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EVE Online: Retribution 1.0 Feedback

First post
Caldari State
#61 - 2012-12-04 14:16:29 UTC
Shokre O'Corwi wrote:
I thing is bugging me. Is the high pitch hissing sound that plays after I jump through a gate intentional or is there something wrong on my end? It's annoying as hell and I wish I could turn it off.
EDIT: The jump through sound (when someone else jumps through the gate and I'm just sitting near it) has the same "effect".

Other then that, great job with improving the Univ.Inv. and the new Minmatar models and textures look fantastic!

Confirmed for me too. THe sound also sounds like the disengage sound when my enemy stops attackign? I could be fooled by all the new sounds though. Seems a bit annoying for now, maybe I get used to that.

JC Anderson
#62 - 2012-12-04 14:16:51 UTC  |  Edited by: JC Anderson
Tippia wrote:
JC Anderson wrote:
Re-check. They edited post.
Yeah, I noticed. I feel the question still stands, though.

Canflipping can still happen — it just requires new tactics. Ship improvements to make obsolete stuff more relevant. I'm not entirely sure this qualifies as “f#$%ing up the game”, unless that's some new colloquialism for making the game better on the whole… P

Pretty much the same way I feel about it.

His post would imply that every vet in-game is against the changes, but obviously not all of us feel that way.
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#63 - 2012-12-04 14:17:18 UTC
JC Anderson wrote:
Remiel wrote:

Can I have your stuff?

No, they lost everything when they flipped a rookies can and got blown up and podded.

Turned out, people still don't realise that a two day old character is not always the same thing as a rookie P

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#64 - 2012-12-04 14:19:14 UTC
Tippia wrote:
JC Anderson wrote:
Re-check. They edited post.
Yeah, I noticed. I feel the question still stands, though.

Canflipping can still happen — it just requires new tactics. Ship improvements to make obsolete stuff more relevant. I'm not entirely sure this qualifies as “f#$%ing up the game”, unless that's some new colloquialism for making the game better on the whole… P

It could also be their way of saying "I don't like it, it's not easy for me anymore! *stomp feet*"

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Colonial Burton
State War Academy
Caldari State
#65 - 2012-12-04 14:23:49 UTC
The mission 'The Assault' is practically un-doable in its current state. Using a Vargur with all level 5 skills, and deadspace fitted, still couldn't do it. Why? Because of a number of things.

1) Whole 1st room now auto-aggros on warp in, dealing well over 2.5k DPS.
2) Serpentis now damp to hell. Most I've been dampened to by Serpentis was to 17km, couldn't even lock the frigates 2km from me.
3) When I could actually lock the frigates scramming, the drones were practically insta-popped by the NPC's.

It's probably the same with all Serpentis missions. So be careful on them.

CCP, fix this issue, little rediculous don't you think?
Sunshine and Lollipops
#66 - 2012-12-04 14:24:11 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
It could also be their way of saying "I don't like it, it's not easy for me anymore! *stomp feet*"
You might be onto something there…
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#67 - 2012-12-04 14:26:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Remiel Pollard
Colonial Burton wrote:
The mission 'The Assault' is practically un-doable in its current state. Using a Vargur with all level 5 skills, and deadspace fitted, still couldn't do it. Why? Because of a number of things.

1) Whole 1st room now auto-aggros on warp in, dealing well over 2.5k DPS.
2) Serpentis now damp to hell. Most I've been dampened to by Serpentis was to 17km, couldn't even lock the frigates 2km from me.
3) When I could actually lock the frigates scramming, the drones were practically insta-popped by the NPC's.

It's probably the same with all Serpentis missions. So be careful on them.

CCP, fix this issue, little rediculous don't you think?


I just flew that one not ten minutes ago and had no problem with it.

What are you flying, how is it fit, and what are your skills like? They did say the expansion would include smarter AI requiring pilots to adjust their approach to missioning and ratting NPCs. EVE Survival Guide won't help you anymore.

Additionally - this mission has always been heavy on damping and scramming. The dampener buff means you should be fitting sensor boosters, and maybe even some signal amplifiers in low.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Subrahmaya Chandrasekhar
#68 - 2012-12-04 14:26:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Subrahmaya Chandrasekhar
So, just to be clear... it is now impossible to prevent a bounty being applied to your character?

In theory then, one guy with a lot of money could put a bounty on every regular player in the game?
Quay Industries
#69 - 2012-12-04 14:27:33 UTC
Colonial Burton wrote:
The mission 'The Assault' is practically un-doable in its current state. Using a Vargur with all level 5 skills, and deadspace fitted, still couldn't do it. Why? Because of a number of things.

