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So why is CCP supporting the Burn Jita event?

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James 315
Experimental Fun Times Corp RELOADED
#61 - 2012-04-30 00:02:06 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:
In all fairness, having to F5 the forums everyday should not be a requirement. I know it pains most of you, but a good portion of the players believe that to play the game is to start the client and well... play the game. Not F5 forums all day everyday and then maybe log in once in a while.

I am not saying the Jita thing is bad or Hulkaggedon; just trying to explain to you that hanging out on the forums should not be a requirement to the game.
Maybe not, but there's a difference between having good intel and "being able to play the game." Besides, half the miner systems in highsec had local squawking about Burn Jita the week leading up to it. It's difficult to imagine how anyone playing EVE with the slightest engagement could have been unaware of it.

That's the problem, though...Too many miners want EVE to be a game where the player is totally disengaged, just doing the bare minimum necessary to pile up some rocks and RMT.
The Order of Atlas
#62 - 2012-04-30 00:04:15 UTC
If this is a troll, I have to admit it's a really good one...
Sidus Sarmiang
Gallente Federation
#63 - 2012-04-30 00:06:02 UTC
Looks like the OP has slinked back to his hole in shame.

If only I knew where that was so I could gank him there.
Alavaria Fera
#64 - 2012-04-30 00:47:22 UTC
James 315 wrote:
Marlona Sky wrote:
In all fairness, having to F5 the forums everyday should not be a requirement. I know it pains most of you, but a good portion of the players believe that to play the game is to start the client and well... play the game. Not F5 forums all day everyday and then maybe log in once in a while.

I am not saying the Jita thing is bad or Hulkaggedon; just trying to explain to you that hanging out on the forums should not be a requirement to the game.
Maybe not, but there's a difference between having good intel and "being able to play the game." Besides, half the miner systems in highsec had local squawking about Burn Jita the week leading up to it. It's difficult to imagine how anyone playing EVE with the slightest engagement could have been unaware of it.

That's the problem, though...Too many miners want EVE to be a game where the player is totally disengaged, just doing the bare minimum necessary to pile up some rocks and RMT.

If they ignore local. (Well, except maybe Jita local) that's not a good way to go about it ..

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Stellarium Alliance
#65 - 2012-04-30 01:11:14 UTC
I believe that the best game, is one where people can choose to play any way they like. If you want to be a boring carebear, be a boring carebear. If you want to be a vicious pirate, be one. But the two should not be mixed forcefully because that ruins the gameplay experience for those that do not want to PvP. (there's lowsec and 0.0 for that!) Don't these people also pay the $15/mo fee? And if they do, why is it that they don't deserve to play EVE any way they like without being interrupted?

You are thinking about this the wrong way, and thus your entire wall-of-text argument is wrong. You are not paying money to 'play EVE your way', you are paying money to join the wonderful universe called New Eden. In New Eden, pvp and carebear ARE mixed together forcefully, and it is your own fault for ignoring that fact.

In my experience, Carebears all share in three fallacies:

1. They can't fight back. This one bugs me the most, personally. They all like to take the victim attitude and say there is nothing they can do to stop from being killed, and it is somehow the aggressors fault for ignoring 'how they want to play'. Just like the real universe, New Eden does not revolve around you.

2. High sec is or should be safe, and low and null are 'pvp areas'. This one is usually accompanied by things like 'Concord is there to protect me!' and 'Only bad pvpers would go to highsec' or 'Why don't you go fight people in low sec!' Concord is there to enforce the law, not to hold your hand. Suicide ganking is a legitimate strategy so suck it up, and I'm sure the majority of them fight in null sec too.

3. Carebears are vital to the game. Isn't there a ccp quote like: "Fun fact: Carebears aren't needed for the game to run smoothly."? I hear a lot of them whine about how "Without us how would you get your ships and mods?". Not only is that a two way street, but most well-run pvp corps have production capabilities. How do you think Goonswarm got all those thrashers?
Shian Yang
#66 - 2012-04-30 01:13:29 UTC
Sidus Sarmiang wrote:
If only I knew where that was so I could gank him there.

Greetings capsuleer,

You may be interested in the services of a Locator Agent. There are several of them operating in New Eden and for a modest fee I would be happy to facilitate initial introductions to get you started.


Shian Yang
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#67 - 2012-04-30 01:16:50 UTC
oh the tears, they fill my swimming pool. i need the salt water to float my obese aspie self as i motorboat my supermodel kickboxing girlfriend while she makes me sashimi to eat off her ginormous she-breasts

VoV Robster Craws

Joseph Dreadloch
Dread Space Inc.
#68 - 2012-04-30 01:27:32 UTC
Max Khaos wrote:
There is no difference from M0o sitting at a gate and Tank CEo sitting in high sec killing people.

They got nerfed ... enough said .. learn some Eve History ..

As I said .. Biased ....

You're talking about fundamental changes to EVE online that were made in its infancy. 1-2 years after its launch when it was truly still developing into what it is today. You can still kill people on gates in lowsec, and you can still kill people in highsec. These things were not taken away.
Hotaru Yamato
Caldari State
#69 - 2012-04-30 01:28:25 UTC
OP might have more fun on the Singularity server.
Killer Gandry
The Concilium Enterprises
#70 - 2012-04-30 01:30:54 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:

In all fairness, having to F5 the forums everyday should not be a requirement. I know it pains most of you, but a good portion of the players believe that to play the game is to start the client and well... play the game. Not F5 forums all day everyday and then maybe log in once in a while.

I am not saying the Jita thing is bad or Hulkaggedon; just trying to explain to you that hanging out on the forums should not be a requirement to the game.

No need to F5 the forums every day. This was announced weeks ahead. So in all fairness. If you don't atleast look at the furoms once or twice a month you deny yourself quit some information.
Next to that it's not only the eve forums that were humming about this event.

Local channels
Alliance channels
Ingame channels like help channel and many other channels
Various gaming websites


If anything the Burn Jita event has made people aware that playing EVE is a tad more than log in and zap a roid or pop a rat.
It's about keeping atleast a small eye on the forums or ingame channels aswel.
Enuen Ravenseye
Gallente Federation
#71 - 2012-04-30 01:32:35 UTC
Kurai Kihaku wrote:
Just want to understand the logic behind the game company taking such a stance.

I'll just leave this little message direct from CCP right here:

Does that help clarify why they're taking "such a stance"?

Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#72 - 2012-04-30 01:35:19 UTC
Hotaru Yamato wrote:
OP might have more fun on the Singularity server.

Aye. Non-consensual PVP is actually illegal on SiSi.

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

Gallente Federation
#73 - 2012-04-30 01:40:08 UTC
"Player driven events like this ..." - it's player driven. The only problem is with some game mechanics that have come to light and need fixing.

Namely: The "false red flashy" - where someone commits a criminal act, gets shot at by someone else but the game sees this as a CONCORD event so that "retaliating" pilot gets popped and loses status for the part of space they live in. Not good for actual "participation" in a player driven event by fighting against it.

This mechanic needs fixing so players can fight back properly against such things, making it a true 'player event' and not a griefer run for lulz that costs those who wish to participate on their home turf. Bad bug here.

Again, outside of that bug, this isn't a big deal. If fixed, you COULD just fight back in a variety of ways but it's broken.

As for price fixing -- CCP designed the game poorly with respect to resource locations and that is beginning to show, just like super capitals became a problem and have been "fixed" (neutered repeatedly and probably a few more "adjustments" to come)

Perhaps the ability of a group to do this will bring in other corrections -- like we've seen recently with those supers. When a group of players turns a sandbox into a litter box for their amusement, CCP does tend to take notice and "fixes" come out to remove their ability to do so.

Actions do have consequences and many game changes tend to come about due to player actions.
Darth Gustav
Sith Interstellar Tech Harvesting
#74 - 2012-04-30 01:43:45 UTC
Mocam wrote:
"Player driven events like this ..." - it's player driven. The only problem is with some game mechanics that have come to light and need fixing.

Namely: The "false red flashy" - where someone commits a criminal act, gets shot at by someone else but the game sees this as a CONCORD event so that "retaliating" pilot gets popped and loses status for the part of space they live in. Not good for actual "participation" in a player driven event by fighting against it.

This mechanic needs fixing so players can fight back properly against such things, making it a true 'player event' and not a griefer run for lulz that costs those who wish to participate on their home turf. Bad bug here.

Again, outside of that bug, this isn't a big deal. If fixed, you COULD just fight back in a variety of ways but it's broken.

As for price fixing -- CCP designed the game poorly with respect to resource locations and that is beginning to show, just like super capitals became a problem and have been "fixed" (neutered repeatedly and probably a few more "adjustments" to come)

Perhaps the ability of a group to do this will bring in other corrections -- like we've seen recently with those supers. When a group of players turns a sandbox into a litter box for their amusement, CCP does tend to take notice and "fixes" come out to remove their ability to do so.

Actions do have consequences and many game changes tend to come about due to player actions.

Action: A bunch of Freighters and JF's blew up in Jita. Consequence: This qq post.

Working as intended.

He who trolls trolls best when he who is trolled trolls the troller. -Darth Gustav's Axiom

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#75 - 2012-04-30 01:48:33 UTC
Mocam wrote:
"Player driven events like this ..." - it's player driven. The only problem is with some game mechanics that have come to light and need fixing.

Namely: The "false red flashy" - where someone commits a criminal act, gets shot at by someone else but the game sees this as a CONCORD event so that "retaliating" pilot gets popped and loses status for the part of space they live in. Not good for actual "participation" in a player driven event by fighting against it.

This mechanic needs fixing so players can fight back properly against such things, making it a true 'player event' and not a griefer run for lulz that costs those who wish to participate on their home turf. Bad bug here.

Again, outside of that bug, this isn't a big deal. If fixed, you COULD just fight back in a variety of ways but it's broken.

As for price fixing -- CCP designed the game poorly with respect to resource locations and that is beginning to show, just like super capitals became a problem and have been "fixed" (neutered repeatedly and probably a few more "adjustments" to come)

Perhaps the ability of a group to do this will bring in other corrections -- like we've seen recently with those supers. When a group of players turns a sandbox into a litter box for their amusement, CCP does tend to take notice and "fixes" come out to remove their ability to do so.

Actions do have consequences and many game changes tend to come about due to player actions.

How is setting an alliance setting aside massive amounts of resources to gank freighters in Jita indicative of anything being broken?

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Marlona Sky
State War Academy
Caldari State
#76 - 2012-04-30 01:52:24 UTC
Wow you guys are really taking my reply to a post and twisting it and turning into something it was not. Oh and that log in splash screen was after it had already started. Blink

Anyways, carry on forum warriors!
Lapine Davion
Outer Ring Applied Logistics
#77 - 2012-04-30 01:54:26 UTC
Sidus Sarmiang wrote:
Looks like the OP has slinked back to his hole in shame.

If only I knew where that was so I could gank him there.

I'm sure you actually meant you wanted to *thank* the OP. Not gank. Because ganking is harassment and is against the EULA and TOS and is illegal and will get you executed in all countries.

[b]Don't worry about posting with your main!  Post with your brain! "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."[/b]

Marlona Sky
State War Academy
Caldari State
#78 - 2012-04-30 02:00:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Il Feytid
Mocam wrote:
Perhaps the ability of a group to do this will bring in other corrections -- like we've seen recently with those supers. When a group of players turns a sandbox into a litter box for their amusement, CCP does tend to take notice and "fixes" come out to remove their ability to do so.

Actions do have consequences and many game changes tend to come about due to player actions.

The game changes that will fix this is in fact fixes to null sec. There is many mechanics in this game that when added together, you get bored super rich null power blocks who do things like 'burn Jita'. So you need to ask yourself why they are not in null right now. They control a ton of space and high end moons, yet do not have to be present there to defend said space and assets.

Ask yourself what mechanics enable this to happen. Cause and effect.
Darth Gustav
Sith Interstellar Tech Harvesting
#79 - 2012-04-30 02:00:57 UTC
Lapine Davion wrote:
Sidus Sarmiang wrote:
Looks like the OP has slinked back to his hole in shame.

If only I knew where that was so I could gank him there.

I'm sure you actually meant you wanted to *thank* the OP. Not gank. Because ganking is harassment and is against the EULA and TOS and is illegal and will get you executed in all countries.

Pretty sure he meant gank. Oops

He who trolls trolls best when he who is trolled trolls the troller. -Darth Gustav's Axiom

Holy One
Privat Party
#80 - 2012-04-30 02:05:06 UTC
Super Chair wrote:
Not even going to bother with reading that wall of text but:

It's a sandbox, cry more
