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[June] Nullsec Asteroid Cluster and Excavator Drone changes

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Zap Blap Mining Co.
Blades of Grass
#361 - 2017-06-02 14:38:22 UTC
Serius , after last nerf rorqs are just about worth actualy mining with and now u guys are nerfing again ? Consider the damn cost/deployment/fuel and so on when actualy mining with a rorqual , serius CCD DEVS get a grip and dont mess the rorquals up more !
Curant Thanger
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#362 - 2017-06-02 14:40:30 UTC
Yield loss will be roughly 10%, not 50%, you calculate total yield including the yield of every excavator you have fielded, so if every excavator is nerfed 10%, total loss is 10% of yield as each excavator represents one fifth of your total yield.
Blaad Booyashaka
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#363 - 2017-06-02 14:42:20 UTC
Logan Jakal wrote:
Rorquals are going to lose 50% of their income since you lose 9% yield per excavator

Surely you must be trolling.
Curant Thanger
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#364 - 2017-06-02 14:43:41 UTC
pretty sure he's just misunderstanding the math
Logan Jakal
State War Academy
Caldari State
#365 - 2017-06-02 14:47:13 UTC
I hate math tbh.
Acia Saraki
S0utherN Comfort
#366 - 2017-06-02 14:49:55 UTC
Rorqual minning= So risky for so little
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#367 - 2017-06-02 14:52:07 UTC
Namii Chikyuu wrote:
These guys really don't think about the little guys or renter alliances. Now they are going to have to have more space and more space to defend. Not to mention miners rarely just log after a colossal all they are doing is taking a dump on smaller groups. How is any small group going to break into null with these kind of limitations. Instead of all this crap they keep trying they could simply balance the ore composition and there wouldn't be such a massive surplus of low mins that are crashing the markets. I'd much rather have less trit and crap to dump on the market after building caps to sell. I know it seems impossible to have you guys listen to your players that pay and actually do the activities you're nerf batting but dang. CSM brainwashed not willing to look at alternatives is just as bad. looks like it's just going to end up being a ratting for isk game when CCP makes tons more off the multi-box miners but craps all over them. Seems to me they posted record profits by not working and ditching whatever staff that was making good content.

CSM complains plenty, but their Non-Disclosure Agreement prevents them from telling you just how much they complain. CCP largely ignores the CSM feedback (true story!), because the CSM tells them what the players feel and CCP takes the view of most developers, which is "it's our game, not yours".
Logan Jakal
State War Academy
Caldari State
#368 - 2017-06-02 14:54:59 UTC
JonasML wrote:
Namii Chikyuu wrote:
These guys really don't think about the little guys or renter alliances. Now they are going to have to have more space and more space to defend. Not to mention miners rarely just log after a colossal all they are doing is taking a dump on smaller groups. How is any small group going to break into null with these kind of limitations. Instead of all this crap they keep trying they could simply balance the ore composition and there wouldn't be such a massive surplus of low mins that are crashing the markets. I'd much rather have less trit and crap to dump on the market after building caps to sell. I know it seems impossible to have you guys listen to your players that pay and actually do the activities you're nerf batting but dang. CSM brainwashed not willing to look at alternatives is just as bad. looks like it's just going to end up being a ratting for isk game when CCP makes tons more off the multi-box miners but craps all over them. Seems to me they posted record profits by not working and ditching whatever staff that was making good content.

CSM complains plenty, but their Non-Disclosure Agreement prevents them from telling you just how much they complain. CCP largely ignores the CSM feedback (true story!), because the CSM tells them what the players feel and CCP takes the view of most developers, which is "it's our game, not yours".

But...But... I thought CCP was different !
Ben Sabezan
#369 - 2017-06-02 15:01:16 UTC
Why not just delete all the mining ships lesser than a rorqual from the game? It is not goons fault that hunters in delve can barely even kill excavators. So instead of giving a buff to pvp fozzie would rather have you dock up.
Silent Knights.
#370 - 2017-06-02 15:01:26 UTC
JonasML wrote:
Namii Chikyuu wrote:
These guys really don't think about the little guys or renter alliances. Now they are going to have to have more space and more space to defend. Not to mention miners rarely just log after a colossal all they are doing is taking a dump on smaller groups. How is any small group going to break into null with these kind of limitations. Instead of all this crap they keep trying they could simply balance the ore composition and there wouldn't be such a massive surplus of low mins that are crashing the markets. I'd much rather have less trit and crap to dump on the market after building caps to sell. I know it seems impossible to have you guys listen to your players that pay and actually do the activities you're nerf batting but dang. CSM brainwashed not willing to look at alternatives is just as bad. looks like it's just going to end up being a ratting for isk game when CCP makes tons more off the multi-box miners but craps all over them. Seems to me they posted record profits by not working and ditching whatever staff that was making good content.

