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Discussion thread about WiS

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#401 - 2012-07-05 10:18:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Eveliy
I have no clue how far Team Avatar has advanced in their mission to finally bring something more of Incarna to light so I'll just try to leave some feedback/ideas here.

Imo, it would be a great link between Dust and EvE to enable people to land on the races' home planets (and really only those home planets). Establish something like a capital for each race. A city, each with its own unique design tied to the specific species' architecture and design.
If Dust and EVE players could gather there you'd have a link. We could talk to them, they could talk to us. We could even insult or troll each other!

There is no need for shooting each other in the first place and tbh Dust takes the 'shooting while walking' feature already. Maybe some day but for the beginning we should really focus on things that are actually produceable and work and do not interfere with CCPs other business.
Make everything available at those capital cities in the first step that's somehow related to social content like bars, pubs, shops, your own mission agent or whatever you wish to implement.

If you focus the community at those four spots you avoid nearly empty station environments everywhere. In High-Sec most players are located at the great trade hubs and some mission hubs. Then you have one to six players every now and then, docked afk at some lone station. Low-Sec nearly the same. People tend to ball at certain locations because of other players' company and because of the stuff available at certain stations. Even lone wolfs sometimes like to chat.

Stations are something that could be done later then or even being released very basic in a first step. By basic I mean something like a lobby with only some stuff (because the capitals would have everything in one place already) which could then be advanced later.

Just my four cents.

The next logical step after those above would be to implement features that actually add real gameplay to Incarna. Exploration, etc. as stated before in this thread.
Everet Ruhen
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#402 - 2012-07-05 13:46:14 UTC
Maybe were looking at this to narrowly. Rather than WIS and instances floating in space maybe we need a different direction, maybe we need 1 planet. A trade hub planet with 1 fairly large outpost. Maybe we don't even need the entire planet, maybe we just need the one outpost on the planet. The entire outpost would be like any city in any MMORPG. As things begin to snowball CCP could continue to launch more and more specialized planets to provide new content.
J3ssica Alba
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#403 - 2012-07-06 17:17:09 UTC
I'd love to land on Amarr and have a one on one meeting with empress Jamyl ShockedBig smile
This is my signature. There are many others like it, but this one is mine.  Without me, my signature is useless. Without my signature, I am useless
Gallente Federation
#404 - 2012-07-08 22:16:45 UTC
After having been locked away in my cq for nearly a year training on skills and such, i would like to see more of the wis gamplay happen if only for the sake of variety. As i don't really get out much, exept to bang a few rocks together occasionally or to go spend some of my ever decreasing isk to get yet another skill that i need in order t o keep my happy self alive for another flight or two. oh well just the ramblings of a very timid yet scared capsuleer who is very afraid to leave concord space.
Naomi Zirud
DNS Enterprises
#405 - 2012-07-08 23:31:47 UTC
Astrid Stjerna wrote:
Francisco Bizzaro wrote:

Seedy bars and smuggling houses sound good, but when implemented usually correspond to an NPC in a dark corner with an exclamation mark over his head, surrounded by dancing yahoos running in and out after picking up their "quests" or whatever. Kind of kills the atmosphere.

The thing is, EvE doesn't have to be like that. Try and picture a scene like this taking place in a bar somewhere in Metropolis:

You walk into the bar, and the first person you see is your contact -- he's hunched over the table in the rear, his face obscured by the shadows cast in the wake of the overhead lamp.

You've come a long way to meet this man. The 'item' you want cost a small fortune, and it took three weeks for him to find it, but find it he did. Rumor has it that he paid off a few pirates to make sure it got back in one piece...

You don't know his name. Just his face, from the brief, cryptic conversations you had over the Summit link in the early hours of the morning.

You approach the table...

And as you move to sit down, three more figures step from the corner, and your so-far-profitable day goes straight to hell.

Now, imagine that your contact is a real person. Not some AI or an NPC, but a real living being, who one day decided that you just weren't paying him enough and decided to shop around for an employer who would be more 'accomodating'.

There's just one hitch: his new patron is willing to pay a lot more for the very goods that you expected to recieve tonight.

What happens next? Negotiate, fight, or flee? Or do you backstab him in revenge?

EvE is about the 'sandbox'. How you play -- and how you deal with the unexpected -- is up to you.

Now this is something more I'd like to see. Whatever the case if i see WiS more and more over the 3 year period or see it in 3 years then ill wait that long for it any longer then i mite retire from EVE thou i seriously won't anytime soon
Lost True
Caldari State
#406 - 2012-07-09 10:07:32 UTC
J3ssica Alba wrote:
I'd love to land on Amarr and have a one on one meeting with empress Jamyl ShockedBig smile

Yeah. There is a lot of things that can be done out of pod in EVE.

So much space for a creativity.

But there is only 7 people for that. While hundreds of others wasting the time and money of compan for boosting this, nerfing that, and nerfing this and boosting this. And creating a temporaly crappy effects...

in 2007 i've thought it's a sci-fi simulator, not an "e-sports" game. I'm not a teenager, how would i like it much?

