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New Camera Controls

First post
Dominous Nolen
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#81 - 2015-11-21 02:56:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Dominous Nolen
The camera zoom in on the new orbit camera tracks way to weird, even after I stop scrolling the camera still proceeds to scan in further then intended, it give the sensation of being out control of the view.

The FOV with the orbit camera creates a feeling of delay that the current camera system doesn't.

The old camera feels very smooth and responsive, where as this one seems to lag behind the player movement and honestly causes a bit of nausea for me on the swing due to the FOV change (Normally I don't experience this at all in game) .

The default FOV on the tactical/orbit cameras seem to be a bit much and cause initial discomfort.

Can we have an option to tune the FOV because it just doesn't feel comfortable to me the way its locked.

If it goes in this way I won't be able to stand playing the game in this mode due to the discomfort.

Audio: Please give options to turn off the ambiance. I normally crank all of that down (except for thera and Incursions because those options don't exist)


"Fly dangerously, Fly safe, Fly whatever, just keep Flying." - Lee Blackwood

Avon Salinder
#82 - 2015-11-21 04:05:12 UTC
I'm not sure what level of Depth of Field you're setting the orbit camera too, but it does seem just a little too strong, creating the 'zoomed in from a distance' look that can be a bit nauseating. Try reducing the DoF % to maybe half of its current setting and see how players like that.
Dave Stark
#83 - 2015-11-21 09:26:48 UTC
orbit camera locks when you warp, you can't turn it. rather annoying. have to change camera mode and change back to unlock it again.

the offset is still annoying as ****, even though reduced. my ship still just swings wildly around when i pan the camera due to the offset making it very difficult to figure out where i actually am...

please give us the option to just centre the camera on our damn ship and keep it there? i like the new camera options but i'm never going to use them if basic things like having your ship in the middle of the screen aren't available as a feature.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#84 - 2015-11-21 15:29:26 UTC  |  Edited by: XxUltradmbxX
try the new camera
-warp to a BM , with the warp the camera freezes
-try this 3 times
-its shitt thanks ccp

sometimes my camera freezes on the normal server and its super ****** and i cant do anything,
but on the testserver with my freezing camera i can warp maybe an improvement?

cant wait for a day without some *game newstarts*

its the orbit camera , it freezes at every warp , only changing to another camera mode changes it maybee
#85 - 2015-11-21 17:26:07 UTC
The orbit camera is sticking now when in warp, jumping a gate, or even just undocking. Actually changing to tactical mode and back fixed it once, but does not anymore. Orbit cam is completely frozen. Bug report EBR-56881
Exotic Dancers Union
#86 - 2015-11-22 13:07:09 UTC
Tub Chil wrote:
Right click in space - move camera to look around - release right click to return to previous view. This functionality is removed. please don't remove it.

Right Click in space - move mouse up or down - super zoom! Please don't remove this.

Current camera controls have function that is super important to D-Scan, that's center tracking position.
Please don't remove this functionality.

Basically please don't remove anything that we already have and have fun playing with.


PLEASE add these tings to the orbital camera again. They're ALL important for pvp.

i use the "super zoom" to check for guns/launcher/"a lack thereof" on ships. Since it returns to "normal" on mouse button release it's much faster than "switching camera anchor and switching it back again", plus it allows me to check out ships much further away than the 100km "look at" limit.
(not to mention the importance of this feature to create the fantastic looking videos/screenshots we all love!!!)
Daemun Khanid
Corbeau de sang
#87 - 2015-11-23 09:00:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Daemun Khanid
Just got home and tried the new camera again... yup still completely borked. Other than testing all of the things that don't work properly there was absolutely no desire to use it and switched immediately back to old camera.

None of the shortcuts seem to do anything other than flash a box on the screen and put the words "tracking camera" in the selected item window. The view itself never changes.

As others have mentioned, warping to a bm causes the camera to freeze and you have to switch to another camera and back again.

Zooming in still zooms in the distant starfield WAY too much and makes the background stars/nebula's look horribly stretched and pixelated and also destroys the sense of distance at a much larger scale than looking at a station. As I've mentioned before it makes "the box" incredibly obvious.

Orbit camera is way too far off center on a moving ship and it's just annoying.

You succeeded in giving a more dramatic sense of scale when close to large objects like stations but you've done it at the expense of any kind of actual camera functionality. All of this just to make citadels look more impressive???

PLZ don't put this on live in this state.

On a positive note, you did at least move all the extra new buttons so they don't overlap the text for armor and structure percentages....yay.... Blink

Daemun of Khanid

Brent Anders
Project Pendragon
#88 - 2015-11-23 11:07:14 UTC
WHat i would like to see added to the detached Camera, is, that if you Zoom in, and your cursor is on a object, the camera actually zooms in on this object, and not this invisible origin point you can move around. I dunno, if you want a Referance how i mean this, look at the Camera in Sins of a Solar Empire, it works this way and would be, at least in my opinion, far less confusing and also more under your control what you're actually want to look at. (Without the "look at" command instantly zooming you in on zero, but a more.. well, smooth option, not loosing the full view instantly)

For the New orbiting Camera, how about a few options to control how much delay, FOV, position and general jackassery is happening, in form of maybe sliders to adjust those things from a 0-100% level?

The FIrst Person view.. well, i dunno, maybe some fun on a ceptor, but anything slower is just.. nah. Yet when i first saw this, i was kinda reminded of the CIC Simulator in Enders Game.. why not make it like this? (I know, just FX and visual scenery porn.. but that would kinda look awesome, your Toon and Command Crew actually being shown there)
Lugh Crow-Slave
#89 - 2015-11-24 12:27:55 UTC
All controls stop working in orbit mode for me and I either have to change season or rapidly swap camera modes to get it working again
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#90 - 2015-11-24 21:34:32 UTC
Seems we get a new camera regardless of whether it is an improvement over the existing or not.

The bouncing ships/pod effect is really annoying - It needs an off button.
1st person camera - Why? (what a waste of effort for something that does nothing.)
Sound effect for tactical overview - How do you turn it off? The rest of my sounds are set as I like them, then you get that horrible blasting of sound (designed by some one who has got to be tone deaf) and no option to lower its intrusive level.

Zoom in or out is not good, it goes from one extreme to the other, 1 mouse wheel click = full zoom. (Not good)
There really is no need for 2 tactical buttons on the overview, unless the goal is to create unnecessary clutter - In which case it is perfect.

As this has been so quickly un-stickied I don't imagine anyone is paying attention to it and we get a "new" feature - Ready or not - Released onto TQ.
Just hope is has an opt out button until it is worth using and the sound, bouncing pod effects have "off" buttons.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Ace Aideron
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#91 - 2015-11-25 11:25:43 UTC
I was very excited about the First Person camera, but the implementation isn't what I was hoping for. It's fun for a few minutes, but isn't something I would use on a regular basis.

The camera's view direction is fixed with respect to the ship, so dragging the image has no effect, and the only way to look around is to actually turn the ship. That bothers me a lot. It would be so much better if I could drag the camera around, looking in whatever direction I want. Dragging shouldn't have anything to do with the ship's direction of movement, just the direction the camera is pointed. (imagine sitting in the cockpit, and wanting to look back over your shoulder).

I would also like to see the max FOV of the first person camera be as large or even larger than the current camera, to let me get a full grasp of the nearby space. In the current implementation, it feels a bit narrower.

I like the zoom feature, although I think having much more granularity would be better than the current, seemingly small number of available steps.

Being able to detach the camera and move it, say, outside and behind the ship, could be very cool.
Lucrii Dei
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#92 - 2015-11-26 03:25:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucrii Dei
Please CCP do not get rid on the manual depth of field feature of the current camera on TQ.

I'm hoping you know what I'm talking about. The effect that's achieved while holding CTRL and using both mouse buttons.

This feature, used properly can create a very cinematic view of the game and is wonderful for both creating videos and screenshots of EVE.

Prime example here. The background of the raw image I use in that is heavily zoomed while the ship is still in focus. This was made with the current DOF mechanic, with a little flare and blur added after for added effect.

Some of the features on the new camera are interesting but it would be a terrible shame to lose the current DOF mechanic. Particularly for people who make videos.

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EVEcandy™; An EVE Gallery!

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Christopher Abscons
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#93 - 2015-11-26 03:34:26 UTC
Lucrii Dei wrote:
Please CCP do not get rid on the manual depth of field feature of the current camera on TQ.

I'm hoping you know what I'm talking about. The effect that's achieved while holding CTRL and using both mouse buttons.

This feature, used properly can create a very cinematic view of the game and is wonderful for both creating videos and screenshots of EVE.

Prime example here. The background of the raw image I use in that is heavily zoomed while the ship is still in focus. This was made with the current DOF mechanic, with a little flare and blur added after for added effect.

Some of the features on the new camera are interesting but it would be a terrible shame to lose the current DOF mechanic. Particularly for people who make videos.

While I sometimes enjoy adjusting my own field of view, it takes a bit of handiwork to make it -just so right- only to lose it after a jump transition. That's the only reason I don't utilize it anymore.

My vote is to keep it, along with many other currently loved features, but also to make the adjustments persist through systems. While you're at it.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#94 - 2015-11-26 15:14:26 UTC
With all the upcoming changes, it would be nice to finally get stuff such as:

- ability to type resolution manually, so we don't have to switch to windowed, then adjust, then switch back to borderless; or use 3rd party app for something so basic ...
- FoV slider

And it applies to both new and old mode.

Jita Flipping Inc.: Kovl & Kuvl

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#95 - 2015-11-27 01:59:35 UTC
Jumping through a gate in first person camera mode causes some incredibly messed up things to happen with the jump effect and warp tunnel animation and breaks the camera controls until you switch around a few times.
Eli Stan
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#96 - 2015-11-28 05:03:27 UTC
I see now that the tactical overlay is available while in Orbit Cam mode. Thank you very much! o7

Also, I had issues similar to what Seatox describes during the mass test yesterday. I filed a bug report on SISI about it, which I hope helps you track down what's going on.

Thanks again!
Dave Stark
#97 - 2015-11-28 08:59:55 UTC
camera still doesn't put your ship in the middle of the screen (which i still think is pretty ******* fundamental to a camera feature, being able to see your ship).

also it just seems to freak out when warping/gate jumping.

it's borderline unusable. every time i gate jump i have to change camera modes because the orbit camera is locked.
Mathias Raholan
#98 - 2015-11-28 18:04:13 UTC
This is my first go at the test server so I'm not sure how useful my info will be, or if it's been repeated before.

I think the new camera modes are really nice and I like the option we have them. Unfortunately, as I read a few times, when switching between modes orbit camera seems to bug out. I can manipulate the tactical camera fine no matter where I fly, but after switching camera modes orbit gets stuck. The regular tracking camera works fine if I switch back. I know the game thinks I'm turning as I see the compass moving around the capacitor.

I'm not sure the system is also supposed to read the tracking camera shortcut while using the new camera, but I think that is one of the root causes. If I press "C" it goes me the option to still move my camera even though there is no tracking. I am guessing that means we will have tracking with this new camera?

On the upside they do add visual appeal and give you a nice range of option on where you want to look. I look forward to these hitting Tranquility.
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#99 - 2015-11-29 01:29:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Sgt Ocker
Where is the off switch for that horrible sound effect when in Tactical?
(one of my neighbours came and asked me what the "weird noise" was. Yet said she can't otherwise hear anything while I am playing Eve - Is the horrible sound effect just too loud?)

Detaching the camera to look at your surroundings, might be useful if you could center it on something - say like your ship, so you have a point of reference. The panning around is ok but the only way I can find to get the camera back to your ship (quickly, like when you get engaged by hostiles) is to exit tactical mode - Sort of defeats the role of a tactical camera if you need to keep switching to use it.
A tactical camera should have the functionality to track objects (like we have now with the nice useful, tracking camera)

1st person mode - Why? It may be ok for shooting things that aren't moving (you can get it in your crosshairs, whoopee) but aside from that, it doesn't serve much purpose and simply replaces current (useful) functionality.

Orbit camera (on a 28" screen) has too narrow a view - the amount of scrolling needed to keep up with a moving target is just stupid.
At 1,300 m you can just make out it is a frigate, through the red targeting ring. Something not quite right?
"Look At" you can see your target - instead of a blur with a red overlay. Or is 1,300 metres just not close enough for the camera to function as described?

Still not sure why we are losing current functionality (tracking camera for one) to have it replaced with - Well not much really - On, look at all the pretty - Off, is off; is not functionality. A new camera (mode) so those who want to can detach look at all the pretty (or whatever) is ok, but not at the cost of overall functionality and usability.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Nicola Arman
Deep Maw Salvage
#100 - 2015-12-01 05:28:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Nicola Arman
Currently the
Tracking Camera: Center Tracking Position
Tracking Camera: Custom Tracking Position
Tracking Camera: Toggle point camera to selected item
Tracking Camera: Toggle Tracking Position Mode
Shortcuts seem to have no functionality while the New Camera is being used.

Orbit Camera seems very sluggish.

Also, the New Camera has brought the ship's POV too close by a few gradients if that makes any sense. At max settings space looks much crisper using the old camera. The stars look less distant and more fake with the New Camera.

Lastly, in First Person Mode there is a lack of turret impact sounds. You hear the shots being fired but you don't hear them making contact like you would outside the ship. Maybe this is intended?

These are cool as f.u.c.k. features though.
Great job so far CCP!