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New dev blog: Ship balancing summer update

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#801 - 2012-06-23 17:37:30 UTC
Maul555 wrote:
RubyPorto wrote:
Maul555 wrote:
Inspiration wrote:
RubyPorto wrote:

Being full of **** seems to be your strong point.

Tanking a hulk to the eyeballs (aprox 30k EHP with maxed fleet shield bonus) means dropping two MLU's and even then it will be ganked by a pack dessies in high sec without any logistics support.

And with logistics support only the shield portion of the EHP really counts. Making the hulk no better the new mackinaw with does not require a list of prerequisites and far fetched fantasy IFs just to validate its role!.

As it stands, the only thing the hulk is any good at is maximum yield as all costs!
Don't pretend its tank able to the level you describe and then still imply that it is the best miner too!

I kind of had it with your bullshit as I said before and then ignored you, but since almost a week later your still fanatically bullshitting everyone, I decided to put my 2cents in this time. By the way, you can have that last word as your still not really worth discussing with!

Yeah... I gotta say that tornado ganking scenario doesn't sound right. A few destroyers can do the job, 4 at most... and those things are a dime per dozen...

RR says you're wrong.

I am not dedicating a RR guy in highsec (assuming I even have that luxury available). My corp mates would just stare at me like I am crazy. That is only a solution in your world.

Then don't. But it is a solution that raises the cost to gank with destroyers to 10-15 of them. Without RR, a destroyer gang will still lose money ganking you.

There are a few other options, that I will list here:

Here are some options you might try during this trying time.

1. Continue Mining like normal and Accept the losses
2. Continue Mining as normal but in a Covetor and Accept the losses
3. Mine in a Rokh, comfortably immune* to Suicide Ganks
4. Tank your Hulk and Accept a lower number of Losses from edge case profit based ganks.
5. Tank your Hulk with RR and be comfortable immune to Suicide Ganks
6. Mine in a Normally Fit Hulk but use a short range D-Scan to escape ganks
7. Set up safespots such that you can maintain a rough orbit in range of a roid by aligning to each BM in turn
8. Set up Hulks to Web each other, mine aligned to 1 SS at 7m/s (warpable speed) (can be done @ max yield)
9. Watch local for known gankers, accept the occasional gank from unknown ganks
10. Mine in Mission pockets
11. Mine in Grav Sites, occasionally scanning D-Scan
12. Tank your Hulk and have friends in BLAP AC Nados ready to shoot (one should kill a Cat before you die, failing the gank)
13. Tank your Hulk and have friends with ECM
14. Tank your Hulk and run 5x Med ECM drones and accept that you'll die if they fail
15. Mine in Lowsec (can be done solo in a quiet system)
16. Mine in Null (can be done solo in a quiet NPC sov system)
17. Mine in WH space

*all cases of immunity from Suicide Ganks assume profit-based ganks. Non-Profit based ganks are rare and are not something that can be negated by game mechanics changes besides eliminating ganks, thus can be ignored.

All of these options have advantages and disadvantages. All of them will work. Not all of them are perfect.

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Xen Investments
#802 - 2012-06-23 17:37:34 UTC
Tommy Blue wrote:
Maul555 wrote:
I am not dedicating a RR guy in highsec (assuming I even have that luxury available). My corp mates would just stare at me like I am crazy. That is only a solution in your world.

If you are not going to do something that potentially works because your friends might think you're crazy, then stop complaining. CCP is giving you the tools. If you decide to not use a tool that could potentially make your life easier, than that is your choice.

Except it makes nobodys life easier. I, or my corp mates, would buy someone a hulk just to get them to STFU about this RR idea... its not worth the pain of finding someone to be RR guy and splitting the profits with them just to counter the occasional gank.
Xen Investments
#803 - 2012-06-23 17:42:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Maul555
RubyPorto wrote:

Then don't. But it is a solution that raises the cost to gank with destroyers to 10-15 of them. Without RR, a destroyer gang will still lose money ganking you.

