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Test Server Feedback

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Inferno Features on Singularity

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Goonswarm Federation
#41 - 2012-05-02 14:29:06 UTC
radecz3k wrote:
MotherMoon wrote:
radecz3k wrote:
CCP Goliath wrote:

• Fueled Shield booster (Small/Medium/Large Ancillary Shield Booster), using Cap Boosters as charges

Since you have working shield booster for fuel make us happy, and rename it to "Covert cloak" and remove cloaky 24/7 afk campers from eve. I would say we need more nerf of covert cloak than shield boosters for fuel... This would remove advantage of people who arent next to pc over people who are really active.


Covert ops cloaking device using fuel in place of standard covert ops cloaking device, as one we have is overpowered. This will remove bombers and recons spending days in hostile systems blocking usage of system. This is seen in 0.0 on daily basics, and there is no way to catch cloaky people who just have pcs started 24/7. Covert cloak gives advantage to people with out of game resources like extra pcs running 24/7/extra account with covert toon. Using LO for fuel would reduce time spend in system cloaked to cargo bay. If cloaker would intall cargo expanders he would lose a lot of pvp ability at same time. I dont think that covert cloak should be used as weapon as there is no counter weapon for it. Also there is no need to be cloaked more than few hours.

your idea is horrible you will only make black ops gangs and legit scouts hate you and want to kill you over this I'm tired of seeing crap about this just for the love of god stop suggesting this.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#42 - 2012-05-02 14:29:36 UTC  |  Edited by: radecz3k
Mate, Black ops gang have nothing to be warried about as they will not stay cloaked for 3 days in same system.

@CCP Goliath i would like to get comment about my idea from you. Is this thing what could be made?

This idea isnt exacly my but its what came from brainstorm of 20 people long time ago. We figured that covert cloak gives advantage for single man over whole alliances with thousends of people. Also it allows for of AFK gaming same style like boting ( you play without playing). If someone wants to stay alive he should keep atention even in minimal scale, not just go to work/girfriend/play WOW and make pain to others because he can. Thats why loging off mechanics was changed to remove same style problem.
#43 - 2012-05-02 14:30:53 UTC
Hmm... It'll be interesting to see how these new Capacitor Booster fuelled Shield Boosters will work.

-- -.-- / -.-. .-.. --- -. . / .. ... / - --- --- / . -..- .--. . -. ... .. ...- . / - --- / ..- -. -.. --- -.-. -.- / ... - --- .--. / .--. .-.. . .- ... . / ... . -. -.. / .... . .-.. .--. / ... - --- .--.

CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#44 - 2012-05-02 14:31:25 UTC
Let's keep this thread relevant and not clutter it with insults and trolls. Nothing will put the teams off of reading this thread more than if they have to read pages of trolling. I'll hold off on moderating for now but will do so if the trend continues. This is supposed to be a happy day!

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#45 - 2012-05-02 14:32:42 UTC
radecz3k wrote:
Mate, Black ops gang have nothing to be warried about as they will not stay cloaked for 3 days in same system.

@CCP Goliath i would like to get comment about my idea from you. Is this thing what could be made?

This idea isnt exacly my but its what came from brainstorm of 20 people long time ago. We figured that covert cloak gives advantage for single man over whole alliances with thousends of people. Also it allows for of AFK gaming same style like boting ( you play without playing). If someone wants to stay alive he should keep atention even in minimal scale, not just go to work/girfriend/play WOW and make pain to others because he can. Thats why loging off mechanics was changed to remove same style problem.

Not for me to say - I'm not a designer and don't work on a team. There is a good place for this feedback though - the Features and Ideas discussion forum.

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

Oberine Noriepa
#46 - 2012-05-02 14:34:27 UTC
Really looking forward to this. Big smile

The Order of Atlas
#47 - 2012-05-02 14:34:46 UTC
Dan Andrei wrote:
Will the drone damage module work for fighters?

I too would like to know more about this.
Eighty Joule Brewery
Goonswarm Federation
#48 - 2012-05-02 14:35:23 UTC
radecz3k wrote:
Mate, Black ops gang have nothing to be warried about as they will not stay cloaked for 3 days in same system.

@CCP Goliath i would like to get comment about my idea from you. Is this thing what could be made?

