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GMs - Please weigh in on the boomerang maneuver. Exploit (y/n)?

First post
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#281 - 2012-04-03 18:07:19 UTC  |  Edited by: D'Kelle
Tikktokk Tokkzikk wrote:
If it is an exploit, we're just one step closer to WOW in space.

I really hope CCP change their cearbear direction. If not, I'll have to re-think my yearly subscription.

Aw diddums sounds like EVE would be a better place with out you, crack on pal no one is stopping you. makes a change to see griefer / pew pew tears lol.
At least care bears fight PVP'ers not unarmed Miners or Indies or noobs....
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#282 - 2012-04-03 18:23:18 UTC
Oh dear and there's more now Iv'e read further through, roflmao at these HUGE! Pew Pew Griefing type Tears, any time I feel a bit down I am gonna click on the link back to this lot and the laughter it generates will keep me going for days, Ho Ho, Haw Haw wot a lot of babies these so called Pew Pew'ers realy are, when you get right down to it and the tables get turned on them for a change; The, the, the, the tears are awsome oh! god do keep it up guys it's a cracker :D so refreshing.
mamma mamma! the world isn't so dull after all.
CoLe Blackblood
the united
#283 - 2012-04-03 19:04:49 UTC
I wouldn't ever use the Boomerang and only just heard of it, but I think calling it an exploit is a load of bull. What is the point of having concord modeled as an entity, with ships, reaction times, even an in-game persona of sorts, etc. if you are not supposed to at least try to get away from them? What is the point of increasing reaction times in differing high sec locations?
If they are not to be treated like NPCs but gods, then why bother to have them in the first place? Take out the fun and just implement an instapop for anyone who opens fire in high sec. There, no need to waste our time with Concorde, any backstory involving them, or any backstory involving Eve in general. We can make Eve as generic as possible so as not to incur any infractions of any level to anyone. That sounds fun, immersive and makes for a meanigful experience in a game.

No one should be 100% safe in Eve, that goes for bear and pirates. Calling this maneuver an exploit, while I guess it technically is according to the mandate that NO SHIP SHALL EVER get away from Concorde, just reeks. That's right, it smells fishy and, correct me if I am wrong, but isn't Eve supposed to be some great sandbox? This is like adding **** to the sand just because somebody complained.
Shukuzen Kiraa
Wildlands Tactical Response Unit
Great Wildlands Conservation Society
#284 - 2012-04-03 20:40:21 UTC

Always entertaining to read griefer tears.
Jacob Staffuer
#285 - 2012-04-03 20:44:05 UTC
I told you people weeks ago that it was an exploit.

Goons came and argued about it and made some meme comments and threw around some hard rhetoric.

What now, kids.
Psychotic Monk
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#286 - 2012-04-03 21:58:28 UTC
Were there even goons in this thread? I didn't notice.

Why does everyone think everyone that engages in behaviour they don't like are goons?
Fergall Acheilleus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#287 - 2012-04-03 23:06:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Fergall Acheilleus
Even though the GM's have been caving in to ALL demands of the crybabies of eve, they should have not called this an exploit.

An exploit is taking advantage of a BUG in the game, not something that the game mechanics let you do. (this would be like allowing you to make a ship that goes really fast, but calling it an exploit to do it.) Instead of punishing people from doing these things, they should just adjust concord if they feel its a big deal. (instead of punishing the guy for going too fast, just nerf it like in the past.)

I am personally tired of all the "fuzzy line" rules that are created and judged on individual opinions of the GM's. One GM would say something is ok and then next thing you know you get a warning from another.

It seems lately the GM's have really taken "master" to their head from all the run-ins I have heard about with them. This game is going downhill. Someone needs to make the GM's take a step back and help them realize that the rules aren't what made eve good - It was the lack of rules, and the freedom to do what you want. Any more the GM's regulate everything you do and if you do anything in the game that upsets people, eventually count on getting a warning for doing it.

They might keep the new players, but the older players will leave because of this, as i personally know many who have already.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#288 - 2012-04-04 03:39:30 UTC
I'm wondering if I didn't provoke them, honestly.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Isa Sparrow
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#289 - 2012-04-04 13:02:16 UTC
Fergall Acheilleus wrote:
They might keep the new players, but the older players will leave because of this, as i personally know many who have already.