There are a few other options, that I will list here:

Here are some options you might try during this trying time.

1. Continue Mining like normal and Accept the losses
2. Continue Mining as normal but in a Covetor and Accept the losses
3. Mine in a Rokh, comfortably immune* to Suicide Ganks
4. Tank your Hulk and Accept a lower number of Losses from edge case profit based ganks.
5. Tank your Hulk with RR and be comfortable immune to Suicide Ganks
6. Mine in a Normally Fit Hulk but use a short range D-Scan to escape ganks
7. Set up safespots such that you can maintain a rough orbit in range of a roid by aligning to each BM in turn
8. Set up Hulks to Web each other, mine aligned to 1 SS at 7m/s (warpable speed) (can be done @ max yield)
9. Watch local for known gankers, accept the occasional gank from unknown ganks
10. Mine in Mission pockets
11. Mine in Grav Sites, occasionally scanning D-Scan
12. Tank your Hulk and have friends in BLAP AC Nados ready to shoot (one should kill a Cat before you die, failing the gank)
13. Tank your Hulk and have friends with ECM
14. Tank your Hulk and run 5x Med ECM drones and accept that you'll die if they fail
15. Mine in Lowsec (can be done solo in a quiet system)
16. Mine in Null (can be done solo in a quiet NPC sov system)
17. Mine in WH space

*all cases of immunity from Suicide Ganks assume profit-based ganks. Non-Profit based ganks are rare and are not something that can be negated by game mechanics changes besides eliminating ganks, thus can be ignored.

All of these options have advantages and disadvantages. All of them will work. Not all of them are perfect.

I am not complaining. I am countering all these ******* fantasy miners that like to play backseat driver. Seriously... I have been trying to stop at point number ******* 1 over here... as that's WHAT I DO ALL ******* DAY. And as if that didnt make all your other points completly moot, I also do numbers 4, 9, 11, and 17....

Seriously... I just want to take all of you guys and lock you in a room together, then have you fight to the death over who knows the best route to the nearest applebees... Then I'll take the survivor, drop him off at a Chinese restaurant, and then go by myself to schlotzkys where I will proceed to eat in peace!
#804 - 2012-06-23 18:00:03 UTC
Maul555 wrote:
RubyPorto wrote:

Then don't. But it is a solution that raises the cost to gank with destroyers to 10-15 of them. Without RR, a destroyer gang will still lose money ganking you.

There are a few other options, that I will list here:

Here are some options you might try during this trying time.

1. Continue Mining like normal and Accept the losses
2. Continue Mining as normal but in a Covetor and Accept the losses
3. Mine in a Rokh, comfortably immune* to Suicide Ganks
4. Tank your Hulk and Accept a lower number of Losses from edge case profit based ganks.
5. Tank your Hulk with RR and be comfortable immune to Suicide Ganks
6. Mine in a Normally Fit Hulk but use a short range D-Scan to escape ganks
7. Set up safespots such that you can maintain a rough orbit in range of a roid by aligning to each BM in turn
8. Set up Hulks to Web each other, mine aligned to 1 SS at 7m/s (warpable speed) (can be done @ max yield)
9. Watch local for known gankers, accept the occasional gank from unknown ganks
10. Mine in Mission pockets
11. Mine in Grav Sites, occasionally scanning D-Scan
12. Tank your Hulk and have friends in BLAP AC Nados ready to shoot (one should kill a Cat before you die, failing the gank)
13. Tank your Hulk and have friends with ECM
14. Tank your Hulk and run 5x Med ECM drones and accept that you'll die if they fail
15. Mine in Lowsec (can be done solo in a quiet system)
16. Mine in Null (can be done solo in a quiet NPC sov system)
17. Mine in WH space

*all cases of immunity from Suicide Ganks assume profit-based ganks. Non-Profit based ganks are rare and are not something that can be negated by game mechanics changes besides eliminating ganks, thus can be ignored.

