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(Proposal) Cloaky reds in system & Macro miners in Eve, how to make life harder for them.

First post First post
Jint Hikaru
OffWorld Exploration Inc
#21 - 2012-05-11 14:44:42 UTC
if anyone thinks that the lack of a keypress or mouse movement is going to stop a macro then they are deluded.

Jint Hikaru - Miner / Salvager / Explorer / SpaceBum In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#22 - 2012-05-11 15:20:33 UTC
Tiger's Spirit wrote:

No one sit on local at least 30 without any movement if playing. Moving mouse, check pilot infos, chat on corp or other chat etc.
So i'm an idiot what you could to say, that's was your best argument. Insult others when someone have other theory.

All right i think let's see what would be say Zagdul for this troll answer. Time to move your stuffz from FA stations.

WTF are you talking about?

Stop. Breathe.

Now, calmly, and rationally, explain what you are trying to say.

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

Drake Draconis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2012-05-11 16:23:34 UTC
Tallian Saotome wrote:
Tiger's Spirit wrote:

No one sit on local at least 30 without any movement if playing. Moving mouse, check pilot infos, chat on corp or other chat etc.
So i'm an idiot what you could to say, that's was your best argument. Insult others when someone have other theory.

All right i think let's see what would be say Zagdul for this troll answer. Time to move your stuffz from FA stations.

WTF are you talking about?

Stop. Breathe.

Now, calmly, and rationally, explain what you are trying to say.

Good luck with say "remove local" or "AFK CLoakers rule" anywhere near by and he starts to have an epliptic seizure and emo-rages all over hell.

================ STOP THE EVEMAIL SPAM!

Panopticon Engineering
#24 - 2012-05-11 21:13:51 UTC
Hehron wrote:
I can't understand why CCP has not done this for a long time ago. Like any other MMO game ( or some ) to make it much
harder to be a Macro miner.

How to do?

Simply let the game disconnect after 30 mins or so, when the mouse or keyboard haven't been used !

Kill some of the illegal ISK flow and it would also kill the so simpel AFK cloaky reds in a system. Never saw the AFK reds
as very diffucult, frankly it's pretty gay. It's got nothing to do with with how good you fly, everyone can put an alt in a system
and leave game.

Just my two cents


1. Nobody wants to be disconnected, especially not for being AFK for such a short period of time.
2. Technically speaking, it's impossible for the client to tell a physical keyboard command from a program command.
3. Even if it could, macros would find a way to bypass it.

The Caldari put business before pleasure. The Gallente put business in pleasure.

Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#25 - 2012-05-11 21:28:46 UTC
Tiger's Spirit wrote:

No one sit on local at least 30 without any movement if playing. Moving mouse, check pilot infos, chat on corp or other chat etc.
So i'm an idiot what you could to say, that's was your best argument. Insult others when someone have other theory.

All right i think let's see what would be say Zagdul for this troll answer. Time to move your stuffz from FA stations.

Autopiloting a freighter across highsec.

Sitting on a titan, talking on comms and waiting for the bridge

A rorq or an orca sat in a pos providing boosts to a mining fleet

Someone ratting with an AFK drone boat, possibly on an alt while they do something else on another character

Someone waiting a bit before they update their market orders in a hub

Someone warping or fighting in 10% TiDi

Sitting in a formup POS waiting for a fleet to get started

Sitting in a pos, station or cloaked in a safespot waiting for that hostile gang in the system to clear out

Need I continue?

Tiger's Spirit
Templars of the Shadows
#26 - 2012-05-12 06:37:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Tiger's Spirit
Danika Princip wrote:
Tiger's Spirit wrote:

No one sit on local at least 30 without any movement if playing. Moving mouse, check pilot infos, chat on corp or other chat etc.
So i'm an idiot what you could to say, that's was your best argument. Insult others when someone have other theory.

All right i think let's see what would be say Zagdul for this troll answer. Time to move your stuffz from FA stations.

Autopiloting a freighter across highsec.

