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New Dev Blog: Alliance Panel at Fanfest 2012: The Conclusion

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Sons of Seyllin
Pirate Lords of War
#321 - 2012-03-28 23:28:18 UTC
While I fully support suicide for any reason or no reason at all, what Mittens did was stupid. With the amount of negative attention this incident was getting from the video game community, there was no way CCP could ever let it slide.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#322 - 2012-03-28 23:28:24 UTC
Andski wrote:
Angelus X wrote:
lmao 10,000 accounts about to be unsubbed eh, CCP must be scareeeeee Lol

$150,000+ in monthly subscriptions alone is certainly no big deal

LOL 10,000 plex paid (or bought) subscriptions going to unsub. Little less talk, lot more action please.

Before you unsub please send me your stuff.
Melanie Pointer
#323 - 2012-03-28 23:28:34 UTC
To all the GOONS and FRIENDS bemoaning their "Leader's" plight - CRY ME A RIVER. Unsubscribe. Do whatever. You make statements asking for sympathy but you yourself and Alex (Mittens) are the embodiment of A LACK OF SYMPATHY. You can cry all you want but you pushed it too far this time and you are still pushing it too far by trying to do what GOONS do best, BULLY. Bully CCP this time. Go quit - THE GAME WILL GO ON WITHOUT YOU.

The Galaxy will be a FAR BETTER place without the likes of the GOONS and their immature attitudes.


Give someone a long enough rope they will hang themselves with it ---- and I don't mean Mitten's insensitive remarks towards suicide rather his own ironic twist of events and how his inhumane comments and tactics have come round to bite him in the ARSE. He got too cocky with his "landslide" victory and the old axiom of "power corupts" finally got the best of him. And I for one say...


I have said for years and I maintain it today, he needs to grow up as do the followers who think that behavior is acceptable in game or out. They are the first to bemoan EVE's so-called similarity to life yet they themselves can't take their own medicine.

Thank you CCP for sticking up on behalf of this player. Thank you for banning him for 30 days.

I will also say thank you Mittens for OWNING UP and doing the right thing. I am not sure you have learned your lesson, TIME and ACTIONS will tell (again - aptly like you ask CCP to own up while shaking vehemently your fist!)

In the mean time too I think the CSM will be better without him while he figures out how to be an adult with his 30 days off from the other world he lives in.

Mittens - I hope you learned that this is not meant to chide you but those that haven't learned like you that life is different when the shoe is on the other foot.

Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#324 - 2012-03-28 23:28:41 UTC
Taihbea wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
Taihbea wrote:
Tig Ole Bitties wrote:
The Goons crying over something that they think is unfair???



I think I just came all over myself...



ROFL so true!

So tell me about your ideal EVE, with a panties dropping button, $1000 jeans and even more empty rooms to walk slowly in!

The one where there are no cyberbullies. I hate that kind.

Literally everything in eve can be considered cyberbullying.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#325 - 2012-03-28 23:29:07 UTC
I dislike goons as an organization (how it rallies the cfc around it to form yet another Northern Coalition, BoB, IT, etc.) That being said mittens isn't half bad, I certainly didn't vote for him, but he isn't half bad and actually has been a solid CSM.

The ban is ********, he said some **** out of game, which by the way isn't even nearly as bad as what people say in game. How people don't realize that 90% of the game is trolling the **** out of your opponents so they'll actually fight..

Kicking him off the CSM is ********. The first time I heard about this 'incident' was his apology, which didn't sound like a Rush Limbaugh apology at all.

My only conclusion, is that Mittens somehow has trolled us all here.

Bravo sir, Bravo, and **** ccp yet again. Just when you have me liking you again thinking 'no one can be that stupid THREE times in a row' they go and swing for the fences.
Bojan Z
Caldari State
#326 - 2012-03-28 23:29:17 UTC
Temulkar Blaine wrote:
I applaud CCP for this decision, I will explain why before I am accused of being a political tool.

In the EU we have clear laws about behaviour on the internet and in public that differ dramatically from the US. [...]

Since when is Iceland in the EU???
Kerensky White
Winger Aerospace
#327 - 2012-03-28 23:29:25 UTC
What's more dangerous than thousands of angry, motivated goons.
Gallente Federation
#328 - 2012-03-28 23:29:40 UTC
Temulkar Blaine wrote:
I applaud CCP for this decision, I will explain why before I am accused of being a political tool.

In the EU we have clear laws about behaviour on the internet and in public that differ dramatically from the US. in America your right to freedom of speech is guarenteed by the first ammendment. In Europe freedom of speech is limited by the law in ways your country does not it seems understand. Before you start to call us all fascists as has been said on some threads, think about the history of the last century in Europe and ask yourself why we have limited freedom of speech to protect against hate.

In recent months in the UK in paticular the profile of cyber offences, cyber bullying, trolling has been very much in the public eye. Cases of teenage suicides after a message on a social networking site like this example made national headlines.

EU law protects people from offensive behaviour on the internet and does not allow the anononymity of the web protect offendors when the use the internet as a medium to bully or spread hate. people have been given sentences lasting into years for offences carried out in the internet.

Perhaps the timing of this incident was most ill fated for Alexander, In the last month we have had a high profile case of a celebrity being targetted by a cyber bully and anti social behavior on the internet has been on the news and on prime time TV and questions have been asked in paliament. . Even worse timing wise is the very high profile case of a student jailed for a drunken abusive rant on twitter about a seriously ill footballer that aroused comdemnation from all quarters. The student was jailed in the last week.

