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My Apology

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#461 - 2012-03-27 02:12:34 UTC
Gossamer DT wrote:

@pilots demanding the resign of The Mittani: wow you guys are just bottom feeders rushing to do what ever you can to squash what you think is killing your game. Reality Check CCP is fixing the game for every one, and if you want to hang this on the CSM then fine do so, but we know what is really causing CCP to wake up and fix EVE.

Dude, you might be dumb. You should see a doctor about it.

This has absolutely nothing to do with fixing EVE.
Mathias Hex
#462 - 2012-03-27 02:12:34 UTC
Marcus Shamonomonom wrote:
Why haven't we heard anyone complaining about the horrible embarrassment suffered by those poor people who had their singing played during the panel? Oh how they must have died.

Possibly because that presentation was actually worth watching...

I recall one night in a nightclub called the matrix, there I was... Mother of god there I am! Holy f**k.

Lorren Canada
High is the Way - But all eyes are Upon the Ground
#463 - 2012-03-27 02:13:50 UTC
Calanthe Maulerant wrote:

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#464 - 2012-03-27 02:14:12 UTC
an apology doesnt do justice .. he admitted to doing all that **** to the guy ...ban his account and kick him from CSM

and yeah some places you can get jail time for cyber bullying


#465 - 2012-03-27 02:14:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Demarcus
[quote=Rob Daphiti] Why is everyone freaking this its what happens in the game over and over and nothing is done{/quote]

Happening "in game" and happening in real life by someone elected to represent the player base are two very different things.
Lorren Canada
High is the Way - But all eyes are Upon the Ground
#466 - 2012-03-27 02:14:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Lorren Canada
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Lorren Canada wrote:
hah GoonWaffe recruitment is going to explode

.......and vanish in the smoke.


you grasp of reality and posting are shit

on a side note, CCP are also shit because of these stupid fucking word filters goddamn
Shade Severii
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#467 - 2012-03-27 02:14:27 UTC
Rob Daphiti wrote:
Why is everyone freaking this its what happens in the game over and over and nothing is done and hell its encouraged. Hell you have all seen it on the forums as well maybe not the exact way but its here. If someone comes on forums and says something you all attack them also. You should have had your macs aligned ha hah your an idiot can i haz your stuff. U mad bro and many other comments a 10 yo could come up with this is the typical eve players. Look at what they allow to happen and only because its in the spotlight anything is done about it. You even see it on the forums here about griefing a guy till he quits and they think putting someone through hell is funny. Hes a miner he should just quit anyway blah blah grief them all. This guy is a freaking idiot look at his fit blah blah kill his moron!! hahahhahah. This is nothing new CCP should come out and say yup this is the type of game we want eve to be or they should start cracking down on it in game and on the forums. You don't have to grief to have fun in eve but that is what everyone loves to do and they say they will quit if i can't grief people and act exactly like MIT acted like. You can go to war and not be a **** and have fun mature time fighting over sov and whatever you want to do. Quit trying to cover up what you all cherish doing, its what eve is known for. This is eve can i have you stuff since you butt hurt. Flame away and attack me for the true i just spoke its what you guys do best.

Marduk Nibiru
Chaos Delivery Systems
#468 - 2012-03-27 02:14:32 UTC
Devie Viviem wrote:
This action by you was dispiccable, and inexcusable.

This post is mearly damage control so that you can try to keep your post on the top of the EVE pyramid. It makes no sense to appologize to us, you should be making ammends to the person/ persons you have wronged. The fact that you are posting publicly here is just for your corp mates can post in thier usual spam way.

Game or not, thier should be ethics involved here. You clearly loose yours easily, and blame alcohol as a scape goat. You are NOT the kind of person who should be writing policy, or be a representitive to/ for ANYONE!

To have the knowledge that someone is actualy depressed to the point of killing themselves, and calling for thousands of people to grief that person with the purpose of causing them to actually procede is damn near MURDER.