Sitting on a titan, talking on comms and waiting for the bridge

A rorq or an orca sat in a pos providing boosts to a mining fleet

Someone ratting with an AFK drone boat, possibly on an alt while they do something else on another character

Someone waiting a bit before they update their market orders in a hub

Someone warping or fighting in 10% TiDi

Sitting in a formup POS waiting for a fleet to get started

Sitting in a pos, station or cloaked in a safespot waiting for that hostile gang in the system to clear out

Need I continue?

I spoke about 30 minutes timeframe and "Cloaky reds in system- how to make life harder for them"
Remove local ? No. AFK tag ? Yes.

Autopiloting a freighter across highsec. (that is changing systems, no sitting in one place)

Sitting on a titan, talking on comms and waiting for the bridge (Who pushing radio button use keyboard, it's not AFK, moving towards edge of FF, change position when noob pilots bumped him, talking with commanders and push radiobutton and last thing titan pilots just logged in the last moments before fleetops in most cases)

A rorq or an orca sat in a pos providing boosts to a mining fleet (Time to change this, so many forum topic here want to fleet boosting just inside grid)

Someone ratting with an AFK drone boat, possibly on an alt while they do something else on another character (that is what the CCP want to change, find it out drones of AFK boats why shooting the triggers, or you using macros which is not enabled and needs ban)

Someone waiting a bit before they update their market orders in a hub (waiting 30 minutes it's a bit ???? and he is not checking orders, not refreshing marker orders, not moving his mouse etc ? This is not true)

Someone warping or fighting in 10% TiDi (Same thing, 30 minutes long warp ?? It's not true again)

Sitting in a formup POS waiting for a fleet to get started (And the pilots talking on coms - push keyboard button (radio button), chat etc, they are not AFK)
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#27 - 2012-05-12 11:49:28 UTC
Oh, well, if any keyboard activity at all is enough to counter it, even out of game, I can just cloak, minimise eve and put something on my A key in word, can't I.

1. Fair enough.

2. More than once I've been sat on a titan for hours, waiting for a fight to kick off. Either waiting for a timer to count down, waiting for a hostile fleet to show up, or waiting for the FC to stop telling stories while the caps we're covering are doing things. No playing eve involved at all, just set keep at range and minimise the client.

3. This is a topic about automatic disconnects. Off grid boosts being remove are not the topic we are discussing here.

4. What does that mean in English?

5. Alright, someone going to get some dinner before they go back to their market shenanigans. Better?

6. 200+ AU warp in 10% TiDi. That's not quick.

7. Again, no in client activity, which means this system would be so laughably easy to macro away, and since CCP cannot tell me what I should be doing outside of EVE it would be perfectly legal to do so.
Tiger's Spirit
Templars of the Shadows
#28 - 2012-05-12 19:00:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Tiger's Spirit
Danika Princip wrote:
Oh, well, if any keyboard activity at all is enough to counter it, even out of game, I can just cloak, minimise eve and put something on my A key in word, can't I.

1. Fair enough.

2. More than once I've been sat on a titan for hours, waiting for a fight to kick off. Either waiting for a timer to count down, waiting for a hostile fleet to show up, or waiting for the FC to stop telling stories while the caps we're covering are doing things. No playing eve involved at all, just set keep at range and minimise the client.

3. This is a topic about automatic disconnects. Off grid boosts being remove are not the topic we are discussing here.

4. What does that mean in English?

5. Alright, someone going to get some dinner before they go back to their market shenanigans. Better?

6. 200+ AU warp in 10% TiDi. That's not quick.

7. Again, no in client activity, which means this system would be so laughably easy to macro away, and since CCP cannot tell me what I should be doing outside of EVE it would be perfectly legal to do so.

I have titan pilot so pls dont talk untrue things, just idiot titan pilot go away from client , they everytime checking their positions, they dont want to lose a titan from idiots who bumping them, dont want to lose against spies who bumping from FF them and dont want to risk and they login in, the last moments, because the enemies always want to kill them first when they do a mistake.

this topic not just for autodisconnect

5. if someone go dinner never check prices and dont play, he just go and log off.

6. 200AU warp not 30 minute long i know, because i many times fought in tidi and many times warped long jumps.

again, you talking again cheating, read eula.
Drake Draconis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#29 - 2012-05-13 06:46:47 UTC
Tiger's Spirit wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
Oh, well, if any keyboard activity at all is enough to counter it, even out of game, I can just cloak, minimise eve and put something on my A key in word, can't I.

