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Council of Stellar Management

Assembly Hall
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:CSM 12 - Rolling Updates
14,66652017.06.10 21:33
Jin'taan Go to last post
Announcement:Welcome to the Assembly Hall
CCP Falcon
019,09502015.01.12 11:20
CCP Falcon Go to last post
[PROPOSAL] Support Avatar Gameplay As a Means of Increasing Immersio... [ Pages: 1 ... 13, 14, 15 ]
Jack Carrigan
282102,2835632016.07.12 10:47
SynthesisX Go to last post
FW size restriction changes.
Zathra Narazi
62,79012016.07.07 14:28
May Arethusa Go to last post
CSM feedback on 118.6
Joia Crenca
41,64942016.07.06 03:51
Joia Crenca Go to last post
Faction industrials
Clotoor Relaird
83,79162016.07.05 12:38
Sylphy Go to last post
Citadels Hangar: corporation responsibility.
Kris Galeon
21,43512016.07.04 20:44
Kris Galeon Go to last post
Response to "Bulk Fitting" vs "Bulk doing stuff in t...
94,13412016.07.04 12:33
TheSmokingHertog Go to last post
New Players - Tutorial/Career Agents!
Pelea Ming
083212016.06.27 06:21
Pelea Ming Go to last post
Khanid Navy Small Armor Repairer
21,17312016.06.25 18:59
Freelancer117 Go to last post
- SUGGESTION - for high sec space passage for Capital Ships
31,49682016.06.22 11:07
Lan Wang Go to last post
Wanted: Red Fireworks
11,23332016.06.12 23:03
Mike Azariah Go to last post
[Proposal]tracking computers should influence remote rep modules
Echo Mande
080202016.06.12 13:51
Echo Mande Go to last post
CCP dev teams visibility
Ivan Malik
62,252112016.06.12 10:07
The Judge Go to last post
Sepheir Sepheron
11,19002016.06.09 16:41
Deen Wispa Go to last post
NO! to Daily Opportunities
Terranid Meester
83,75282016.06.07 05:35
Cory Za Go to last post
[Proposal] Maker's Emblem on all Products
Marcus Ulpius Trajanus
071012016.06.06 00:58
Marcus Ulpius Trajanus Go to last post
CCP - It's time you rebalanced these items
Caleb Seremshur
087112016.06.03 17:27
Caleb Seremshur Go to last post
Alliance-Bookmarks with Citadel Expansion.
Sophia Mileghere
73,52632016.06.02 10:45
Billy Antollarenti Go to last post
Player Owned Stargates
42,29112016.06.01 05:04
shadow-storm Go to last post
[Proposal]Citadel locations in market
Echo Mande
073312016.05.24 16:45
Echo Mande Go to last post
[PROPOSAL] Remove the Buddylist/Go Back to Watchlist
Jack Carrigan
73,05122016.05.23 16:11
Niko Lorenzio Go to last post
Accuracy score. Next step: difficulty to hit.
Kenji Noguchi
079802016.05.19 21:02
Kenji Noguchi Go to last post
eve online in Spanish
Kalzifer RebelionTlc
31,63612016.05.19 20:31
Kenji Noguchi Go to last post
Mute CQ TV Button
Sepheir Sepheron
21,36012016.05.17 06:55
Sylphy Go to last post
Lulu Lunette
114,61792016.05.14 00:23
Joia Crenca Go to last post
Lock Safety at Green for NPC Corp members
52,17802016.05.13 17:31
Jack Carrigan Go to last post
A Thought Experiment: The Nuclear Option
126,60272016.05.02 21:53
Pandora Carrollon Go to last post
be part of project new eden
admaril bluebeard
52,04402016.04.30 22:53
Bumblefck Go to last post
Unbalanced Promotion Offers
Cyborg ReBorn
071602016.04.30 14:41
Cyborg ReBorn Go to last post