Thank god for that, EVE is a better place without these alleged people. Anyone that disagrees with CCP on this: don't let the door hit you in the a*s on your way out. In 6 years in EVE, this is by far the best news that CCP have come up with. It makes absolutely no sense to let people go on a mad rampage and kill off billions worth of players assets with no risk.
Elsebeth Rhiannon
Electus Matari
#290 - 2012-04-04 13:14:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Elsebeth Rhiannon
Re: the definition of an exploit, the only useful one in EVE is that something is an exploit if and only if CCP says so.
Ubiquitous Forum Alt
#291 - 2012-04-04 14:14:28 UTC
To the people on the previous pages complaining that when you stop and wait for Concord like a good little boy they come up and shoot you - on the grounds that a "real cop" wouldn't blast a surrenduring prisoner - may I please point out the incredibly obvious:

The Carebears would *LOVE* to see a "realistic" punishment system implemented into eve!!! It would go something like this:

1) You gank the bear and wait.
2) Concord Arrests you, confiscates your ship, and sells it on the open market to the lowest bidder.
3) Concord HOLDS YOUR TOON in some form of prison cell for anywhere from 24 hours to a month - during this time, YOU CAN'T PLAY EVE.
4) Finally, your case goes to trial. You get a chance to try to defend your actions.
5) Since you are obviously guilty and there is lots of incontrovertible evidence, you are found Guilty.
6) You are sentenced to anywhere from 5 years to the rest of your life to more PRISON TIME - or in extreme cases, perhaps your toon would be sentenced to permanent biomassing.
7) Congratulations! You no longer have a toon!
8) Either Rage-Quit the game, or roll up a new toon and start the whole process again - with at least a few days/weeks of delay while you retrain the skills needed to gank something.

Yeah...That would be SOOO much better than just getting your ship blown up.....Roll

I don't log in - I don't need to. My very existence griefs people. They see my name, and they instinctively fill with rage and indignation. Deny it all you want - but if you didn't care, you wouldn't have posted, would you?

Amarr Empire
#292 - 2012-04-04 14:46:28 UTC
First off, I don´t care for High-Sec. I´m living entirely in Low-Sec and Zero-Space, and, due to constant War-Decs, I´m handling High-Sec like Low-Sec.

...but let me add my two cent:

Ganking exists since the Start of this Game. Done, for the Lolz of a tiny Group of Players...and everything was fine.
Then, it became a sport, and the tiny Group evolve into a small community of players...and everything was fine.
Then, it became a profession, and the small community evolves even more, but compared to the growth of High-Sec Inhabitants...everything was fine.

Then, GSF started their "High-Sec Activities" ...and, in a very short amount of Time, the Ganking community reached a rather critical Mass(and Kills)...and the first activity from CCP came up:"Insurance removed"

GSF answer to this was: "Goonsurance", and they laughed out loud...not viewing to the dark clouds coming up the horizon, and the Fact, that this very community now have the full attention of CCP.

Now, I´m coming to the Theme of this Thread, and allow me, to view this maneuver thru the Eyes of a GM:

"Oh my Gosh ! If all Gankers will follow this, then living in High-Sec will be unbearable, because one hundred Ganker will now kill one hundred Freighters for the price of a single Ship per Freighter !"


"Oh my Gosh ! If all Gankers will follow this, then living in High-Sec will be unbearable, because one hundred Ganker will now kill thousands of Miners, losing only a single Ship per Rush !"


Guess what, they change the Rules...and not for the last Time.

Let me have a look in my Crystal Ball for the not so far away future:

...the critical Mass of Gankers growth, and CCP, to protect High-Sec Players and High-Sec Economy, made the final Change:

"From now on, it isn´t possible to target another Player within High-Sec Borders. You are only able to target PVE-Content. Smart Bombs are banned from High-Sec."

Then we have a (controlled) Sandbox within an (un-controlled) Sandbox...Well done Gankers, you´ve won the Game!

I´m leaving you now, going back to Low-Sec and Zero there.
Ubiquitous Forum Alt
#293 - 2012-04-04 15:04:20 UTC
Ilandriel wrote:
I´m leaving you now, going back to Low-Sec and Zero there.

There is Copper (Cu) in Low-Sec and 0.0? How much does that sell for? P

I don't log in - I don't need to. My very existence griefs people. They see my name, and they instinctively fill with rage and indignation. Deny it all you want - but if you didn't care, you wouldn't have posted, would you?

Jacob Staffuer
#294 - 2012-04-04 15:40:36 UTC
Psychotic Monk wrote:
Were there even goons in this thread? I didn't notice.

Why does everyone think everyone that engages in behaviour they don't like are goons?

Jacob Staffuer
#295 - 2012-04-04 15:46:00 UTC
Fergall Acheilleus wrote:
Even though the GM's have been caving in to ALL demands of the crybabies of eve, they should have not called this an exploit.

An exploit is taking advantage of a BUG in the game, not something that the game mechanics let you do. (this would be like allowing you to make a ship that goes really fast, but calling it an exploit to do it.) Instead of punishing people from doing these things, they should just adjust concord if they feel its a big deal. (instead of punishing the guy for going too fast, just nerf it like in the past.)

I am personally tired of all the "fuzzy line" rules that are created and judged on individual opinions of the GM's. One GM would say something is ok and then next thing you know you get a warning from another.

It seems lately the GM's have really taken "master" to their head from all the run-ins I have heard about with them. This game is going downhill. Someone needs to make the GM's take a step back and help them realize that the rules aren't what made eve good - It was the lack of rules, and the freedom to do what you want. Any more the GM's regulate everything you do and if you do anything in the game that upsets people, eventually count on getting a warning for doing it.