Gaellia Bonaventure
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#407 - 2012-07-10 18:24:48 UTC
J3ssica Alba wrote:
I'd love to land on Amarr and have a one on one meeting with empress Jamyl ShockedBig smile

Absolutely. There are a lot of little elements like this which would be nice to play through. I don't think we will ever see them, any more than we will ever see WiS implemented to the degree we were originally promised. I would like to see some of these facets of the game expanded. But, I have to admit it's more than likely never going to happen. Smile

Bring your possibles.

#408 - 2012-07-12 13:45:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Teinyhr
Sort of on topic, I was wondering if we could get a "save pose" option? I mean I know the creator saves your previously used pose, but what if you want to try something else for a while, and maybe someday return to the old one. Could even store this info locally like overview settings, doubt the position information is more than a few kilobytes if that much. And since it's stored locally, the amount could theoretically be infinite but say, 5-10 slots would be nice.

I know it probably doesn't look like it to you but it took about 1,5 hours to get this pose look just right (for me). So it would save quite some time if you could store these things.
Lost True
Caldari State
#409 - 2012-07-12 15:20:45 UTC
Teinyhr wrote:
Sort of on topic, I was wondering if we could get a "save pose" option? I mean I know the creator saves your previously used pose, but what if you want to try something else for a while, and maybe someday return to the old one. Could even store this info locally like overview settings, doubt the position information is more than a few kilobytes if that much. And since it's stored locally, the amount could theoretically be infinite but say, 5-10 slots would be nice.

I know it probably doesn't look like it to you but it took about 1,5 hours to get this pose look just right (for me). So it would save quite some time if you could store these things.

Also it's would be excellent if there will be option to save clothes "fittings", and chane them in one click. I like my current outfit, but there are other ideas which are totally different that i like too. But it's such a pain to change them now, so i don't bother.

Let us have our collections! Lol

And there will be more AUR clothes per character...

in 2007 i've thought it's a sci-fi simulator, not an "e-sports" game. I'm not a teenager, how would i like it much?

Jacob Sinclair
Caldari State
#410 - 2012-07-13 00:50:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Jacob Sinclair
Whenever i see Dust 514 i think to myself "Ok I like fps games and i like spaceships so its cool their putting them together" but Being an EVE player boots on the planets doesn't make sense for people who like 0 Gravity. Then i find myself wondering the direction WIS will go. After hearing we may be exploring space wreckage and abandoned structures before stations It hit me in the face like a ton of bricks it was under my nose the whole time. EvE is all about mastering the unfriendly skies and conflict in the vast reaches of space so why not bring us eve players into the fray with our avatars in a more personal face to face ship to ship combat system like the game i go to when ever stuffing a torp up my enemies arse isn't doing it for me. Shattered HorizonTwisted This game was never widely advertised but its a ton of fun and is unique like EvE in the fact its the only space simulation of its kind. Imagine the implications for pirating when you could board an enemies ship and pop hatches. the depth of the sandbox we now enjoy would increase dramatically nothing like fighting for a ship on the ship itself! For example a massive fleet battle is in progress and a team of guys with frigates board enemy ships and commandeer them to use against their own forces. Fighting on a Carrier in EvE would be sweet. Or that mining vessel you thought was some doof AFK at the helm but really its a trap there's guys in the roid belt waiting to board you when you get closer. However itd take CCP like 30+ years to implement something this awesome into the sandbox.

The players who make the mistake of wishing the game to remain Ships only are truly forgetting the fact that EvE is a space simulation and there is more in space than cargo cans and Ships. EvE is a sandbox and anything that brings more risk strategy fun and depth to that environment should be welcomed.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#411 - 2012-07-13 14:35:30 UTC  |  Edited by: nartela
it would make the game alot more immersive thats for sure, i thought ccp goal was to create the best scifi universe ever.
wis is required to make that goal reality what id like to see evnen though it isnt likley to happen is.

(oh yes a numbered list yahoo)
1) a corp headquarters with a map allowing you to see the location of all your corp members those with clearance that is.

2) obviously going outside the door would be nice, seeing some of the stuff like the med bay and repair station would be cool.

3) being able to jog cause the walking would be to slow in a big station.

4) minigames, dosent have to be gambling either just some fun things to kill time when you pop on casualy.

5) lots of emotes and actions to pefrom in the phisical world

6) more stuff on the nex, the new stuff added at the more reasonable prices was great to see.

7) new tutorial for new players starting of in a station enviornment full tour of the station then getting to see your quarters then finaly getting your first ship. make the new player experiance a holy crap thats awsome one.

i hope ccp come back around there is money in creating a social enviorment dont let all the haters out there kill the dream.

please note that saying anything about spelling punctuation and format on a forum means your an idiot with out a good argument
Argyle Jones
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#412 - 2012-07-13 21:03:03 UTC
I think it's a mistake to ball up the concept of WiS and the failed launch of the Incarna expansion in 2011. The riots had several other reasons, including but not limited to, the NEX pricing, the leaked "greed is good" documents, the missing ship spinning feature & no opt in on CQ, etc. etc. etc.

