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Crime & Punishment

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GMs - Please weigh in on the boomerang maneuver. Exploit (y/n)?

First post
Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#321 - 2012-04-15 23:22:55 UTC
As carebear I must say, this was not an exploit. It was well based on game mechanics and crying about this was a crappy move (perhaps the needs of materials after the great RMT hunting a move like this is needed to keep the balance of market prices, but as for the boomerang maneuver alone, it sucked hard).
Now there is a forced mechanic to avoid this for happening. Two wrongs don`t make a right, ppl.
I`m not friends with griefing, but this is lame.

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


silens vesica
Corsair Cartel
#322 - 2012-04-16 11:11:18 UTC
Good Lord. This topic is still running?


The question was called, CCP answered, it's done and over with.
Move along.

Tell someone you love them today, because life is short. But scream it at them in Esperanto, because life is also terrifying and confusing.

Didn't vote? Then you voted for NulBloc

Ativan Loko
The Poors
#323 - 2012-04-16 17:06:59 UTC
silens vesica wrote:
Good Lord. This topic is still running?


The question was called, CCP answered, it's done and over with.
Move along.

Thank you!
Mr Bigwinky
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#324 - 2012-04-17 15:11:53 UTC
silens vesica wrote:
Good Lord. This topic is still running?


The question was called, CCP answered, it's done and over with.
Move along.

Yes, and at the same time let's disband the CSM and stop listening to the players. What could possibly go Incarna wrong?
Welcome to EVE online, here's your rubix cube, go F*** yourself ♥
Subdolus Venator
State War Academy
Caldari State
#325 - 2012-04-17 20:15:58 UTC
Mr Bigwinky wrote:
silens vesica wrote:
Good Lord. This topic is still running?


The question was called, CCP answered, it's done and over with.
Move along.

Yes, and at the same time let's disband the CSM and stop listening to the players. What could possibly go Incarna wrong?

Now, how in hell did you make that leap of insanity?

Stop listening to the voices in your head - they're giving you bum dope.

EVE is EVE - Feaces will eventuate.

#326 - 2012-04-18 03:46:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Katalci
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
my pimped drake.

Your what?
Mr Bigwinky
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#327 - 2012-04-18 08:27:12 UTC
Subdolus Venator wrote:
Mr Bigwinky wrote:
silens vesica wrote:
Good Lord. This topic is still running?


The question was called, CCP answered, it's done and over with.
Move along.

Yes, and at the same time let's disband the CSM and stop listening to the players. What could possibly go Incarna wrong?

Now, how in hell did you make that leap of insanity?

Stop listening to the voices in your head - they're giving you bum dope.

Point being, dumbass, that just because CCP says one thing, doesn't mean that they are right.
They pay attention to these kind of discussions because they want our feedback as they know they can be wrong.

This is the only game that has this kind of dedication to the players, and we obviously enjoy it.
So no, don't refrain from voicing your opinion. And if you don't want to see people continue to talk about it, well...

Welcome to EVE online, here's your rubix cube, go F*** yourself ♥
Subdolus Venator
State War Academy
Caldari State
#328 - 2012-04-18 13:34:39 UTC
Mr Bigwinky wrote:
Subdolus Venator wrote:
Mr Bigwinky wrote:
silens vesica wrote:
Good Lord. This topic is still running?


The question was called, CCP answered, it's done and over with.
Move along.

Yes, and at the same time let's disband the CSM and stop listening to the players. What could possibly go Incarna wrong?

Now, how in hell did you make that leap of insanity?

Stop listening to the voices in your head - they're giving you bum dope.

Point being, dumbass, that just because CCP says one thing, doesn't mean that they are right.
They pay attention to these kind of discussions because they want our feedback as they know they can be wrong.

This is the only game that has this kind of dedication to the players, and we obviously enjoy it.
So no, don't refrain from voicing your opinion. And if you don't want to see people continue to talk about it, well...


Oh. My God.
Your disconnect with reality is truly astonishing. You *really* need to stop listening to the voices in your head.

