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Out of Game Events and Gatherings
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Announcement:✝✝✝ - Capsuleer Memorials - ✝✝✝ [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
3627,585562017.05.09 19:45
Garrick Aldwych Go to last post
Announcement:Out of Game Events and Gatherings Resources
CCP Falcon
023,40012014.11.19 15:40
CCP Falcon Go to last post
Sticky:Houston,TX Last Sat. every month, 8pm Kings Head Pub
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Bella Rugente
388187,3482172017.07.30 00:02
Scitcher Go to last post
Sticky:Evesterdam, Nov 4-5 in Amsterdam. Europe's largest player ho...
Dierdra Vaal
02,22102017.07.29 18:40
Dierdra Vaal Go to last post
Sticky:Eve Glasgow Summer Meet [PRIMARY JUNE 3RD]
[ Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
Glasgow Dunlop
6435,411152017.07.29 14:37
Glasgow Dunlop Go to last post
Sticky:EVE_NT London - Saturday, November 18th 2017
Demetri Slavic
128,52042017.07.12 20:51
D Sma Go to last post
Sticky:Toronto (Ontario, Canada) - Player Gatherings
05,90102017.06.12 11:50
Alphax45 Go to last post
Sticky:Eve Dublin 2017 - October 20th & 21st - Tickets at EveDublin...
Joseph Barnacle O'Sullivan
116,98442017.05.28 22:28
Joseph Barnacle O'Sullivan Go to last post
Sticky:EVE DOWN UNDER 2017 Sydney Australia 28-30 July
Cpt Soban
13,17212017.02.26 00:16
Viktor Koraka Go to last post
Sticky:Madison WI Monthly Imperium Bender - 3rd Thursdays at 8pm, Atomi... [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
The Mittani
5542,61282016.11.14 04:46
illumed Go to last post
Sticky:Player Event Coverage
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
12,68602016.03.08 15:13
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode Go to last post
Sticky:[Vancouver, BC, Canada] Monthly Gathering, Third Tuesday!
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Xornicon Altair
7060,592292015.05.20 06:06
Nyx Repper Go to last post
Attn: Calgary Alberta capsuleers
03,78702017.08.01 04:27
Chitaiyah Go to last post
New Orleans, Meetup
Casserina Leshrac
22,91402017.08.01 00:57
Creeyustofer Swanson Go to last post
Monthly Meetup - DC / VA / MD Area (Saturday, 29th July 2017)
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5131,618112017.07.28 23:35
Loney Go to last post
Edmonton meet! Saturday June 24th. 19:00 @ Craft Beer Market Downtow...
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Katherine Raven
467194,0931702017.07.25 21:50
Jake Anthony Go to last post
Meetup at 75th WorldCon, Helsinki, Finland: 9th August, 2017
14,87402017.07.25 20:36
Tedric Go to last post
Georgia,Tennessee and Alabama meet up.
stella west
23,35722017.07.25 16:41
Michael P Dallocort Go to last post
[Copenhagen, Denmark] Gankaton XVII - Reboot
Caleb Ayrania
1810,815222017.07.23 00:28
Martika Ray Go to last post
Looking for USA, VERMONT STATE Eve Players
Sly DeathWalker
15,27502017.07.13 01:16
Beffah Go to last post
EvE x Detroit [07/01/2017]
LeeLoo Shoe
66,81322017.07.02 17:25
LeeLoo Shoe Go to last post
North Carolina Meetups Part2
53,80032017.06.25 03:22
Baradinn Go to last post
EVE MANCHESTER - 22nd July 2017
44,51012017.06.22 11:13
Loroseco Kross Go to last post
EVE Salt Lake City - Summer 2017
Manic Velocity
12,56602017.06.19 14:39
Manic Velocity Go to last post
Eve-Meet at OmegaCon 2017, Sept. 29th - Oct. 1st
Ghaustyl Kathix
05,33002017.06.16 19:20
Ghaustyl Kathix Go to last post
Melbourne Australia meet Saturday September 2nd @ 19:00
05,34802017.06.16 05:07
Inceptor Go to last post
Toronto Player Gatherings - ~2017~
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Mai Khumm
17799,4421192017.06.09 21:27
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
ADELAIDE (Australia) 16th June
Cpt Soban
06,29802017.06.02 09:12
Cpt Soban Go to last post
Northern Illinois/Southern Wisconsin Eve Players
34,95722017.05.20 21:44
Sassums Go to last post
Eve Detroit /Windsor forming
Pasquale Civaratis
12,25912017.05.20 20:09
L'gonic D'gingar Go to last post
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