This idea isnt exacly my but its what came from brainstorm of 20 people long time ago. We figured that covert cloak gives advantage for single man over whole alliances with thousends of people. Also it allows for of AFK gaming same style like boting ( you play without playing). If someone wants to stay alive he should keep atention even in minimal scale, not just go to work/girfriend/play WOW and make pain to others because he can. Thats why loging off mechanics was changed to remove same style problem.

You went and posted again. You. Posted. Again.

You aren't going to have to worry about an AFK cloaker now, just a blue shooting you.
Metal Icarus
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#49 - 2012-05-02 14:35:33 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:

Not for me to say - I'm not a designer and don't work on a team. There is a good place for this feedback though - the Features and Ideas discussion forum.

Oh so thats how it is...

Tallest > Goliath
CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#50 - 2012-05-02 14:37:14 UTC
Metal Icarus wrote:
CCP Goliath wrote:

Not for me to say - I'm not a designer and don't work on a team. There is a good place for this feedback though - the Features and Ideas discussion forum.

Oh so thats how it is...

Tallest > Goliath


CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

Alexandra Alt
#51 - 2012-05-02 14:44:02 UTC
Small question, 2 actually:

1) What happens if a player with a wardec on his corp/alliance leaves corp to an NPC corp ? Still avoids de wardec right?
2) When a player with a wardec joins another corp, this new corp will get the wardec too, now, can't this also be used to add corps to the wardec from the agressor side to fight corps added on the defenders side ? (and eventually enter a wardec with reduced price since I don't think the newly corp that entered the running wardec will pay anything to do so)

Looking forward for sisi online and ys CCP Goliath is the best! :)
Rothschild's Sewage and Septic Sucking Services
The Possum Lodge
#52 - 2012-05-02 14:45:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Panhead4411
CCP Goliath wrote:

Not for me to say - I'm not a designer and don't work on a team. There is a good place for this feedback though - the Features and Ideas discussion forum.

Oh, i thought they read the "avatar above you" more often...hmm, maybe post your idea there as an 'avatar above you is thinking Eve needs this module change"...might get read then.

On Topic, nice to see this list so far, anxious to see what else comes down the pike.

Any word on how they are dealing with the leaving/joining war'ing corp every other day to only shoot when they have surprise advantage? Read somewhere where it might be switched to 'can't re-join a corp until dec is over' type solution.

off topic...

Sorry Goliath, Tallest is...well...taller... XD    < Unified Inventory is NOT ready...

S0utherN Comfort
#53 - 2012-05-02 14:46:00 UTC
Active shield tank is now immune to cap warfare... That is a huge minnie boost !
Nalha Saldana
Gallente Federation
#54 - 2012-05-02 14:46:32 UTC
Alexandra Alt wrote:
Small question, 2 actually:

1) What happens if a player with a wardec on his corp/alliance leaves corp to an NPC corp ? Still avoids de wardec right?
2) When a player with a wardec joins another corp, this new corp will get the wardec too, now, can't this also be used to add corps to the wardec from the agressor side to fight corps added on the defenders side ? (and eventually enter a wardec with reduced price since I don't think the newly corp that entered the running wardec will pay anything to do so)

Looking forward for sisi online and ys CCP Goliath is the best! :)

Nothing have been changed (from what said) with leaving a corp, you can use it to avoid wars.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#55 - 2012-05-02 14:47:44 UTC
Jessie42 wrote:
radecz3k wrote:
Mate, Black ops gang have nothing to be warried about as they will not stay cloaked for 3 days in same system.

@CCP Goliath i would like to get comment about my idea from you. Is this thing what could be made?

This idea isnt exacly my but its what came from brainstorm of 20 people long time ago. We figured that covert cloak gives advantage for single man over whole alliances with thousends of people. Also it allows for of AFK gaming same style like boting ( you play without playing). If someone wants to stay alive he should keep atention even in minimal scale, not just go to work/girfriend/play WOW and make pain to others because he can. Thats why loging off mechanics was changed to remove same style problem.

You went and posted again. You. Posted. Again.

You aren't going to have to worry about an AFK cloaker now, just a blue shooting you.