CCP owns the game, not you. Not any of us. Their word is LAW. Yes, sometimes, where CCP is uncertain, their decisions can be influenced.

Did you you actually bother to read their opinion on the Boomerang? There is no uncertainty. Their position is solid, unambiguous, and clear. This thread will change NOTHING in regards to the Boomerang. The CSM isn't even going to bother with this - *they* know it's a dead letter. The whinging, whining, and wriggling in this thread will do exactly one thing: Waste perfectly good electrons.

No, wait - I take that back - It also provides opportunities for delusionals like you to have fantasies of potence.

EVE is EVE - Feaces will eventuate.

Mr Bigwinky
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#329 - 2012-04-18 14:30:23 UTC
Subdolus Venator wrote:
Oh. My God.
Your disconnect with reality is truly astonishing. You *really* need to stop listening to the voices in your head.

CCP owns the game, not you. Not any of us. Their word is LAW. Yes, sometimes, where CCP is uncertain, their decisions can be influenced.

Did you you actually bother to read their opinion on the Boomerang? There is no uncertainty. Their position is solid, unambiguous, and clear. This thread will change NOTHING in regards to the Boomerang. The CSM isn't even going to bother with this - *they* know it's a dead letter. The whinging, whining, and wriggling in this thread will do exactly one thing: Waste perfectly good electrons.

No, wait - I take that back - It also provides opportunities for delusionals like you to have fantasies of potence.

I guess you missed the bit that said "if you don't want to see people continue to talk about this then stop reading the thread". But that's okay, I figured your sight would be impared with your anal cavity encompassing your entire head and all.

I didn't once put forward any opinion on the legitimacy of the "boomerang" technique. Also, I don't care about CCP's opinion on it, moreover I don't care about your opinion on it. Nothing CCP puts forward is ambiguous or murky, but that doesn't make it right and you're incredibly naive to believe that they'll ignore the community if enough of a fuss is kicked up about a subject. (again, not referring specifically to this issue - try to keep up)

I was going to make a joke about my character name, and the 'fantasies of potence' you mentioned, but i'm fairly sure it would go over your ass. (notice I didn't say head) Cool
Welcome to EVE online, here's your rubix cube, go F*** yourself ♥
Black Spear.
#330 - 2012-04-19 05:21:32 UTC
Oh man... Its just funny to see many ppl whining about a change that basicly dont affect ganking at all... Suicide ganking is still suicide ganking, nothing changed. If you use this exploit, you are not a suicide ganker after all. So HSec stays the same.

And after a few pages I also read this kill rights argument: dont be ridiculous! carebears mostly dont use their killrights. It would probably be a good thing if you can trade them, but in normal cases gankers dont have to fear carebears with killrights at all. CCP made the right choise.
Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#331 - 2012-04-19 08:17:32 UTC
Herr Wilkus wrote:

Main problem I have with this...(well, other than your flawed assumption that 'warping out' is automatically an exploit) that warping out is a totally reasonable self-defense mechanism for outlaw alts.
Any player can engage you - and any player can loot your blue wreck.
Any player can pop your pod (and its even easier now that you are forbidden to eject...)

Warping out after a gank allows your -10 character to avoid nasty, one-sided fights with other players while Concord holds you down and renders you helpless for 10-15 seconds. Until a few days ago, you could eject from a doomed ship before you are Concorded which allowed a pirate to make his escape, ahead of outlaw podding opportunists. Not anymore. So if anything, warping off is even MORE vital. Further, it also allows you to recover your own mods at a Safe-spot, Orca or no, rather than in the middle of a throng of pissed off carebears (and associated opportunists).

Wow, for someone in TEARS you sure shed a lot of tears, you sissy.

What this crybaby is complaining about, and let me have a chortle for a while here at the irony, is that he's gone -10 and hates the consequences of, viz. hopping in an untanked arty tornado which anyone can shoot him in, in a one-sided fight.


