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[Rubicon] Marauder rebalancing

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Shadow Flight
#361 - 2013-08-30 00:46:45 UTC
Ravasta Helugo wrote:
Tzel Mayon wrote:
Ravasta Helugo wrote:
Marc McIntyre Crendraven wrote:
2 things this needs, a bigger bonus to the tractor beams, like 300% or more. 48 distance with tech 2 tractors just doesn't cut it.

I second this suggestion. Now that we're talking about each Marauder being able to project, reliably, out to 100km... I think we need to be able to salvage out to that distance as well.

If you're feeling generous, please increase the speed of the tractors too. Keep in mind that with the velocity nerf associated with these changes, burning to within range of the salvage isn't really practical anymore.

EDIT: Removed the damage mod suggestion portion of the quote, as I do not support that. If anything, a buff to tracking/explosion velocity MAYBE. But I'm not going to beg for it. Not when you've just given me an indestructible transformer.

Might as well increase the range of salvage drones too.

This can be accomplished with modules. I can salvage at 65km, but I can only tractor at 48. It's not asking for much to extend that a little bit, especially when these changes make my speed 100 m/s and the mass renders AB's useless.

You guys must remember they are also promoting the use of the Micro Jump Drive. Zap, you are now 100km closer to those wrecks. They do need to boost the range to over 50km, so you can reach all wreck inbetween your piont of origination, and current. With only a 48km range, you're missing 4km worth of wrecks.....
Shadow Flight
#362 - 2013-08-30 00:47:44 UTC
Aron Binchiette wrote:
SkupojHren wrote:
what?i dont even know where to start

Extends all large turret falloff and tracking by 25%
Increases all large missile max velocity by 25%

why missiles dont get a second bonus?turrets get falloff and tracking.

also,why only 4 guns/marauder?with the extra slot gained and pg,you guys can increase the gun/missiles slot to 5

If no one answered your question already the missile velocity is like having a range and a tracking bonus because not only do they fly farther during the same flight time but now you can more effectively hit faster ships

A tracking bonus also increases your damage to smaller ships. Simply boosting the missile velocity will not increase that....
Ravasta Helugo
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#363 - 2013-08-30 00:53:52 UTC
I really wish MJD had a more variable jump range.

Like, just let me choose between 50km and 100km.... please? Most gates are 50km or less away... and 50km just became a looooong burn in these ships.
Ravasta Helugo
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#364 - 2013-08-30 00:54:52 UTC
BFE wrote:
Aron Binchiette wrote:
SkupojHren wrote:
what?i dont even know where to start

Extends all large turret falloff and tracking by 25%
Increases all large missile max velocity by 25%

why missiles dont get a second bonus?turrets get falloff and tracking.

also,why only 4 guns/marauder?with the extra slot gained and pg,you guys can increase the gun/missiles slot to 5

If no one answered your question already the missile velocity is like having a range and a tracking bonus because not only do they fly farther during the same flight time but now you can more effectively hit faster ships

A tracking bonus also increases your damage to smaller ships. Simply boosting the missile velocity will not increase that....

The OP has been corrected. It isn't a tracking bonus, it's a bonus to Optimal and Falloff. Both bonuses are roughly congruent now. He said it was just a typo/misunderstanding.
Warde Guildencrantz
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#365 - 2013-08-30 00:56:25 UTC
about the bastion thingiechangewhatever skill, considering dreadnought siege skills are 8x, i think 6x or 7x would be more suitable to a battleship related skill.

TunDraGon ~ Low sec piracy since 2003 ~ Youtube ~ Join Us

Shadow Flight
#366 - 2013-08-30 00:58:08 UTC
Roger, Roger. Thank you. That makes more sense then.