CSM complains plenty, but their Non-Disclosure Agreement prevents them from telling you just how much they complain. CCP largely ignores the CSM feedback (true story!), because the CSM tells them what the players feel and CCP takes the view of most developers, which is "it's our game, not yours".

Sadly most game developers find out how very wrong they are on this score when they push it too far and players leave in droves. I don't think CCP are quite there yet, but they are getting there with every bad decision and implementation.

The whole point of the CSM is to represent the players, the players cannot be properly represented if the CSM are forbidden from reporting fully. There's no point in even having them if you're going to gag them, it's utterly pointless.

As it stands the rorqual changes make little difference to me, all that will happen is that people will just stop using it. Again. Then it'll be the same as it was pre-ascension, noone will ever use the thing until CCP buff it again. The circle will be complete.
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#371 - 2017-06-02 15:01:32 UTC
I don't understand why CONDI is complaining. They already got their thousands of capitals and super-capitals. All this nerf does is cement their position and makes them harder to attack, as well as impedes other groups from catching up. vOv

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#372 - 2017-06-02 15:02:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Afropty
Dear CP Fozzie this is a bad idea about the mining change again why you guys just stop doing this...... PVP and PVE activity are great WHY YOU MESS WITH THE MINING, you nerf the mining activity when you CCP notice the big fail when allow the rorqual been PVP.
Just Please dont mess with the mining again....... im protesting for this.

So i would like to have the same bonuses when you change the bonuses on the drones, who cares if people mine more and more.... we will have more and more things to kill in my opinion.
Or this idea came from our goon and PL CSM??? they have alot of capitals so you said stability on the game so they are the only groups of player can have ships??? Roll

Just stay away of the mining activity please really dont make a mess with this please.... just bring good ideas not this one:

CCP Fozzie wrote:
Hey folks.
We continue to keep a close eye on the impacts of the changes to mining ships that have been made over the past six months. After this observation we have decided that we need to make another intervention to keep the economy healthy. This isn't the first of such changes, and once again it is unlikely to be the last.

In the June release we are making a few targeted changes to Nullsec Asteroid Clusters (the ore anomalies created by the Ore Prospecting Array upgrade) and Excavator drones.

Firstly, we are adding a respawn cooldown to all Asteroid Cluster anomalies. This cooldown scales based on the size of the anomaly:
20 minutes for the Small Asteroid Cluster
1 hour for the Medium Asteroid Cluster
2 hours for the Large Asteroid Cluster variants
4 hours for the Enormous Asteroid Cluster variants
5 hours for the Colossal Asteroid Cluster variants

These changes will only have a significant impact on the absolute busiest nullsec mining systems. The vast majority of nullsec miners will not be negatively impacted. The pilots mining in those few extremely busy systems will have the option of staggering when they mine, or simply spreading out to a few extra systems.

We are also making some more small adjustments to the Excavator drones themselves. In June the changes are:
About 9% less yield for Ore Excavators
12.5% lower speed for Ore Excavators
About 11% longer cycle time for Ice Excavators
10% lower speed for Ice Excavators

We will continue observing the economy after these changes and making adjustments as necessary to keep it healthy for all our players.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#373 - 2017-06-02 15:08:26 UTC
Cismet wrote:
JonasML wrote:
Namii Chikyuu wrote:
These guys really don't think about the little guys or renter alliances. Now they are going to have to have more space and more space to defend. Not to mention miners rarely just log after a colossal all they are doing is taking a dump on smaller groups. How is any small group going to break into null with these kind of limitations. Instead of all this crap they keep trying they could simply balance the ore composition and there wouldn't be such a massive surplus of low mins that are crashing the markets. I'd much rather have less trit and crap to dump on the market after building caps to sell. I know it seems impossible to have you guys listen to your players that pay and actually do the activities you're nerf batting but dang. CSM brainwashed not willing to look at alternatives is just as bad. looks like it's just going to end up being a ratting for isk game when CCP makes tons more off the multi-box miners but craps all over them. Seems to me they posted record profits by not working and ditching whatever staff that was making good content.