1. Fair enough.

2. More than once I've been sat on a titan for hours, waiting for a fight to kick off. Either waiting for a timer to count down, waiting for a hostile fleet to show up, or waiting for the FC to stop telling stories while the caps we're covering are doing things. No playing eve involved at all, just set keep at range and minimise the client.

3. This is a topic about automatic disconnects. Off grid boosts being remove are not the topic we are discussing here.

4. What does that mean in English?

5. Alright, someone going to get some dinner before they go back to their market shenanigans. Better?

6. 200+ AU warp in 10% TiDi. That's not quick.

7. Again, no in client activity, which means this system would be so laughably easy to macro away, and since CCP cannot tell me what I should be doing outside of EVE it would be perfectly legal to do so.

I have titan pilot so pls dont talk untrue things, just idiot titan pilot go away from client , they everytime checking their positions, they dont want to lose a titan from idiots who bumping them, dont want to lose against spies who bumping from FF them and dont want to risk and they login in, the last moments, because the enemies always want to kill them first when they do a mistake.

this topic not just for autodisconnect

5. if someone go dinner never check prices and dont play, he just go and log off.

6. 200AU warp not 30 minute long i know, because i many times fought in tidi and many times warped long jumps.

again, you talking again cheating, read eula.

Even I seriously doubt your own words and so called claims.

================ STOP THE EVEMAIL SPAM!

Sons of Chaos and Anarchy
#30 - 2012-05-13 07:08:42 UTC
Tiger's Spirit wrote:
Xorv wrote:
No one wants your two cents.

Remove Local Chat!

I know bettter idea than You, keep Local chat and give AFK tag on local.

I like it +1
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#31 - 2012-05-13 17:26:56 UTC
Tiger's Spirit wrote:

I have titan pilot so pls dont talk untrue things, just idiot titan pilot go away from client , they everytime checking their positions, they dont want to lose a titan from idiots who bumping them, dont want to lose against spies who bumping from FF them and dont want to risk and they login in, the last moments, because the enemies always want to kill them first when they do a mistake.

this topic not just for autodisconnect

5. if someone go dinner never check prices and dont play, he just go and log off.

6. 200AU warp not 30 minute long i know, because i many times fought in tidi and many times warped long jumps.

again, you talking again cheating, read eula.

1. (2.) No, this happens a lot. The titan sits ina pos, the fleet sits outside it and waits for a bridge. For hours sometimes. The titan pilot might keep an eye on the client, but the rest of the fleet won't be.

2. (3) Then what is it about? The OP talks about auto disconnects, we're discussing autop disconnects, not the topic is about something else?

3. (5) Why should they log off if they don't want to? What's the point in logging off when you're just going to log back in within an hour anyway?

4. (6) Probably true, but fights in tidi aren't exactly quick.

5. (7) How, exactly, is what I happen to be doing in notepad cheating if I have EVE minimised? CCP cannot control what I do outside of EVE, nor should they be able to. It is not cheating if it does not have anything whatsoever to do with EVE.
Jack Carrigan
Order of the Shadow
#32 - 2012-05-13 18:29:38 UTC
No one wants the OP's two cents, so please keep the change. And while on that, please, stop letting your mind wander, it's far too little to be out on its own.

Delayed Local like in WHS, or just removed cloaked ships from Local.

Solves the problem.

I am the One who exists in Shadow. I am the Devil your parents warned you about.

||CEO: Order of the Shadow||Executor: The Revenant Order||Creator: Bowhead||

Tiger's Spirit
Templars of the Shadows
#33 - 2012-05-13 20:01:21 UTC
Jack Carrigan wrote:
No one wants the OP's two cents, so please keep the change. And while on that, please, stop letting your mind wander, it's far too little to be out on its own.

Delayed Local like in WHS, or just removed cloaked ships from Local.

Solves the problem.

No way. No problems solved. You solution just give more overpowered advantages for cloaking fags.

