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New dev blog: EVE Online: Seven Million Missiles an Hour

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Plus 10 NV
#81 - 2012-02-22 16:04:53 UTC
I would also like to know if there was an increase in pod kills/ship kill in low sec after incarna's release as compared to before. Lots of people including myself felt this somehow changed our ability to warp our pods out.

I would like to see if the statistics back that up or if we were just imagining that.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

CCP Diagoras
C C P Alliance
#82 - 2012-02-24 15:11:09 UTC
25.16% of losses were capsules in the first week of November 2011, compared to 25.55% in the first week of December 2011, just after the launch of Crucible. Not really a statistically relevant difference :)
Plus 10 NV
#83 - 2012-02-24 17:02:16 UTC
CCP Diagoras wrote:
25.16% of losses were capsules in the first week of November 2011, compared to 25.55% in the first week of December 2011, just after the launch of Crucible. Not really a statistically relevant difference :)

Thanks for the response to my first question.

Is that percent of losses based on ship losses to npcs and pvp or just ship losses due to pvp kills?

Do you think one week is a sufficient measure? Could one or two huge null sec battles in a week throw these numbers?

The Statistics from the 3rd quarter QEN 2010 pps 40-41 says they took july of 2010 and the percents of pod kills per pvp ship losses were:

23.3% low sec
17.5% high sec
44% null
and 29.9% wh

It doesn't tell us what the overall percent of pod kills/pvp ship losses were over that period.

However, assuming your numbers are based on pvp ship kills only, this would suggest that the number of pod kills has gone down significantly for those 2 weeks as compared to the month of july of 2010. So that would also tend to answer my second question. The number of pod kills per pvp ship kill has actually gone down since incarna's release. I still would love to get some low sec specific numbers on the escapability of pods though.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Alexila Quant
Versatility Production Corporation' LLC
#84 - 2012-03-01 03:25:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Alexila Quant
Here's one (A few) related to the market.

How much isk was injected into the economy by missions (Separated into categories as follows)
Mission rewards + Bonuses
Bounties (Including sanctums and belt rats ETC if possible)
and how much isk value in ships and modules have been destroyed by NPC pirates (In missions or otherwise)

Basically I would like to get a picture of how much money is actually injected into the system over how much is lost. (This over the course of last year that is.)
(what can I say?I like economics.)

Another interesting one would be how much isk exchanged hands by way of PLEX cards, and how many plex cards were used for AUR? If you are at liberty to disclose such information that is.

Better yet, just let me run the database queries myself. I would be like a kid in a candy store with all those sexy numbers to play with.
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#85 - 2012-03-01 03:40:18 UTC
Alexila Quant wrote:
Here's one (A few) related to the market.

How much isk was injected into the economy by missions (Separated into categories as follows)
Mission rewards + Bonuses
Bounties (Including sanctums and belt rats ETC if possible)
and how much isk value in ships and modules have been destroyed by NPC pirates (In missions or otherwise)

Basically I would like to get a picture of how much money is actually injected into the system over how much is lost. (This over the course of last year that is.)
(what can I say?I like economics.)

Another interesting one would be how much isk exchanged hands by way of PLEX cards, and how many plex cards were used for AUR? If you are at liberty to disclose such information that is.

Better yet, just let me run the database queries myself. I would be like a kid in a candy store with all those sexy numbers to play with.

LP doesn't inject isk. Can't trade it for isk. In fact, it's an ISK sink, as you have to use it with ISK to get stuff out of the LP store.

And isk value for stuff is hard to determine.

On the other hand, follow the dev on Twitter. He keeps putting up stats. including things like mission running numbers, and bounties.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Alexila Quant
Versatility Production Corporation' LLC
#86 - 2012-03-01 03:45:14 UTC
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Alexila Quant wrote:
Here's one (A few) related to the market.

How much isk was injected into the economy by missions (Separated into categories as follows)
Mission rewards + Bonuses
Bounties (Including sanctums and belt rats ETC if possible)
and how much isk value in ships and modules have been destroyed by NPC pirates (In missions or otherwise)

Basically I would like to get a picture of how much money is actually injected into the system over how much is lost. (This over the course of last year that is.)
(what can I say?I like economics.)

Another interesting one would be how much isk exchanged hands by way of PLEX cards, and how many plex cards were used for AUR? If you are at liberty to disclose such information that is.

Better yet, just let me run the database queries myself. I would be like a kid in a candy store with all those sexy numbers to play with.

LP doesn't inject isk. Can't trade it for isk. In fact, it's an ISK sink, as you have to use it with ISK to get stuff out of the LP store.

And isk value for stuff is hard to determine.

On the other hand, follow the dev on Twitter. He keeps putting up stats. including things like mission running numbers, and bounties.

I'm interested in all aspects of the economy when it comes to missions.

In terms of isk value lost an approximation will do based on current or average isk value over the past year. doesn't need to be perfect, just looking for a general idea.
Also, LP whether it can be traded for isk or not is a currency. And it is faceted by mission givers, therefore it is injected just the same. I should have worded my main post differently i suppose.
Plus 10 NV
#87 - 2012-03-01 14:46:38 UTC
I have seen statistics about how much isk incursion runners relative to all the other bounties paid in the entire game and its pretty crazy.

I wonder how many people are getting loyalty points in faction war missions regular, high, low, and null sec missions and incursions.

Alexila Quant wrote:
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Alexila Quant wrote:
Here's one (A few) related to the market.

How much isk was injected into the economy by missions (Separated into categories as follows)
Mission rewards + Bonuses
Bounties (Including sanctums and belt rats ETC if possible)
and how much isk value in ships and modules have been destroyed by NPC pirates (In missions or otherwise)

Basically I would like to get a picture of how much money is actually injected into the system over how much is lost. (This over the course of last year that is.)
(what can I say?I like economics.)

Another interesting one would be how much isk exchanged hands by way of PLEX cards, and how many plex cards were used for AUR? If you are at liberty to disclose such information that is.

Better yet, just let me run the database queries myself. I would be like a kid in a candy store with all those sexy numbers to play with.

LP doesn't inject isk. Can't trade it for isk. In fact, it's an ISK sink, as you have to use it with ISK to get stuff out of the LP store.

And isk value for stuff is hard to determine.

On the other hand, follow the dev on Twitter. He keeps putting up stats. including things like mission running numbers, and bounties.

I'm interested in all aspects of the economy when it comes to missions.

In terms of isk value lost an approximation will do based on current or average isk value over the past year. doesn't need to be perfect, just looking for a general idea.
Also, LP whether it can be traded for isk or not is a currency. And it is faceted by mission givers, therefore it is injected just the same. I should have worded my main post differently i suppose.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve