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Advanced Audio Settings Changes

First post
Arya Zanzy
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#61 - 2017-05-09 15:02:57 UTC
I don't think I have ever posted on the forums before but this audio change is so bad I want to pull my hair out. First of all, station interiors MUST HAVE THEIR OWN SLIDER. I think every person I have ever known has muted the inside of the stations. These changes are just so restrictive. If you really needed to cut some back, you can probably group the map/planet/ISIS humming sounds. Having stargates be on the same slider as wormholes are killing people too. It's just SOOOO bad. I can't even wrap my head around it.
Aldent Arkanon
Vulture Enterprises
Brotherhood of Spacers
#62 - 2017-05-09 15:05:25 UTC
Very disappointed that this change went through. Having to disable UI sounds such as locking or crimewatch just to not have to deal with the obnoxious UI click is incredibly frustrating. At the very least it would be nice to have the option to specifically disable the commonly identified obnoxious sounds (such as UI click). The complexity and wide range of options was always one of the unique positive characteristics of EVE and it is very unfortunate to see a part of that going away.
The Grumble
#63 - 2017-05-09 15:07:59 UTC
Arya Zanzy wrote:
I don't think I have ever posted on the forums before but this audio change is so bad I want to pull my hair out. First of all, station interiors MUST HAVE THEIR OWN SLIDER. I think every person I have ever known has muted the inside of the stations. These changes are just so restrictive. If you really needed to cut some back, you can probably group the map/planet/ISIS humming sounds. Having stargates be on the same slider as wormholes are killing people too. It's just SOOOO bad. I can't even wrap my head around it.

Station interiors is the one that really blows my mind. Back when they first teased this 'feature', I asked everyone I could think of what their sound settings were like. There was literally one guy that didn't use AAS to mute the station interior.
Seraph Essael
The Initiative.
#64 - 2017-05-09 15:35:34 UTC
Feedback after playing around with the sound for a bit:


As a someone who lives in a wormhole, having the Wormhole atmosphere turned up high to hear the mass stages is somewhat of a necessity. Currently, with these new changes it means that all atmosphere is up: Station environment within this setting is kind of frustrating as it is very very loud.
Potential solution is to have wormholes and gates ambient sounds / atmosphere set to a different slider if possible. Station interior needs to have its own slider as it is really really loud.

UI Sound levels:

Crimewatch, Scanning and UI clicks. The crimewatch sound is now lumped in with the UI clicks (which sounds like insects running over my headset), the Dscan gong and Scanning. Lumping necessary sounds in with the sounds that are not necessary is a massive hindrance.
The UI has so many different sounds. Some of which are useful, some of which are awful. I scan a lot, and like to know when my probes are moving, I like to hear when my timer goes off because that helps massively in certain situations (being engaged, mobile depot deployed, wormhole polarisation over) but there are sounds like the Dscan gong, the UI clicks that are not helpful in anyway.

Jump activation:

Third party warp, hearing people jump wormholes and gate jumping is all necessary sound functions. However, the gate jumping is so loud I either have to turn the sound down every time I go into K space or run the risk of missing a wormhole jump activation because I am going to leave the sound down so not have to keep switching.
Potential solution is to have the third party warp effect (which is highly useful) separate from these. And also have separate sliders for gates and wormhole. I would not be opposed to lumping wormhole sounds into one slider (ambient noise / jumping) because there are some settings that for me, are always on full and probably most other wormholers will have these settings similarly high. In the middle of a fight on a wormhole, sometimes you need to be able to hear the activation above other things.

Overall I think that these changes are an unnecessary over simplification to the audio features but I can understand why some simplification was needed. That being said. We have gone from 30 audio options, useful options, to 7 over simplified options. Going down to 15 ish options may have made this a little better for all and would have freed up some sliders for the necessary and unnecessary sounds rather than them (UI Slider and Atmosphere I'm looking at you) being lumped together in a mess of sounds.

Quoted from Doc Fury: "Concerned citizens: Doc seldom plays EVE on the weekends during spring and summer, so you will always be on your own for a couple days a week. Doc spends that time collecting kittens for the on-going sacrifices, engaging in reckless outdoor activities, and speaking in the 3rd person."