1) Whole 1st room now auto-aggros on warp in, dealing well over 2.5k DPS.
2) Serpentis now damp to hell. Most I've been dampened to by Serpentis was to 17km, couldn't even lock the frigates 2km from me.
3) When I could actually lock the frigates scramming, the drones were practically insta-popped by the NPC's.

It's probably the same with all Serpentis missions. So be careful on them.

CCP, fix this issue, little rediculous don't you think?

just doing Blockade, not got any drone aggro but ive been careful, damping is now even worse than it was tho, much much worse.
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#70 - 2012-12-04 14:31:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Remiel Pollard
Steijn wrote:
Colonial Burton wrote:
The mission 'The Assault' is practically un-doable in its current state. Using a Vargur with all level 5 skills, and deadspace fitted, still couldn't do it. Why? Because of a number of things.

1) Whole 1st room now auto-aggros on warp in, dealing well over 2.5k DPS.
2) Serpentis now damp to hell. Most I've been dampened to by Serpentis was to 17km, couldn't even lock the frigates 2km from me.
3) When I could actually lock the frigates scramming, the drones were practically insta-popped by the NPC's.

It's probably the same with all Serpentis missions. So be careful on them.

CCP, fix this issue, little rediculous don't you think?

just doing Blockade, not got any drone aggro but ive been careful, damping is now even worse than it was tho, much much worse.

Both these missions, IMO, are done best with a good compliment of drones, particularly The Blockade - engage the web tower with drones and just sit back, because everything else spawns way out of range anyway. Watch them closely, recall them when they start taking too much fire, unleash a second group (if you're packing one), or unleash the same one when the agros on you again. Rinse and repeat. Fit sensor boosters and signal amps, and guns that can track (I don't know why people insist on fighting frigs with medium or heavy guns).

The better AI and dampener buff means you have to rethink your tactics.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Logan LaMort
Screaming Hayabusa
#71 - 2012-12-04 14:33:59 UTC
I'm having a lot of problems with the tracking camera, every time I warp or jump or just click on another object, the tracking camera refuses to work. I have to turn it off and on a couple of times to track a new object.
Quay Industries
#72 - 2012-12-04 14:35:20 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Steijn wrote:
Colonial Burton wrote:
The mission 'The Assault' is practically un-doable in its current state. Using a Vargur with all level 5 skills, and deadspace fitted, still couldn't do it. Why? Because of a number of things.

1) Whole 1st room now auto-aggros on warp in, dealing well over 2.5k DPS.
2) Serpentis now damp to hell. Most I've been dampened to by Serpentis was to 17km, couldn't even lock the frigates 2km from me.
3) When I could actually lock the frigates scramming, the drones were practically insta-popped by the NPC's.

It's probably the same with all Serpentis missions. So be careful on them.

CCP, fix this issue, little rediculous don't you think?

just doing Blockade, not got any drone aggro but ive been careful, damping is now even worse than it was tho, much much worse.

Both these missions, IMO, are done best with a good compliment of drones, particularly The Blockade - engage the web tower with drones and just sit back, because everything else spawns way out of range anyway. Watch them closely, recall them when they start taking too much fire, unleash a second group (if you're packing one), or unleash the same one when the agros on you again. Rinse and repeat. Fit sensor boosters and signal amps, and guns that can track (I don't know why people insist on fighting frigs with medium or heavy guns).

The better AI and dampener buff means you have to rethink your tactics.

sensor booster/signal amps have no effect, perma-damped to under 15
The Independent Legion of Wookies
#73 - 2012-12-04 14:35:36 UTC
Mistress Sindall wrote:
removing can flipping, pods are killable if you flip a can, changed ship bonuses and slots?
way to go f#$%ing up the game we all love CCP, we are a big gang about ready to unsub cause of this patch beein so bad.
i mean im glad that its so noob friendly, but what about us that has played over 2 years??

again, Way to go F#$%ing up the game we USED to love..

BOOO HOOO go join the gate camps then or goto Jita, or how about train in pvp and goto pvp area noob
Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#74 - 2012-12-04 14:36:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Grey Stormshadow
Unified inventory fixes:
Excellent - big thanks to CCP Arrow and his team. Very nice work.

UI improvements:
Very nice. Just keep in mind that people have different size monitors and use UI scaling for reason.

