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so the hulk WTF CCP?!!?!?

First post
#841 - 2012-04-13 19:25:23 UTC
Jorma Morkkis wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
So why would a ship that spends its time sitting in a belt suckling on rocks that don't move require a faster align time than a front line warship?

Someone just thought it would "replace T2 transport ships". I just wanted to show that with current stats it's not going to happen.

Front line warship? Only place I can see Abaddons is Amarr main station undock. No-one is stupid enough to use armor ships in combat. It's only Drakes, Tengus, Hurricanes and weird shield tanked Gallente ships.

Jorma Morkkis

State War Academy [SWA] from 2012.03.07 16:57 to this day

Listen to this guy....he won eve after a month.

They are called Hellcats you stupid ******.

#842 - 2012-04-13 19:40:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Ildryn
Whitehound wrote:
Ildryn wrote:
The ehp on a hulk is fine. Small ships should be able to take it out in gangs. Providing it is properly fit....with tank.
Hulks are not worth what they are being sold for....they are just sold that high because people can get away with it.
I used a 14million isk frig to take out a 100million isk t2 fit raven before.....does that mean that the raven needs a buff?
No it means people need to play smarter and tank their **** or use something that does tank. It really is simple as that.

No, the eHP is not fine. One should only need to use the mid-slots and not every available option to get a decent tank out of it. And the eHP fits given here are only useful against a particular gank, but in general is the tank just weak.

One can take out a cap with a frigate, if you let it. It is not a smart argument. Maybe when you want people to be smarter, then start with yourself.

I know my killboard isn't pretty....
But Whitehound....damn

Kills Losses
1 Lifetime 9
0.14 bill ISK 0.68 bill
6.96 Points 55.52
3,788.00 Damage 201,325.00

You lost a freighter to a lone you want freighter ehp buffed too?
Or your fail fit thorax? Should it have more ehp so you can continue with the fail?
You have a very short history of you really think that any advice you can provide is worth anyone's time?
Sunshine and Lollipops
#843 - 2012-04-13 19:50:00 UTC
MeBiatch wrote:
so tippia if you just said you cant compare the two why did you compare the two in your initial statement? oxymoronic much!?!?
…you mean aside from the fact that I didn't?
#844 - 2012-04-13 20:04:04 UTC
Ildryn wrote:
I know my killboard isn't pretty....
But Whitehound....damn

Kills Losses
1 Lifetime 9
0.14 bill ISK 0.68 bill
6.96 Points 55.52
3,788.00 Damage 201,325.00

You lost a freighter to a lone you want freighter ehp buffed too?
Or your fail fit thorax? Should it have more ehp so you can continue with the fail?
You have a very short history of you really think that any advice you can provide is worth anyone's time?

You mad? The fail fit Thorax killed the Vaga.

Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#845 - 2012-04-13 20:05:09 UTC
Kengutsi Akira wrote:

dont mine ice

hey thats a hard one

Yes why I didn't think about that. It's not like a couple of things in game depend on it.
#846 - 2012-04-13 20:06:27 UTC  |  Edited by: bornaa
Ildryn wrote:
Whitehound wrote:
Ildryn wrote:
The ehp on a hulk is fine. Small ships should be able to take it out in gangs. Providing it is properly fit....with tank.
Hulks are not worth what they are being sold for....they are just sold that high because people can get away with it.
I used a 14million isk frig to take out a 100million isk t2 fit raven before.....does that mean that the raven needs a buff?
No it means people need to play smarter and tank their **** or use something that does tank. It really is simple as that.

No, the eHP is not fine. One should only need to use the mid-slots and not every available option to get a decent tank out of it. And the eHP fits given here are only useful against a particular gank, but in general is the tank just weak.

One can take out a cap with a frigate, if you let it. It is not a smart argument. Maybe when you want people to be smarter, then start with yourself.

I know my killboard isn't pretty....
But Whitehound....damn

Kills Losses
1 Lifetime 9
0.14 bill ISK 0.68 bill
6.96 Points 55.52
3,788.00 Damage 201,325.00

You lost a freighter to a lone you want freighter ehp buffed too?
Or your fail fit thorax? Should it have more ehp so you can continue with the fail?
You have a very short history of you really think that any advice you can provide is worth anyone's time?

I dont see connection between hulks ****** tank and that guys hill board. What?
Hulk have ****** tank and noones KB will change that.
Hulk need boost and i think it will get one.

But, why CCP throw this thread from GD when this is the thread with actual subject and discussion and there are many ****** threads left?
[Yes, I'm an Amateur](
#847 - 2012-04-13 20:08:21 UTC
Whitehound wrote:
Ildryn wrote:
I know my killboard isn't pretty....
But Whitehound....damn

Kills Losses
1 Lifetime 9
0.14 bill ISK 0.68 bill
6.96 Points 55.52
3,788.00 Damage 201,325.00

You lost a freighter to a lone you want freighter ehp buffed too?
Or your fail fit thorax? Should it have more ehp so you can continue with the fail?
You have a very short history of you really think that any advice you can provide is worth anyone's time?

You mad? The fail fit Thorax killed the Vaga.