All of these options have advantages and disadvantages. All of them will work. Not all of them are perfect.

I am not complaining. I am countering all these ******* fantasy miners that like to play backseat driver. Seriously... I have been trying to stop at point number ******* 1 over here... as that's WHAT I DO ALL ******* DAY. And as if that didnt make all your other points completly moot, I also do numbers 4, 9, 11, and 17....

Seriously... I just want to take all of you guys and lock you in a room together, then have you fight to the death over who knows the best route to the nearest applebees... Then I'll take the survivor, drop him off at a Chinese restaurant, and then go by myself to schlotzkys where I will proceed to eat in peace!

You seem mad, bro.

The problem is that people aren't doing number 1 properly. They mine as normal then get mad and shit up the forums when they lose a ship. That's not accepting the losses. That's the opposite of accepting the losses.

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Nagarythe Tinurandir
Einheit X-6
#805 - 2012-06-23 20:02:30 UTC
an issue i just realized.
i hope the hulk loses its ice harvetser duration bonus.
never understood, why its there.
Everything Went Black
#806 - 2012-06-23 23:27:38 UTC  |  Edited by: MortisLegati
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
Hey folks, thanks for the feedback, here are some answers for you.


  • WILL EXHUMER SHIP SPECIALIZATIONS BE AFFECTED BY SUCH CHANGES? Most likely not, except maybe for the Skiff as mentioned above.

  • This scares me a little. There's this great Role-By-Stats with the T1 barges, but then it gets messed around with for the T2 variants (I don't know what 'mentioned above' thing for the skiff is) with the exception of the hulk, which will still act as a direct upgrade from a covetor. That means that the 'direct upgrade' path for solo miners who found themselves using the Retriever because of its ore bay will find themselves in a hulk doing group ops as often as they can or in a Mackinaw mining ice. At least that's what I see people doing after the changes have been around for a while.

    What I'm trying to get to is: We're looking at the Mackinaw and the retriever as solo mining ships. Is this implying that newer miners will have a mineral mining ship and older, T2 miners will have an ice mining ship for solo mining?

    [Edit] It appears that my concerns have been noted earlier, about the fact that people mining particular kinds of materials will have their ships changed slightly, but the usage won't be changed. Nobody will ice mine n a Skiff because it doesn't have the bonuses, no merx mining in a mack and no ice mining in a hulk, which means that ice mining would be pushed towards solo play, ore mining towards group play and merx mining towards something in some direction I can't predict. Probably solo.

    I personally support the ability for Exhumers to specialize while leaving them the option to not (allowing every exhumer hull to be an ice miner, deep core miner, or strip miner with differing base stats like hold tank and yield). A module, rig or 'subsystem' would be optimal, so the three base hulls could maintain their basic maxim of minmax or 'even distribution' while not pidgeonholing ice miners into the less-tanky-than-the-skiff-yet-less-yield-than-the-hulk ship and heavily penalizing anyone on the T2 end for wanting to have a different base hull and therefore different base stats.

    I was hoping this update would hold hope for scaling role changes. I hoped it would bring a decent solo ship that would keep me from jetcanning without sacrificing all my tank and yield while having an anti-gank ship or full-yield friends abound ship on the T2 spectrum, but it looks like you're going to have this wonderful T1 lineup of barges that has this wonderfully diverse set of roles then that's all going to get thrown out of the window as roles get slapped arbitrarily onto ships that already have 'roles'.
    To me, it's boring to have "This is the ice mining ship; it should be familiar because it's got medium tank, medium yield (How?? It's ice! How do you quantify that between ore? Apples, oranges!)" then to have "This is the Mercoxit mining ship, it should be familiar because it has a gynormous tank but very little yield (again, almost apples and oranges) and an average cargobay." then additionally to have "This is the only ship that maintains its link to its T1 variant. It's the Hulk, it mines lots of ore! It also has a small tank and small cargobay but makes up for it with its big yield! Just like an improved version of its T1 counterpart! (Might I add this is the only one that is a Direct Upgrade from its T1 variant?)"