CSM complains plenty, but their Non-Disclosure Agreement prevents them from telling you just how much they complain. CCP largely ignores the CSM feedback (true story!), because the CSM tells them what the players feel and CCP takes the view of most developers, which is "it's our game, not yours".

Sadly most game developers find out how very wrong they are on this score when they push it too far and players leave in droves. I don't think CCP are quite there yet, but they are getting there with every bad decision and implementation.

The whole point of the CSM is to represent the players, the players cannot be properly represented if the CSM are forbidden from reporting fully. There's no point in even having them if you're going to gag them, it's utterly pointless.

As it stands the rorqual changes make little difference to me, all that will happen is that people will just stop using it. Again. Then it'll be the same as it was pre-ascension, noone will ever use the thing until CCP buff it again. The circle will be complete.

CCP were force-fed this lesson already, but apparently didn't fire enough people associated with it for the rest to get the message.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#374 - 2017-06-02 15:08:31 UTC
Ben Sabezan]Why not just delete all the mining ships lesser than a rorqual from the game? It is not goons fault that hunters in delve can barely even kill excavators. So instead of giving a buff to pvp fozzie would rather have you dock up.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#375 - 2017-06-02 15:11:02 UTC
JonasML wrote:
Cismet wrote:
JonasML wrote:
Namii Chikyuu wrote:
These guys really don't think about the little guys or renter alliances. Now they are going to have to have more space and more space to defend. Not to mention miners rarely just log after a colossal all they are doing is taking a dump on smaller groups. How is any small group going to break into null with these kind of limitations. Instead of all this crap they keep trying they could simply balance the ore composition and there wouldn't be such a massive surplus of low mins that are crashing the markets. I'd much rather have less trit and crap to dump on the market after building caps to sell. I know it seems impossible to have you guys listen to your players that pay and actually do the activities you're nerf batting but dang. CSM brainwashed not willing to look at alternatives is just as bad. looks like it's just going to end up being a ratting for isk game when CCP makes tons more off the multi-box miners but craps all over them. Seems to me they posted record profits by not working and ditching whatever staff that was making good content.

CSM complains plenty, but their Non-Disclosure Agreement prevents them from telling you just how much they complain. CCP largely ignores the CSM feedback (true story!), because the CSM tells them what the players feel and CCP takes the view of most developers, which is "it's our game, not yours".

Sadly most game developers find out how very wrong they are on this score when they push it too far and players leave in droves. I don't think CCP are quite there yet, but they are getting there with every bad decision and implementation.

The whole point of the CSM is to represent the players, the players cannot be properly represented if the CSM are forbidden from reporting fully. There's no point in even having them if you're going to gag them, it's utterly pointless.

As it stands the rorqual changes make little difference to me, all that will happen is that people will just stop using it. Again. Then it'll be the same as it was pre-ascension, noone will ever use the thing until CCP buff it again. The circle will be complete.

CCP were force-fed this lesson already, but apparently didn't fire enough people associated with it for the rest to get the message.

Oh boy....... i like the word this is out game, not yours... but i said is my money not your money.... so please CCP make the mining activity GREAT AGAIN....... GOOD BLESS US

Logan Jakal
State War Academy
Caldari State
#376 - 2017-06-02 15:15:36 UTC
Afropty wrote:
JonasML wrote:
Cismet wrote:
JonasML wrote:
Namii Chikyuu wrote:
These guys really don't think about the little guys or renter alliances. Now they are going to have to have more space and more space to defend. Not to mention miners rarely just log after a colossal all they are doing is taking a dump on smaller groups. How is any small group going to break into null with these kind of limitations. Instead of all this crap they keep trying they could simply balance the ore composition and there wouldn't be such a massive surplus of low mins that are crashing the markets. I'd much rather have less trit and crap to dump on the market after building caps to sell. I know it seems impossible to have you guys listen to your players that pay and actually do the activities you're nerf batting but dang. CSM brainwashed not willing to look at alternatives is just as bad. looks like it's just going to end up being a ratting for isk game when CCP makes tons more off the multi-box miners but craps all over them. Seems to me they posted record profits by not working and ditching whatever staff that was making good content.