Bounty hunting:
Still annoyed that you went with easy solution and free for all trigger with kill rights. Only real way to make bounty hunting interesting as a profession would have been to limit kill right activation to fleet or corp. Technical difficulties is no excuse to deliver poor end product when you're fixing and updating stuff.

Fleet hangar:
Again technical difficulties is no reason to push junk out. Removing roles and divisions was huge mistake.

New background sounds and ambient music:
Sounds are mostly nice but unfortunately I have to disable them from all my clients. When volume slider is "on" in any client, music/ambient noise keeps playing on background even when I minimize that client. It makes it really confusing to use another client.

You also might consider the fact that sounds on all kinds of very repetitive actions get old really fast unless they are something what is barely noticeable. However sometimes even that is too much. Think about wrecks and such...

It would be nice if you could fix the sound effects and music so, that only important stuff like auto pilot notifications, warp/jump sounds, guns and warnings come from client when it is minimized. Ambient stuff and music has to be muted! Quite a few of us play with at least 2 clients all the time.

You also should give option to make the above happen from esc menu option. Some of us have clients (always maximized) in different monitors and you most likely want to disable all the non important audio from another client but not totally mute it.
Also... add mute button to startup screen (which also remembers if it is enabled or disabled). If you run more than one client you suddenly have more than one login screen also. Listening same music from many sources isn't really fun specially when that comes loud and out of sync.

More feedback on later date... these were the "easy" ones.

Get classic forum style - custom videos to captains quarters screen

Play with the best - die like the rest

Colonial Burton
State War Academy
Caldari State
#75 - 2012-12-04 14:36:35 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Steijn wrote:
Colonial Burton wrote:
The mission 'The Assault' is practically un-doable in its current state. Using a Vargur with all level 5 skills, and deadspace fitted, still couldn't do it. Why? Because of a number of things.

1) Whole 1st room now auto-aggros on warp in, dealing well over 2.5k DPS.
2) Serpentis now damp to hell. Most I've been dampened to by Serpentis was to 17km, couldn't even lock the frigates 2km from me.
3) When I could actually lock the frigates scramming, the drones were practically insta-popped by the NPC's.

It's probably the same with all Serpentis missions. So be careful on them.

CCP, fix this issue, little rediculous don't you think?

just doing Blockade, not got any drone aggro but ive been careful, damping is now even worse than it was tho, much much worse.

Both these missions, IMO, are done best with a good compliment of drones, particularly The Blockade - engage the web tower with drones and just sit back, because everything else spawns way out of range anyway. Watch them closely, recall them when they start taking too much fire, unleash a second group (if you're packing one), or unleash the same one when the agros on you again. Rinse and repeat. Fit sensor boosters and signal amps, and guns that can track (I don't know why people insist on fighting frigs with medium or heavy guns).

The better AI and dampener buff means you have to rethink your tactics.

Marauders 5
Long Range Targetting 5
All AC spec 5

Put it this way, I do this mission heaps. I shoot the group furthest to the right hand side, it aggro's 2 pockets. The group I shot at, and the group directly to the left, leaving another 2 groups further to the left un-aggro'd, including the 4 heavy dampening cruisers. Yet I didn't shoot any and they all aggro'd.

As for the idiots going on about drones, what part of 'instapopped drones' do you not understand? Been playing this game for 5 years now, never seen a mission this screwed up.
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#76 - 2012-12-04 14:37:24 UTC
Steijn wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Steijn wrote:
Colonial Burton wrote:
The mission 'The Assault' is practically un-doable in its current state. Using a Vargur with all level 5 skills, and deadspace fitted, still couldn't do it. Why? Because of a number of things.

1) Whole 1st room now auto-aggros on warp in, dealing well over 2.5k DPS.
2) Serpentis now damp to hell. Most I've been dampened to by Serpentis was to 17km, couldn't even lock the frigates 2km from me.
3) When I could actually lock the frigates scramming, the drones were practically insta-popped by the NPC's.

It's probably the same with all Serpentis missions. So be careful on them.

CCP, fix this issue, little rediculous don't you think?

just doing Blockade, not got any drone aggro but ive been careful, damping is now even worse than it was tho, much much worse.

Both these missions, IMO, are done best with a good compliment of drones, particularly The Blockade - engage the web tower with drones and just sit back, because everything else spawns way out of range anyway. Watch them closely, recall them when they start taking too much fire, unleash a second group (if you're packing one), or unleash the same one when the agros on you again. Rinse and repeat. Fit sensor boosters and signal amps, and guns that can track (I don't know why people insist on fighting frigs with medium or heavy guns).