    TL;DR? I ramble, but I'm concerned that Barge -> Exhumer lacks direction and is arbitrary in the fact that it leaves the 'traditional' tier-based 'Specialization' on ships whose T1 hulls have been changed dramatically. Above is my thought process.
    This also all revolves around the fact that CCP are grouping together Skiff/Procurer Mackinaw/Retriever Hulk/Covetor (when they describe tank/yield/cargo) as though they will operate to some similar extent, rather than them being two different classes of ships whose 'yields' are difficult to quantify against one another due to Mercoxit being different than the rest of the 12 other ores and ice being wholly different as a harvested resource.
    Rip Marley
    #807 - 2012-06-24 03:02:02 UTC
    In the real world, the Destroyer was a screening ship to cover the weaknesses of larger vessels. It primary role was never that of bombardment although as is true with any ship with guns, it could and sometimes did. One of the biggest roles a destroyer plays is protecting it's larger fleetmates from the silent and stealthy submarines.

    Rather then making destroyers specialized in bombarding planets....I'd like to see a destroyer model that specialized in hunting cloaked ships. I can not say what the proper mechanics would be, that would take a lot of time and theory crafting, but this seems like the best use of the destroyer line.
    #808 - 2012-06-24 03:53:25 UTC
    Rip Marley wrote:
    In the real world, the Destroyer was a screening ship to cover the weaknesses of larger vessels. It primary role was never that of bombardment although as is true with any ship with guns, it could and sometimes did. One of the biggest roles a destroyer plays is protecting it's larger fleetmates from the silent and stealthy submarines.

    Rather then making destroyers specialized in bombarding planets....I'd like to see a destroyer model that specialized in hunting cloaked ships. I can not say what the proper mechanics would be, that would take a lot of time and theory crafting, but this seems like the best use of the destroyer line.

    EvE destroyers are more like the RL predecessor of Destroyers, the Torpedo boat. Small, cheap, hit's above their weight class, no tank.

    "It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

    Mr Kronos
    Gears of Construction
    Gears Confederation
    #809 - 2012-06-24 10:47:25 UTC
    The new destroyers should i could be like the current tier 3 battlecruisers; the ability to fit larger gins then there class should be; so Destroyers with medium sized guns.

    Also, with all the changes to ORE ships; isnt it a good idea to make all the ORE ships at least have some sort of consistent design?

    The ORE Frigate, Rorqual and Primea/Noctis, do have a simular design, maybe tweak them a bit do fit them in one line.

    The current barges/exhumers dont fit the ORE looks, and also if they are going to get changed rolewise a little redesign would be nice.

    Skiff/Procurer; One big clunky chunk of metal with 1 Stripminer
    Retriever/Mackinaw; Chunky, 2 striplasers, but show it has a big cargohold, by attaching Rorqual containers to it or something.
    Covetor/Hulk: "steampunk" design, 3 striplasers, show it has moving parts/equipment pure based for best yield. (Oil platform look)

    Orca: Make it more blent with ORE and DCM? :p Dunno its a strange ship, maybe split its roles to get another Orca type ship. (One as current role but without the Orebay and mining bonus. The other one with HUGE orebay, Corp hangar, Ship bay only for industrials.

    In other words; redesign ORE ships, in the Style of currentt Ore frigate concept, and the Primea/Rorqual design. As those seem to fit ORE best. And offcourse add Gas harvesters, maybe some specialised ring mining ships. Specialised Ore transports.

    Also dont forget to add a "crystal-bay" to the revamped miningships.
    #810 - 2012-06-24 10:50:29 UTC
    Mr Kronos wrote:
    The new destroyers should i could be like the current tier 3 battlecruisers; the ability to fit larger gins then there class should be; so Destroyers with medium sized guns.