I'm sure this presentation was made when you were sober, so I dont believe alcohol is a good reason for doing what you did. Another assumption I'm willing to make a jump on, is that you probably already have your alliance carrying out your request.

All of this adds up to you leaving any formal position you have immediatly. After the CCP formal investigation, I hope they find you to be unworthy of the EvE universe.

You have gone over the top to ruin gameplay, and now lives.

Jesus ******* christ people! He didn't **** or murder someone!

He said something stupid and mean. He said he's sorry. You guys are just being dramatic cunts now.

I hope they find you to be unworthy of the EvE universe. <- If that wasn't so ******* pathetically impotent, I'd be laughing my ass off.
Caldari State
#469 - 2012-03-27 02:15:32 UTC
In a troll thread, posting.
Minions LLC
#470 - 2012-03-27 02:16:04 UTC
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Marduk Nibiru wrote:
[ fact, I would put a great deal of money betting down that you're in AA or NA. Never ceases to amaze me how much peolpe who've "recovered" from substance abuse end up trying to convert everyone into thinking they've all got the same problem.

As a member of is a program of promotion NOT ATTRACTION.

Nobody in AA ever, ever 'converts' or even mentions to someone that they have an 'issue'. That is up for the alcoholic to realize. Talking to a using alcoholic does not work. Never has, never will. I threw myself into a rehab in 1997 by my own hand, nobody else's.

And as an observer of alcoholics for well over 15 years now, I can say that I do believe the mittani (I can't capitalize it after all this) is a black-out drinker.

Whether he is alcoholic to the point of being unable to leave it alone, that is up to him to decide. But by his own words he is a blackout drinker, which is indeed well on the path to full blown addiction.

Next time, type about recovery and AA and things related when you actually know what you are talking about.

well Krix there are only three things that cause blackouts, a doctor looks for brain trauma like a baseball bat to the head. Schizophrenia or alcoholism.

People today spend less and less time "in " the disease" A question often asked today is whether alcohol use has negative consequences for you or those around you. If it does stop, If you can't stop, call AA. What kind of person keeps doing stuff over and over that hurts themselves in some way shape or form?
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#471 - 2012-03-27 02:16:05 UTC
R0Y4L wrote:
an apology doesnt do justice .. he admitted to doing all that **** to the guy ...ban his account and kick him from CSM

and yeah some places you can get jail time for cyber bullying

nobody has been cyber bullied you gigantic baby
Kyle Valentine
Gallente Federation
#472 - 2012-03-27 02:16:43 UTC
In fact, I think he's hated for giving peoples what they wants. Blood and tears.
All the Goon success is based on that. As an old roleplayer I know that, he was drunk, and "in character", and gone too far.
It's the same process than crying when you lost a ship.

What do you expect from the leader of Goons ? Give a chocolate to the poor dude ? I'm not a Goon fan myself, but he only act as expected. Lot of responsabilities, too much attention. I think it's forgiveable.

Why him and the Wis don't meets in real life and talks of all that between them like men ? We don't talk about 10 years old childs.
Singeabooty Raj
#473 - 2012-03-27 02:17:02 UTC
Sins of a Solar Spymaster #77: A Bad Hangover.

Black Man with Goggles

Krixtal Icefluxor
#474 - 2012-03-27 02:17:12 UTC
OfBalance wrote:
In a troll thread, posting.

If you think this is a troll thread, I'd hate to see what you think of a real troll thread. Oh, I forgot, Bumblefck got banned...........

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

#475 - 2012-03-27 02:17:30 UTC
Marduk Nibiru wrote:
Devie Viviem wrote:
This action by you was dispiccable, and inexcusable.

This post is mearly damage control so that you can try to keep your post on the top of the EVE pyramid. It makes no sense to appologize to us, you should be making ammends to the person/ persons you have wronged. The fact that you are posting publicly here is just for your corp mates can post in thier usual spam way.

