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New dev blog: Unified Inventory Changes

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ISD Libertina
ISD Alliance
#781 - 2012-05-25 08:59:26 UTC
Mar Drakar wrote:
You know why we never use drag drop in windows?

we use CTRL+C(X) and then CTRL+V

CCP MAKE THIS HAPPEN, give me "pick up items", "put items" jsut as I do with text, files ... if windows can decide that I want to paste text into notepad, and file into folder, geez make it so that I can "paste/move" items into current hangar.

This already works, you have to have something selected to cut and have a target location selected to paste.

Libertina - Vice Admiral

Support, Training And Resources

Interstellar Services Department

Eryn Velasquez
#782 - 2012-05-25 09:03:27 UTC
After dealing the last three days with the new UI, for me it's okay, but it needs improvements.

1. Please add the guns/launchers and other rechargeble modules underneath the active ship, just like the drone bay. So i don't have to open the fitting window when changing ammo or refilling the cap-recharger.

2. I now need much less containers to sort all the things, but the filters should be ex- and importable to use in different accounts.

3. Speed, speed, speed - think this is the most urgent thing to do, to speed up the code.

Keep up the good work, there are many people who like the new UI, but they're not angry, so they're not posting.

_“A man's freedom consists in his being able to do whatever he wills, but that he should not, by any human power, be forced to do what is against his will.” ― Jean-Jacques Rousseau _

May O'Neez
Flying Blacksmiths
#783 - 2012-05-25 09:09:40 UTC  |  Edited by: May O'Neez
It is a bit sad that people complain in loop about some issues that CCP stated the fix is already in the pipe ... (yes, I know, there's still issues not in the pipe, but they get drowned in the flood :/ )

The opt-out option is silly, because by principle people will NOT use the new system. So they have either to pull back or to fix the existing one, but I understand why they don't want the 2 aside. Moreover, old UI is 9 years old and code must be freaky old and clunky ...
The Executioners
#784 - 2012-05-25 09:11:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Maraner
Its INCARNA 2.0 all over again guys.

It's to be honest not even about the inventory anymore, its about CCP ignoring a large segment of their paying customers yet again. No one asked for the damn UI, the Sisi forums we're full of feedback but no.... ignored yet again, its that almost more that that worthless POS called the unified inventory that is enraging me, at least they are not rattling off 'user centred design' anymore.

Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#785 - 2012-05-25 09:13:43 UTC
galrizian wrote:
Jonuts wrote:
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
[quote]NO! We will not suck it up! This has broken the game for me, and many others. We were promised a new direction from CCP we were promised we'd be listened to. It's absolute betrayal of our faith and trust, and I am not going to tolerate it again.

It's ok I don't want your stuff.

Seriously folks thinking this is Incarna 2.0 are completely out of touch with reality in my opinion.

HTFU. Provide meaningful suggestions and move on.

For like the 30th time, rolling back to the old UI and hammering out a function Unified Inventory on the test server *IS* an extremely valid and meaningful suggestion. This should have never left the test server, and honestly, I do believe that scrapping it IS the better solution.

Most players don't want to beta test something on a live server. Especially after everyone that beta tested it on the test server wrote up all the reasons that it's ******* stupid. CCP didn't bother addressing jack **** until it hit live. That's definitely NOT how you're supposed to do this sort of stuff. If they can't be ****** to improve the "feature" on the test server, obviously they don't give a **** about their player base anymore, and it's become a game of office politics. The Unified Inventory is someones pet project and will get rammed through, damn the consequences.

yeah m8... i was thinking that some massive share holders son or daughter got a job at CCP and this ***** what they came up a word................nepatism :( its the downfall of all good things

Yes, my feeling same.
#786 - 2012-05-25 09:15:04 UTC
inventory system is trash not going to adjust to a inventory system. a inventory system should not be complicated or need adjusting too it should be easy and simple to manage not over complicated the old system worked for the better part of a decade it wasnt complicated it didnt have alot of useless options it just worked it was simple it was what a inventory system should be not this cluster **** you have added.

eve has enough complications doesnt need a over complicated pile of **** UI stick to the spaceships and stop breaking your own game.

on another note until this trash is removed you lost another 2 subscriptions since it seems you dont listen to people saying we dont want maybe you will listen to not having my money and it going to a competitor

Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#787 - 2012-05-25 09:16:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Ribikoka
May O'Neez wrote:
It is a bit sad that people complain in loop about some issues that CCP stated the fix is already in the pipe ... (yes, I know, there's still issues not in the pipe, but they get drowned in the flood :/ )

The opt-out option is silly, because by principle people will NOT use the new system. So they have either to pull back or to fix the existing one, but I understand why they don't want the 2 aside. Moreover, old UI is 9 years old and code must be freaky old and clunky ...