Let the Pew Pew Pew begin! Golem has always been my favorite ship (followed closely by the Rattlesnake). Now -> I <- am the one laughing at my friends, as they all scramble to get into one. >:)
Aron Binchiette
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#367 - 2013-08-30 00:58:42 UTC
I found a REALLY big possible exploit with this new mod already as a 3x x-l ASB will have a tank that I believe will be way to OP as a maelstrom fit similarly w/ boosts and crystals can tank the same as an un-triaged carrior so with the added effect of the bastion module I believe that it will be to much tank to be allowed on a sub cap so I say make ASB's be un-effected by the bastion mod
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#368 - 2013-08-30 01:01:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Aliventi
Bastion mode should add DPS. Especially since they only have 4 turrets. If you could give them 10 effective turrets instead of 8 that would be awesome.

Also, can we not have a new skill for this? If you want it to be a step up to dreads then make it use the dread's Tactical Weapon Reconfiguration. It seems kinda... meh to have two similar but distinct skills for similar modules. We already trained TWR to V once can we not have to do it again?
State War Academy
Caldari State
#369 - 2013-08-30 01:03:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Lithorn
If you actually intend to do this and sincerely want this to be a stepping stone to ships like the Dreadnought then I strongly suggest you tie it to the Tactical Weaons Reconiguration skill the dread pilot uses to this "bastion" thingy so there is some uniformity in your skill tree ideology.

(Uniformity in various parts of the Eve world tends to get neglected in spite of CCP's best intentions towards maintaining it. It's vast, your Eve only dev crew is small-ish, most of us understand that.)

The logic behind making it this way is, if CCP does intend this to be a mid point between sub-cap and capital, it would allow current dread pilots to make use of the new marauder features without adding any new and unnecessary skill point baggage. New aspiring dread/marauder can keep their skill chart planning organized without any additional distractions.

(Dreads are a 200+ day plan for a new guy anyway..)

Side note: Please look into giving missile marauders something like one more bonus such as Explosion velocity reduction bonus durion "Bastion" mode.
Shadow Flight
#370 - 2013-08-30 01:03:27 UTC  |  Edited by: BFE
ANY ship will go down with enough concentrated FIYAPOWA!!!!! See youtube link: That was torpedoes only, no bombs. The Marauders are unsung beasts. All these changes are doing is A) Making them even more beastly (and now worth losing the shinies), and B) Making it more known that they're beastly. In order to make them more than just your average PVE pwnage boat, these changes will start brining more of them into low/nullsec. Where such firepower is needed/wanted.
Ravasta Helugo
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#371 - 2013-08-30 01:06:50 UTC
Aliventi wrote:
Bastion mode should add DPS. Especially since they only have 4 turrets. If you could give them 10 effective turrets instead of 8 that would be awesome.

10 effective turrets... would be awesome.

The problem I see with it is they would be tempted to apply some sort of drawback to compensate, like a tracking debuff. That would be a no-go in missions. Hence why I think they chose to just buff projection.

Something that WOULD help DPS in bastion, without being massively OP to the point it needed a debuff, would be a tracking/exp velocity boost. That would tie in better with the "projection" theme without putting 1800 DPS boats on the table.
Maraque Enterprises
Just let it happen
#372 - 2013-08-30 01:07:15 UTC
Just wondering on what the odds of these making decent anti-blap dread ships are.

Coast into Siege Bastion under prop (MWD or AB, whatever) while moving with semi-****** transversal, activate bastion, laugh as their attempts to web/paint you for the tracking dread overlords fail?

Of course there is the downside that you'll drift to the point that you've minimized transversal while still in range and die eventually... but if you haven't used your MJD, can you activate it during bastion (say, 10-30 seconds in) and jump out before you're in prime blapping range?

I wonder how these will work, and if you'll be able to MJD during it. That'll also make GTFOing real easy, unless you've got enemies waiting 100km in front of you.

I'm thinking these changes are pretty sweet. The range, tank and EWar immunity is awesome, but I'm just wondering how many ways there are to break things :)
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#373 - 2013-08-30 01:08:21 UTC
Part of me feels like this whole thing is gunna get nerfed so fast but i'm hoping to enjoy it while it lasts.


please dont change the name lol..
Tzel Mayon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#374 - 2013-08-30 01:09:32 UTC
Ravasta Helugo wrote:
Tzel Mayon wrote:
Ravasta Helugo wrote:
Marc McIntyre Crendraven wrote:
2 things this needs, a bigger bonus to the tractor beams, like 300% or more. 48 distance with tech 2 tractors just doesn't cut it.