All those terrible outlaw podding opportunists, making the cnsequences of your action come back to haunt you. Poor little fellow, cry some more! I know you want this game to be an endless source of free carebear kills, from which you can harest infinite tears and mewling blubbering and coat yourself in the armour of "well he was stupid / a bot / a nub" and carry on, secure in the thought that you are part of some elite alliance of ultimate grief.

But the reality is, if you're -10 and survive on suicide ganks for your kicks, you made the choice, now live with it. But keep on crying and fuming. Recycled tears are doubly delicious!

Herr Wilkus
Aggressive Salvage Services LLC
#332 - 2012-04-19 09:38:19 UTC
Trinkets friend wrote:

All those terrible outlaw podding opportunists, making the cnsequences of your action come back to haunt you. Poor little fellow, cry some more! I know you want this game to be an endless source of free carebear kills, from which you can harest infinite tears and mewling blubbering and coat yourself in the armour of "well he was stupid / a bot / a nub" and carry on, secure in the thought that you are part of some elite alliance of ultimate grief.

A) Wow, you have a lot of built up rage. TEARS must have really violated you once.
B) You are replying to a post that is several weeks old - speculating on something that hadn't happened yet.
C) Patch is done, volley ganking and warping off grid with a Tornado (and unloading into an Orca) is still legal, and was declared as such by GM Homo in the GD thread.

I just killed 33 Exhumers and 25 Pods in one evening, dealing almost 9 Billion in damage to miners collectively.
Thats solo.

Want tears? Here you go.

[ 2012.04.18 15:37:50 ] bandRK Numon > Привет
[ 2012.04.18 15:37:56 ] bandRK Numon > Hi
[ 2012.04.18 15:38:06 ] Herr Wilkus > Пиздец
[ 2012.04.18 15:38:12 ] bandRK Numon > Ты ебаный гандон что твариш??????
[ 2012.04.18 15:38:19 ] bandRK Numon > Нахуй так делать?
[ 2012.04.18 15:38:52 ] Herr Wilkus > :)
[ 2012.04.18 15:38:53 ] bandRK Numon > Чо, тебе америкоских терпил мало?
[ 2012.04.18 15:39:06 ] bandRK Numon > Что тебе с этого,
[ 2012.04.18 15:39:14 ] bandRK Numon > что расхуярл мне карабль???
[ 2012.04.18 15:39:37 ] bandRK Numon > И падла яйцо, бля там имплантов на 300 КК
[ 2012.04.18 15:40:15 ] bandRK Numon > Чо молчиш упырь???
[ 2012.04.18 15:40:33 ] Herr Wilkus > Я не говорю коммунист.
[ 2012.04.18 15:40:49 ] bandRK Numon > один вопрос??? нахуя?
[ 2012.04.18 15:42:08 ] Herr Wilkus > вы сошли с ума
[ 2012.04.18 15:42:20 ] bandRK Numon > ????
[ 2012.04.18 15:42:29 ] Herr Wilkus > what do you want?
[ 2012.04.18 15:42:30 ] bandRK Numon > Нафига ты мне макинава разгэпал???
[ 2012.04.18 15:43:03 ] bandRK Numon > I want your soul
[ 2012.04.18 15:43:15 ] bandRK Numon > В мозг тебя трахнуть
[ 2012.04.18 15:43:18 ] bandRK Numon > Гандон
[ 2012.04.18 15:43:33 ] Herr Wilkus > funny. well, you are on the tracking list now. You are no longer allowed to mine. Expect to be ganked again in the future.
Kelvan Hemanseh
Hole Exploitation Inc.
#333 - 2012-04-19 12:44:11 UTC
Herr Wilkus wrote:
Trinkets friend wrote:

All those terrible outlaw podding opportunists, making the cnsequences of your action come back to haunt you. Poor little fellow, cry some more! I know you want this game to be an endless source of free carebear kills, from which you can harest infinite tears and mewling blubbering and coat yourself in the armour of "well he was stupid / a bot / a nub" and carry on, secure in the thought that you are part of some elite alliance of ultimate grief.