They might keep the new players, but the older players will leave because of this, as i personally know many who have already.

The GMs are looking to the future while you are stuck in the past. There are two things you can do about it: Cry like a whiny little baby boy on the forums, or adapt and move on. I think we know what you've chosen.
Easthir Ravin
Easy Co.
#296 - 2012-04-04 17:27:24 UTC

BLUF: You should always be able to run from the Law. If the law can not catch someone then is that not the laws fault? How can simply behaving like a criminal, such as NOT waiting around to get caught be an exploit. CONCORD should just lock down the system and make the criminal bounce safes until GCC is up. You have a mechanism already in place to handle this, in the kill rights.



Easthir Ravin
Easy Co.
#297 - 2012-04-04 17:34:41 UTC
Ubiquitous Forum Alt wrote:
To the people on the previous pages complaining that when you stop and wait for Concord like a good little boy they come up and shoot you - on the grounds that a "real cop" wouldn't blast a surrenduring prisoner - may I please point out the incredibly obvious:

The Carebears would *LOVE* to see a "realistic" punishment system implemented into eve!!! It would go something like this:

1) You gank the bear and wait.
2) Concord Arrests you, confiscates your ship, and sells it on the open market to the lowest bidder.
3) Concord HOLDS YOUR TOON in some form of prison cell for anywhere from 24 hours to a month - during this time, YOU CAN'T PLAY EVE.
4) Finally, your case goes to trial. You get a chance to try to defend your actions.
5) Since you are obviously guilty and there is lots of incontrovertible evidence, you are found Guilty.
6) You are sentenced to anywhere from 5 years to the rest of your life to more PRISON TIME - or in extreme cases, perhaps your toon would be sentenced to permanent biomassing.
7) Congratulations! You no longer have a toon!
8) Either Rage-Quit the game, or roll up a new toon and start the whole process again - with at least a few days/weeks of delay while you retrain the skills needed to gank something.

Yeah...That would be SOOO much better than just getting your ship blown up.....Roll

Speaking of realism, I could just off myself in my cell before Bubba gets frisky leaving an empty shell for him to play with, while I wake back up in my nul-sec home re-shipping for more fun.

Just a thought o/


Atomik Harmonik
Working Girls
#298 - 2012-04-04 18:22:26 UTC
Even though it was never an exploit before; you have always been able to warp with a ship while having GCC as long as you did not evade long enough for GCC to run out, it has now been deemed an exploit because it was brought up and detailed here on the forums.

I think it's a reasonable assumption that CCP will soon add "you cannot target another player in Empire space" exploit fix. Because targeting another player in high security space is clearly an exploit....I can see their thinking has morphed from 'Eve is not just meant to look like a harsh and dangerous place, it is a harsh and dangerous place' to 'players are supposed to be completely safe in high security space.'

As an industrialist/carebear who lives in hisec, I'd say CCP took an arrow to the knee on this one (or to the head). This doesn't really affect me at all but I'll just say I think a completely safe hisec is a bad idea. Removing risk (and the criminal element) from hisec will have far reaching effects on the economy and the player base that I don't believe has been thought out very well at all. Even I can see that the changes regarding hisec over the last several iterations have been aimed at the hisec criminal element.

IMHO, this game was unique from other MMOG's in that there always was a risk of playing in the 'sandbox' (overused term, but still appropriate). Now, I'd venture a guess that high security space will be the 'butterfly room' at Kindercare; low security space will be the empty hallway; and zero security space will still be the sandbox outside. So, this won't affect the low/null players at all, other than the possible economic effects and of course the staleness factor for the overall game that I think will set in even worse than it exists today.

Oh well, I hear that CVA is back in Providence...perhaps I need to take a look down there again. Do they still have a NRDS policy?
Amarr Empire
#299 - 2012-04-04 18:39:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Ilandriel
Ubiquitous Forum Alt wrote:
Ilandriel wrote:
I´m leaving you now, going back to Low-Sec and Zero there.

There is Copper (Cu) in Low-Sec and 0.0? How much does that sell for? P

hehe...nice oneSmile

Eventually, I have some Copper for you....but unfortunately, you must be "Red" to me, and you have to bring your Hauler to atleast a Low-Sec System near you...then I´ll deliver via the well known "800mm" Bridge, or, if you need more, I´ll deliver via the "1400mm" Bridge.



To me, it seem´s that all Gankers are Bitter Vets, playing way too long to simply leave the Game.

Besides the Goons and Friends...they do it for Tactical/Economical Reasons...and leaving a Mess behind...and some real you, the Gankers. Because they will leave High-Sec if they have reached their Target...where did you go, after all this, being confronted with a new/changed Set of Rules ?
Amarr Empire
#300 - 2012-04-04 19:05:33 UTC
Atomik Harmonik wrote:
Oh well, I hear that CVA is back in Providence...perhaps I need to take a look down there again. Do they still have a NRDS policy?

Jepp, still NRDS Big smile