I second this suggestion. Now that we're talking about each Marauder being able to project, reliably, out to 100km... I think we need to be able to salvage out to that distance as well.

If you're feeling generous, please increase the speed of the tractors too. Keep in mind that with the velocity nerf associated with these changes, burning to within range of the salvage isn't really practical anymore.

EDIT: Removed the damage mod suggestion portion of the quote, as I do not support that. If anything, a buff to tracking/explosion velocity MAYBE. But I'm not going to beg for it. Not when you've just given me an indestructible transformer.

Might as well increase the range of salvage drones too.

This can be accomplished with modules. I can salvage at 65km, but I can only tractor at 48. It's not asking for much to extend that a little bit, especially when these changes make my speed 100 m/s and the mass renders AB's useless.

Add the "Looting" ability to salvage drones then? :)
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#375 - 2013-08-30 01:09:57 UTC
Overall I'm intrigued by the changes. I'm more of general idea person rather than a specific numbers based guy so this is my opinion thus far:

  • Screw the whole bastion thing. It's unnecessary and if you are trying to make marauders a stepping stone to dreads, why give them a completely unrelated skill. That seems totally counter intuitive and counterproductive. They should just make a new type of siege module specifically for marauders that have a lower training time than the maybe the standard siege mod, but still linked to the same skill.
  • If you keep the Bastion Blah Blah Skill (or tie it into the siege skill), then change the bonus for Marauders. Having a skill that reduces Siege time is a bad idea in terms of fleet management. Especially if these are meant to be dread step-stones, then there is a good chance that people won't have perfect skills for them. Because of that and the way the skill is proposed to work, there is a high chance of people who have different Bastion(siege) timers than others. In terms of fleet management, having people with longer or shorter timers could be potentially headache inducing. Maybe change the bonus to increased tank in bastion mode, or reduced ammo consumption somehow?
Maraque Enterprises
Just let it happen
#376 - 2013-08-30 01:10:31 UTC
Ravasta Helugo wrote:
Aliventi wrote:
Bastion mode should add DPS. Especially since they only have 4 turrets. If you could give them 10 effective turrets instead of 8 that would be awesome.

10 effective turrets... would be awesome.

The problem I see with it is they would be tempted to apply some sort of drawback to compensate, like a tracking debuff. That would be a no-go in missions. Hence why I think they chose to just buff projection.

Something that WOULD help DPS in bastion, without being massively OP to the point it needed a debuff, would be a tracking/exp velocity boost. That would tie in better with the "projection" theme without putting 1800 DPS boats on the table.

You both do know that the Paladin has a 5% damage bonus (10 effective turrets at level V BS, so always 10 effective turrets), the Kronos has a 5% damage bonus (same as above) and the Vargur has a 5% RoF bonus (10.666 turrets).

Just saying.
Ravasta Helugo
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#377 - 2013-08-30 01:11:23 UTC
Goldensaver wrote:
Just wondering on what the odds of these making decent anti-blap dread ships are.

Coast into Siege Bastion under prop (MWD or AB, whatever) while moving with semi-****** transversal, activate bastion, laugh as their attempts to web/paint you for the tracking dread overlords fail?

Of course there is the downside that you'll drift to the point that you've minimized transversal while still in range and die eventually... but if you haven't used your MJD, can you activate it during bastion (say, 10-30 seconds in) and jump out before you're in prime blapping range?

I wonder how these will work, and if you'll be able to MJD during it. That'll also make GTFOing real easy, unless you've got enemies waiting 100km in front of you.