A) Wow, you have a lot of built up rage. TEARS must have really violated you once.
B) You are replying to a post that is several weeks old - speculating on something that hadn't happened yet.
C) Patch is done, volley ganking and warping off grid with a Tornado (and unloading into an Orca) is still legal, and was declared as such by GM Homo in the GD thread.

I just killed 33 Exhumers and 25 Pods in one evening, dealing almost 9 Billion in damage to miners collectively.
Thats solo.

Want tears? Here you go.

[ 2012.04.18 15:37:50 ] bandRK Numon > Привет
[ 2012.04.18 15:37:56 ] bandRK Numon > Hi
[ 2012.04.18 15:38:06 ] Herr Wilkus > Пиздец
[ 2012.04.18 15:38:12 ] bandRK Numon > Ты ебаный гандон что твариш??????
[ 2012.04.18 15:38:19 ] bandRK Numon > Нахуй так делать?
[ 2012.04.18 15:38:52 ] Herr Wilkus > :)
[ 2012.04.18 15:38:53 ] bandRK Numon > Чо, тебе америкоских терпил мало?
[ 2012.04.18 15:39:06 ] bandRK Numon > Что тебе с этого,
[ 2012.04.18 15:39:14 ] bandRK Numon > что расхуярл мне карабль???
[ 2012.04.18 15:39:37 ] bandRK Numon > И падла яйцо, бля там имплантов на 300 КК
[ 2012.04.18 15:40:15 ] bandRK Numon > Чо молчиш упырь???
[ 2012.04.18 15:40:33 ] Herr Wilkus > Я не говорю коммунист.
[ 2012.04.18 15:40:49 ] bandRK Numon > один вопрос??? нахуя?
[ 2012.04.18 15:42:08 ] Herr Wilkus > вы сошли с ума
[ 2012.04.18 15:42:20 ] bandRK Numon > ????
[ 2012.04.18 15:42:29 ] Herr Wilkus > what do you want?
[ 2012.04.18 15:42:30 ] bandRK Numon > Нафига ты мне макинава разгэпал???
[ 2012.04.18 15:43:03 ] bandRK Numon > I want your soul
[ 2012.04.18 15:43:15 ] bandRK Numon > В мозг тебя трахнуть
[ 2012.04.18 15:43:18 ] bandRK Numon > Гандон
[ 2012.04.18 15:43:33 ] Herr Wilkus > funny. well, you are on the tracking list now. You are no longer allowed to mine. Expect to be ganked again in the future.

Can we get this Russian rage translated? My place of work has blocked google for some reason.
Tauren Tom
Order of the Silver Dragons
Silver Dragonz
#334 - 2012-04-19 12:57:09 UTC
Something about mind *******...
In the grand scheme of things... You're all pubbies. So HTFU.   "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses." - Elwood Blues
Amarr Empire
#335 - 2012-05-09 03:46:19 UTC
CoLe Blackblood wrote:

The fact that you brought a real life occurence of running from the police into your argument and then related it to this make believe game is laughable at best. Why the F should an internet space game correlate to real life so dramatically as to take the fun of out of evading law enforcement? You have obviously never succeeded or tried it and failed...the real life aspect to such matters is extremely fun to do, go watch Smokey & The Bandit for pointers.

And to take your approach that CCP has adopted their own approach to a minimalist style of Concord because of the ganker's approach to Concord leads me to my original statement, that they should just remove all aspect of immersion and when a player shoots another in high-sec, they should instapop. No Concord. No Blue Lights. Just boom. That's the true WoW way I am sure and one that you would enjoy as you sit drooling in your hulk.

Wow again with the rage...

You my friend obviously don't understand how CONCORD works, or the implicit nuances of how suicide ganking works. Let me explain it to you, since you my friend have obviously never done it.

As everyone knows, you preform a criminal activity in high sec, CONCORD is coming to hit you with a 2x4, the variance is the time in which it takes for CONCORD to arrive on scene with said 2x4. The higher the sec status of the system, the shorter before CONCORD spawns and hits you on the head. This has significant impact on suicide ganking. That time it takes for CONCORD to arrive determines how much damage you can do to your victim, and this the possibility of popping said victim.