Lol how could i be mad you had 3 others helping you....
And you can't really say you killed did nearly the lowest mad?

Jorma Morkkis
State War Academy
Caldari State
#848 - 2012-04-13 20:10:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Jorma Morkkis
Ildryn wrote:
They are called Hellcats you stupid ******.

Well, that only proves that everything can be destroyed just by adding more attackers.

We already have seen 30 man fleets ganking miners. What next? 60 man fleets? 100? 200?
#849 - 2012-04-13 20:10:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Whitehound
Ildryn wrote:
Lol how could i be mad you had 3 others helping you....
And you can't really say you killed did nearly the lowest mad?

This is how EVE is. Some tackle, others bait, someone else brings the DPS. And, no, I am not mad. I meant if you are mad, because you start posting killboard links.

Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.

#850 - 2012-04-13 20:18:56 UTC
Jorma Morkkis wrote:
Ildryn wrote:
They are called Hellcats you stupid ******.

Well, that only proves that everything can be destroyed just by adding more attackers.

We already have seen 30 man fleets ganking miners. What next? 60 man fleets? 100? 200?

Why are you worried about 60 man fleets? At a month old you should be worried about core skills.

#851 - 2012-04-13 20:22:56 UTC
Ildryn wrote:
Why are you worried about 60 man fleets? At a month old you should be worried about core skills.

You should be worried about finding the topic of this thread.

Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#852 - 2012-04-13 20:26:35 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Well I don't see such a big population increase to justify the rise of BPC requests. Yes I also have Tempest BPO, it was not so hot.

Nados get used for way more than gankingBlink

Tempests too Cool
#853 - 2012-04-13 20:27:58 UTC
Whitehound wrote:
Ildryn wrote:
Why are you worried about 60 man fleets? At a month old you should be worried about core skills.

You should be worried about finding the topic of this thread.

Was replying to someone who quoted me.
And as i have stated several times and other intelligent members of EVE.
Hulks are fine.
It's the pilots who decide Yield > Tank.
malcovas Henderson
#854 - 2012-04-13 20:31:55 UTC  |  Edited by: malcovas Henderson
Ildryn wrote:

I know my killboard isn't pretty....
But Whitehound....damn

Kills Losses
1 Lifetime 9
0.14 bill ISK 0.68 bill
6.96 Points 55.52
3,788.00 Damage 201,325.00

You lost a freighter to a lone you want freighter ehp buffed too?
Or your fail fit thorax? Should it have more ehp so you can continue with the fail?
You have a very short history of you really think that any advice you can provide is worth anyone's time?

Oh look killboard police. Unfortunately you are in the wrong topic for KB's

You muppet.
Jorma Morkkis
State War Academy
Caldari State
#855 - 2012-04-13 20:35:44 UTC
Ildryn wrote:
It's the pilots who decide Yield > Tank.

It doesn't matter how Hulk is tanked there is always a ganker fleet ready to destroy it. None of the tank fits for Hulk I've seen can protect it from 30k+ dps 30 Cats can do.
#856 - 2012-04-13 20:35:59 UTC
Ildryn wrote:
Hulks are fine.
It's the pilots who decide Yield > Tank.

The first is wrong as you can see by the PG numbers alone. The second is right when you have a ship that lets you decide, which is not the case and a problem. All answers to it have been the supertanked Hulk. Players who use EFT should be experienced enough to know that when a fit turns into the extreme just so it can fly then there is something wrong. Who wants to be forever desperate?

Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#857 - 2012-04-13 20:38:06 UTC
Whitehound wrote:

The first is wrong as you can see by the PG numbers alone. The second is right when you have a ship that lets you decide, which is not the case and a problem. All answers to it have been the supertanked Hulk. Players who use EFT should be experienced enough to know that when a fit turns into the extreme just so it can fly then there is something wrong. Who wants to be forever desperate?

There is nothing extream about fitting a T2 tank.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#858 - 2012-04-13 20:39:44 UTC
Jorma Morkkis wrote:
Ildryn wrote:
It's the pilots who decide Yield > Tank.

It doesn't matter how Hulk is tanked there is always a ganker fleet ready to destroy it. None of the tank fits for Hulk I've seen can protect it from 30k+ dps 30 Cats can do.

Because empire space is simply swarming with 30 man gank squads looking to blow up ships for no profit.
#859 - 2012-04-13 20:40:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Ildryn
Whitehound wrote:

The first is wrong as you can see by the PG numbers alone. The second is right when you have a ship that lets you decide, which is not the case and a problem. All answers to it have been the supertanked Hulk. Players who use EFT should be experienced enough to know that when a fit turns into the extreme just so it can fly then there is something wrong. Who wants to be forever desperate?

A lot of shield/armor tanks on combat ships utilize both mids and lows.
Armor tank with cap booster.
Shield tank with shield power relays.
So why should a hulk be any different for tank?
malcovas Henderson
#860 - 2012-04-13 20:41:14 UTC
Ildryn wrote:

Was replying to someone who quoted me.
And as i have stated several times and other intelligent members of EVE.
Hulks are fine.

It's the pilots who decide Yield > Tank.

And as I have stated several times and other intelligent memebers of EVE.
Hulk are bad.