And other thing the main problem it is, AFK players terrorizing pilots who plays.
This is a crap rule. Someone just log in and went to work or sleeping etc when he is not at the computer but sitting in cloak, but the other pilot don't know he is active or not, so an AFK player disturb and terrorize a player which want to play.

No problem when a player go to enemy territory and playing but everyone know this is not truth, the story is not about this.

Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#34 - 2012-05-13 20:17:26 UTC
Tiger's Spirit wrote:
Jack Carrigan wrote:
No one wants the OP's two cents, so please keep the change. And while on that, please, stop letting your mind wander, it's far too little to be out on its own.

Delayed Local like in WHS, or just removed cloaked ships from Local.

Solves the problem.

No way. No problems solved. You solution just give more overpowered advantages for cloaking fags.

And other thing the main problem it is, AFK players terrorizing pilots who plays.
This is a crap rule. Someone just log in and went to work or sleeping etc when he is not at the computer but sitting in cloak, but the other pilot don't know he is active or not, so an AFK player disturb and terrorize a player which want to play.

No problem when a player go to enemy territory and playing but everyone know this is not truth, the story is not about this.

An AFK player cannot disturb or terrorize anyone. They are AFK. They are not there. You cannot blame your own cowardice on other people.
Tiger's Spirit
Templars of the Shadows
#35 - 2012-05-13 20:59:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Tiger's Spirit
Danika Princip wrote:
Tiger's Spirit wrote:
Jack Carrigan wrote:
No one wants the OP's two cents, so please keep the change. And while on that, please, stop letting your mind wander, it's far too little to be out on its own.

Delayed Local like in WHS, or just removed cloaked ships from Local.

Solves the problem.

No way. No problems solved. You solution just give more overpowered advantages for cloaking fags.

And other thing the main problem it is, AFK players terrorizing pilots who plays.
This is a crap rule. Someone just log in and went to work or sleeping etc when he is not at the computer but sitting in cloak, but the other pilot don't know he is active or not, so an AFK player disturb and terrorize a player which want to play.

No problem when a player go to enemy territory and playing but everyone know this is not truth, the story is not about this.

An AFK player cannot disturb or terrorize anyone. They are AFK. They are not there. You cannot blame your own cowardice on other people.

You lying again. The other players dont know, cloakers AFK or not, thats why the AFK cloakers can terrorizing players.
Who dont play, go and log off, dont waste server resources or CCP give them AFK tag and he wont terrorizing other pilots who wants to play, because the other players will be see he is active or not and he cant terrorizing active players with AFKcloaking anymore.
Play and terrorizing, or they are AFK , CCP give them AFK tag or remove riskfree AFKcloaking.

And finaly, you can do better insulting, because your cowardice words, just hit like a girl.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#36 - 2012-05-13 22:22:49 UTC
Tiger's Spirit wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
Tiger's Spirit wrote:
Jack Carrigan wrote:
No one wants the OP's two cents, so please keep the change. And while on that, please, stop letting your mind wander, it's far too little to be out on its own.

Delayed Local like in WHS, or just removed cloaked ships from Local.

Solves the problem.

No way. No problems solved. You solution just give more overpowered advantages for cloaking fags.

And other thing the main problem it is, AFK players terrorizing pilots who plays.
This is a crap rule. Someone just log in and went to work or sleeping etc when he is not at the computer but sitting in cloak, but the other pilot don't know he is active or not, so an AFK player disturb and terrorize a player which want to play.

No problem when a player go to enemy territory and playing but everyone know this is not truth, the story is not about this.

An AFK player cannot disturb or terrorize anyone. They are AFK. They are not there. You cannot blame your own cowardice on other people.

You lying again. The other players dont know, cloakers AFK or not, thats why the AFK cloakers can terrorizing players.
Who dont play, go and log off, dont waste server resources or CCP give them AFK tag and he wont terrorizing other pilots who wants to play, because the other players will be see he is active or not and he cant terrorizing active players with AFKcloaking anymore.
Play and terrorizing, or they are AFK , CCP give them AFK tag or remove riskfree AFKcloaking.

And finaly, you can do better insulting, because your cowardice words, just hit like a girl.