Cat silth
Diversity 101
Domain Research and Mining Inst.
#65 - 2017-05-09 15:36:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Cat silth
FIX THE UI CLICK SO I CAN TURN IT OFF , jesus H christ , you had so much feed back on this i know i read the feedback and still , even when it fed back in the dev blog you decided to ignor the feeback , as usual to alienate your playerbase.

now i have to ether no iu or all ui , you guys really i mean really no how , to **** ppl off
Mineral Molester
Goonswarm Federation
#66 - 2017-05-09 15:45:05 UTC
This is a terrible change that no one asked for. We did ask for more specific sliders (such as the UI click sound that absolutely no one wants to hear) however what we got was less specific sliders.

The purpose of turning down most of the less important game sounds it so we can more clearly hear the important ones. These new "simplified" audio settings are going to get my killed.
LMVH Luxury Goods
#67 - 2017-05-09 15:46:07 UTC
This is so much pain to deal with.
Good lord please give us our old settings again.
CCP Antiquarian
C C P Alliance
#68 - 2017-05-09 15:49:04 UTC
Seraph Essael wrote:
Lots of useful specific feedback.

Thanks, Seraph.

"Singularity pilots are helpful pilots."

@CCP_Antiquarian - for immediate fulfillment of your archaic social media needs.

Ni Neith
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#69 - 2017-05-09 15:58:06 UTC
As a wormholer I need the probes warping and scanning tme sound. I don't need the stupid probes moving sound, I don't need 'signature scanned' beep sound!
Rain Kaessinde
Liminal Cloudwatch
#70 - 2017-05-09 16:04:03 UTC
Sound I want to mute: map ambiance
What I don't want to lose: all probe scanning and hacking feedback

Sound I want to independently attenuate and sometimes mute: dscan ping
What I don't want to lose: again, the rest of Secondary Interfaces

Sound I want to mute: constant click-farting noise from UI scroll and mouseover
What I don't want to lose: everything useful in UI Sound Level (including UI activation feedback, e.g. the "open inventory" chirp)

Side note on dscan ping: I actually appreciate having a sound here, but I hate this sound; it's too big, complex, and aggressive for something I'm going to hear every few seconds forever. An independent volume control would help, but replacing it with something short and subtle would help more.

The stars might lie, but the numbers never do.

Felyx Ravencroft
#71 - 2017-05-09 16:17:36 UTC
Here's something a little off the wall, and possibly "too much work" (though really, it wouldn't be...), but what the hell, I may as well put it out there:

How about some of the additional interfaces, such as the probe and directional scanner, getting their own sound toggles and/or volume control on their windows themselves, which could be placed with the other format-related controls such as dock/undock, and the like. Also, the sound toggle could be added as a right-click-title-bar option, in much the same way as Blink On/Off in the chat windows.

Speaking of the chat window: I have long wished for the OPTION for an audio notification of incoming messages, which could also be controlled by an On/Off toggle via title-bar-right-click on a per-channel basis, same as with the blink function. The "gentle" roll-out would be to make "Off" the default, but alternatively defaulting it to "On" would be a good way to introduce awareness of the feature, if it were ever to be implemented.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#72 - 2017-05-09 16:20:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Aldent Arkanon wrote:
Very disappointed that this change went through. Having to disable UI sounds such as locking or crimewatch just to not have to deal with the obnoxious UI click is incredibly frustrating. At the very least it would be nice to have the option to specifically disable the commonly identified obnoxious sounds (such as UI click). The complexity and wide range of options was always one of the unique positive characteristics of EVE and it is very unfortunate to see a part of that going away.

I'm constantly accused of being a CCP fanboi, because I am, but my goodness, WTF has happened here? WHO at CCP thought that UI click nonsense was a good idea.

I hate it when people stupidly and falsely threaten to quit, so I'm not doing that, but I am saying that that UI click is so annoying it made me take a brake from playing today (and i Usually play a lot on tuesdays because I'm off and my wife is at work, but not today....).
CCP Antiquarian
C C P Alliance
#73 - 2017-05-09 16:31:39 UTC
Please keep responding here with additional input; I'm not at all wanting to quash responses. I am tallying up the requests for included options. UI Click and Third party warp have the most mentions here (at time of drafting this message) with the combined Atmosphere slider coming in next as a pain point.

That said, a lot of people seem be implying that they have to turn off all UI to limit audio for the probe and scanning interface. The Secondary Interfaces slider controls those sounds, and can be reduced without affecting many other UI sounds.

Again, please continue to comment here, I just wanted to make sure people were aware that that feature was linked to that slider.

"Singularity pilots are helpful pilots."

@CCP_Antiquarian - for immediate fulfillment of your archaic social media needs.