I sympathise with americans who assume protection from the first ammendment gives you the right to say what you want be as offensive as you want on the internet press whatever. This is not the case in the rest of the world and certainly not in Europe and Alexander maybe forgot that in Iceland. Perhaps those members of the CSM who have objected to this decision need to consider this issue and see the wider impolications of this act and also the different international interpretatinos of both what is legal and what is decent and acceptable.

Again I would actually like to stress this is not a political post not a wum, This is actually somthing very good that CCP has done in sending out a clear message that certain behaviour will not be tolerated. It sucks for Alexander yes Im sure but he will bounce back from it if he wants to.

Iceland's not a part of the EU.
Your move.
#329 - 2012-03-28 23:29:40 UTC
Anvil44 wrote:
As our society changes and learns to cope with online bullying such as this, it is good to see CCP taking it seriously. If anyone thinks they went too far, also consider that not only was the Eve character name of the offender used by CCP but, in joining the CSM he was using his real life name and speaking as someone who is associated with CCP. As such, he must answer to his actions, including in however CCP feels is the best way to deal with this type of situation.

If this were 'real' life, the actual person could be charged, depending on which country you are on. Think about having someone commit a real-life crime being associated with your product while committing that crime.

I really think a 30 day ban is weak but in the offenders defense, he did make a formal apology, which is a step in the right direction.

He's out, let it go and lets learn from this. As so many have said, CCP made a proper decision.

Oh back to reading the Daily Mail.
The Carebear Stare
Hydroponic Zone
#330 - 2012-03-28 23:29:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Htrag
Temulkar Blaine wrote:
I applaud CCP for this decision, I will explain why before I am accused of being a political tool.

In the EU we have clear laws about behaviour on the internet and in public that differ dramatically from the US. in America your right to freedom of speech is guarenteed by the first ammendment. In Europe freedom of speech is limited by the law in ways your country does not it seems understand. Before you start to call us all fascists as has been said on some threads, think about the history of the last century in Europe and ask yourself why we have limited freedom of speech to protect against hate.

In recent months in the UK in paticular the profile of cyber offences, cyber bullying, trolling has been very much in the public eye. Cases of teenage suicides after a message on a social networking site like this example made national headlines.

EU law protects people from offensive behaviour on the internet and does not allow the anononymity of the web protect offendors when the use the internet as a medium to bully or spread hate. people have been given sentences lasting into years for offences carried out in the internet.

Perhaps the timing of this incident was most ill fated for Alexander, In the last month we have had a high profile case of a celebrity being targetted by a cyber bully and anti social behavior on the internet has been on the news and on prime time TV and questions have been asked in paliament. . Even worse timing wise is the very high profile case of a student jailed for a drunken abusive rant on twitter about a seriously ill footballer that aroused comdemnation from all quarters. The student was jailed in the last week.

I sympathise with americans who assume protection from the first ammendment gives you the right to say what you want be as offensive as you want on the internet press whatever. This is not the case in the rest of the world and certainly not in Europe and Alexander maybe forgot that in Iceland. Perhaps those members of the CSM who have objected to this decision need to consider this issue and see the wider impolications of this act and also the different international interpretatinos of both what is legal and what is decent and acceptable.

Again I would actually like to stress this is not a political post not a wum, This is actually somthing very good that CCP has done in sending out a clear message that certain behaviour will not be tolerated. It sucks for Alexander yes Im sure but he will bounce back from it if he wants to.

What you say makes sense.

It's just a sad day when political correctness comes to eve.

In the past, CCP always had the courage to go against the grain.

This sets a bad precedent.

(I have an inbox full of similar fanmails, and they always made me laff.)

Whatever "dev" it was that removed the pod squish sound probably never even logged into the game.

Revii Lagoon
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#331 - 2012-03-28 23:30:13 UTC
Caius Sivaris
Dark Nexxus
#332 - 2012-03-28 23:30:28 UTC
I for one, welcome CCP newly found backbone.
John Maynard Keynes
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#333 - 2012-03-28 23:30:28 UTC
Andski wrote:
10,058 paying customers totally ignored and disenfranchised. Good work, CCP.

U mad?
Dependable Delinquents
#334 - 2012-03-28 23:30:40 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Spitfire
Inappropriate comment removed. Spitfire
Jonathan Malcom
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#335 - 2012-03-28 23:31:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonathan Malcom

Edit: Also, **** the police.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#336 - 2012-03-28 23:31:21 UTC
CCP, what happened to HTFU?

This is a vast overreaction and CCP should be ashamed.
Stephen Haags
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#337 - 2012-03-28 23:31:29 UTC
Andski wrote:
Krutoj, a CSM 6 alternate who was temp-banned for RMT, was not removed from the council.

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#338 - 2012-03-28 23:31:32 UTC
John Maynard Keynes wrote:
Andski wrote:
10,058 paying customers totally ignored and disenfranchised. Good work, CCP.

U mad?

oh look another worthless npc alt

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

State War Academy
Caldari State
#339 - 2012-03-28 23:31:54 UTC
Kerensky White wrote:
What's more dangerous than thousands of angry, motivated goons.

10058 angry, motivated goons.

Tango Zulu
Goonswarm Federation
#340 - 2012-03-28 23:31:55 UTC
Abyss Azizora wrote:
First time in years I've heard such WONDERFUL news on the eve forum. I think I'll do a little dance.

On a sidenote, I really don't care about what happened, I see that as "normal" in eve honestly nowadays. But if that thing got a goon rear end firmly parted by a boot on his way out the door... Then it's a freaking celebration to me. Where's a party emoticon when you need it?

Case in point.