    Destroyers are pretty much ganky enough. (Plus, they're designed to be an anti-frigate ship, and Medium guns would be... less than beneficial for that role)

    "It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

    Mr Kronos
    Gears of Construction
    Gears Confederation
    #811 - 2012-06-24 12:57:47 UTC
    You are right about that; its not a real good idea, but for some reason such class of ships would be nice. Just like a Battleship with capital turrets to engage capital ships.
    Nagarythe Tinurandir
    Einheit X-6
    #812 - 2012-06-24 16:45:03 UTC
    ships with über-gank always seem cool. but those medium weapon destroyerswould make the mining ship revamp obsolete.

    but i like the idea of a supporting dessi which is somehow able to conter cloaky ships, or provides rr for frigate roams and or is for point defence and makes the defender missiles a thing worthwhile.
    should be a dessi with low or none weapons though.
    Rip Marley
    #813 - 2012-06-24 20:31:45 UTC
    RubyPorto wrote:
    Rip Marley wrote:
    In the real world, the Destroyer was a screening ship to cover the weaknesses of larger vessels. It primary role was never that of bombardment although as is true with any ship with guns, it could and sometimes did. One of the biggest roles a destroyer plays is protecting it's larger fleetmates from the silent and stealthy submarines.

    Rather then making destroyers specialized in bombarding planets....I'd like to see a destroyer model that specialized in hunting cloaked ships. I can not say what the proper mechanics would be, that would take a lot of time and theory crafting, but this seems like the best use of the destroyer line.

    EvE destroyers are more like the RL predecessor of Destroyers, the Torpedo boat. Small, cheap, hit's above their weight class, no tank.

    Destroyers aren't THAT small. In EvE, Destroyers play the role of bully. They were meant to be a slightly larger ship than the ones they pick on. There weapons and bonuses are directly aimed at trashing small ships. My idea is simply an extension of that.

    Besides, your torpedo boat comparison is would me accurate if you were talking about stealth bombers. But I believe that bombers are more accurately compared to subs.
    #814 - 2012-06-24 20:42:52 UTC
    Rip Marley wrote:
    RubyPorto wrote:
    Rip Marley wrote:
    In the real world, the Destroyer was a screening ship to cover the weaknesses of larger vessels. It primary role was never that of bombardment although as is true with any ship with guns, it could and sometimes did. One of the biggest roles a destroyer plays is protecting it's larger fleetmates from the silent and stealthy submarines.

    Rather then making destroyers specialized in bombarding planets....I'd like to see a destroyer model that specialized in hunting cloaked ships. I can not say what the proper mechanics would be, that would take a lot of time and theory crafting, but this seems like the best use of the destroyer line.

    EvE destroyers are more like the RL predecessor of Destroyers, the Torpedo boat. Small, cheap, hit's above their weight class, no tank.

    Destroyers aren't THAT small. In EvE, Destroyers play the role of bully. They were meant to be a slightly larger ship than the ones they pick on. There weapons and bonuses are directly aimed at trashing small ships. My idea is simply an extension of that.

    Besides, your torpedo boat comparison is would me accurate if you were talking about stealth bombers. But I believe that bombers are more accurately compared to subs.

    Just because they have terms in common doesn't mean they're alike. I think stealth bombers and other Covops cloakies make a decent analogy for Subs.

    RL Torpedo boats weren't all that small. I'm talking the late 19th, early 20th Century ones, not the WW2 Patrol Torpedo boat (which are more like frigates).

    EvE destroyers do really have 2 roles. Their anti-frigate role and their gank role. Their ganking role is a lot like Torpedo boats (lots of offense, little to no defense), while their anti-frig role is kind of like the role of a modern destroyer (which is kind of to shoot the little things that the bigger ships have inadequate defenses against).

