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New dev blog: Unified Inventory Changes

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Soniver Rozaklis
Stampeding Beasts
#181 - 2012-05-23 18:15:53 UTC
stoxxine wrote:
Did anyone else notice that in the new window, the location where it says "index" without any function is like.. just a placeholder for the dropdown where you select which index configuration to use?

Exactly ! Great place for this idea of mine ...
Max Gades
Phoibe Enterprises
#182 - 2012-05-23 18:16:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Max Gades
Honestly just want the functionality of the old corp hanger with the Diffrent tabs if it could be opened as a window and function exactly how it use to I honestly think I could deal with the new mass mess inventory. Already suggested it in a quote of soundwave's make suggestions post and I'm surprised not to see any replies but he's probably trying to keep up with all the other post.

On another note.
Accessing a carriers corp hanger array while sitting at a alliance pos (not my corp nor is the carrier pilot in the corp that the pos belongs to) we got all the pos guns and silos which I'm sure I shouldn't be seeing considering I'm not part of that corp. Is there going to be any fix to this or is this one that's a not known till now deal....

Just another though to this. Will this apply to all pos's? Blues reds and what not?
Rrama Ratamnim
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#183 - 2012-05-23 18:16:57 UTC
Messoroz wrote:
Delivery Boi wrote:

If they do this i'm so starting up a pos bashing corp to go start crashing peoples tech and neo moons without the need to scan LMFAO... warp on grid, look at name of the mods, ah tech, ya boys come on over this is the one we need to smash

I dare you to even try bashing a Tech moon, last I checked it was entirely under the control of alliances with alot more supers you can dream of owning.

Tech refining moons aren't owned by said alliances, but would have silos in the suggested manner called "technitium" by the game which would make it a huge target... remember there are tech mining moons, and tech REACTION moons
Kusum Fawn
Caldari State
#184 - 2012-05-23 18:18:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Kusum Fawn
Scrapyard Bob wrote:

You won't even need to warp onto the grid, just get within a few AU and point your d-scan at it.

That being said - we've long wanted the ability to name ALL the arrays / batteries / labs. There's no reason not to allow us to name the modules.

Just like anything else (such as ship names) in EVE, the dumb will be dumb and you can't cure dumb. The smart folks will come up with various schemes (like naming silos after ponies) to disguise their purpose while still allowing you to keep track of which silo is which.

this, just having unique names for each coupling and silo will mean that when im looking at the pos manager, I can tell which things are in range and which arent. also i can name group things by type, musicians/songs/movies/ etc. it doesnt have to have anything to do with the type of activity the module is involved in, just like labs/ships/cans/character titles

But when you look at that pos manager, i know which modules are associated with which reactor chain, which should be offline and which i need to approach to get in range of what i need to access.

WHen CCP inevtably does something to POS structures themselves, I can only hope it isn't as bad or as awkwardly implimented as this new UI. but im nto holding muy breathe.

also anyone notice that the Devs who are actually in charge of these features are generally noticeably absent from the discussions on the test forums?

Its not possible to please all the people all the time, but it sure as hell is possible to Displease all the people, most of the time.

Rrama Ratamnim
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#185 - 2012-05-23 18:19:28 UTC
for the love that is all f*cking holy STOP ASKING FOR THEM TO ROLL BACK, they already said they aren't as honestly the # of pissed off people that are truly pissed off isnt that insanely large, people dislike it but its not game crushng...

They said they arent rolling back..

They said there going to work to bring back old functionality such as opening minimal shortcut windows like cargo etc...

They said they are open to new suggestions on improvements like the favoriting being pushed to top of tree...

I mean come on be f*cking constructive.
Strazdas Unstoppable
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#186 - 2012-05-23 18:20:36 UTC
The new system is so bad that if it persists this will be the first eve update that got me thinking about quitting the game. At least fix the persistent windows to begin with, and i want "Cargohold" window, not some random ships cargo window that i changed 3 ships ago to be open. right now when you change ship you still see your old ships cargohold open. also doubleclicking to open cargo IS A MUST.
Best solution - delete new UI, spank people who made it and bring back the old inventory system. Yet another "fix what's not broken" went horribly wrong.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#187 - 2012-05-23 18:21:45 UTC

Just spamming this feedback. The UI is not fit for any purpose. The only thing it acomplishes is satisfying some non-eve player's OCD notion that all items in one window is a good idea. It is not.

