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How much would you pay to be able to Wardec an NPC corp?

Bloody Wench
#61 - 2013-05-16 12:01:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Bloody Wench
Riot Girl wrote:
How about if NPC corps are only available to players under 30 days old. After that, players are forced into a generic corp which can be war-decced.

Actual starter corps, which you can never get back into. Then NPC corps for those times when you don't have a Player Corp.

The NPC corps are in FacWar, Deccable (it's not even a word...) and the tax rates including the 'we take' from the reprocessing tab are exorbitantly high.

To facilitate the 'we take' part, just have it so you can't gain standings with that corp.

Doesn't seem too newb unfriendly.

So yeah...I agree with you.

[u]**Shepard Wong Ogeko wrote: **[/u]  CCP should not only make local delayed in highsec, but they should also require one be undocked to use it. Then, even the local spammers have some skin in the game. Support a High Resolution Texture Pack

Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#62 - 2013-05-16 12:01:54 UTC
Bloody Wench wrote:
I'm a PVEr mate, I live in a WH but it's just high end PVE really. (Most of the time)
I've killed miners in my own and other WHs, yes.
I've never suicide ganked in hisec, but I'm warming up to that idea.

Trust me, it's quite entertaining. And I can tell you right now, most people who leave their shells tend to not come back. Aside from some wormhole stuff, I haven't touched real pve in over half a decade.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#63 - 2013-05-16 12:37:30 UTC  |  Edited by: La Nariz
Newbees start in the school corporations so the solution is to exclude them from wardecs. Put all the other npc corps in faction war and at war against their polar opposite. Then allow player corporations to "ally" with the npc corps to get into the war. For example, trade hub camping trash corp wants to wardec the caldari npc corps so they ally with the gallente npc corp. This allows them to shoot caldari npc corp members and excludes them from peaceful flight through caldari space since the faction police won't take kindly to war targets operating in their space.

What about the people that stay in the school corp? >1 year subscription move them to one of the at war npc corps.

This change allows people to shoot npc corp members but they can't dec all the npc corps because then they wouldn't be able to enter highsec. At max with this they'd be able to dec two npc corps at once. It provides for some safety but not the ridiculous amount that is already here.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#64 - 2013-05-16 12:52:13 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Im more in favor of there being limitations and drawbacks for being in an NPC corp.

This is most likely the best way to do anything about the dec dodging situation.

Higher bounty tax (fight NPC vet mission runner)
Higher mission payout tax (Fight NPC vet mission runner)
Refining tax (Fight NPC vet miners)
Higher sales tax (Fight NPC vet trader)
Higher cost to use factory/research slots (Fight NPC vet industrialist)

You can also have these tax go up the depending on the volume passing through the system to protect newbies since they would not generate as much or as big transaction as a veteran. The newbie mission runner does not really need to pay the same tax rate as teh veteran mission runner pulling the big ISK numbers. Same for all professions.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#65 - 2013-05-16 12:55:43 UTC
Bloody Wench wrote:
250m a week?

A Billion?....Two? TEN?

I think it would be a good change to the game. Certainly for those hundreds of players in them. Might get them out into some real Corps.

tl:dr Immunity to wardecs is 'tehghey'.

1 Meelion dollars.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#66 - 2013-05-16 12:59:26 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Im more in favor of there being limitations and drawbacks for being in an NPC corp.

This is most likely the best way to do anything about the dec dodging situation.

Higher bounty tax (fight NPC vet mission runner)
Higher mission payout tax (Fight NPC vet mission runner)
Refining tax (Fight NPC vet miners)
Higher sales tax (Fight NPC vet trader)
Higher cost to use factory/research slots (Fight NPC vet industrialist)

You can also have these tax go up the depending on the volume passing through the system to protect newbies since they would not generate as much or as big transaction as a veteran. The newbie mission runner does not really need to pay the same tax rate as teh veteran mission runner pulling the big ISK numbers. Same for all professions.

