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Inferno 1.1 Sisi features

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CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2012-06-11 11:06:46 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Explorer
Hi everyone,

Please find a note of the new features and changes currently on Sisi. Please note, that this is not an exhaustive list nor is it a final list of 1.1 features. Teams may add new things over the next week (for instance, GoD will add Unified Inventory fixes and changes).


• Ally contracts have fixed length of two weeks
• Allies can not be part of mutual wars – defender cannot hire allies into mutual wars and existing ally contracts are cancelled (with a 24 hour grace period)
• Cap on War Dec cost – it will never have a base price of more than 500 mill regardless of corp/alliance membership (still affected by the number of wars you have declared)
• New UI control for War options in war lists
• Added cost for hiring multiple allies for a war – hiring more than one ally now incur a cost that goes to CONCORD. The cost rises exponentially the more allies are hired into the same war.
• Added new skill – Armor Resistance Phasing, which reduces the cycle time of Reactive Armor Hardeners


• Minmatar V3
• Re-designed Caldari Drake
• Changes to the way camera focuses when you board or lose your ship.
• Adding flares to missiles. Makes them visible when zoomed out.
• All V3 ship materials are now a bit brighter.

Game of Drones

• Adding some new items to FW LP stores
• Removing EWAR from all FW NPCs
- Rubber band selection will now update the Est price and item count in the Inventory
- Views for items (icons, details and list) now persist per window
- Smart filters section of the Unified Inventory now remembers if its been collapsed or expanded between session change
- Fixed an issue where moving containers would break the Inventory
- Ships now remember if their tree view was expanded or collapsed through tree view updates
- Fixed items not displaying as locked when changing icon view in Inventory
- Users can now split stacks via right click in POS strucutures
- Fixed no label displaying in tree view for ships with no bays
- Clarified the background text when viewing Inventory locations with restricted access


• Rollback of lowering the reward for vanguard sites by 10%
• Rollback of changes to system influence
Devblog here -

I would also like to add that I will be actively moderating this thread so keep the feedback constructive and keep ranting to a minimum.

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

Spyker Slater
Bliksem Bende
#2 - 2012-06-11 11:16:37 UTC
How is a reduced cycle time on Reactive Armor Hardeners a good thing?
CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#3 - 2012-06-11 11:24:10 UTC
Spyker Slater wrote:
How is a reduced cycle time on Reactive Armor Hardeners a good thing?

Decreases the time between modification of resistances.

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

Spyker Slater
Bliksem Bende
#4 - 2012-06-11 11:32:11 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
Decreases the time between modification of resistances.

It will also eat my cap faster, except if you decreased that as well?
Krelian Lann
The Zohar Project
#5 - 2012-06-11 11:35:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Krelian Lann
I disagree with:

• Cap on War Dec cost – it will never have a base price of more than 500 mill regardless of corp/alliance membership (still affected by the number of wars you have declared)

It seems like an attempt at negating the huge cost against wardeccing huge Alliances but wasn't that the purpose, to prevent people from easily deccing entities like Goons and TEST, just to get kills in Jita ?

I don't really understand the reasoning here.

EDIT: Unless i got the "base" part wrong here.
Cathrine Kenchov
Ice Cold Ellites
#6 - 2012-06-11 12:03:02 UTC
Hopefully this:

  • All V3 ship materials are now a bit brighter.

  • will make my Guardian into a candy red & sun gold 0wnmobile that it was
    im mrmessy
    Woolloomooloo Sheep Dip
    #7 - 2012-06-11 12:18:56 UTC
    How about something that fixes the wardec pile ons. Goonswarm has 37 corps allied with one war target. I have no idea on how to fix this or make it less annoying
    Louis deGuerre
    The Dark Tribe
    #8 - 2012-06-11 12:35:36 UTC
    • Removing EWAR from all FW NPCs

    OMG finally ! I might even rejoin Gallente FW again. Pirate

    • All V3 ship materials are now a bit brighter.

    I also would love to see the return of the shiny Golden Fleet Bear
    Greg Valanti
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #9 - 2012-06-11 12:41:13 UTC
    im mrmessy wrote:
    How about something that fixes the wardec pile ons. Goonswarm has 37 corps allied with one war target. I have no idea on how to fix this or make it less annoying

    CCP Goliath wrote:

    • Ally contracts have fixed length of two weeks
    • Allies can not be part of mutual wars – defender cannot hire allies into mutual wars and existing ally contracts are cancelled (with a 24 hour grace period)
    • Added cost for hiring multiple allies for a war – hiring more than one ally now incur a cost that goes to CONCORD. The cost rises exponentially the more allies are hired into the same war.