    "It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

    #815 - 2012-06-24 20:48:20 UTC
    Mr Kronos wrote:
    You are right about that; its not a real good idea, but for some reason such class of ships would be nice. Just like a Battleship with capital turrets to engage capital ships.


    [Abaddon, Stealth Bomber]

    Reactor Control Unit II
    Reactor Control Unit II
    Reactor Control Unit II
    Reactor Control Unit II
    Reactor Control Unit II
    Reactor Control Unit II
    Reactor Control Unit II

    Warp Disruptor II
    Prototype 100MN MicroWarpdrive I
    Large Shield Extender II
    Target Painter II

    'Limos' Citadel Cruise Launcher I
    Improved Cloaking Device II
    [Empty High slot]
    [Empty High slot]
    [Empty High slot]
    [Empty High slot]
    [Empty High slot]
    [Empty High slot]

    Large Ancillary Current Router I
    Large Ancillary Current Router I
    Large Ancillary Current Router I

    Ogre II x3

    [Incursus, Oversized Guns]

    Navy Micro Auxiliary Power Core
    Navy Micro Auxiliary Power Core
    Draclira's Modified Reactor Control Unit
    Draclira's Modified Reactor Control Unit

    Dark Blood Warp Scrambler
    Domination Stasis Webifier
    [Empty Med slot]

    Dual 150mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Federation Navy Antimatter Charge M
    Dual 150mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Federation Navy Antimatter Charge M
    Dual 150mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Federation Navy Antimatter Charge M

    Small Ancillary Current Router II
    Small Ancillary Current Router II
    Small Ancillary Current Router I

    Inherent Implants 'Squire' Engineering EG-606

    "It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

    Rip Marley
    #816 - 2012-06-25 00:22:52 UTC
    RubyPorto wrote:
    Rip Marley wrote:
    RubyPorto wrote:
    Rip Marley wrote:
    In the real world, the Destroyer was a screening ship to cover the weaknesses of larger vessels. It primary role was never that of bombardment although as is true with any ship with guns, it could and sometimes did. One of the biggest roles a destroyer plays is protecting it's larger fleetmates from the silent and stealthy submarines.

    Rather then making destroyers specialized in bombarding planets....I'd like to see a destroyer model that specialized in hunting cloaked ships. I can not say what the proper mechanics would be, that would take a lot of time and theory crafting, but this seems like the best use of the destroyer line.

    EvE destroyers are more like the RL predecessor of Destroyers, the Torpedo boat. Small, cheap, hit's above their weight class, no tank.

    Destroyers aren't THAT small. In EvE, Destroyers play the role of bully. They were meant to be a slightly larger ship than the ones they pick on. There weapons and bonuses are directly aimed at trashing small ships. My idea is simply an extension of that.

    Besides, your torpedo boat comparison is would me accurate if you were talking about stealth bombers. But I believe that bombers are more accurately compared to subs.

    Just because they have terms in common doesn't mean they're alike. I think stealth bombers and other Covops cloakies make a decent analogy for Subs.

    RL Torpedo boats weren't all that small. I'm talking the late 19th, early 20th Century ones, not the WW2 Patrol Torpedo boat (which are more like frigates).

    EvE destroyers do really have 2 roles. Their anti-frigate role and their gank role. Their ganking role is a lot like Torpedo boats (lots of offense, little to no defense), while their anti-frig role is kind of like the role of a modern destroyer (which is kind of to shoot the little things that the bigger ships have inadequate defenses against).

    Yeah, when you said Torpedo Boat I was thinking of the PT the one that got shot out from under JFK.

    If my idea were to be seriously considered and CCP did make an anti-stealth destroyer, it would be one of the new ones they were talking about.....likely a tech 2. Considering that all dedicated stealth ships are T2, it only makes sense they a ship designed to track them is also T2. Such a ship would need several bonuses, making it need to be T2 anyway.