Soooo much this. NPC corps need some serious reforming. The current situation is great for new and low SP characters, but is nothing more than an imbalanced hiding spot for higher sp/veterans. The Vets should have to pay more for that kind of protection.
Bi-Mi Lansatha
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#67 - 2013-05-16 13:02:30 UTC
War Kitten wrote:
If you want to kill someone in an NPC corp, go kill them....
Skilled pirates are doing that already: killing mission runners without loss of ship or security standing. That is too hard for others, they need easy mode.
Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#68 - 2013-05-16 13:07:33 UTC
Bi-Mi Lansatha wrote:
War Kitten wrote:
If you want to kill someone in an NPC corp, go kill them....
Skilled pirates are doing that already: killing mission runners without loss of ship or security standing. That is too hard for others, they need easy mode.

Instead of typing up a decent explanation of why you're wrong, how about I ask you this instead:

Why should only one subset of players be entitled to an easy mode?

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

Bloody Wench
#69 - 2013-05-16 13:11:36 UTC
With the recently announced corp drop timer changes, there's just no reason not to have all those players in some form of Player run Corp, be it their own or otherwise.

If they get Dec'd they can still immediately corp hop and avoid the war. Which is a whole other can of worms, but at least they are not *immune* because of some arbitrary game rule.

I've seen *but the sanbox!!* used a couple of times already to justify why players are in NPC corps. Wanna talk about the sandbox? You can't have the argument that in a sandbox you can play however you like, but be protected by some game rule that prevent others from playing how they like.

I understand that some players just want to do *activity* and don't want to be pestered by other players. Trust me I know this, I live in a WH remember, about as isolationist as you can get. However you can't have one rule for some and another rule for others.

I'm all for protecting newbs, and have no interest in blowing up noobships, that's just ret ar ded. However once they venture out into the wilds of eve, that's where they stay.

[u]**Shepard Wong Ogeko wrote: **[/u]  CCP should not only make local delayed in highsec, but they should also require one be undocked to use it. Then, even the local spammers have some skin in the game. Support a High Resolution Texture Pack

#70 - 2013-05-16 13:12:49 UTC
So many targets and you guys keep whining about those you can't harm outside of ganking.

It's not even sad any more it's gotten to the pathetic point a while ago.

Every time they nerf/change it more into a safety zone the more i laugh.Not because it is how i like to play but anything that fucks with your serious spaceship game mode is good enough for me , even if it at the same point it causes problems for my gaming/way of play.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Bloody Wench
#71 - 2013-05-16 13:14:00 UTC
Bi-Mi Lansatha wrote:
War Kitten wrote:
If you want to kill someone in an NPC corp, go kill them....
Skilled pirates are doing that already: killing mission runners without loss of ship or security standing. That is too hard for others, they need easy mode.

If people are killing blues in hisec without loss of ship or security status, then it's clearly an exploit, which you should report to CCP.

[u]**Shepard Wong Ogeko wrote: **[/u]  CCP should not only make local delayed in highsec, but they should also require one be undocked to use it. Then, even the local spammers have some skin in the game. Support a High Resolution Texture Pack

Six Six Six
#72 - 2013-05-16 13:19:20 UTC
Bloody Wench wrote:
With the recently announced corp drop timer changes, there's just no reason not to have all those players in some form of Player run Corp, be it their own or otherwise.

That's where you are wrong. There's a lot of bad player corps out there for various reasons and when a lot of people make a decision to join a player corp they don't want to have to start corp hopping to try and find a good one as it tends to mess up your employment record.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#73 - 2013-05-16 13:20:42 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Frostys Virpio wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Im more in favor of there being limitations and drawbacks for being in an NPC corp.

This is most likely the best way to do anything about the dec dodging situation.

Higher bounty tax (fight NPC vet mission runner)
Higher mission payout tax (Fight NPC vet mission runner)
Refining tax (Fight NPC vet miners)
Higher sales tax (Fight NPC vet trader)
Higher cost to use factory/research slots (Fight NPC vet industrialist)

You can also have these tax go up the depending on the volume passing through the system to protect newbies since they would not generate as much or as big transaction as a veteran. The newbie mission runner does not really need to pay the same tax rate as teh veteran mission runner pulling the big ISK numbers. Same for all professions.

