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Live Events Discussion
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Live Event Resources
CCP Falcon
028,97712012.12.06 11:18
CCP Falcon Go to last post
Frequency of Events
134,690132015.04.12 21:06
Evi Polevhia Go to last post
Suggestion for World News
01,06122015.04.10 13:48
Nissui Go to last post
Ammatar/Minmatar/Amarr Live Event Proposal
Dailar Toralen
01,15512015.04.08 13:15
Dailar Toralen Go to last post
Jove Gate Network.
Master Tyberious
177,93552015.04.03 15:43
Rinai Vero Go to last post
DRIFTERS:Testing the Drifters
Admiral Morales
01,43502015.03.31 06:32
Admiral Morales Go to last post
New Eden Radio Proudly Presents: The CCP All Dev Request Show!
DJ Daggaroth
22,03702015.03.31 02:34
Philip Reve Go to last post
Jove OP Seeker engagements
Johnny SpaceCash
01,42502015.03.30 18:15
Johnny SpaceCash Go to last post
Inject Some Life Back Into This Game! [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
Tavin Aikisen
4215,516702015.03.29 11:56
Tavin Aikisen Go to last post
World Collide (Tranquility )
21,76522015.03.28 22:40
ficr Go to last post
Sani Sabik Social Club Public Events!
Azrial Bathana
11,47912015.03.28 04:09
Nevyn Auscent Go to last post
Advancement in EVE Universe and long term corp strategies.
63,10912015.03.24 14:34
Daerrol Go to last post
The Fourth Seyllin Conference
Jennifer Starfall
93,59942015.03.20 11:42
Freelancer117 Go to last post
No Joy
Lemming Alpha1dash1
01,16202015.03.18 21:41
Lemming Alpha1dash1 Go to last post
Thats no Moon!
Enthes goldhart
22,28412015.03.12 00:04
Khergit Deserters Go to last post
Presidential Innauguration Live Event?
Rinai Vero
31,79712015.03.12 00:04
Khergit Deserters Go to last post
Leonard Nimoy send off event Feb 28th 2200 eve time
Hannibal Wu
21,71612015.02.27 21:56
Hannibal Wu Go to last post
I know we'll never get a Confirm/Deny, but...
Evi Polevhia
83,75442015.02.26 16:34
Amrthis Go to last post
Into the Wormhole: The current story-arc
Jandice Ymladris
117,259192015.02.25 22:52
Macumba Oxossi Go to last post
SISI: Unidentified structures, wormholes and lore
74,98942015.02.18 12:32
Kithrus Go to last post
A New Star Event - Possibly?
Omega Tron
114,51932015.02.07 19:17
Nevyn Auscent Go to last post
Epicenter wormholes
Saede Riordan
68,05782015.02.06 09:30
Elyia Suze Nagala Go to last post
Future Gallente Federation elections
[ Pages: 1 ... 3, 4, 5 ]
Akrasjel Lanate
8433,067722015.02.03 00:47
Oinola Akachi Go to last post
The Fall of Gallente-Caldari Relations...?
[ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
Evi Polevhia
5524,235522015.01.29 20:45
Rinai Vero Go to last post
Confusion of YC year on news items ??
Alain Colcer
32,17002015.01.28 12:37
Alain Colcer Go to last post
Strong Empire gameplay, strong Empire lore, strong Empires [ Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
Andreus Ixiris
6027,4951372015.01.27 16:39
Eojek Go to last post
Aiding SOE in Thera
Joanne Breau
63,406172015.01.15 20:47
Nevyn Auscent Go to last post
[Moved] Malfunctioning jump gates?
ISD Ezwal
01,06402015.01.04 19:16
ISD Ezwal Go to last post
Caroline's Star and Jump Fatigue, is there a connection?
Radax Glenn
73,05312014.12.27 23:01
Evi Polevhia Go to last post
How many of the stickies are still relevant ?
Synthetic Cultist
21,56332014.12.20 22:09
Lunarisse Aspenstar Go to last post