Max Deveron
Deveron Shipyards and Technology
Citizen's Star Republic
#74 - 2017-05-09 16:38:10 UTC
CCP Antiquarian wrote:
Please keep responding here with additional input; I'm not at all wanting to quash responses. I am tallying up the requests for included options. UI Click and Third party warp have the most mentions here (at time of drafting this message) with the combined Atmosphere slider coming in next as a pain point.

That said, a lot of people seem be implying that they have to turn off all UI to limit audio for the probe and scanning interface. The Secondary Interfaces slider controls those sounds, and can be reduced without affecting many other UI sounds.

Again, please continue to comment here, I just wanted to make sure people were aware that that feature was linked to that slider.

Uhm how about no,
How about revert things so those of us properly using advanced settings have an advanced settings menu.
And those that dont use them or dont care can have your now simpler dumbed downed menu.

How is that hard or difficult to do?
Even my TV has this kind of setup so i can fine tune things if i wish to.
Yizdale Bolmara
McD Playhouse
#75 - 2017-05-09 16:44:22 UTC
So Overall the change is "fine" but could we get descriptions to what each slider does. With so many things piled into each it would make it easier for all players to understand what the difference is without having to search forums for this post which will be old in the future.
Eternity INC.
Goonswarm Federation
#76 - 2017-05-09 16:46:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Axhind
CCP Antiquarian wrote:
Please keep responding here with additional input; I'm not at all wanting to quash responses. I am tallying up the requests for included options. UI Click and Third party warp have the most mentions here (at time of drafting this message) with the combined Atmosphere slider coming in next as a pain point.

That said, a lot of people seem be implying that they have to turn off all UI to limit audio for the probe and scanning interface. The Secondary Interfaces slider controls those sounds, and can be reduced without affecting many other UI sounds.

Again, please continue to comment here, I just wanted to make sure people were aware that that feature was linked to that slider.

For love of God almighty, why the hell would you take something that actually worked and allowed us to disable more annoying sounds and turn it into something that dumbed down that it spectacularly fails at the function of allowing us to select sounds that we actually find informative instead of just plain annoying and/or ear damage inducing (like the high pitched sounds during hacking).
Christim Mesarthim
Orchestra of Electric Light
#77 - 2017-05-09 16:53:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Christim Mesarthim
(Mentioned above I know, but adding my voice to the UI click issue and how annoying it is!)

With this release the UI interface clicking is back, every time you move over an action/word. I know this has been an issue in the past (see other threads, and tips to turning it off) but now the setting's been removed and we're forced to hear it all the time? It sounds like crickets every time you scroll through the marketplace - or any other list.
It'd be interesting to know, of the advanced audio settings previously available, whether this was a popular option to turn off?
Can this feature be turned off permanently? Or at least give us the option back to turn it off
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#78 - 2017-05-09 17:02:18 UTC
its very sad to see the advanced audio options striped down like this Sad

i want to be able to be docked without the loud station interior and also be able to hear 3rd party warp ins when they happen.

i could do that before, now i cant and that sucks. i really dont think removing user choice was the right choice, please give us all the options back.

this change kinda says "we knows whats best for our players".
Nynaeve Aylet
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#79 - 2017-05-09 17:04:55 UTC
Huge step backwards. In a game like EVE where there are unlimited amounts of playstyles and things those playstyles depend on, REDUCING options is the worst thing you can do.
Inta Vakaria
House of Boom
#80 - 2017-05-09 17:07:03 UTC
Whilst most of the above posters have already added most of the issues, i would like to contribute:

The station and gate atmosphere really need to be on their own sliders. If you hang around/in one or the other for a while this droning noise can be really annoying, especially on multiple characters, but muting the entire atmosphere really isn't a solution as a wormholer i like to be able to hear when a wormhole is destabbed.

The Ui click really needs it's own slider or and off button. The Ui click is one of the most annoying things in eve atm in my opinion. It's even worse than the infamous gong, Also the Ui really shouldn't be lumped together in one slider. I like some parts of the Ui to be louder than other parts.

Wormhole activation:
Wormhole activation and gate activation really need to be separate. I like my wormholes turned right up so i can hear an activation clearly even if I'm looking at another character.

There is humming noise when you're cloaked and have your camera zoomed in. I used to be able to mute that noise but still be able to hear if i cloaked/decloaked. I need to be able to hear if i get decloaked as it's one of the most important things in wormhole space.

I'll add more points as i play around further