The better AI and dampener buff means you have to rethink your tactics.

sensor booster/signal amps have no effect, perma-damped to under 15

Just because you can't target them at long range, doesn't mean your drones won't engage if they're set to aggressive when you get engaged.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#77 - 2012-12-04 14:38:38 UTC
Colonial Burton wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Steijn wrote:
Colonial Burton wrote:
The mission 'The Assault' is practically un-doable in its current state. Using a Vargur with all level 5 skills, and deadspace fitted, still couldn't do it. Why? Because of a number of things.

1) Whole 1st room now auto-aggros on warp in, dealing well over 2.5k DPS.
2) Serpentis now damp to hell. Most I've been dampened to by Serpentis was to 17km, couldn't even lock the frigates 2km from me.
3) When I could actually lock the frigates scramming, the drones were practically insta-popped by the NPC's.

It's probably the same with all Serpentis missions. So be careful on them.

CCP, fix this issue, little rediculous don't you think?

just doing Blockade, not got any drone aggro but ive been careful, damping is now even worse than it was tho, much much worse.

Both these missions, IMO, are done best with a good compliment of drones, particularly The Blockade - engage the web tower with drones and just sit back, because everything else spawns way out of range anyway. Watch them closely, recall them when they start taking too much fire, unleash a second group (if you're packing one), or unleash the same one when the agros on you again. Rinse and repeat. Fit sensor boosters and signal amps, and guns that can track (I don't know why people insist on fighting frigs with medium or heavy guns).

The better AI and dampener buff means you have to rethink your tactics.

Marauders 5
Long Range Targetting 5
All AC spec 5

Put it this way, I do this mission heaps. I shoot the group furthest to the right hand side, it aggro's 2 pockets. The group I shot at, and the group directly to the left, leaving another 2 groups further to the left un-aggro'd, including the 4 heavy dampening cruisers. Yet I didn't shoot any and they all aggro'd.

As for the idiots going on about drones, what part of 'instapopped drones' do you not understand? Been playing this game for 5 years now, never seen a mission this screwed up.

Well then... you should probably be better at the game if that's the case.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

The Independent Legion of Wookies
#78 - 2012-12-04 14:39:18 UTC

Can I have your stuff?[/quote]

mine...........mine...minemineminemineminemineminemineminemine minemineminemine minemineminemine minemineminemine minemineminemineminemineminemine
Colonial Burton
State War Academy
Caldari State
#79 - 2012-12-04 14:40:38 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Steijn wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Steijn wrote:
Colonial Burton wrote:
The mission 'The Assault' is practically un-doable in its current state. Using a Vargur with all level 5 skills, and deadspace fitted, still couldn't do it. Why? Because of a number of things.

1) Whole 1st room now auto-aggros on warp in, dealing well over 2.5k DPS.
2) Serpentis now damp to hell. Most I've been dampened to by Serpentis was to 17km, couldn't even lock the frigates 2km from me.
3) When I could actually lock the frigates scramming, the drones were practically insta-popped by the NPC's.

It's probably the same with all Serpentis missions. So be careful on them.

CCP, fix this issue, little rediculous don't you think?

just doing Blockade, not got any drone aggro but ive been careful, damping is now even worse than it was tho, much much worse.

Both these missions, IMO, are done best with a good compliment of drones, particularly The Blockade - engage the web tower with drones and just sit back, because everything else spawns way out of range anyway. Watch them closely, recall them when they start taking too much fire, unleash a second group (if you're packing one), or unleash the same one when the agros on you again. Rinse and repeat. Fit sensor boosters and signal amps, and guns that can track (I don't know why people insist on fighting frigs with medium or heavy guns).

The better AI and dampener buff means you have to rethink your tactics.

sensor booster/signal amps have no effect, perma-damped to under 15

Just because you can't target them at long range, doesn't mean your drones won't engage if they're set to aggressive when you get engaged.

But then they shoot the drones, so you recall them, then how are you supposed to have them engage the target once you re-launch them? They won't auto-attack until something new shoots the host ship, or if you can lock onto something, which you can't, because your damped to hell and back.
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#80 - 2012-12-04 14:43:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Remiel Pollard
Colonial Burton wrote:

But then they shoot the drones, so you recall them, then how are you supposed to have them engage the target once you re-launch them? They won't auto-attack until something new shoots the host ship, or if you can lock onto something, which you can't, because your damped to hell and back.

Le sigh - would you like me to come and do your mission for you?

Maybe all this means is you can't fly lvl4s solo anymore. What a shame.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104