    Trading Unknown
    #10 - 2012-06-11 12:42:50 UTC
    • Changes to the way camera focuses when you board or lose your ship.

    How's this work? No more zooming to zero when your ship dies?
    Global Telstar Federation Offices
    Masters of Flying Objects
    #11 - 2012-06-11 12:45:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Salpun
    Trading Unknown wrote:
    • Changes to the way camera focuses when you board or lose your ship.

    How's this work? No more zooming to zero when your ship dies?

    Yes it keeps same focus now when ejecting but if you reboard it jumps back out to 20K range and undocking in a small ship with the tactical overview on is still to close when undocking down you see to much white.

    If i dont know something about EVE. I check

    See you around the universe.

    Di Jiensai
    United Mining and Hauling Inc
    The Initiative.
    #12 - 2012-06-11 12:54:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Di Jiensai
    CCP Goliath wrote:

    • Ally contracts have fixed length of two weeks

    why? If you hire mercs to fight on your side of a war, why would they be out after 2 weeks if the war is still on? Whats the reason for this change?

    CCP Goliath wrote:

    • Allies can not be part of mutual wars – defender cannot hire allies into mutual wars and existing ally contracts are cancelled (with a 24 hour grace period)

    Why? This is eve, why should you not be able to wardec someone and then hire mercs to fight for you? With this change, that will not be possible anymore. I can see no reason at all to take this option away from your players, care to give a reason?

    CCP Goliath wrote:

    • Cap on War Dec cost – it will never have a base price of more than 500 mill regardless of corp/alliance membership (still affected by the number of wars you have declared)

    Why? 500m is pocket change for big alliances. or even medium ones for that matter. do you seriously think 500m is a lot in todays eve?

    CCP Goliath wrote:

    • Added cost for hiring multiple allies for a war – hiring more than one ally now incur a cost that goes to CONCORD. The cost rises exponentially the more allies are hired into the same war.

    Why? There must be a better way for additional isk sinks. What is the reasoning behind this change?
    Again, this is eve, a sandbox game. why do you see the need to restrict warring corporations/alliances in this way?

    I dont like these changes at all. Maybe it would be easier to accept them if there was some kind of explanation. Or at least we could offer counterarguments then.

    not cool.
    #13 - 2012-06-11 13:01:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Sarmatiko
    I only hope that current Vagabond, Rapier, Tempest Fleet Issue models are temporary and CCP decided not to invest too many resources and effort, planning future redesign of these ships..
    While I like Sebiestor color scheme for ships like Broadsword and Prowler, I think that Vherokior scheme will fit more to other T2 "Sebiestor" ships.
    It's time to revise manufacturers, seriously ><

    Also, like some posters already pointed out, why Angel Cartel NPC ships have Thukker Tribe logos and color scheme?
    Daneel Trevize
    Give my 11percent back
    #14 - 2012-06-11 13:07:16 UTC
    CCP Goliath wrote:

    • Changes to the way camera focuses when you board or lose your ship.
    • Adding flares to missiles. Makes them visible when zoomed out.
    • All V3 ship materials are now a bit brighter.

    • Removing EWAR from all FW NPCs
    Instantly 100x better than 1.0.

    Any details on when the Guardian will have the front repainted correctly? (Red or Gold but not black)
    Dark Materials
    #15 - 2012-06-11 13:11:48 UTC  |  Edited by: NeoTheo
    CCP Goliath wrote:
    Hi everyone,
    • Ally contracts have fixed length of two weeks
    • Allies can not be part of mutual wars – defender cannot hire allies into mutual wars and existing ally contracts are cancelled (with a 24 hour grace period)
    • Cap on War Dec cost – it will never have a base price of more than 500 mill regardless of corp/alliance membership (still affected by the number of wars you have declared)
    • New UI control for War options in war lists
    • Added cost for hiring multiple allies for a war – hiring more than one ally now incur a cost that goes to CONCORD. The cost rises exponentially the more allies are hired into the same war.
    • Added new skill – Armor Resistance Phasing, which reduces the cycle time of Reactive Armor Hardeners

    Hello mittens is that you :-( /sob shame ...