No, you're projecting. An AFK player literally cannot affect you in any way, shape or form.
Tiger's Spirit
Templars of the Shadows
#37 - 2012-05-14 06:28:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Tiger's Spirit
Danika Princip wrote:
Tiger's Spirit wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
Tiger's Spirit wrote:
Jack Carrigan wrote:
No one wants the OP's two cents, so please keep the change. And while on that, please, stop letting your mind wander, it's far too little to be out on its own.

Delayed Local like in WHS, or just removed cloaked ships from Local.

Solves the problem.

No way. No problems solved. You solution just give more overpowered advantages for cloaking fags.

And other thing the main problem it is, AFK players terrorizing pilots who plays.
This is a crap rule. Someone just log in and went to work or sleeping etc when he is not at the computer but sitting in cloak, but the other pilot don't know he is active or not, so an AFK player disturb and terrorize a player which want to play.

No problem when a player go to enemy territory and playing but everyone know this is not truth, the story is not about this.

An AFK player cannot disturb or terrorize anyone. They are AFK. They are not there. You cannot blame your own cowardice on other people.

You lying again. The other players dont know, cloakers AFK or not, thats why the AFK cloakers can terrorizing players.
Who dont play, go and log off, dont waste server resources or CCP give them AFK tag and he wont terrorizing other pilots who wants to play, because the other players will be see he is active or not and he cant terrorizing active players with AFKcloaking anymore.
Play and terrorizing, or they are AFK , CCP give them AFK tag or remove riskfree AFKcloaking.

And finaly, you can do better insulting, because your cowardice words, just hit like a girl.

No, you're projecting. An AFK player literally cannot affect you in any way, shape or form.

AFK cloaker just in your dream cannot affect to active palyers.
Their act is riskfree because they are unscanneable and uncatchable and others dont know, they are AFK or not.
Nice trying, but your answer is untrue again. If someone go to AFK and he do not terrorizing other pilots, dont care him, he should be receive AFK tag or not and wont be trying to cheat against AFK tag with macros.
Jint Hikaru
OffWorld Exploration Inc
#38 - 2012-05-14 07:51:56 UTC
Tiger's Spirit wrote:

An AFK player cannot disturb or terrorize anyone. They are AFK. They are not there. You cannot blame your own cowardice on other people.

You lying again. The other players dont know, cloakers AFK or not, thats why the AFK cloakers can terrorizing players.
Who dont play, go and log off, dont waste server resources or CCP give them AFK tag and he wont terrorizing other pilots who wants to play, because the other players will be see he is active or not and he cant terrorizing active players with AFKcloaking anymore.
Play and terrorizing, or they are AFK , CCP give them AFK tag or remove riskfree AFKcloaking.

And finaly, you can do better insulting, because your cowardice words, just hit like a girl.[/quote]

Haha, AFK tag.
[sarcasm] Great Idea, that'll really work [/sarcasm]

If this was in place, i would give it less than a week before you were back on the forums whining, because someone with an AFK Tag suddenly attacked you while you were carebearing in 0.0.

AFK tag will make no difference. Cloakers will setup at a nice spot, wait for a tag to appear then wait for the zerosec bears to come creeping out of their stations to mine or rat.....

Only solution is delayed local, or remove cloakers from local (real cloaking)

Jint Hikaru - Miner / Salvager / Explorer / SpaceBum In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

Tiger's Spirit
Templars of the Shadows
#39 - 2012-05-14 09:00:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Tiger's Spirit
Jint Hikaru wrote:
Only solution is delayed local, or remove cloakers from local (real cloaking)

Delaying local or removing cloakers from local just more help for cloaky fags and generate more problem and just solution for cloakers and generate more riskfree advantages for cloakers.
Jint Hikaru
OffWorld Exploration Inc
#40 - 2012-05-14 09:07:22 UTC
Tiger's Spirit wrote:
Jint Hikaru wrote:
Only solution is delayed local, or remove cloakers from local (real cloaking)

Delaying local or removing cloakers from local just more help for cloaky fags.
More riskfree advantages for cloakers.

Sorry, I forgot that this topic was about making zero security space, more risk free!

Jint Hikaru - Miner / Salvager / Explorer / SpaceBum In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.