I have many fantastic old items and i never want to buy a new item what is not functional and unusable.
This new inventory much worsen than old. Dont care how old the last inventory system, when better than the new crap.
Put your hand in the air, who want buy a new car without engine, or wheels and feels satisfaction when the salesman says to it, no problem the car is unusable but just send your money every months for car check and we will fix it after a couple of months our mistakes.
Callidus Dux
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#788 - 2012-05-25 09:23:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Callidus Dux
May O'Neez wrote:
It is a bit sad that people complain in loop about some issues that CCP stated the fix is already in the pipe ... (yes, I know, there's still issues not in the pipe, but they get drowned in the flood :/ )

The opt-out option is silly, because by principle people will NOT use the new system. So they have either to pull back or to fix the existing one, but I understand why they don't want the 2 aside. Moreover, old UI is 9 years old and code must be freaky old and clunky ...

Sorry, but than they have to rebuild the old UI with their new code. EXACTLY rebuild and after that; bring in addition new features like their unified crap.
It does not work if you try to abandon all known UI elements (irrelevant how old they might be) and bring absolute different, not wanted changes. The unified UI should be optional. NOT the existing old one!

As it is. These changes are not wanted. Arrow knows this. But he was so ignorant to do not listen to the testing community.
Serenity Rising LLC
Controlled Chaos
#789 - 2012-05-25 09:25:46 UTC
Roll back the Unified inventory...
I will not play(and pay) again until it's fixed.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#790 - 2012-05-25 09:26:24 UTC

We do NOT want this new inventory
Blue Loot Consortium
#791 - 2012-05-25 09:28:45 UTC
Krystyn wrote:
Roll back the Unified inventory...
I will not play(and pay) again until it's fixed.

Blue Loot Consortium
#792 - 2012-05-25 09:29:14 UTC
We do NOT want this new inventory
May O'Neez
Flying Blacksmiths
#793 - 2012-05-25 09:30:03 UTC
Callidus Dux wrote:
they have to rebuild the old UI with their new code. EXACTLY rebuild and after that; bring in addition new features like their unified crap.


The key is the transition
Callidus Dux
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#794 - 2012-05-25 09:35:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Callidus Dux
May O'Neez wrote:
Callidus Dux wrote:
they have to rebuild the old UI with their new code. EXACTLY rebuild and after that; bring in addition new features like their unified crap.


The key is the transition

Hm. I was not one of these guys who forced CCP to bring out a new UI as soon as possible. They had all the time in the world. But their plan was to release it half finished, with a horrible feedback from the testers on SiSi. I was able to play EvE with the old style. But now I am not willed to learn this sh!t of a tree view, lag and mysterious hidden hotkeys.

By the way. Shift + Click solves not my problem.
Snuffed Out
#795 - 2012-05-25 09:47:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Gnast
So, I just did a session of logistics to get the feel for how it actually affected me, and my god....things that should take me 1 hour to do as easily taken 3 hours atleast.

Regardless of the good design plan, the execution is below acceptable standards.

When a process that probarly was designed to make things more time efficient have the opposite effect, then
you know you need to go back to the drawingboard.

Yes, it works on a small scale causual level, but if the inventory is your main tool in the game, then you are
poper forked with the current performance.
Mar Drakar
#796 - 2012-05-25 09:47:12 UTC
ISD Libertina wrote:
Mar Drakar wrote:
You know why we never use drag drop in windows?

we use CTRL+C(X) and then CTRL+V

CCP MAKE THIS HAPPEN, give me "pick up items", "put items" jsut as I do with text, files ... if windows can decide that I want to paste text into notepad, and file into folder, geez make it so that I can "paste/move" items into current hangar.

This already works, you have to have something selected to cut and have a target location selected to paste.

why no blog mentioned it ? Will check when at home... this better be true.
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#797 - 2012-05-25 09:48:03 UTC
Callidus Dux wrote:
May O'Neez wrote:
Callidus Dux wrote:
they have to rebuild the old UI with their new code. EXACTLY rebuild and after that; bring in addition new features like their unified crap.


The key is the transition

Hm. I was not on of these guys who forced CCP to bring out a new UI as soon as possible. They had all time in the world. But their plan was to relese it half finished, with a horrible feedback from the testers on SiSi. I where able to play EvE with the old style. But now I am not willed to learn this sh!t of a tree view, lag and mysterious hidden hokeys.