This has ALWAYS been the design intent, as stated by CCP in the numerous buffs to CONCORD. CONCORD was never intended to be tanked, ran from, evaded, nor damages as a result of your actions mitigated in any way shape or form. What has happened over the years is people have found solutions to the mathematical equations (yes i know, surprising right, that a video game is based on an equation not a vastly complex chaos system such as reality right?) that allow them to defeat the intent CCP has for CONCORD.

This is not my idea, this is fact. You can look it up, the changes to CONCORD and the cases (most of them FRAPSed and posted..) that have driven these changes.

Your solution to this "problem" implies that evasion was once intended, it was not. It also implies that there is no place for suicide ganking, when there obviously is. You also imply that the game is like WoW, which it is not. The simple truth of the matter is that suicide ganking has not changed the only thing that has changed is the fact that people were able to execute a solution that allowed them to mitigate damages that were intended for them from the start.

Its simply closing a bug. If you think this is "ZOMGTHISISNOWWOWWEAREALLGOINGTODIEWHAAAAAAA" then I have a suggestion for you, move to NULL. Suicide ganking doesn't exist. You can't hide behind your precious sec status and approach a target with the sense of security. Why don't you move down to NULL and get into some real fights before you start bitching about something that has no real impact on the game and claiming the sky is falling?

Don't know, maybe I don't care because it doesn't impact my game play, I don't go but 2, maybe 3 jumps into high sec.... ever.
Angry Onions
League of Angered Gentlemen
#336 - 2012-05-09 04:37:50 UTC
What the great many fucks? TEARS derped hard and let everyone know about their tactic, CCP modified the game to disable the tactic because of their opinion of the EULA (the who-say-whatnow?), and its a done deal for the foreseeable future. Can we please go back to complaining about how terrible CCP is for allowing Hulkageddon? Or something less stupid.


Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#337 - 2012-05-10 13:14:49 UTC
For now put multiple instalocking concord scramblers in the CONCORD BILLBOARDS is an easy half way point. It doesn't really change the SUICIDE GANKING mechanic as far as timers and what not. It's win win. The SUICIDE GANKER can breath easy that he will get both the gank and the suicide.

Reading through this there is a lot of whining on both sides. Both sides are obviously biased. I'd say look at the point of concord. They hang in high sec to pop the ships of pilots who break a well know set of rules. They are the consequence. It's been clear for years: If you do one of these things, your ship gets popped by the man and we all move on. If that's not true atm then steps should be taken to restore the balance.

My bottom line for the gankers getting away - come on, it's easy math and tactically simple to pick the profitable targets. Stop being lazy crybabies. Scan, bam thank you maam. Losing the ship is part of the profession. If you can't figure out how to be cost effective while observing clear and simple game mechanics, then perhaps missioning in motsu is more suited for you. Man up, do the math and profit.

My bottom line for the ganked folks. Tank your ships. Use cloaks and on and on. I haul billiions in sleeper loot in iteron V. I've had the gankers unload on me twice and they failed both times. If you have a full boat of expander II's and cargo rigs on you hauler AND you are complaining about getting ganked you're doing it wrong. You folks have to accept that ganking exists [you don't have to like it or agree w/ it, you have to accept that it exists] take steps to safeguard yourself.

You guys are like 2 little kids scratching for advantage instead of dealing with reality. Let me clarify: There are gankers - deal with it. Concord is required to pop a gankers ship once he does the deed - deal with it.

The red frog guy has the most valid point in the thread. A round trip boomerang thrasher should not be able to pop a freighter on a gate over time [though all should understand and admire the gameplay and work is involved] Instascramming concord billboards will solve his issue. Concord already has the scrams coded in the game. Concord already has the billboards on the gates. This is an easy first step to solving a problem. Let's drop the semantics and posturing and all the crap and all join together and accept the reality. CCP, please apply this simple fix in the next patch.