    As a result, the normal destroyers would stay roughly as they are, and as you described.
    Vanessa Vansen
    #817 - 2012-06-25 04:33:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Vanessa Vansen
    The problem with T1 barges is that they all have the same bonus, but each higher tier provides another high slot and more cargohold. Hence, the Procurer is not used besides within Skiff production, since the step from Procurer to Retriever is only a few hours, and, in addition, it mines less than an Osprey.

    So, one set of roles could be
    1) Mercoxit Miner - since it different to all other ore -> adapt the Procurer to become more Skiff like
    2) Ice Harvester - since it is ice not ore -> adapt the Retriever to become more Mackinaw like
    3) Non-Mercoxit Miner - done, Covetor is already Hulk like enough
    Together with unifying the required skills (the same for all mining barges, and the same for all exhumers), you "just" have to choose the ship according to what you want to mine.
    This way the mining frigate might mine Non-Mercoxit ore than a Procurer, but it shouldn't mine more Mercoxit even though the Procurer only has one high slot.

    I do prefer this set of roles to the set of roles CCP suggests:
    1) It is more stable, in terms of a Mackinaw will stay the ice miner, and so on, and you may as well mine ice in groups. It does happen and you shouldn't have to change ships only because you're mining in a group or not.
    2) The introduction of the mining frigate is simpler, as mentioned above.
    3) It is still possible to add Ore Cargholds to Mining Barges/Exhumers, best would be to also introduce Ore Carghold expansion modules similar to cargohold expansion modules. This way you could get your ship as you like it (yield vs. EHP vs. cargohold). In addition, you might get Orcas and Rorqual with those rigs/modules instead of cargohold expanded ones.
    4) There is room for a T3 mining barge
    offensive module: bonus to gas, ice, mercoxit, or on-mercoxit mining
    devensive module: drone bay, shield resistances, shield booster, armor/cloak?
    xxx module: cargohold, EHP upgrade, leadership, or yield-upgrade
    navigation module: similar to T3 cruisers. yes including the warp bubble immunity one
    last module: well, no idea at the moment ... see edit 2

    - offensive module -> same yield as corresponding T1 mining barge
    - xxx module -> yield-upgrade leads to same yield as T2 exhumer

    T3 mining barge thread, at least one of them

    edit 2:
    last module: increase range, reduce cap usage of miners and harvesters, increase drone speed, save crystals
    Mr Kronos
    Gears of Construction
    Gears Confederation
    #818 - 2012-06-25 09:07:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr Kronos
    Last module could be the one giving you 1 2 3 or maybe 4 stripmininglasers depending on the module with drawbacks/advantages. Or ability to add an highsot to use with a mindlink or something.
    Knights Of Steel
    #819 - 2012-06-25 13:20:17 UTC
    the mining Barges need a ammo bay. make it so u can keep 6 sets of t2 mining crystals in it .
    survey scanner either need a buff or the barges need bonus for them like the orca, the survey scanner II scans out to 22.5m i want to see it out to 30-40m or a skill to boost the range.
    orca i would like to see the orca get a mining drone bonus as well even if its just to there speed
    JTK Fotheringham
    Ducks in Outer Space
    #820 - 2012-06-25 15:27:31 UTC  |  Edited by: JTK Fotheringham
    I was thinking about the T2 bonuses to merc, ice and bulk mining, and how it's not clear how these bonuses will overlap with the re-envisaged ship types.

    Why not make role bonus rigs?

    So you want to modify your hulk for ice mining with a larger fleet, fit some ice mining rigs.

    You want your small, well tanked Ret / Mac for merc mining in an 0.0 grav site? Fit a rig that grants the current Skiff role bonus.

    That way, ships can retain their basic role, as re-envisage, but you can tailor your ship to the minieral types you mine most often.

    Just saying.

    Stealth edit - You'll realise I don't read everything in long threads, and if this has been suggested, I'm just echoing my support.