I'm thinking these changes are pretty sweet. The range, tank and EWar immunity is awesome, but I'm just wondering how many ways there are to break things :)

I think that Dreds would chew these things up, precisely because of the stationary thing being susceptible to BLAP. But they are going to be the default Sniper boat, methinks.
Maraque Enterprises
Just let it happen
#378 - 2013-08-30 01:12:41 UTC
Ravasta Helugo wrote:
Goldensaver wrote:
Just wondering on what the odds of these making decent anti-blap dread ships are.

Coast into Siege Bastion under prop (MWD or AB, whatever) while moving with semi-****** transversal, activate bastion, laugh as their attempts to web/paint you for the tracking dread overlords fail?

Of course there is the downside that you'll drift to the point that you've minimized transversal while still in range and die eventually... but if you haven't used your MJD, can you activate it during bastion (say, 10-30 seconds in) and jump out before you're in prime blapping range?

I wonder how these will work, and if you'll be able to MJD during it. That'll also make GTFOing real easy, unless you've got enemies waiting 100km in front of you.

I'm thinking these changes are pretty sweet. The range, tank and EWar immunity is awesome, but I'm just wondering how many ways there are to break things :)

I think that Dreds would chew these things up, precisely because of the stationary thing being susceptible to BLAP. But they are going to be the default Sniper boat, methinks.

Again... coast into it. Don't sit still and activate your mod. Do like dreads/carriers and coast into the module with speed. Your increased mass makes you decelerate incredibly slowly so you'll keep velocity up for a very long time.
Bullet Therapist
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#379 - 2013-08-30 01:15:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Bullet Therapist
When I first saw this post I'll admit I was a little horrified, but I told myself I'd give it a couple of hours before I post anything. As time goes by I feel somewhat more acceptance to the idea. Some thoughts on the new bastion module and changes to the marauder hulls.

The bastion module is an interesting idea, and I like how ccp is trying something new by providing a way that people can hunker down in certain situations. Deciding to use the module in pvp situations is going to be a big decision though, because you're essentially forfeiting your ability to escape from a fight should the balance of it change sometime as it plays out. Its a big commitment, and a big drawback to the design, and it should be balanced with a powerful set of advantages. I hope that the omission of a sig rad bonus to large missiles was an oversight, though, it would be nice to see some equivalent feature for missile users.

As for the hulls themselves, I like the changes to powergrid, but I feel like the inclusion of another unbonused high slot isn't really necessary. My personal feeling is that the bonus to tractor beams should be removed completely. Marauders are never going to be as effective as a noctis. Putting that highslot back into lows or mids would be a much better choice, as players using a marauder for pvp are going to find that theres going to be a lot of pressure to fit cap booster etc. Leaving two free will let player use smarbombs, nosferatus, neuts, proble launchers, cloak etc just fine.

Also, marauders are already very light in terms of EHP. Reducing it even further is probably not the best choice. As it stands they're already very vulnerable to tornado camps in highsec. Compared to the tens of thousands of ehp these ships would be able to generate over the course of a fight where the dps incoming was at or less than the level of their tanks, a slightly stronger base ehp would be insignificant, and in a fleet fight it wouldn't do anything to improve their survivability against being primaried. What it would do is to balance out the profit threshold of a tornado camp somewhat, and give players coming out of a station who are being targeted precious seconds to decide what to do.

Summing it up, I think its a good start, but theres a lot of work left to be done to get it right, and achieving a balance ship that people are going to want to use is going to be tough.

Edit: Idk Im feeling a little wishy washy about the module. Part of me feels like id rather see a very strong hull with some of the dawbacks of the module, but without having to use it. That would give people a few more options as far as fitting goes, while keeping a ship that feels less like a mobile coffin.
Sir Substance
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#380 - 2013-08-30 01:19:26 UTC
I'd like to express my strong dislike for modules that justify ships that justify modules.

I would rather see this bastion module be fittable to any battleship, subject to standard PG/CPU concerns, and give marauders a bonus to it. Maybe make marauders be the only ones that can use it without fuel, or something. Basically what your doing here with the MJD.

And yes, that does mean I find the heavy interdictor/warp disruption field, interdiction/interdiction probe launcher and black ops/covert portal generator combos annoying.

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