Stop destroying the UI. Stop making changes that represent no improvement to the players.
CCP Soundwave
C C P Alliance
#188 - 2012-05-23 18:25:09 UTC
Hey guys

I'm about to head home now. I'll update the thread in the morning with some information for the day.
Seismic Stan
Freebooted Junkworks
#189 - 2012-05-23 18:31:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Seismic Stan

Given so many players are asking for a return to the previous inventory system, can the new Unified Inventory not be used to emulate that? In other words, interacting directly with a specific container should intuitively open that container alone, rather than the Master Container Manager window.

For example, when a player double-clicks on the active ship in his hangar or an object in space, this could trigger the equivalent of:

- Open Unified Inventory Window
- Spawn Independent Container Window
- Close Unified Inventory Window

None of this process needs to be visually displayed, the end user should just see the appearance of the new window as a result of his double-click. When minimised, the new container window should appear on the NEOCOM bar as a separate entity rather than disappearing entirely (as it currently does).

End result: the Master Container Manager window is still available for situations where it is useful, but direct intuitive interaction is maintained also.
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#190 - 2012-05-23 18:32:13 UTC
DazedOne wrote:
You deleted my last post on this thread so I will try to word this nicely as I am getting very tired of dealing with anyone that works at CCP. With that being said, Everything that has to do with the new inventory overhaul makes doing anything whatsoever very tedious. What used to be easy is now more time consuming and harder to accomplish. Why did you not listen to the guys testing this out on SiSi? I figure actions speak louder than words. After you deleted my last forum post on this thread I unsubbed both of my accounts. I'm not paying for this aggravation. I figure actions speak louder than words. Maybe if everyone unsubbs they might begin to listen when you begin effecting their bottom line.

NVM he deleted my post too and banned my character because i told the truth from their crap inventory system. :P
Faith Patrouette
Careless Carebears Inc.
#191 - 2012-05-23 18:34:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Faith Patrouette
Rrama Ratamnim wrote:
for the love that is all f*cking holy STOP ASKING FOR THEM TO ROLL BACK, they already said they aren't as honestly the # of pissed off people that are truly pissed off isnt that insanely large, people dislike it but its not game crushng...

They said they arent rolling back..

They said there going to work to bring back old functionality such as opening minimal shortcut windows like cargo etc...

They said they are open to new suggestions on improvements like the favoriting being pushed to top of tree...

I mean come on be f*cking constructive.

Talk is cheap, most of us heard the following words uttered 'it's not what you say, its what you do'

While this thread is nice and its great some things are getting changed back,
the whole UI build was not done, buggy as hell and was flamed to bits in test server feedback.
To then just go ahead and push it through, because you have a deadline to catch, because you think you know better,
because you are absolutely in love with your work or because you think your customers are morons that wont notice,
reason does not matter.

Shoving something down peoples throats that is not done, broken, and has heaps of good feedback for changes that can be made on test server, should have never happened.
No matter how much backpeddeling or 'fixes' or 'updates' we will see.

That said.. I realize i can not has my old ui back, as this game is indeed no longer about us but about devs developing ideas and being too cocky to read feedback and implement changes BEFORE things go live,
I will learn to live with the changes I hope, and if not, it 's nice devs at least tried to hold onto the baby;s leg while accidentally throwing her out with the bathwater.
Fabulousli Obvious
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#192 - 2012-05-23 18:35:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Fabulousli Obvious
Read this while it still exists.

Don't feel bad. My main was banned too (uselessly, as he was on an unsub countdown) for 'spamming' (one thread started and no other comment) just for talking about unsubbing and why. No foul language either.

Censorship is so uncool, but its thriving here folks. My money goes elsewhere now.

I am NOT YOUNG ENOUGH to know EVERYTHING.  ~~ Oscar Wilde, writer, d. November 30, 1900

DJ P0N-3
Table Flippendeavors
#193 - 2012-05-23 18:38:22 UTC
Re: naming POS structures: THANK YOU

Please do continue to look into persistent windows; as it stands right now the inventory is irritatingly un-customizable to my needs.