Thank you for your opinion your participation was recorded. Now go self destruct and get back to WOW. You are one man, one vote. And you count as one not more. So dont threat on me as you are small man trying to be someone in world of internet space ships. Makde ideas, suggestions or don't say anything more. EOT
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#56 - 2012-05-02 14:48:04 UTC
doombreed52 wrote:
radecz3k wrote:
MotherMoon wrote:
radecz3k wrote:
CCP Goliath wrote:

• Fueled Shield booster (Small/Medium/Large Ancillary Shield Booster), using Cap Boosters as charges

Since you have working shield booster for fuel make us happy, and rename it to "Covert cloak" and remove cloaky 24/7 afk campers from eve. I would say we need more nerf of covert cloak than shield boosters for fuel... This would remove advantage of people who arent next to pc over people who are really active.


Covert ops cloaking device using fuel in place of standard covert ops cloaking device, as one we have is overpowered. This will remove bombers and recons spending days in hostile systems blocking usage of system. This is seen in 0.0 on daily basics, and there is no way to catch cloaky people who just have pcs started 24/7. Covert cloak gives advantage to people with out of game resources like extra pcs running 24/7/extra account with covert toon. Using LO for fuel would reduce time spend in system cloaked to cargo bay. If cloaker would intall cargo expanders he would lose a lot of pvp ability at same time. I dont think that covert cloak should be used as weapon as there is no counter weapon for it. Also there is no need to be cloaked more than few hours.

your idea is horrible you will only make black ops gangs and legit scouts hate you and want to kill you over this I'm tired of seeing crap about this just for the love of god stop suggesting this.

That's no reason to make cloaks only last say, 10 hours on one tank of fuel.

Alexandra Alt
#57 - 2012-05-02 14:50:00 UTC
Nalha Saldana wrote:
Alexandra Alt wrote:
Small question, 2 actually:

1) What happens if a player with a wardec on his corp/alliance leaves corp to an NPC corp ? Still avoids de wardec right?
2) When a player with a wardec joins another corp, this new corp will get the wardec too, now, can't this also be used to add corps to the wardec from the agressor side to fight corps added on the defenders side ? (and eventually enter a wardec with reduced price since I don't think the newly corp that entered the running wardec will pay anything to do so)

Looking forward for sisi online and ys CCP Goliath is the best! :)

Nothing have been changed (from what said) with leaving a corp, you can use it to avoid wars.

I would have thought the mechanic of leaving wardec corp to another one and this 2nd one got into the wardec by that would be a method to stop avoiding wardecs ? If it's not then is anything being done to avoid people that try to avoid wardecs?

Eighty Joule Brewery
Goonswarm Federation
#58 - 2012-05-02 14:50:19 UTC
radecz3k wrote:
Jessie42 wrote:
radecz3k wrote:
Mate, Black ops gang have nothing to be warried about as they will not stay cloaked for 3 days in same system.

@CCP Goliath i would like to get comment about my idea from you. Is this thing what could be made?

This idea isnt exacly my but its what came from brainstorm of 20 people long time ago. We figured that covert cloak gives advantage for single man over whole alliances with thousends of people. Also it allows for of AFK gaming same style like boting ( you play without playing). If someone wants to stay alive he should keep atention even in minimal scale, not just go to work/girfriend/play WOW and make pain to others because he can. Thats why loging off mechanics was changed to remove same style problem.

You went and posted again. You. Posted. Again.

You aren't going to have to worry about an AFK cloaker now, just a blue shooting you.

Thank you for your opinion your participation was recorded. Now go self destruct and get back to WOW. You are one man, one vote. And you count as one not more. So dont threat on me as you are small man trying to be someone in world of internet space ships. Makde ideas, suggestions or don't say anything more. EOT

Thank you for this.
Marcus Foederatus
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#59 - 2012-05-02 14:52:45 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
As promised, here are a list of the features that are going to Sisi this Wednesday afternoon. Most are still work in progress but please give your feedback in this thread and the teams will monitor it as best they can.

- Consequences for capturing systems/regions (benefits for you, grief for your enemy)

Care to elaborate?
Darod Zyree
#60 - 2012-05-02 14:54:32 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
As promised, here are a list of the features that are going to Sisi this Wednesday afternoon. Most are still work in progress but please give your feedback in this thread and the teams will monitor it as best they can.

Game of Drones:

Revamped the Inventory:
This affects:
- Managing corporation items in a station
- All item management from POS structures done in space on grid
- All Inventory management in space (wrecks, opening other ship locations, etc)
- All Inventory management in stations (items, ships)
- This change does NOT affect the ASSETS window

Does any of this mean i can soon repackage crap in my POS hanger in wormhole space?