and we should not just look at the T3 for just mining ...
but for the Whole range of Industrial / Manufacturing / Mining / Hauling
as just a T3 miner would be boring and not add any deveristy
#875 - 2012-07-10 13:47:28 UTC
u mean a high sec version of an Rorqual ?

that should be a T2 varriant then but without the boosts

compressing is something that is very hard to get Economicaly Viable imo
as u need large volumes of high end ORE
not sure if a change in that Fuel usage would be a nice thing to add

For hi sec miners it probably wouldnt be viable although solo miners would be able to mine longer (not as much time lost hauling).
Where it does become viable is low sec and wormholes where there are alot of high end ores.Its also a matter of time management.

Lets face it unless you have a large fleet mining you wont be bringing in enough ore to keep a Rorqual running so you end up with someone compressing every now and then or doing the lot after you have finished the op.Also it would give you something to do while you wait for roids to pop.

As for an Orca being a ganking target.That like most things in EVE is a matter of "RISK vs REWARD".
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#876 - 2012-07-10 14:43:01 UTC
Darkdood wrote:
Just spit balling here...

Hypothetically if you gave the new mining frigate 5 high slots for mining lasers couldn't you just use a fancy version of the same artwork to make a T2 mining frigate that is specialized for gas mining?

Isn't all gas mining in 0.0 and WH's anyway? By default a dangerous job. So the ships needs to be lite and fast with maybe a point or two in warp core stability?

All you need is a Blockade Runner to haul your gas out etc etc.

....ummmmm gas clouds go BOOM. You need a bit of tank to survive the explosions created by mining, not to mention the fact that Gas has *massive* volume per unit, you'd be warping to a station or other drop point so many times if you were limited by a frigate cargo yield that it wouldn't be a very efficient gas miner.

When I'm mining gas for boosters, I usually bastardize a battlecruiser with a goofy mix of tank and cargo expanders, along with the 5 gas harverster II's. Even than I'm still warping to the drop point constantly.

I'm having a hard time envisioning a frigate well-suited for this, that isn't obscenely disproportionate in terms of tank / cargo for its size.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Serenity Rising LLC
Controlled Chaos
#877 - 2012-07-11 11:13:56 UTC
MortisLegati wrote:
Cloned S0ul wrote:
More yield will let miners make more ISK.

This is a common fallacy. More supply drives down profit since minerals are based around a supply/demand market. If every miner suddenly doubled their mineral production, mineral prices would nearly half.
It would do nothing but make ships cheaper, in reality.

So wouldn't cheaper ships be a good thing for the game. Might increase PVP a bit if it wasn't so expensive to get blown up...
Isn't that one of CCP's stated goals is to increase PVP... So why have the last several major patches been going the other way.

Anyways I do support improvements to the mining system. I just hope they are improvements not silly pointless changes.

which btw how are we supposed to get to our ore holds? Please tell me it will be in the right click menu!!
Serenity Rising LLC
Controlled Chaos
#878 - 2012-07-11 11:16:38 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
Darkdood wrote:
Just spit balling here...

Hypothetically if you gave the new mining frigate 5 high slots for mining lasers couldn't you just use a fancy version of the same artwork to make a T2 mining frigate that is specialized for gas mining?

Isn't all gas mining in 0.0 and WH's anyway? By default a dangerous job. So the ships needs to be lite and fast with maybe a point or two in warp core stability?

All you need is a Blockade Runner to haul your gas out etc etc.

....ummmmm gas clouds go BOOM. You need a bit of tank to survive the explosions created by mining, not to mention the fact that Gas has *massive* volume per unit, you'd be warping to a station or other drop point so many times if you were limited by a frigate cargo yield that it wouldn't be a very efficient gas miner.

When I'm mining gas for boosters, I usually bastardize a battlecruiser with a goofy mix of tank and cargo expanders, along with the 5 gas harverster II's. Even than I'm still warping to the drop point constantly.

I'm having a hard time envisioning a frigate well-suited for this, that isn't obscenely disproportionate in terms of tank / cargo for its size.

The answer would be a decent sized Gas Hold...and gas clouds don't go boom that's the deep core mining stuff
But the original question still remains why not make a dedicated gas mining ship?
Tie Fighters Inc
#879 - 2012-07-11 11:47:05 UTC
SabuMaru ICE wrote:

i've bin mining for a long time now and even during Hulkageddon. and even the current Exhumers are capable of withstanding some gun fire without sacrificing Yield. T3's would indeed be a bigger target for gankers, but according to CCP they will never hand us a ship with more yield then the Hulk, that means that a T3 would have :

  1. Better Tank
  2. More Storage Space
  3. Build-in Booster
  4. Cloaking
  5. increased warp strength
  6. interdiction nullification
  7. more mining drones
  8. better mining drones
  9. etc etc

i think there are so many possibilities
and we should not just look at the T3 for just mining ...
but for the Whole range of Industrial / Manufacturing / Mining / Hauling
as just a T3 miner would be boring and not add any deveristy

Well the main thing I suppose with the mining T3 is will they be better then these new mining ships. Like the tengu is pretty stellar as well as current T3 are better boosters then BCs. I was mostly afraid, CCP wouldn't overbuff T3 mining ships, but if they did they would be worth it. Lets say they took that list, and it formed a soloable hulk. That would be worth it.

Those are fun options, but if CCP designs the T3 like it is a gallente ship, it will suck, but if they take those options and create it like a minmitar ship it will be awesome. That is the main point I was going for.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Osirus Bayne
Sunrise Donkey
#880 - 2012-07-11 15:15:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Osirus Bayne
I like the new changes to the mining barges specifically.

I am not sure, that it will solve the ganking issue in high sec though.

I would suggest a slight modification to the current security status levels. Anyone can get ganked in 1.0 just as easy as in 0.5 atm which seems a little wrong IMO.

Why even have a sec status rating for these systems. You might as well just give it 3 statuses.

2.0 High sec
1.0 low sec
0.0 null sec

With the current system why not add advanced aggression from Concord and belt patrols for 1.0-0.8 space. You try and lock someone, you get a choose to actually lock them, Concord attacks you.

0.7-0.5 you can lock them, but you fire and you get Concorded. No belt patrols, but still patrols at gates and Stations.

0.4-0.1 Concord will respond eventually, so time for the ganker to retreat.

Null sec....well stays null sec.

The above are just a basic layout to make the security system actually mean more in the game. Just an idea. It does need to be looked at though and I would welcome any change at all. My idea is just an example.

The potential for people quitting the game will go down significantly.

The old heads wont quit because they cant gank folks in 1.0 systems anymore, but I am sure relatively new players have quit from being ganked after they spent all their hard earned isk just to lose it 10 minutes later to a ganker prick.

Risk vs reward comes into play as the more rare and expensive ore would be located in the lower sec systems.

I should not be getting evemail from a Goon saying I have to pay him for protection to mine in HIGH sec space.

Cops do not wait for a bank robber to execute their hostage before storming in to take said robber down. They send in the SWAT team at the first available opportunity. Security guards are there to prevent a crime, not exact retribution after the fact.