Two other things I would still like to see addressed:

1. Some way of accessing CHAs from space. If the "open CHA" command jumps me to the top of the tree or opens the tab that I had open when I last accessed some corp structure (the way it used to be) then I will be a happy CHA user.

2. Wishful thinking, but: filters for the inventory tree in the style of an overview filter or scan results filter. Other people seem to be recommending a search or favorites function here; I'd like something that I can use for more transient things as well, like wrecks and cans. I'll always be able to choose my favorite SMA by warping directly to it. Generated wrecks, not so much.
Verge of Collapse
#194 - 2012-05-23 18:46:01 UTC
Rrama Ratamnim wrote:
Messoroz wrote:
Delivery Boi wrote:

If they do this i'm so starting up a pos bashing corp to go start crashing peoples tech and neo moons without the need to scan LMFAO... warp on grid, look at name of the mods, ah tech, ya boys come on over this is the one we need to smash

I dare you to even try bashing a Tech moon, last I checked it was entirely under the control of alliances with alot more supers you can dream of owning.

Tech refining moons aren't owned by said alliances, but would have silos in the suggested manner called "technitium" by the game which would make it a huge target... remember there are tech mining moons, and tech REACTION moons

Tech refining moons are located in C1 wormhole systems. I have entered many with such setups. One Class 1 system in particular had 14 faction towers each loaded with silos. They are completely safe from BS pos bashes and deathstar fit.
Gawain Edmond
Khanid Bureau of Industry
#195 - 2012-05-23 18:48:46 UTC
so when you goin to get rid of the assets button and make it all one thing? it's nice what you've done and all but i kinda hoped since you were puttin everything in one place it'd all be in once place
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#196 - 2012-05-23 18:50:39 UTC
I dont like the new inventory system, it looks like it was built to replace ASSETS, not cargo, items and ships. Its inefficient (multiple clicks some with keypresses) to do what you used to do is a fail move.

You would think CCP learned the last time they pissed off their customer base (how many times now?) This was something that did not need changes, there are broken parts of the game that have been there for years that should have been given attention first.
Fabulousli Obvious
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#197 - 2012-05-23 18:52:30 UTC
Gawain Edmond wrote:
so when you goin to get rid of the assets button and make it all one thing? it's nice what you've done and all but i kinda hoped since you were puttin everything in one place it'd all be in once place

Careful. They might try to merge the Market Window into all this too. That's it ! :

In the Future, there will only be the ONE BUTTON to Rule (Ruin) Them All.

So glad they did SOOOO much for the window that needed Fixing Roll : The Corporation Management Window.

Thanks for nothing.

I am NOT YOUNG ENOUGH to know EVERYTHING.  ~~ Oscar Wilde, writer, d. November 30, 1900

Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#198 - 2012-05-23 19:03:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Dughawk
."" We’re going to allow inventories to be “dragged out” of the main UI""

The UI could be tweaked, I agree.. But the Hangers and such being unified was not difficult and did not need worked on. Why did CCP feel like this was something that had to be "enhanced"?

Eve is a hard enough game to learn and play. Why did you feel like it was necessary to make it even harder to play? No wonder Gamespot ranks Eve at 6.6 out of 10....
Fabulousli Obvious
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#199 - 2012-05-23 19:05:42 UTC
I reject this whole thing in the same spirit the Goons rejected their lastest uniform design. The chiffon wrinkled too easily.

I am NOT YOUNG ENOUGH to know EVERYTHING.  ~~ Oscar Wilde, writer, d. November 30, 1900

Audra Li
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#200 - 2012-05-23 19:18:13 UTC
I haven't been able to find much on this...

I am in a station where I normally move things into the corp hangar. However, trying to click "Corporation hangars" in the inventory brings up an error saying "You require take access..." and it does not show even the tabs/divisions of the corp hangar - nothing is viewable. In addition, the inventory screen turns black and freezes with two 'loading wheels' and I can't see/use my other inventory items unless I close the window and re-dock.

Finally, trying to shift-click-open any other location (my items, my ships, etc.) brings up the same error (presumably when it tries to reload the corp hangar tab in the new screen?).

If this has been addressed through some work-around and someone could point me to it, I'd appreciate that. Barring that, if this could just be fixed, I'd be grateful.