Implementing WiS without all these mistakes would not run into the same kind of trouble. As such I think it's a mistake to start deviating from the original WiS concept and start to make 'gameplay' for that project. Us long time EVE players will remember talking with awe about how cool it could be to actually get out of your ship, walk around in a station with other players and have your corp meetings in an actual corporation office. I remember having had such conversations from before it was called 'ambulation' ...

So I guess what I'm saying is that this is a +1 for a WiS feature that is about social interaction, corp / alliance management and visualizing some of the processes that have so far only been handled in menus. We need the content of the WiS environment to something that supports and enhances the existing EVE experience, not a series of mini-games or FPS combat that replaces and detracts from it.

Let me add, I do agree with the crucible approach. Many good things have come from it and it is always good to see some love for some of the older features. That said, I would hate to wait 3 years for any more development on WiS. We had already waited years when Incarna came out, and throwing 3 more years on top of that is just too much. By then the current character technology may even be dated in comparison with other MMO competitors.

And here's a short list of what I'd like to see in WiS:

  • Corp and Alliance offices - with strategic maps, management tools, ability to create corp presentations for members.
  • Bar - some kind of venue for interactions between all pilots visiting the station. Would have to be pretty big in Jita Shocked
  • Medical bay - so when you're podded you get to crawl out of the clone tank, all slimy and gooey. (Immersion!!!)
  • Bounty office - Meet the bounty hunter in person, sign his contract in your new clones blood.
  • Personal and corp hangars - view your holdings in all their glory.

Some of the stuff that you could do real 'mini-games' with would be R&D, production and possibly the repair shop, but I would have no problem with these features coming later, gradually expanding on the base of social interaction and immersion.

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#413 - 2012-07-14 00:13:21 UTC
I would like to see some FIS items in the Nex store like ship colors and logos as this would help separate the nex store from the WIS

Someday I will have the time to play. For now it is mining afk in High sec. In Cheap ships

Lost True
Caldari State
#414 - 2012-07-14 10:49:40 UTC
nartela wrote:

3) being able to jog cause the walking would be to slow in a big station.

It's should drain some stamina (capacitor :)) and sportwear reduces it. There can be a skill for that :)

in 2007 i've thought it's a sci-fi simulator, not an "e-sports" game. I'm not a teenager, how would i like it much?

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#415 - 2012-07-15 17:28:47 UTC
got to keep the faith alive havent we,

the one thing ive wondered is if you where in wis in jita would it be laggy as hell or would the the server in that system be clustered more in order to prevent it.
Uris Vitgar
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#416 - 2012-07-15 18:04:16 UTC
For me, if nothing else, I would like WIS to at least accomplish a sort of "museum" function. If I can't go inside an incursus and see what's behind those windows I could at least walk around it, or watch as robotic exoskeletons load 425mm ammunition into the magazines of a hulking hurricane, or even just stand by a window and watch the jita 4-4 undock. This technonlogy has an opportunity to bring a greater sense of scale to eve, which at the moment can be quite hard to grasp

tl;dr: quick and dirty! WiS doesn't need "proper" gameplay to bring about great achievements
#417 - 2012-07-15 21:32:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Teinyhr
Uris Vitgar wrote:
tl;dr: quick and dirty! WiS doesn't need "proper" gameplay to bring about great achievements

Agreed. People have wanted to set foot in public spaces for so long and socialize with other pilots. Corporate HQ's we can traverse in. Bars where we can order a Gin & Tonic or the most disgusting Minmatar beer they make and sit down with old mates from years back.

And the atmosphere building you mentioned would be awesome. Seeing the hovercars speed down far below the promenade to wherever they go, a ship departing through a hangar window (could be a real player ship instead of scripted event, altough, not sure how feasibly that could be done). Mechanics / robots / drones toiling away on their daily routines.

I'm not saying dungeons & dragons in space isn't welcome, but it's not necessarily the best content for WiS to be done right now. IMHO.
Lost True
Caldari State
#418 - 2012-07-16 04:53:09 UTC
nartela wrote:
got to keep the faith alive havent we,

the one thing ive wondered is if you where in wis in jita would it be laggy as hell or would the the server in that system be clustered more in order to prevent it.

I think that there will be a server for it. Especially for Jita, which has a separate node.
Because it's good for both FiS and WiS.

Althrough it's can be expensive to buy hardware just for WiS. But if there will be so much players who choose to play WiS, i think it'll worth it.

in 2007 i've thought it's a sci-fi simulator, not an "e-sports" game. I'm not a teenager, how would i like it much?

Lost True
Caldari State
#419 - 2012-07-16 15:04:25 UTC
After 1:07 there is an Amarrian city in WiS engine Smile Maybe one day it's willbe something more than a shooter on planets...Roll

in 2007 i've thought it's a sci-fi simulator, not an "e-sports" game. I'm not a teenager, how would i like it much?

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#420 - 2012-07-16 15:12:13 UTC
since while in WIS, you,will be off line.A separate server may work.

but it is quite possible Jita may be the last place to get WIS to distribute the load. Jita remains to be the commodities market, and the WIS is focus on Local specialized markets

Someday I will have the time to play. For now it is mining afk in High sec. In Cheap ships