Game or not, thier should be ethics involved here. You clearly loose yours easily, and blame alcohol as a scape goat. You are NOT the kind of person who should be writing policy, or be a representitive to/ for ANYONE!

To have the knowledge that someone is actualy depressed to the point of killing themselves, and calling for thousands of people to grief that person with the purpose of causing them to actually procede is damn near MURDER.

I'm sure this presentation was made when you were sober, so I dont believe alcohol is a good reason for doing what you did. Another assumption I'm willing to make a jump on, is that you probably already have your alliance carrying out your request.

All of this adds up to you leaving any formal position you have immediatly. After the CCP formal investigation, I hope they find you to be unworthy of the EvE universe.

You have gone over the top to ruin gameplay, and now lives.

Jesus ******* christ people! He didn't **** or murder someone!

He said something stupid and mean. He said he's sorry. You guys are just being dramatic cunts now.

I hope they find you to be unworthy of the EvE universe. <- If that wasn't so ******* pathetically impotent, I'd be laughing my ass off.

What would you be saying if that guy had killed himself? The fact is that he does not deserve the position he was elected too.
Hiram Alexander
State Reprisal
#476 - 2012-03-27 02:17:34 UTC
When I started playing this game in 2008, I struggled like crazy to figure out how it worked. Eventually I found E-Uni, and some of the best recordings I remember were by Goons, and Mittens in particular.

I even bought a book he'd recommended, and was very impressed by his taste. He's a sharp minded young lad, in my opinion... But he's also spent years telling us all how much he despises 'role players', so now, am I supposed to believe from his apology that he actually enjoys roleplaying, all of a sudden...? He's saying the right words at the right time, but I don't believe an ounce of it.

I'm not just jumping on some three day band wagon - I filed my petition with CCP, to say how disgraceful the Alliance Panel was, practically the minute after it finished - on the account that had the stream.

I've filed another since...

Not because I want to screw-over Mittens, but because if this goes 'mainstream' CCP could face a whole world of ****. I'm in no hurry to see 'my game' ruined.

'It's okay, he was drunk and said sorry' probably doesn't cut it.
Tyrrax Thorrk
Guiding Hand Social Club
#477 - 2012-03-27 02:17:50 UTC
Demarcus wrote:
As my former CEO I love you Tyrrax, but what does what he used to do in real life have to do with anything. If he has any respect for the position he was voted into he needs to resign it.

I don't know what makes me feel sicker, the events at question or the CEO of GHSC going PL.

I was just correcting the guy I was quoting about the lawyer thing.
Why should Mittani resign over something as trivial as this ? "victim" seems fine, and rich because of of Mittani's mistake.

Public apology, reparations...
Seems excessive to me to expect more, 10000 people voted him in, and vast majority of them would sure as **** vote him in again if elections were held right now.

PS; Why does me joining PL make you feel sick ? lol
Nano-Tech Experiments
#478 - 2012-03-27 02:17:59 UTC
Guess if CCP does ban him he'll have to ~deal with it~

Hope they do ban you BTW

Mine smart. Mine safe. Purchase your mining permit today......

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#479 - 2012-03-27 02:18:27 UTC  |  Edited by: L00B
Also, where were all you geniuses BEFORE the apology? I mean, like, there's no way that the EBIL MITTTENS realized that he wasn't proud of something that transpired before you morons figured it out? Cuz, that would be like... so obvious that it doesn't matter what the man does, and ya'll are just the Eve equivalent of the "Party of NO".
#480 - 2012-03-27 02:19:51 UTC
L00B wrote:
Also, where where all you fuckheads BEFORE the apology? I mean, like, there's no way that the EBIL MITTTENS realized that he wasn't proud of something that transpired before you morons figured it out? Cuz, that would be like... so obvious that it doesn't matter what the man does, and ya'll are just the Eve equivalent of the "Party of NO".

They were in the communal "let's hate mittens" thread of the week.

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