Soooo much this. NPC corps need some serious reforming. The current situation is great for new and low SP characters, but is nothing more than an imbalanced hiding spot for higher sp/veterans. The Vets should have to pay more for that kind of protection.

The volume scaling mecanic is also better than a fixed SP/subscription cap because if we limit it on SP/sub time, people can craete alts to turn in/refine/sell thier stuff all the time. SP cap is the worst because you can stop your alt from training once he has perfect refining skills for where you mine for example or perfect trading skills.
Bi-Mi Lansatha
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#74 - 2013-05-16 13:21:49 UTC
Destiny Corrupted wrote:

Instead of typing up a decent explanation of why you're wrong, how about I ask you this instead:

Why should only one subset of players be entitled to an easy mode?
An easy explanation of why pirates are not killing highsec mission runners? That would be interesting.... so please do. Then I will give you a link to a Pirate group kill board that does just that.

New players should be on easy mode. If you disagree with that, what can I say.

Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#75 - 2013-05-16 13:22:41 UTC
Bi-Mi Lansatha wrote:
Destiny Corrupted wrote:

Instead of typing up a decent explanation of why you're wrong, how about I ask you this instead:

Why should only one subset of players be entitled to an easy mode?
An easy explanation of why pirates are not killing highsec mission runners? That would be interesting.... so please do. Then I will give you a link to a Pirate group kill board that does just that.

New players should be on easy mode. If you disagree with that, what can I say.

So you're saying all players in NPC corporations are new players?

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

Bi-Mi Lansatha
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#76 - 2013-05-16 13:27:00 UTC
Bloody Wench wrote:

If people are killing blues in hisec without loss of ship or security status, then it's clearly an exploit, which you should report to CCP.
My think initially when it happened also. Yet when I followed these pirate by their kill board it was happening over and over again. One pirate in particular is killing maybe on average six ships a day... security status almost 2.0.

I now suspect it is not an exploit.
Bi-Mi Lansatha
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#77 - 2013-05-16 13:28:29 UTC
Destiny Corrupted wrote:

So you're saying all players in NPC corporations are new players?
I never said that... are you saying there are not new players in NPC corps.
Bloody Wench
#78 - 2013-05-16 14:42:15 UTC
Six Six Six wrote:
Bloody Wench wrote:
With the recently announced corp drop timer changes, there's just no reason not to have all those players in some form of Player run Corp, be it their own or otherwise.

That's where you are wrong. There's a lot of bad player corps out there for various reasons and when a lot of people make a decision to join a player corp they don't want to have to start corp hopping to try and find a good one as it tends to mess up your employment record.

Your employment record?
This is your best argument?

NPC corp for over a year is not a glowing endorsement either.

[u]**Shepard Wong Ogeko wrote: **[/u]  CCP should not only make local delayed in highsec, but they should also require one be undocked to use it. Then, even the local spammers have some skin in the game. Support a High Resolution Texture Pack

Bloody Wench
#79 - 2013-05-16 14:50:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Bloody Wench
Bi-Mi Lansatha wrote:
Bloody Wench wrote:

If people are killing blues in hisec without loss of ship or security status, then it's clearly an exploit, which you should report to CCP.
My think initially when it happened also. Yet when I followed these pirate by their kill board it was happening over and over again. One pirate in particular is killing maybe on average six ships a day... security status almost 2.0.

I now suspect it is not an exploit.

Just because something goes on for ages doesn't make it not an exploit.
boomeranging, orca re-shipping, cynoing to avoid concord etc etc the list goes on and on.
Magnetar Effects...lawl

You should definitely have CCP look into it.

[u]**Shepard Wong Ogeko wrote: **[/u]  CCP should not only make local delayed in highsec, but they should also require one be undocked to use it. Then, even the local spammers have some skin in the game. Support a High Resolution Texture Pack

Castor Narcissus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#80 - 2013-05-16 14:55:52 UTC
CCP should let players only be in a NPC corp if they are 2-6 months old. Then people should be kicked out of them and set to Freelancer status.

As a freelancer (default status when not in a Player Corp), you could do almost everything a player corp does, including being wardecced and wardec other corps.

Why should some poor lad take the consequences of the Mr. 7 alts mining in a belt.