CSM complains plenty, but their Non-Disclosure Agreement prevents them from telling you just how much they complain. CCP largely ignores the CSM feedback (true story!), because the CSM tells them what the players feel and CCP takes the view of most developers, which is "it's our game, not yours".

Sadly most game developers find out how very wrong they are on this score when they push it too far and players leave in droves. I don't think CCP are quite there yet, but they are getting there with every bad decision and implementation.

The whole point of the CSM is to represent the players, the players cannot be properly represented if the CSM are forbidden from reporting fully. There's no point in even having them if you're going to gag them, it's utterly pointless.

As it stands the rorqual changes make little difference to me, all that will happen is that people will just stop using it. Again. Then it'll be the same as it was pre-ascension, noone will ever use the thing until CCP buff it again. The circle will be complete.

CCP were force-fed this lesson already, but apparently didn't fire enough people associated with it for the rest to get the message.

Oh boy....... i like the word this is out game, not yours... but i said is my money not your money.... so please CCP make the mining activity GREAT AGAIN....... GOOD BLESS US

Looks like a nice meme.
Chu Jie
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#377 - 2017-06-02 15:23:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Chu Jie

I come from Work 18:00pm loggin into the game see despane time 3h or more for a belt ( thats the whole time I can spend to play the game because RL, Sleep, Work...), I check if we have a startop or something other to do and than I have to log off because I have to go to work next day and can't spend 3h or more waiting for content...
Peaople have a real life "Idiots".

Soemeone should tell you that for a game developer it is in his best interest to have people online and to keep them as long they can online...

With this despawn time only people without work or rl can mining. It's a damn bad Idea you should know that and if this is coming many of us hast to search for more "working class friendly" games...

And by the way a one week event with monmining that is coming in a future time... dosen't help people they can't spend some hours a day playing this game.

Mining was one of this contents I could do it allways I loggin. Now I have to loggin if a bellt is there sounds stupid right? Is stupid and you will see what you get if you bring this life. I don't need the game but you need me to pay for the game sometimes CCP should think about that fact.

But I'm here since 2009 and never ever CCP was listen to their customers only if we start quiting accounts they start to do things right....
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#378 - 2017-06-02 15:25:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Juggernautus
Good Job CCP came back to game because all the other game's on the market are so badly NEF and now this your get just as bad as WOT. Your killing the game is it the moneyQuestion you guy make so much off us CCP give us a break don't kill the game just because you guy's bored.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#379 - 2017-06-02 15:29:24 UTC
Chu Jie wrote:

I come from Work 18:00pm loggin into the game see despane time 3h or more for a belt ( thats the whole time I can spend to play the game because RL, Sleep, Work...), I check if we have a startop or something other to do and than I have to log off because I have to go to work next day and can't spend 3h or more waiting for content...
Peaople have a real life "Idiots".

Soemeone should tell you that for a game developer it is in his best interest to have people online and to keep them as long they can online...

With this despawn time only people without work or rl can mining. It's a damn bad Idea you should know that and if this is coming many of us hast to search for more "working class friendly" games...

And by the way a one week event with monmining that is coming in a future time... dosen't help people they can't spend some hours a day playing this game.

Mining was one of this contents I could do it allways I loggin. Now I have to loggin if a bellt is there sounds stupid right? Is stupid and you will see what you get if you bring this life. I don't need the game but you need me to pay for the game sometimes CCP should think about that fact.

But I'm here since 2009 and never ever CCP was listen to their customers only if we start quiting accounts they start to do things right....

I like you comment, because i do the same thing...
Maxwell Smiles
Exiled Kings
Pain And Compliance
#380 - 2017-06-02 15:34:39 UTC
How about halfing the size of the roids and doubling the quantity rather than changing the speed. it would make mining a little bit less afk while still reducing rorq output, while not really effecting hulks etc.

As for the belt timer. I think its a great idea to balance null sec, assuming you dont have 50 dudes in rorqs. and if 1 person is sucking up all the belts petition your alliance leader to have him kicked, he's probably rtm'ing anyway