    Di Jiensai wrote:

    I dont like these changes at all. Maybe it would be easier to accept them if there was some kind of explanation. Or at least we could offer counterarguments then.

    not cool.

    My tinfoil hat says because of goonswarm.
    Native Freshfood
    Minmatar Republic
    #16 - 2012-06-11 13:16:14 UTC
    Many of the V3 Minmatar ships look absolutely awesome (The Tech2 and Faction Tempest Hulls in particular also the Wolf <3), however the T1 versions look too bright and very cartoony.

    The Core Complexion ship skins (Sabre, Rapier, Scimitar etc.) however are just horrible the Thrasher and Cyclone hulls are two of the few awesome looking Minmatar hulls and the Claymore and Sabre especially have had all their character removed by making them pitch black.
    CCP Paradox
    #17 - 2012-06-11 13:18:35 UTC
    As for the Super Friends stuff, a dev blog has been written and we're hoping it will be out pretty soon so we can discuss it further.

    CCP Paradox | EVE QA | Team Phenomenon

    Space Magician

    Jade Constantine
    Jericho Fraction
    The Star Fraction
    #18 - 2012-06-11 13:22:22 UTC
    NeoTheo wrote:
    CCP Goliath wrote:
    Hi everyone,
    • Ally contracts have fixed length of two weeks
    • Allies can not be part of mutual wars – defender cannot hire allies into mutual wars and existing ally contracts are cancelled (with a 24 hour grace period)
    • Cap on War Dec cost – it will never have a base price of more than 500 mill regardless of corp/alliance membership (still affected by the number of wars you have declared)
    • New UI control for War options in war lists
    • Added cost for hiring multiple allies for a war – hiring more than one ally now incur a cost that goes to CONCORD. The cost rises exponentially the more allies are hired into the same war.
    • Added new skill – Armor Resistance Phasing, which reduces the cycle time of Reactive Armor Hardeners

    Hello mittens is that you :-( /sob shame ...

    This is pretty sad actually. With these changes CCP is caving into Goonswarm whines and allowing them to wardec smaller entities without practical response.

    Previously the only way to reach parity in an empire war incoming from a 9000 man alliance would be to allow literally hundreds of allies to pledge their support for free. Now that option is taken off the table.

    Think it through with this example.

    9000 man alliance wardecs a 100 man alliance. It costs them 50m isk per week to get a 8900 pilot advantage. In order to reach parity the defender would need to add 8900 pilots across a 100 or more allies. In this new system the defender would end up paying infinitely more than the attacker to reach any kind of equivilance.

    Whats happened here is that Mittani and goonswarm have whined and pleaded for these changes on the back of the Honda Accord and (now) Star Fraction precedent and CCP have kneejerked into making Inferno wardec system something of a joke.

    Instead of encouraging and spreading warfare in Eve these changes will massively limit and restrict them.

    The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

    CCP Goliath
    C C P
    C C P Alliance
    #19 - 2012-06-11 13:28:01 UTC
    Guys, before this goes on any further, kindly take off the hats and get real - we do not develop with one corp or alliance in mind...

    CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

    Dark Materials
    #20 - 2012-06-11 13:30:57 UTC  |  Edited by: NeoTheo
    Jade Constantine wrote:

    This is pretty sad actually. With these changes CCP is caving into Goonswarm whines and allowing them to wardec smaller entities without practical response.

    Previously the only way to reach parity in an empire war incoming from a 9000 man alliance would be to allow literally hundreds of allies to pledge their support for free. Now that option is taken off the table.

    Think it through with this example.

    9000 man alliance wardecs a 100 man alliance. It costs them 50m isk per week to get a 8900 pilot advantage. In order to reach parity the defender would need to add 8900 pilots across a 100 or more allies. In this new system the defender would end up paying infinitely more than the attacker to reach any kind of equivilance.

    Whats happened here is that Mittani and goonswarm have whined and pleaded for these changes on the back of the Honda Accord and (now) Star Fraction precedent and CCP have kneejerked into making Inferno wardec system something of a joke.

    Instead of encouraging and spreading warfare in Eve these changes will massively limit and restrict them.

    Now its no longer "pay to grief" for small wars, for small conflicts its fixed as designed thats cool.

    If you are large allaince however it iseems you can still pick and choose your terms - LAME.
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