By the way. Shift + Click solves not my problem.

Hey Callidus, i have a question for you.
If i need Shift + click for easy handling this nightmare new inventory what is totally same thing as if I would use the old system, why i need the new one ? If i need more windows for easy handling why i need the new treepanel ?
Every post who want to saving this horrible new UI just told to us, too many windows was there with the old system, but now they needed the new windows with shift+click. This is normal ? Or just simple stupidity ?

So i give a question again, why we need the new system when if the old function is necessary for the new one ?
The new inventory is crap without more windows, but if the new one needs more windows that is the OLD inventory system.
Gallactic Groove Guild
#798 - 2012-05-25 09:49:18 UTC
Hi CCP :-)

I like the new inventory system, altrough it's a bit slow for me in J-space.
One thing i dislike:

I use the 'collapsed' variant a lot, a window looking like the old one open in a corner of my screen.
I use it for looting, works as a charm.

But for POS structures its a different story, everytime it opens in the first hangar division (in the old system, the last used one was saved) and to switch to another one i have to:
- Pop out the sidebar
- Resize the window because otherwise it's too small

I would love to see a 'division selector' for tabbed hangars and maybe, maybe, this could also be implemented as a 'switch between your hangars' for ships having multiple hangars (for example the Orca, or about every ship with a drone bay).

A quick and nasty mockup of it here:

Implementing this would be ultra sweet love, thanks in advance CCP!
Sunshine and Lollipops
#799 - 2012-05-25 09:51:48 UTC
May O'Neez wrote:
The opt-out option is silly, because by principle people will NOT use the new system.
So what?

It's not a Maoist revolution where attendance to daily political meetings in accordance to stricture is mandatory. It's a user interface. It's meant to let the user make the game do what the user wants, not the other way around. If people choose not to use the new system, then that's the right thing to do.

Again: what they've created is a great foundation. It adds a number of very useful and long needed improvements to the UI. What it also brings, for absolutely no good reason whatsoever, is a required change in workspace and work-flow.

What they should have done is make the new UI behave exactly the same way as the old one. Keep all the rclick-access menus. Keep all the “open [whatever]” buttons. Keep all the stacking behaviour and the way inventories identify where they should open. Keep all of it, but rebuilt it using the new back-end. That way, all windows gain the neat improvements and make everyone happy, and it also gives people who want it the ability to only ever open one window, fold out that tree view (which should slide out outside the window, btw) and go on with their merry business. More options for everyone; more support for more ways of working; improvements all-around (well… they'd still have to fix the tree population speed, but that's just a performance fix, not a design flaw, and they'd still have to tweak how stuff appears in the tree view).

If they want to include all inventories in this revamp, down to the last loot can and drone bay, then that's pretty much the minimum requirement. They could have just made the new UI a replacement for the asset window (which would have made a whole lot more sense), in which case it would have been good to go pretty much as is.

They didn't, so now we have to claw back all that functionality that was lost because they chose to simply scrap everything that existed and blindly add things back from scratch.

Callidus Dux
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#800 - 2012-05-25 09:53:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Callidus Dux
Ribikoka wrote:
Callidus Dux wrote:
May O'Neez wrote:
Callidus Dux wrote:
they have to rebuild the old UI with their new code. EXACTLY rebuild and after that; bring in addition new features like their unified crap.


The key is the transition

Hm. I was not on of these guys who forced CCP to bring out a new UI as soon as possible. They had all time in the world. But their plan was to relese it half finished, with a horrible feedback from the testers on SiSi. I where able to play EvE with the old style. But now I am not willed to learn this sh!t of a tree view, lag and mysterious hidden hokeys.

By the way. Shift + Click solves not my problem.

Hey Callidus, i have a question for you.
If i need Shift + click for easy handling this nightmare new inventory what is totally same thing as if I would use the old system, why i need the new one ? If i need more windows for easy handling why i need the new treepanel ?
Every post who want to saving this horrible new UI just told to us, too many windows was there with the old system, but now they needed the new windows with shift+click. This is normal ? Or just simple stupidity ?

So i give a question again, why we need the new system when if the old function is necessary for the new one ?
The new inventory is crap without more windows, but if the new one needs more windows that is the OLD inventory system.

I do not want a unified UI. I want a windows based UI. Each window has to react on double clicks or clicks at the appropriate icons. A solution via shift + 'hotkey' or shift + click is not acceptable.

I want to play a game via my mouse. If I wanted to play a text based (full of crap shortcuts) game I had not start with eve 4 years back.